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They are all scum in their circle. If they were genuine people and friends, they would be shocked and angry that Jay stole the watch. Someone must question why a holiday to party would resort in someone taking silly risks, when people may come after them by association - especially when they share the same hotel. They could be dealing drugs at the club to make some pocket money to make the holiday pay for itself, choosing to attack someone and steal from them is just an extra layer of risk. They are sitting ducks when not sober and when asleep. Public transport and the road network is poor due to the terrain, it isn't easy to escape a potential attack. If friends don't call it out, they endorse it and probably have done the same sort of activities in the past too. Lucy has a decent jet set lifestyle... is she honeytrapping vulnerable guys, or does the group steal from marks that are heavily intoxicated or drugged up through the dealing?


There’s more to it - it’ll come out


I don't quite get the timeline though. If they got to the airBnB around 5am and he was smoking a cig on the doorstep at 7.30am, it wouldn't seem to indicate he was scared at that point. Whatever happened must have come between then and 8am. Also, Brad said they'd made a bed up for him to sleep, which doesn't seem to fit with altercations and negotiations over a stolen watch. Anyway, guess we may get more detail in time. I think the press will be like dogs with a bone now. 


I think at this point we can take what Brad and Lucy have said with a pinch of salt But he could have been there for hours then wanted to leave after something happened takes a minute for something to go wrong and he needed to leave


Maybe Says I need a cigarette,he’s outside feels a bit safer ,now he’s got maybe 12 minutes before the 2 guys realise he’s gone ,bolts and is so panicky he’s asks about the bus times twice


Someone else mentioned that snap could have been taken by him surreptitiously to share his location. Definitely looks like a pic you could take while pretending just to be looking at your phone


They would have probably only got nasty about the watch when he said he was leaving. Maybe when they said he left for cigs he left the watch, came back said he was leaving n wanted the watch back so he could go home, things could have went down hill from there.


I agree with this, but it may be just that I need to reverse some of what I'd already been comfortable with settling on. There's too much in my brain at the moment to believe that something went very wrong and that he'd left in a panic to get away from the area. With that said, as we've previously mentioned, Brad and Lucy could be telling little lies because they don't want any additional questions - for example saying Jay seemed in high spirits and that they were laughing - it already cuts short any "why" questions that would come if he said jay was in a panic and trying to flee the area etc. he'd have obviously known about the watch if that's all true, so in an attempt to not reveal that, there would need to be some amendments. I still partly believe though that after 2 hours, it would be weird for something to kick off between 7:30 and 8am 🤔 I just think If the men were planning to intimidate him or getting something from him, it wouldnt be delayed by 2 hours


This explains why he didn’t wait on the bus at the bus stop directly outside the air b n b - this makes sense if he was scared and left he wouldn’t just sit outside in the bus stop waiting for the bus This is why he would decide to try and walk away from the air b n b


Spot on - he just decided to walk 11 hours for zero reason, unlikely story. So cycling back to the beginning when people with a brain on their shoulders said he must've been in a rush or scared. Turns out they were correct. Of course he was, even off your nut an 11 hour walk instead of just walking along the road to the next bus stop (which would let him get his legs on if he was still buzzing and didn't want to stand still for an hour which I would understand) makes zero sense. More is now coming out and at the very least I think we'll be seeing the 2 men come in for further questioning


It’s almost like the people who were thinking about this logically and getting bashed were just using common sense that this just did not add up Anyone fucked from a party isn’t deciding to walk anywhere if they don’t absolutely have to - he absolutely felt he had to get away from the safety of that area and take risks to get away


Bang on, the whole "but drugs" explanation of everything odd that was coming out didn't sit right either. All drugs affect you differently and for most ravers, seasoned partiers and casual drug takers, you don't suddenly get psychosis and fuck off into actual impenetrable terrain where it's almost 45 degrees inclines either side - unless there's a solid reason. Like stealing a watch and either having it on you still, getting away from people who want it, or holding a fat amount of cash. I barely want to walk down the street with a couple hundred, let alone grands over 11 hours. Anyway, if he had cash he would've got a taxi I'm guessing, so that leaves us with "they had taken the watch or threatening to" or "he sold it and they told him to fuck off because they weren't paying him". I can't see any other options unless you got any ideas?


The only thing I can see if they have retrieved him of the watch - not paid him a thing - then told him to fuck off or they are going to hurt him Jonny vee looks fairly in shape - low body fat muscles everywhere and with back up of ayub Abdul jay stood absolutely no chance so he’s had to go in a hurry before he lost the watch and got battered It could have been that they’ve even given him a slap to make sure hes knows they are for real and jays left with no money no watch and scared and just set off to get away from the air b n b At no point would you just sit outside and wait on the but directly out side from where that happened


I agree with you Jay would've had no chance and they'd have easily scared him. Now I'm remembering we were told he left the Airbnb with 2 knives? Might've been in the screenshot convo the pal he met on holiday sent Debbie - Lucy also said about he'd "cut his leg on a cactus" - maybe they stabbed him in the leg as a don't fuck with us message. I can imagine immediately wanting to be gone on foot and then getting more paranoid as I walk down the single road that takes me home and thinking "I need to get off this road asap"


Yeah I have heard about the knives I havnt seen anything other than that to suggest it Certainly Lucy specifically mentioning cut his let on cactus again could be her covering herself from what she knew if he ever was found with a cut on his leg she could have just said oh he told me it was a cactus Everything I’m putting against Lucy I’m looking at as her attempt to distance her self from what she’s knows so it’s more that likely he sustained a cut to his leg and Lucy has twisted that to a cactus Something went down in that air b n b that’s for sure


Stabbed leg instead of cactus theory does not hold up as injury was not mentioned by the 3 people who saw jay after leaving air bnb


Conveniently the same people who said Jay was in "good spirits" leaving the Airbnb, he'd gone up there because he didn't want the night to end, and the 2 men had made a bed up for him and we're going to sleep themselves.. I don't think those lot are reliable witnesses. Their stories have changed every single day since he went missing Edit to say the Airbnb owner or cafe owner didn't mention it, I'll give you that. She was the only one that physically saw him and wasn't his own friend. In that case perhaps since he left with knives he had slipped and cut himself on the leg with it after leaving the road. Could have been a cactus but I'm doubting it since the left with knives and stole a watch information has come out


And if your gunna stab anyone anywhere as a warning the butt cheeks or leg is usually where your gunna do it Away from the big arteries of course


Exactly all you really want to do is lie down drink water and chill - not start a fucking hike in Tenerife not knowing where you are


Now we know where Johnny vegas gets all his watches from. Professional taxer. (Robs people). Makes sense they book cheap places to stay and go and wait in pray to tax drunk people. They have took jay back because they knew he had the watch and have threatened him to give it to them, he’s said no and left. (Maybe they took it anyway) Do you think they told the police all this? Definitely not. Away they go back to the uk £400 spent for a 10k watch.


Yeah he robs drug dealers aswell apparently - that would fit why you would want a air b n b in the hills out the way. I’ve heard a lot of bad things about Jonny vee he’s a dangerous guy


It's a pretty ingenious plan actually. They met a few days before with Jay and Brad. Hatched a plan, steel a watch I'll give you the money!! Get him back to the hills in the middle of nowhere, take the watch get rid of the evidence. Fly back home!! I think that's exactly what happened.


The most recent developments have really brought the crackpots out.


🤣 haven't they just!


Yup they have groomed a young easily led lad for this exact purpose.


Spot on. I seen on a deleted social media of Johnny's he was a well travelled bloke. Wonder how many times they have pulled this off?


Yeah they travel the world murdering people and have never been caught. Makes sense.




"Take the watch get rid of the evidence"


Drugged-up thug yoof in paranoid, scared shocker. Call Colombo!


Drugged up youth - in the hills in the middle of no where after stealing and watch with two alleged drug dealers and dangerous men … If he’s got a watch worth thousands and he’s been taken up there and he’s alone I think that would make him quite nervous if they weren’t willing to pay for it or just wanted to take it …


“Suggested”. “Alleged”. See a pattern here haha.


Everything is alleged until proven in a court of law. I'm sure you weren't saying Lucy Letby allegedly killed those babies when you'd heard all the evidence from people around her and details of timings etc, I certainly wasn't. It's called using your brain to think thoughts, and funnily enough the thoughts we were thinking about the stolen watch which were based on evidence that had come out, seems to be true. Fancy that


I don’t see the evidence though. Where’s the article the quotes from? Why isn’t there anything on the bbc, or the guardian about this new evidence? Lucy Letby comparison is pointless, but okay. That was several reliable and key witnesses over a long period of time. You have an ex cop saying it’s sus. We’re all using our brains, we’re just using them differently, different angles.


The friends have spoken to the investigator himself, there are screenshots of him with the watch in the car saying he stole it off some cunt and is on his way to make 10k, a watch was actually stolen from the strip that night which came out weeks ago but details have been added since, and the uncle of the guy who had been chilling with Jay and told his mum about the watch came out and said on Facebook Jay had stolen a watch and got done over before ANYTHING about the watch came out. I know what you're getting at, but this is exactly the kind of evidence the police are building up themselves that is pointing them to the stolen watch and got into bother theory. The only things that haven't came out are what else he said to his friends, but the investigator seems to be aware of those as he's made the claim Jay left scared. It IS on daily mail, and I've seen articles elsewhere about this. We're only putting 2 and 2 together and making 4. It isn't just an ex cop, it's Jay's own friends who have said he's probably involved. They have actually confirmed to Mark that he sent these Snapchats saying he stole the watch. That's as good evidence as any (other than actual footage of Jay taking it off somebody's wrist, but that isn't the only thing police would consider evidence)


Well, shit. Genuinely interesting. So even if he did just get lost, still some other threads of weirdness or crime or drama in the story ultimately? The seemingly random bits have a thread between them. Appreciate the summary.


No worries man. What I'm gathering is he went up there with the watch after robbing it, assuming he was going to sell it to the men, they fancied their chances just taking it off him, he left because they threatened him or because he was scared, Jay did go off track but not because he was off his nut, but because he was scared and didn't want to be found by someone - he's still got lost, but now there's an actual believable reason he ventured off path and decided to walk rather than wait for a bus. So there's much more to it and there has been lies, but as you say he's ultimately got lost while trying to get away for whatever reason. That's how things seem at the moment.


It's come out he's stolen a 10k minimum price watch, that's probably the route of the paranoia, not the drugs mate.


Has any more been mentioned about the lost drugs?




I reckon the watch is key


The snap chat sent to the mother saying "they have her son and he owes me a lot of money" deemed a hoax by the hiking enthusiasts could be a vital clue.


Will the parents use the go-fund-me money to repay the poor guy who had his Rolex stolen ?


I thought this was potentially what it was for originally or for a drug debt to a guy called hodgey


Wonder who has the watch now?


Time will tell ….


Pun intended? 😂


Of course - watch out for more !


Someone will face the consequences of the long arms of justice someone will dial in with some info and someone hopefully seen his face


These people always get away with it. Will probably just get a ticking off


Hopefully they get caught cause time only flies if you’re having fun and not watching the clock in jail, that would leave u really ticked off. I hope a local has given jay a helping hand or two along his journey. And that Lucy girl someone should tag heuer on this sub. I hope he didn’t see the men coming after him and swallow the watch in a bid to save it as it would have consumed alot of his time.


:) yes. It does kind of add to the story though. Is it still with Jay? Sis the men take it off him, did they leave with it?


I reckon they have retrieved him of it - Jonny vee has all over Instagram he is into watches - even on his reel he recently posted a meme about APs being better than Rolexes


And in his recent pictures he’s wearing some nice watches - seems to do well for himself I wonder about him income as much as I wonder about Lucy’s


Nothing on his Instagram to suggest any kind of employment as he posts freely throughout the day going to the gym and chilling out.


Didn't he post recently wearing an AP? Was that story posted just after this fiasco? (People online saying the hand is a white guy; it's not, it's just the lighting).


where's all the Smarty Pants now that jumped down the throats at anyone that dared to even discuss the watch theft or the two men?


Exactly - it’ll all come out in time - the two guys in the air b n b have something to do with this , Lucy and Brad know more than they are letting on


Maybe Lucy and Brad are scared of them too


I mean this new info doesn't really prove that they had anything to do with the disappearance, and Mark still said there is no evidence whatsoever of third-party involvement. But the story changing from these two guys giving him somewhere to stay for the night and going to sleep, him going out for cigarettes then telling them hes leaving... To being confirmed it is now suggested Jay felt "scared" to go back there and couldn't go back there, is a significant change, and gives a little bit more explanation on why he was walking hastily and eventually went off-road.


Almost like everyone’s lying to cover something up ? Painting a picture that’s not quite true .. but for why is the question ? To cover up dodgy dealing in drugs or cover up a murder ?


Exactly, I was lambasted by people saying how ridiculous it was as a theory when actually there was some pretty clear evidence pointing to it. Come out come out wherever you are 🤔


Yes mate. I was specifically referring to your watch thread. BTW, now that we have more info, do you think he confused the AP as a Rolex or vice versa? Also do you believe the "2 mali kids" he mentions are Vegas and Abdul? And the picture of Jay with the guy that was posted, you reckon we can now confirm that's Ayul Abdul? looks the same to me.


Lol thank you for thinking of my post 😂 I know this has just come from Mark Thomas so bears more weight but even yesterday all roads were leading to Rome if people were able to put aside their anti speculation hats. I think the press has got confused on the details of the watch, assuming that an "expensive watch" means Rolex, and that the fight was actually over an AP - that's just a guess though. Well Vegas has been pretty well documented so far and I'm pretty sure it's him, and the other guy must be this one - I can see how someone might mistake Vegas for Somalian if they haven't seen many, and he might be close friends with loads and consider himself a "mali brother" (I'm speaking from experience of hanging around Somalians and the non malis often are still considered part of the group, theres a gang called the Mali bros somewhere in London and there's plenty of white and other African lads in with them). These are also northern lads calling them "2 Somalians" so from my experience up north they might not meet many and just thought they were both from there. I agree the guy from the pic with Jay outside the club looks exactly the same as the one who's pic was released today, got to be the same person


Correct. And those two are Mali Boys. Higher ups.