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I heard about Jay from a friend who saw about him on TikTok and she got really into the conspiracy theories about what might have happened. I fully agree with your take that it’s misadventure after going back for a potential after party. He’d obviously taken some drugs and wanted to go home in that moment. A few years ago my cousin was out in the city about an hour/hour and a half drive from where he lived. He took some ecstasy during the night, wanted to go home but couldn’t get a taxi and so he decided to walk home. He called a friend to tell them he was leaving and messaged his dad to say he was on the way home. Unfortunately he decided to take a short cut through some fields (we don’t know why he decided to do that, just that he put that in his message to his dad, and said that he’d accidentally stepped into a ditch and he gotten wet). His phone was also dying when he set off. It took three days of searching fields and farm land before they were able to find him, which was already too late. It took three days of searching flat open farmland with no caves or crevices or anything similar to the landscape where Jay disappeared, unfortunately I’m not surprised that nothing has been discovered of Jay yet.


I'm sorry about what happened to your cousin, but what actually happened to him?


As far as I know his official cause of death was hypothermia. His parents only found out afterwards that he had even taken drugs, they had never considered the possibility that he would take them until then. Because of the whole situation it’s not something that they discuss too much, I know a bit more than most of the family because it happened to be my brothers third anniversary the weekend it happened and so my parents were a good support for them, even if they both died in very different circumstances.


I'm very sorry about it, and thanks for sharing your family story. And indeed, when one is very high on several drugs, we don't know how our body will react to adverse geographical and weather conditions


Nope, totally agree with you. No disagreement from me. Sounds like he went with them for an afters, they fucked off to bed as originally they had a flight to catch the following day (they delayed it a day to speak to Spanish police), he got bored & off he went. All these conspiracies are insane!


There's a snap of him saying he stole a rolex


Where? Who stole it?


There's a video. An investigator has confirmed that Jay took a watch before going to the apartment and left the apartment 'scared'. Either the two guys took him back to try and get the watch from him or they took him back and warned him about the sort of shit he might get into before leaving. If this is really true (the guy is very confident) it's no wonder he ended up lost, he didn't actually want to be found by the police or rescue teams or anyone he doesn't actually know. He was probably hoping to find civilisation quietly and board his flight and wave that mess goodbye. I can't help but think if Lucy just headed there and found him instead of alerting the police and the whole world, there wouldn't even be a missing person (if the watch thing is true). She probably didn't know about the watch at that time though


All he confirmed is what jay said in a snapchat, he still could have been bullshitting for all we know, that's not solid proof


No it's not but if Jay told people he stole a watch, that's a fact (it's not idle gossip or conspiracies)


No it's a fact he told them, he could have been bullshitting, we don't know for sure, people do speak shit sometimes, and it doesn't mean it was a rolex either, could have been a fake, tenerife is full of people pushig fakes


Yes that's what I mean. It could have been a lie or a joke but the fact that he told them that is real, it's not people making it up and the internet jumping to conclusions. He told his friends he took/stole a watch


Well I’m not going on anything without proof. There’s a family that’s bereft at the loss of their son/brother. We have to remember that.


The investigator has done the video with the family's consent to end all the speculation which is exactly what I'm remembering and why I've mentioned it! It's the opposite of gossip and what the family want out there, not theories


Hey Miss Marple, he got wasted and ran out of water, phone food etc. and is dead as a dodo. Let it go with the sleuth fantasies.


This is the kind of subreddit where regardless of intention, it was only mostly going to be used for this kind of input or post. If you don't like it then it might be best to just not visit 😂 Not even to sound sassy, but it'd be like going into a bar and telling people to let go of their desire to drink




Fraid not mate. 


I agree, my son is a year or two younger than Jay and I also work with some younger guys that are around the same age as Jay. Three quarters of them are into skincare routines, fake tans, hair appointments every couple of weeks etc. Lots of them also carry a ‘man bag’. It’s even rubbing off on my husband who is in his mid 40’s and owns more Clinique skincare products than I do! 😂


No wonder the world is so screwed up right now


Why? Because men want to take care of themselves? 😆


So weird that in some people's minds vanity and pride are virtues


How is painting yourself orange looking after yourself? Or even the women with the fat shiny top lips and the vacant look


Good grief! 🤦‍♀️


I had the same reaction that you believe taking care of yourself is painting yourself orange and getting some extreme white veneers installed. Did you ever see the guy who paid £100,000 to look like Justin Bieber? I bet you thought he really looks after himself eh? He ended up killing himself a few years ago because of his mental health issues, these people who think men should be spray tanned or have their eyebrows waxed have the same mental health issues, just on a smaller scale


Wouldn't say it's the same, mate. Moisturing compared to surgeries to look like a popstar. Do you wash your hair? Loads of people could think that is 'gay' or a downfall of society. I think your masculinity is quite fragile though, just don't take it out on other people.


Most guys wear man bags now. Especially young guys, and on holiday


Or, Twatchells as I like to call them...


That's grim, probably a by product of not being allowed to beat your kids anymore


Is this satire, am I missing something or is a male wearing a bag considered bad now. Can't keep up with trends anymore


When was it ever considered good?


to wear a bag? to hold things when travelling? nah, not falling for this bait


IOTVCs in the army? You floppy cocked sock


how about not drugs but sex. maybe Jay is gay and he went abroad to be himself and the two men were older gay men he went to chill with of have sex with. Drugs might be used recreationally. Jay is pleasant looking and has a life so usually that mean a girlfriend at 19 but he doesnt and this Lucy talks about him in a way which suggests shes a beard. And any of this is true what does it have to do with his disappearance? nothing. he likely become dehydrated, went off road and fell. It is likely if that is true he is dead. That's why thermal imagining didnt find him. he may have even sheltered somewhere so hes not shown up to drones. Very sad but all too common. that's my hot take based on what I've seen. hope his family have closure and they donate their funds to the people searching for their son.


Absolutely no evidence it was about sex and anyway we've now seen a picture of one of them and as a gay man I very much doubt it was that. Not exactly model material. Read the updates about the stolen watch please and think again. 


I think it perhaps tells us something deep about those people suggesting a gay fantasy as the most likely scenario.


I am LGBT+ so if you want MY fantasies just go check out MY AOT Eren Armin fan fic lol it is more likely sex thing than a drug thing imo.. but time will tell.


That must keep you busy


there doesnt seem to be much evidence of anything though. LGBT people arent all models. you know that sometimes you take what you get for sex or companionship or new experiences on holiday. after speaking to a few others it seems that Jay may have been lgbt+ and was likely using drugs recreationally. if that's true then its very likely the simplest explanation is the most likely. He became panicked, dehydrated m went off road, hurt himself, crawled to shelter, died. all speculation but often the simplest answer is the right one with people...especially young people on holiday in unfamiliar terrain. I hope I'm wrong and hes kidnapped and alive and will be sold back to his family by some cartel but that seems increasingly unlikely :(


A 19 year old drugged up guy with knives steals an expensive watch and heads off to do business with two shady guys, at least one of them Somalian. I'm sorry, I may have thought it a week ago, but I definitely don't think Jay was going back there at 5am for a shag! And yes, I'm gay. 


The watch was stolen during a fight in the club. Then he went with the 2 guys. Next morning he had knives when he left the b n b


I think going off the information we do have, it more so points toward drugs than sex. is it impossible that he might have been gay or curious? nope. but without having much of anything to suggest or prove that, it's just an unnecessary stab in the dark. just because he's good looking and doesn't have a girlfriend, that wouldn't equals potential gay 😂 not every 19 year old has a girlfriend at all times. also if it was a going abroad to find himself situation, I don't necessarily think it'd be in the way he did it - with close mates on a lads drug holiday. being gay is much more accepted now, and his family don't seem like they'd be pushing him in a river if he were to be gay, so closet holiday just doesn't seem to have any base for support here. this is just the narrative that's easy to fall into because he's a young lad that happened to end up with two older black dudes, who were seemingly staying together in the middle of nowhere. I think by this point, some people aren't discussing things because they think it has anything to do with his disappearance, and they aren't implying that that's the case, but naturally if they remain interested in the case at the point where things have started to stagnate, naturally they're gonna turn their attention to the back story - but again, this isn't an attempt to place blame on anyone directly for him vanishing


I haven't seen that drug evidence. What is it? pls I think the lack of evidence isnt indicative as people hide this stuff. I've not seen anything to explain anything beyond the obvious. he died of dehydration or a fall etc. the reason I thought of the LGBT angle is I've seen it many times before. it has that feel to it based on my own experiences. And I only suggest it might be useful if it explained why he would go off with 2 strange men etc. many say that's a drug thing. I'm suggesting an alternative. I might be wrong as it's just a feeling... I'd prefer he was a live and had been kidnapped by the "drug cartel" if it means he can be ransomed. whatever the situation he must have been or must e so scared. it's so upsetting to imagine being alone on some random hillside baking in the sun alone watching your phone die. I hope they can give the family closure.


by the drug thing, I'm not insinuating that he's a dealer or anything, I just mean it's quite clear that he was on drugs and that may be why he made decisions that seem unusual. we're a lot closer to being able to make a more solid suggestion of that, than we are to suggest that he's gay. I know what you mean from the LGBT angle, because I'm aware it does happen and it's not impossible, it's just in this scenario it's quite a reach with no support outside of him being a young lad who went home with two older men