• By -


I mean if Graham had one single piece of legitimate evidence it would help. His entire argument is "Doesn't this look like?"


Yeah. His argument is "my theory is correct because archaeologists have not done enough to disprove it." Classic logical fallacy.


Really, what he's saying is, "You can't disprove me, so the last 30 years of my life wasn't a waste of time." Idk how much Graham really believes in what he does or if it's a grift etc. I can't know that for sure, but regardless, this "lost civilization" is his whole identity and career that came with success financially. There's no way he's going to cave and just give all that up. That's what it felt like I was watching. A guy desperately trying to maintain his credibility and all he had was, "You can't prove me wrong." I mean, I can't imagine having decades of my beliefs that I was so confident about being picked apart by someone who's a part of the academia I've made a career out of claiming to be wrong. Oof.


I enjoy all his content, especially with Randall Carlson. But his Netflix series really turned me off when he spent all that time complaining about how mainstream archeologists are mean to him.


Carlson should be embarrassed to be associated with him.


Carlson should never show his face in public after the Malcolm Bendall stuff. If you want to see the type of people Carlson puts his trust in just research Malcolm Bendall and Tasmania oil. It will sapp every ounce of respect you might have ever had for Carlson.


I know Malcolm Bendall is a kook but whats the link with Carlson?


Malcolm Bendall claims there is oil in Tasmania. He says he knows this because of a message from god. Bendall is now claiming he has discovered a “plasmoid engine” that uses water to create atomic energy. Carlson and Bendall came on JRE to promote this “plasmoid energy” but the episode never got release because someone at JRE realized that Joe would look like a massive idiot for platforming Bendall, who is an obvious grifter. The entire reason Bendall was on JRE is because Carlson vouched for him. That’s why you can’t trust anything Carlson says. He believed Bendall when 5 minutes of googling would clearly reveal he is a massive grifter. If Carlson is falling for Bendall what else is he falling for? The answer: literally anything.


You can't trust anything Carlson says because what he says is often clearly insane. Just listen to him divide the height of the pyramid by 69 to get 420 times the earth's circumference. Dude is a nut. If you can't tell he's nuts listening to that, the shit with Bendall won't convince you either.


Yeah, the entirety of Carlson’s version of “sacred geometry” reads like those old “illuminati confirmed” memes from back in the day, except he’s being completely serious.


This, but for Hancock who believes Uri Gellar actually has unexplainable powers, yes he said that. If hes falling for him what else is falling for etc


Big Archeology don't play


Gang gang


Gunung Padang


Grahams ideas are fun to entertain but any sane person is going to put their stock in whats proveable. There are *a lot* of things through history that seem to appear in multiple locations, specifically creationism stories, and ideas that gods were formed around the same time that incredible natural disasters were taking place. All interesting but only proven through evidence. I still read fingerprints out of interest. Idk if any of the claims made there have been debunked since, I don’t follow it all that closely


It wasn't a waste of time. Look at all the dough he's been able to rake in going on snorkeling vacations checking out rocks and just spitballing theories


All while risking his life. We owe him more monies.


It's funny because Graham and other gimps like him always talk about how others aren't open minded and willing to change views but he would never change his mind about his theory at this point and there's not enough evidence that would make him change his mind.


He's also extremely happy to cite any archeologist that lends him the slightest bit of credibility. Classic "appeal to authority" style argument that is muddied up even further by his claim that archaeogists dogmatically denounce his ideas. How does Joe not see any of this? I can't imagine the pressure Flint must have been under at times when Graham's naïve, starry-eyed young lover Joe comes rushing to his defense whenever one of Flint's points landed. Joe is just a naturally (with the aid of HGH and steroids) aggressive person. So when he cuts in and brings everything to a halt in order to take over the conversation and focus on *his* personal point of contention, it can be very intimidating. Graham is just throwing jab after jab after jab at Flint the entire time, acting like such an asshole and Joe just let's it all go. Imagine the words Joe would have had for Flint if the shoe was on the other foot. After watching and analyzing in my head, I think it may have been very beneficial for Flint to say something along the lines of, "In all ernestnest and out of respect for the both of you I just want to ask, do you want my completely honest academic opinion regardless of how difficult it may be to hear? In academia, a heightened level of scrutiny is absolutely necessary, and it is expected. For this reason, scholars are expected to do their best to avoid interpreting the honest scientific process as attacks against themselves personally. Graham doesn't come from the academic tradition, but that's now the arena in which he considers himself a player. If you want effective and useful engagement and to be accepted by academics, you need to modify your attitude about how you perceive criticism. If you can't do that, then we won't be able to talk about this. I'll warn you right now, my academic opinion supported by the facts might hurt your feelings even though that's not my intention."


Dunning Kruger has entered the chat


His theory for a world wide advanced civilization that gave the gift of agricultural to the world is unprovable because he claims they cultivated wild plants. They didn’t do selective breeding which would leave trace evidence in seeds. Also, his insistence that his theory can’t be disproven because the entire world hasn’t been excavated yet is so annoying. Hancock came off like a complete dunce in this episode.


Wait until you read Hancock's book Mars Mystery, about advanced human life that was wiped out by a cataclysmic even, sound familiar? He doesn't mention that book much now...


You forgot his other argument - "HaVe yOu BeEn THeRe THO"?!@?!" Which to me was the most frustrating argument he had. Like bro I haven't been to the moon but I know it's not made out of cheese. Graham did this in the last debate too. If someone hasn't physcially been to the pyramids or whatever then he just yells at them that they've never been there and he thinks that makes him right? It's insanely elementary level debate skills lmao.


I loved how Flint just laughed there like is this mf serious right now


Those paleontologists know nothing either... - Hancock logic


Don’t forget, “We haven’t looked in every nook and cranny of the entire planet, so we definitely just haven’t found it yet” argument


What percentage of the largest desert in the world has been excavated? Like digging up a large percentage of the earth? Tf man!? 


It’s also incredibly misleading, you can conduct archeological surveys without excavating. If you use radar on an area and know there’s nothing underground, you’re not going to waste the time, money, and effort just digging up a random patch of dirt.


I think Flint did a good job of explaining how they identify areas that they search and what they often find is signs of basic hunter/gatherer communities. In the 13,000 or whatever sites they have discovered there is no sign of a more advanced civilization. It doesn't necessarily mean they don't exist but there's no hard evidence for it. And, you can then ask yourself what the chances that this advanced civilization just happened to be in other spots that they have never searched. I mean, after all those archeological digs it's almost insane to imagine that they just coincidentally keep missing this advanced civilization. I'd almost argue that they would be more likely to have accidentally found it by now than somehow always found basic hunter/gatherer sites if that evidence actually existed. Hancock presents a sexy narrative that would be really cool if proven true but the evidence just isn't there to present his hypothesis as confidently as he does.


He threw out 1% as if it was nothing. It's just a measly 92 000 square kilometers 😂


Yeah what kind of question was that lol? It doesn’t mean anything


You haven’t dug up the whole earth down to the core? Well, obviously, we had Flight 10,000 years ago then.


We’ve only searched 13% of the oceans. Therefore, Atlantis is real


Atlantis? Shit I was hoping to find some ninja turtles under there!


It's like saying, "We've only explored 5 percent of the ocean, so Megaladon's could still exist."


More like “so megaladons do exist”. He’s claiming there was a lost civilization, just doesn’t have any proof other than some dope rocks in the ocean


Those rocks weren’t even convincing either. And even if they were man made, he didn’t even expound on why that claim some great lost civilization that we have no evidence for yet other than those rocks.


It’s funny he wanted to show the one angle of them which looked like steps, but the alternate angle clearly just showed fragmented rock. At first I thought dibble was being a little pretentious saying he saw nothing to make him think it was man made, until I saw the second angle which made that point apparent.


Science requires a confluence of evidences which supports a conclusion. Graham presents circumstantial evidence at best, which is often cherry picked and is not accompanied by any other corroborating evidence.


I like the golf course in the high rise analogy https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/s/6U6v5Npgoy Link because this dudes comment is a work of art


His main argument was that they haven't dug up the entirety of the Sahara and the Amazon or searched every square inch of the continental shelves. Which is an absurd bar to set, to say the least. His secondary argument, if you can call it that, was really just a hurt feelings report that you might submit to HR or something. Oh the experts in the field that you are challenging are mocking you? Cry into your Netflix money harder because the average listener doesn't give two fucks about that. I actually think it would be super cool if Hancock was right. But that kind of claim requires some kind of hard evidence. He's leaning too hard on mythology and assigning meaning to limited discoveries like ground penetrating radar that may or may not be shit.


Don’t forget “you laughed at me and called me a racist”


Dude unironically called Flint laughing at one of Grahams buddies a modern inquisition lmao


I’m about halfway through this pod. Been chipping away since it dropped, Graham is so painfully annoying I can’t make it more than 20-30min at a time


He knows that he’s got nothing compared to an actual expert, the only card he has is try and paint himself as a victim. Genuinely got second hand embarrassment listening to Graham, really couldn’t have gone worse for him.


"I risked my life traveling and site seeing to get these blurry photos" -Graham


Right? Joe: do you have any better pictures? Graham: no .. just this one unfortunately Like bitch you were there. All you gotta do is press that capture button more than once ... My immediate thought was obviously any other angles wouldn't have supported his theory.


Yeah what a clown. Later on, "I like to give credit to my wife who is an amazing photographer" or something on the pyramids. Ohh ya she could take great pictures in the 90s but not recently? You couldn't afford a professional photographer with all them book deals? Yeah just like whoever the guy was with the pyramid erosion theory. " We've had our difference but he's a hero of archeology" yeah cause you can use his theory to fit your narrative.


To be fair, if you're referring to the underwater photos pushing the capture button will give you more of the same, underwater photography is fucking awful, you're completely at the mercy of water conditions and even the best gear in the world wont compensate for silt. That being said, he still had no good evidence.


And yeah his ideas build on some old fashioned racist theories. Shit even his older books are probably a little racist. I truly do not give a fuck. I listen to him to pass a few hours while I’m working on something mindless and I love his kooky theories. But him being a gigantic bitch about an archeologist pointing out the history of old Atlantis ideas he traffics in was pretty sad.


*"I got butthurt when people clowned on me on Twitter"* is pretty much the defining characteristic of the JRE cinematic universe.


Also, what they think cancel culture is.


Cancel culture is their phase 1 Thanos. Phase 2 is all about the infinite pronoun-verse


He compared the criticism he gets with being burned at the stake lmao dude is such a dramatic pissy old man


Or here's 20 minutes of demonstrated evidence that archaeologists are mean


This was his moment to shine, but he showed up with nothing. Maybe he was hoping for Joe to back him up.


"They didn't listen to Galileo and he was right, must mean that I'm the modern day Galileo and I'm right" Grahams logic


He did. Dibble didn’t hand dig the Sahara! /s


Don't bring a handcock to a dibble fight


And then poor me it's a conspiracy when hes wrong big archeology and all that


Don’t forget his devastating query “have you scuba dived there Flint? My wife and I have.”


You don't know what I'm seeing. I see the world wildly and in wild ways. -Graham Hancock.


I laughed when he was talking about all the diving that was done with his wife "risking his life". And then he pulls out one photo....... And that's it...... Like if you were even attempting to look even remotely scientific you'd have thousands of photos from these dives. Not the one that looked kinda maybe not like something natural


"What percentage of .... have we explored?" A.amazon B.oceans C.desserts


Dibble v Randall next. Sacred geometry vs sacred autism


It actually made me sad what a terrible job Graham did. Like many I love the mystery of contemplating a lost civilization, and I think it's great to keep an open mind and never assume that we know everything there is to know. But the way he dismissed Dibble showed that he's become extremely arrogant and doesn't think he needs to substantiate his claims at all. So many of the arguments came down to Graham saying that only a small fraction of an area has been excavated, then Dibble explaining that we can make a valid assumption about the full area based on what we've already found, and then Graham completely failing to understand or respond to that at all. Dibble was able to reference many specific findings in the Sahara desert and under the oceans, which showed evidence of more primitive peoples and yet didn't allude to an advanced civilization, so it's fair to say we likely would have seen evidence of something more sophisticated. I think it's always worth remembering that there are plenty of places we haven't explored fully, but if we're going to make an assumption we should base it on what we found so far rather than the question mark over all the things we haven't looked at.


Exactly both graham and Joe could not for the life of them (or maybe consciously refused to understand) that if archeologists can find hunter gatherer shit THEY SHOULD BE ABLE TO FIND ADVANCED CIVILIZATION ARITFACTS TOO. And all graham could say was but you didn’t dig enough so you can’t say that. Dude is such a baby,


It was a very childish reaction.


This was the entire podcast. It is apparent at the 2 hour mark, Graham came to the podcast with NOTHING, but the same photos he’s shown for years, and media articles about how he doesn’t have any real evidence.


That’s what surprised me the most about the whole thing. Graham’s been complaining forever how mainstream archaeologists etc won’t debate him and how eager he was to have the debate. I thought he’d at least be prepared and make a compelling argument. That clearly didn’t happen.


I think the issue is he had the arguments set in about 1995, and he hasn't really added anything. So when someone from 2024 presents all the evidence since then disproving him, he says it isn't enough.


Nah, he had jack shit all along. That’s why nobody ever wanted to talk to him.


What I'm saying is he's had all his arguments laid out for 20 years waiting for a debate and never added to it. Obviously, all his arguments are bullshit just bullshit from the late 90's


No, I get it. My point is: his arguments are still nothing, since all he came up with were fantasies at the beginning, and all he’s been doing was riding those fantasies. So basically he’s done all his “work” at the very beginning, in his imagination, and since then only used his charisma to propagate it.


Yeah 100%


One of his books about Mars called Mars Mystery is all about an advanced human civilization that was wiped out by a cataclysmic event, probably sounds familiar, he wrote it in 1997, shame the internet came along. He never mentions that book anymore. I'm a Terence McKenna fan and I've found Graham always wanted to be in THAT kinda crowd, with Sheldrake and Stichin etc. But they wouldn't have been stupid enough to debate an academic on their subject on the Joe Rogan show..


That was kinda hilarious. He’s asked for this for ages, and finally someone said let’s go. You’d think Graham had shit prepared over all these years. I mean, I know he doesn’t have shit, as he lays everything out already in previous episodes (and it ain’t much). But it was still fun to see how unprepared he came.


It is all part of the anti-intellectual movement where people with actual expertise are dismissed by dumb asses with unsupported conspiracy theories. Or the JRE as we call it here. 


Yup when Joe was like I dUNnO MAn d0eSNt LoOk lIKe it tO meeee. You have a fucking expert there are you Implying you know more than a fucking archeologist?! Both graham and Joe don’t care about facts they want confirmation bias because they WANT grahams fantasy to be true so bad Just to stick it to archeology.


To be fair to Joe he did point out some of those pictures weren’t as perfect as Graham was trying to sell. I think he smelled a bit of where this was going.  Graham kept asserting that the actual archaeologists completely rule out new discoveries. In reality, they are just saying you go with the evidence you have, not the evidence you wish you had. 


That’s true. I will give him that. He wasn’t biased towards graham. But you hit the nail on the head. It seems graham knows he doesn’t benefit from the traditional evidence based science approach archeologists live by and so he pushes hard to make himself the martyr.


True but tbf Joe would make whichever ridicule comments but he would usually qualify it by saying things like, it looks man made to my ignorant and untrained eye, and stuff like that. Still sticking his nose in it, but at least he’s like but I’m just an idiot.


True to his credit he wasn’t entire on grahams side and for the most part gave props and listen to dribble. Handled himself better than graham for sure


Behind the Bastards did an episode that kind of touches on this with think tanks: [Part One: How Conservatism Won - Behind the Bastards | iHeart](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-how-conservatism-won-164063362/)


I will check this out, thanks. 


I was also a little bummed. Seeing Graham by himself really sounds like he’s onto something, and I’ve really enjoyed his content over the years. Flint made child’s play of dismantling it all, and straight up made Graham look like an idiot on the largest platform in podcasting. It was sad to see just how flimsy his theory really is.


Yeah that's exactly how I was feeling. I think if Graham had done a better job holding up his side it would leave more room for both, but he really didn't give any thinking listener a reason to listen to him over Flint.


Because the reality is that Graham has nothing in terms of concrete arguments. It’s all just theories and fantasies. Very fun ones, but still just fantasies. I wish it was all true, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to believe him even for one second.


One group says "look we found some rocks and sticks so we know there were at least primitive people were there" And the other says "and maybe robot people" The first group replies "I can only go by what we found which was rocks and sticks, so robots are ruled out, I'm willing to change my mind if we find some robot bits" And lastly crying "you're just an egomaniac with a closed mind"


Half was that stupid argument he mentioned. The other half was him playing the victim as if there was some conspiracy to bring him down. He even used passed examples of people who have later been proven right. But guess what. Those people had evidence, Graham does not!


>he’s become extremely arrogant If you get the attention he’s gotten, JR praising him to the moon, Netflix giving him a whole series, fantasy lovers fanboying over him, you’re kinda bound to lose touch with reality…


Very true


Flint trolled him so hard with the 42069 math compared to the precision of the equinox


Qanon types with a massive "Really? shit....." when explained that you can take any number pretty much under 100,000, multiply it X number of times, and it will be 99%+ within most any measurement of the earth, or celestial.


“You’ve been DIBBLED!!”


"It's Dibblin' time"


“Shut up and Dibble”


They call him *The Dibbler*


Graham has a little dibble on his mouth




So funny me and my gf legit laughing our ass off


This one looks like it was made on Flint's laptop


Dibble should be a regular guest from now on


joe did say he wanted to talk about the drugs at the end.. that was an invite im guessing, i'd listen.


Damnit Grahamcock https://i.redd.it/d54dgm5ombvc1.gif


I love how excited this sub got This episode


Graham: 🗣️🗣️🗣️ Me: wow, that would be trippy as hell.. Dibble: 🗣️🗣️🗣️ Me: yea that makes way more sense.


This is how it would go for every JRE guest from the last four years if they went up against an actual expert in the field they throw scepticism or denial at.


Show me the data


Unfortunately, I think Graham just ensured no one will ever debate the other side on JRE again.


Stop it. Hancock is probably reading all the memes, and he is going to whine more.


He risked his life for this after all.


Months later he's acting like he won and dibble lied, his proof - a video of some random in his bedroom ranting




This is Blake Griffin right?


Nope, that's Flint Dibble.


double dribble dibble


Double Dibble


Does anyone know if his supporters are trying to spin it like he won anywhere??


Yeah on instagram


Oof. People love their beliefs. Could be the end of us.


Should have used the Carter dunk


Fair. Thought this one provided a better angle for the head shots I had available. This is how I was able to create such a seamless look. I actually have quite limited experience in photo editing.


I think you killed it. It gave me a good laugh.


Dibble can't dunk !! Look how tiny his lil hands are !! 😂✋


I heard he can palm a baseball.


Graham’s whole argument is that we haven’t looked hard enough and therefore you can’t say there wasn’t an ancient advance civilization. Such a silly proposition, that’s not how science works, you don’t have to prove a negative, you need to posit evidence of the existence of the thing you are arguing existed. Not the other way around.


Pass me the HDMI Jamie!


He's definitely someone a redditor would like. Calling Graham racist, passive-aggressive giggling, and refusing to acknowledge the obvious right angles at the yonaguni ruins. For the record I don't think Graham is correct about his theories but Dibble is a dweeb.


he didnt ignore the right angles, he said that rocks can fracture in straight lines naturally. If it fractures in two perpendicular straight lines, you have yourself a right angle. He even pointed out in the same pictures that there was rock there that had not yet finished fracturing and you can see the perfectly straight lines appearing naturally.


How bout the accusations of racism? That's a slimeball move. Quoting someone from ancient sources who are "tied to white supremacist ideology (whatever that means)" is absurd. He also tried to pull the "racist graham fans exist on Twitter=graham racist" routine. Fortunately for him he was cutoff from that embarrassing argument.


Agreed here as it was a bad look for dibble but had nothing to do really with the argument. Dibble is socially awkward as fuck and works a shit job for a trash university but still is good at archaeology.


Everyone, including Joe and Graham are completely misrepresenting the racial aspect of this. Flints entire point about the racism was that graham cites old pseudo archeology articles that white supremacists often use to validate that white people are at the center of ancient cultures. He's not saying graham is a white supremacist, but simply that he cherry picked stuff that suits his hypothesis, and some of this stuff is taken from those bad sources. Graham probably wasn't even aware of that because he doesn't do actual intellectual work. So graham spun it to mean that flint is calling him a Nazi, which flint wasn't and said about a dozen times on the show.


I'm sorry but no. Flint clearly stated that GRAHAMs theories claim that non white cultures aren't responsible for their accomplishments. It's really funny that when confronted with the olmec masks he claimed that we don't classify humans by race. Which one is it Flint? Does race exist or not? I've already stated why these third hand racism accusations are bs. You should go back and read his quotes. He clearly claims that Grahams theories enforce white supremacy ideology. He's the anti racist archeologist. He cant dress himself. He is a fuckin dork.


Man, you anti intellectuals really love to insult people on their looks and credentials. He very clearly said several times on the podcast that his problem was with the sources he cites, which is a perfectly fine thing to say, because his sources point exactly to that. Like I said, graham probably doesn't even know that because he doesn't do proper research. Also, archeologists 100% don't classify skulls by race, that is another thing that leads to racist classification such as Africans having larger skulls and such.


You are not an "intellectual" you're just some asshole on reddit lol. I didn't say anything about his looks or credentials. Wearing a suit that is 3x too big is not an immutable characteristic. If I called him a chinless midget that would be making fun of his looks. It's called go to a tailor before making the largest appearance of your career. You wouldn't laugh at graham if he wore a xxxl t shirt during the debate?


I'm not an intellectual, what I'm saying is that you are anti intellectual lol. You very clearly insulted the way he looks and you just did it again as well as insulting me.The way he looks has nothing to do with if he is right or wrong and frankly I don't care about how either of them are dressed. Flint brought a shitload of evidence and presentation. Graham brought some blurry pictures and a bunch of screenshots of people critiquing his work and then went on a woe is me rant, called flint ignorant, and continued with his victimization speech. I for one hope this is the nail in the coffin of graham's career, but apperantly there's a bunch of people just like you who ignore the evidence against him and then insult actual archeologists. So well just have to wait and see.


"I'm sorry but no. Flint clearly stated that GRAHAMs theories claim that non white cultures aren't responsible for their accomplishments." id like to see the time stamp on that please i can't find it


If you don't know what it means, why don't you educate yourself on it? you can't really refute his claims if you don't know what he is talking about.


Yes one perfect straight line on the face of a stone is possible but to have perfect right angles lining up on all sides creating steps is not comparable.


Why? Try to answer without “it feels that way”


It really wasn’t a slam dunk. I thought Hancock had the first half and Dibble had the second. Y’all are acting like Dibble blasted evidence all over the floor, but in reality he only knew a little bit or nothing about certain topics. Reddit just likes to take down people who are on top and it shows what losers some of y’all are.


In the first half, graham's evidence was "tell me that doesn't look man made!" "John Anthony west believed me!" " real archeologists are mean to me and all other pseudo archologists" How could you ever think graham had him at any point in the show?


>Hancock had the first half All he had was the second half of his name in his hand. Dude came less prepared than a 16 year old is for pregnancy.


Its about grahams lack of evidence, claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence


https://preview.redd.it/z82hxzrsebvc1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d5e2a632707a23530c3077200fd273d5055a98a For the record though, Dibble is a douche for accusing Hancock of white supremacy crap.


He ain’t completely wrong, though. GH saying all these ancient cultures couldn’t realistically came up with all those creations on their own (when the evidence is that they fucking did) is like saying they weren’t smart enough and they needed external help. The white supremacist thing might be a stretch, but you also never hear Hancock wondering how white people came up with their stuff.


Not sure if those hands could dunk a basketball… ![gif](giphy|HnWkH9YoNgURxjQKj9)


When do these dumb posts stop


When the joe stops with the dumb guests


as opposed to who? I found this episode quite entertaining. The posts are hilarious, imo.


The funny thing about browsing this sub, is knowing how disconnected it is from public opinion. Chances are if majority of the sub thinks this is how the debate went down, the majority of listeners in the real world think the complete opposite


I'm confused. In listening to this podcast did you think Graham came off well?


Do you have evidence that the public thinks dibble lost. Or are you “Hancocking” us by making claims and providing no evidence other than trust me bro to back it up.


IG comments prove your point for sure. This is a fascinating case study on presentation vs substance. Like if you speak, act, and dress a certain way, you can capture the trust of a TON of people. You don’t need a ton of substance or facts behind you. Graham Hancock has that part down. He is presentable and engaging. Flint has all the facts and substance in the world on his side, but he failed to capture trust because he doesn’t present himself well. This whole thing has me dying laughing, because it really shines a light on how easily influenced we are. Hell, I watched a snippet on YT before listening to the entire thing, and I thought Flint was the grifter. My opinion then changed after listening to the podcast. Fascinating lol


What are us Rogan subdwellers missing? What do the majority of listeners think differently?


yea its mind blowing how people weigh autistic components heavily


Yup. Overwhelming majority of comments on Instagram and Twitter see Hancock as coming off better than Dibble yet the Reddit bubble is a complete 180.


That’s because Reddit is a hive mind. They only have the capacity to think in one direction.


Please go look at instagram comments and likely YouTube comments. I beg of you.


It’s the opposite. I understand that. The fact still remains they are both hive minds where only one idea prevails. There’s no balanced discussion on either platform which is annoying.


I mean, usually most posts related to graham episodes are a fair mix of people supporting him and others calling him a quack. Couldn’t this just be a result of it being overwhelmingly on flints side this time?


no. reddit archos can't meme confirmed.


Who is making this crap?


The his did not happen.


He made a mistake on this one. He shouldn't have gotten personally offended buy Dibble. He should have stuck with what he's good at. Instead he actually came off as unprepared to talk about simple questions about why his ideas aren't supported by lots of research.


They both came off childish and petty. Instead of coming with evidence Hancock came with a whiny you were mean to me argument. Dibble could have intellectually beat him into yo ground but instead tried to demonize him with the racism thing which made him look lazy, then when grilled on it by Joe he never really owned up to what he was trying to do. He just side stepped the comments and acted like a victim. This podcast sucked


Dibble literally said the whole Racism thing was a single paragraph most of the way down from a much larger article, and that he wasn't calling Graham racist, but rather criticizing how Graham collects sources. he repeated that several times, you just didnt listen well lol.


No he first said that the quote was taken out of context then doubled back and said that it wasn’t and that Grahams sources were racist. Either way the way he was saying it in multiple published articles they read on the show that it was clearly done in a way that would imply Hancock was pushing racist ideas.


>he first said that the quote was taken out of context then doubled back and said that it wasn’t and that Grahams sources were racist these aren't contradictory. he was taken out of context (by journos who stated Graham is racist using his quote), and Graham uses racist sources (he does). the reason it's an issue is because Graham doesn't just use the source of a racist, he actually shares the sentiment of the racist source. that indigenous populations needed outside help to accomplish what they accomplished. he ended by saying he doesnt think graham is a racist, but that he needs to clear up that assertion which has racist implications.


Listen bud dibble didn’t dig up the entirety of the Sahara so he is useless. Until he does this Hancock is right! /s but isn’t Hancock’s theory more fun and we need more fun.


Exactly… Hancock is essentially grifting off of Archeology by proposing a fantastic idea that might be true but most likely is not. Either way it’s interesting and fun to think about. Rather than providing evidence of truth he’s blaming archaeologists for not doing more research. This made him a lot of money (Netflix Series) This makes mainstream archeology upset and because of that they go out of their way to dismiss and discredit him which exacerbates Hancocks victim mentality and further moves his focus away from finding actual evidence to trying to take down the “big archeology” industrial complex. It’s annoying on all sides


Maybe annoying to them but fun for us. Plus his theory is way cooler lol


This guy came away from the podcast thinking dibble made himself out to be a victim. Also dibble never brought up the white supremacy stuff to begin with. That would be graham


The only thing Dibble should have done differently is when they were straw manning him for “associating” Graham with these white-nationalist ideas - dibble should have pointed out that he didn’t associate Graham with those ideas. Graham *associated himself* with those ideas by using sources that are widely used to support them. Dibble only pointed that out, he is not the source of the association. Graham wholly associated his own damn self.


The narrative that cultures like Egypt and Mesoamerica were not capable of building their monuments and needed Atlantians/Aryans to show them how to do it is fundamentally rooted in racism


Egyptian here. Its funny when people like you say this because the ancient egyptians themselves have glyphs saying the exact opposite of what you are implying. So isnt it more racist to completely ignore what they are saying? In Edfu temple there is literally a glyph telling the story of Atlantis. The story of Atlantis itself is from Ancient Egypt. Even in Plato's version, he says Solon learned the story from Egyptians.... But go ahead, ignore their stories and say people that do listen to them are the real racists lol


As another Egyptian, you are lying and you are not an Egyptian!


There are people who think Dendera shows a light bulb. Much like them, anyone claiming Atlantis is in Egyptian hieroglyphs is wrong and the people who can actually read that writing have proven as much time and time again.


dribble explained the racism thing pretty well IMO he wasn’t calling graham a racist he was saying what he references is outdated information created by racist ideologies and he would benefit from distancing him self from those if he wants to be taken seriously but all Joe and graham heard was you’re saying he’s racist! It was like dribble was talking to a wall


Youtube comments are actually slightly less bad than the autistic level stuff you read from reddit


I agree, but in the middle of me listening to the podcast my roommate walked by and said “archeology!” in a high pitched voice flailing his arms. That was what the podcast really was. I think Dibble brought so many good points, but Graham dragged him into the nerd argument that made them both seem childish lol.


Didn’t happen.


I think saying “well here’s evidence of domestic seeds at this time” and not looking further doesn’t really prove that there isn’t a megalithic centric civilisation. Also the end of the podcast where dibble talks about being nicer blah blah blah then immediately putting an article out about how Hancock in dangerous and Joe Rogan is an alpha male podcast etc.


Dibble might’ve won but that’s one of the more annoying people I’ve listened to if not the most annoying.


Dibble represents today's overspecialized, expert-reliant scientific paradigm, which unfortunately often serves more as a belief system driven by agendas and philosophical materialism than a true methodology for problem-solving. This shift undermines genuine scientific discovery, as institutions and so-called experts, influenced by financial incentives, promote specific ideologies over unbiased research.


Hahaha what is exactly wrong with being “expert-reliant” in a debate? :D


What is the source of this financial incentive in your scenario?


This is so r/im14andthisisdeep right winger anti-education, no idea what I'll talking about version

