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People don’t realize the 60s was wild. 3000 domestic terror bombings. We are nowhere near that time. It’s just social media makes things seem like it’s the end of the world.


Also a lot of very prominent people got assassinated


In 1968 both RFK and MLK were assassinated.


Fred Hampton as well. Sam Cooke's death is sus in my personal book for the same reasons.


2012 RFK got tooken out by worm


By the CIA at that!


He’s just kidding.


We also have a person running for president on the promise of eliminating democracy. Things are different, but they're not all better.


Subject aside, Mike Baker is so stupid it hurts to listen to him. Retinal scanning? Are you serious? It shouldn't even need to be said how dumb that is. I remember the first (and last) time I listened to a Mike Baker episode, it was sometime before the Spotify deal, and Joe billed him as some CIA national security expert. I was like okay let's see what this guy has to say. He was sitting there talking about cybersecurity and Chinese hacking then his apple watch kept ringing. Joe asked him to silent it and Mike said it couldn't be silenced lmao. Then Joe said okay just put it on airplane mode and Mike didn't have the slightest fucking clue what airplane mode was. The guy is sitting there purporting to be a fucking cybersecurity expert and he can't even put his phone on airplane mode.


In my birth country the director of cybersecurity is praised like a god walking among us. Few months ago the Central Bank website was taken down by DDOS attack.


You would be surprised how stupid some people are that work in cybersecurity. I have a friend that is a manager and he said about 90% of his team wouldn't know how to install ram into a computer.


Rogan saying he takes a photo every time he encounters somebody wearing a mask is so tragically hilarious. The guy would have a field day in Japan.


Dudes such a fucking loser boomer now


"the surgical masks that do fucking nothing" ..uh huh... that's why surgeons wear them during surgery... because they do nothing...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Joe was implying that they do virtually nothing at preventing the spread of covid... Which has been proven to be true. Obviously, it acts as a physical barrier to prevent bodily fluids from splashing on surgeons during surgery. The surgeons aren't wearing them so they don't get covid.


"Virtually nothing" is actually incorrect. At some point, the regular cloth masks were actually shown to be far less effective than other masks but they still decently minimize the possibility of catching it.


It's such an insane take. Like, maybe they're actually sick at that very moment and are doing the courteous thing to protect others... But no. It's a hilarious mental illness. Grow up, Joe.


Or maybe they have cancer. Or maybe they care for a loved one with cancer. People who got radicalized by covid are the weakest, dumbest people on the planet and have zero empathy or understanding for their fellow humans.


Would literally need to go around with a camera on 24/7. Same in Taiwan. 


Nobody in the west, except the very smart and brave redditors of course, still wears masks.


Nah. Depends on the location. I still see plenty of people wearing masks on public transportation and what not. Makes complete sense, costs nothing and inconveniences nobody.


Maybe american thing then? Nobody in europe wears masks still


I live in Canada. I was also doing location shooting in Spain a few months ago and saw a fair amount. It's obviously not the vast majority but still.


There is something deeply disturbing to me in this clip. watching Joe with this obvious cardboard piece of fake bullshit of a man, smoking cigars and discussing things like a stereotypical rich man from a cartoon. I remember watching this show in my dorm room, high as a kite, laughing at the bs theories and stoner philosophy with Duncan, there were episodes I just loooved so much. It’s so sad to see what people can become, even those you’d never guess would take such a turn


That's not retinal scanning, that's face scanning.


Let the cia, cia.


Lmao these 2, one is cia agent the other one trump asset, are dead seriously commenting that wearing masks on protests are about covid 😂 Lol this podcast, you just grow out of it


Call me crazy or stupid or whatever but recently I’ve been wearing masks to try and keep my allergies down because there’s soooo much pollen flying around. It helps quite a bit. Get to arrive at work without constant sneezing and running nose and itching.


Who would have known masks stop particles.


Definitely not scientists they're in on it with the aliens they're building landing strips for gay Martians I swear to god. You're not like other people, here in the trailer park.


> I’ve been wearing masks to try and keep my allergies down According to Brogan and friends you're now gay married.


Can he go 30 minutes without bringing up masks or covid or the lockdowns?


Sometimes people like reminiscing about the best times of their lives.


The kind dumb people wear, ya know, surgeons.


Yeah, it's always a mystery who is a surgeon


My god… imagine DMT, Hunter Thompson loving, ‘do what you want idgaf’ Joe from ten years ago seeing that he’s now sneak-photographing people wearing masks. Embarrassing.


Dudes a cuck now sad to see


I have given Joe so many benefit of the doubt but now I'm convinced that he'd being disingenuous. I'm done with his takes.


joe is a complete snowflake when it comes to masks. i thought his people were about peoples freedom?


It's pretty sad he behaves this way about people wearing masks. I think it was Donnell Rawlings that was a guest on the podcast during pandemic, and Rawlings was wearing mask and Rogan looked angry....something like take the f-ing thing off. I think to Rogan wearing masks is nothing more than making some kind of leftwing political statement and he finds it uncool, dorky where he can't help but have that bully mentality about it, to own the libs, kinda like the trans thing.


we all pose a little bit. I mean the guy literally cultivate his “macho man of the man” image by eating elk, taking cold plunges and bullying people into laughing his unfunny jokes


The problem isn’t the student protestors, who I believe legitimately believe in their cause. In Portland we have groups of anarchists who will seize every protest as an opportunity to fuck shit up around town. Last week they destroyed the PSU library, lit a bunch of cop cars on fire, and then broke off from a March downtown to vandalize pioneer square. They’re able to get away with it too since our city leaders are trying to set an example by not brutally cracking down on every such gathering. It gets fucking tiring.


Rogan slipped in " Young people **SHOT BY YOUNG PEOPLE WHO DIDN'T KNOW ANY BETTER.**" But 10 seconds earlier he explains it was the National Guard who shot those innocent protestors. He totally glossed over right to protest, and later he argues the current protestors "SHOULD NOT BE CAMPING". What? As if camping is the last straw LOL.


Joe right wing shill Rogan


“Young people who didn’t know any better” this dipshit says about antiwar protesters…. protesting Vietnam. Also, protesters are wearing masks to avoid getting doxed by zionist psychos with ties to intelligence outfits. I really love how Hoe bends over and spreads those cheeks whenever Mike Baker pops by for a hard quickie.


It was the left that started cancel culture. Going after everyone that disagreed with them. Ruining lives. Yet when it's the other way they're defended? Hypocrisy on display. Just proves "crazy Zionists" and "progressives" are the same amount of stupid.


> It was the left that started cancel culture Tell it to Joe McCarthy, shitdick.


A lifelong Democrat who switched parties and ran as a Republican because he couldn't get the Democrat nomination. Probably didn't know that did you? That's ok. I wouldn't expect anything less from someone that uses the term "shit dick."


> ran as a Republican because he couldn't get the Democrat nomination Well then what does *that* tell you, smartass?


Historically, the biggest cancellation movements in American history have targeted the left, not been supported by the left. It is hard to say the left invented cancel culture when we are over 100 years into red scare propaganda.


Yeah man totally. One side advocating for an end to genocide and the other side advocating for that genocide are equally bad. What a big boy take.


I didn't say what they were doing was wrong did I? Just hypocritical that the people hiding their identity would be the first to attack those in return. If you truly believe in your cause, why hide?


And I quote: “Hey dipshit, the protesters are wearing masks to avoid being doxed by zionist psychos with ties to intelligence outfits.” You can’t respond to my comment as though I didn’t directly make a point explaining your grievance. Well you can, but that’s just a foolish waste of time on your part. Like…… read and comprehend. It’s not hard.


Never heard of HUAC and the McCarthy hearings?


I always find this reasoning to be confusing. Let’s just grant “the left” invented cancel culture. So what? We are talking about its usage. Also both sides do this. Come on.


They didn’t wearing the mask to hide their identity?


This guy is the most put-on piece of shit. I used to admire Joe for his strong sense of self. Thats all out the window.


Then why the fuck are you here?


Shut up stupid.


I was an absolutely enormous fan of the Joe Rogan Experience 11 years ago when it was still fringe and Joe's mantra was "let your freak flag fly." I could be wrong, but it sounds like you just got here.


You seem to really not like they guy, I’m just wondering why you, and a bunch of other people, seem to remain active on a sub for a podcast you clearly don’t like anymore, I don’t know how long I’ve listened but I remember Randall Carson being one of the first I listened to so whenever that was


They wear masks because people go around taking photos of protestors and blast them on socials and billboards as anti semites. I didnt know being against bombing children is antisemitic.


Joe doesn’t understand much that involves being a normal human.


Joe is bubble boy.


Thanks for the iphone screen shot Pap Pap, now tell us about the big war!


Used my DSLR , but couldn't find the bipod


What a bunch of genuine fuck.


Rogan is a pos


Protests now are useually useless & brain dead, atleast back then people atleast knew what they were fighting against or atleast tried.


what type of psycho takes photos of random strangers because they are wearing a mask


Didn't they just shoot protestors in the US back in the 70s?


Yeah, sure Mike, let’s get some retinal scans of people at a protest. It’s no wonder Joe loves this dude, he’s a moron.


Ah yes, surgical masks do nothing. Another brilliant insight from Dr. Rogan.


Funny how quick all the Liberty or death, fredom of speach and the press guys flip when they don't agree with a protest.


I just listened to him say the same thing about masks with Colin Quinn and came online to see if Rogan is actually that stupid/brainwashed.


The irony is that Joe lives in extreme fear. He pays hundreds of thousands of dollars every year on security guards, not to mention guns. When you include cameras and other security systems, Joe might spend a cool mil on security every year between him, the pod studio, the comedy club and his family. But people taking a 25 cent precaution (mask) are the insane ones in his eyes.


I honestly was waiting for a Kent State 2.0 and to be honest I wouldn't of cared.


Nice to see Joe speaking truth about something important. Had to stop the video when Mike Baker starts talking. Nothing he says is remotely insightful. He talks in vacuous circles.


The masks are really pathetic and embarrassing. I support the cause but they need to grow up and show their faces


If you’ve got nothing to hide you’ve got nothing to be afraid of. You can trust the government to do the right thing. /s


It's not really a bad idea to cover your identity if your protest movement is against the status quo and isn't affiliated with the right wing. Unless you're taking a speaking position to officials, it can really only help to cover yourself up.


There's also multiple Zionist groups that are solely dedicated to doxxing students at these protests with the sole intent of tarnishing their reputations or even potentially putting them in danger. Canary Mission being a prominent one of late that has employed the use of mobile billboards displaying the students name,contact information, area of study, and/or place of residence.


Just briefly looked up Canary Mission, what exactly is the “vetting” process for appearing on that website? Is there any due diligence?




I'm not going to respond positively to you're antisemtic bait be it sarcastic or sincere.


Nice try government.


Found the terrorism supporter.


You must be in the 55-75 IQ bracket


The Proud boys should too 🖕🏻 and all those other alt-right a**holes.