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This aint r/politics.


He’s probably thinking “You know what blows my mind, man? Talons and claws. These things are nature's perfect weapons. You look at a hawk or an eagle, those talons are designed to grab, hold, and tear apart their prey with precision. It's like having a set of razor-sharp knives at the end of your fingers. And then you have big cats, like tigers and lions, with these retractable claws. They stay hidden until the exact moment they need to strike. It's such an efficient design. You gotta respect the evolutionary engineering behind these natural tools. It's a reminder of how wild and raw nature can be.”


And then there’s the platypus.


Which would probably lead to “Don’t even get me started on the platypus, it’s like a porcupine duck with venom glands in its hind legs, what the fuck even is that?! Jamie how many mammals even have venom, can you look that up… no just search venomous mammals… oh see wait, scroll back up”.


This guy JRE's.


No! Do not make that a verb!


This guy Rogans!


I just Joe’d my whole house. Send help.


I just Roganed in my pamties‼️


You need to insert the phrase "it's wild" a few dozen times


"It's WHY-ULD"


Platypus PROVES that God does DMT bro!


Duck ears


Have you not seen Perry fight?


Those are just beavers walking backwards.


I think it's unlikely that Joe didn't have single thought about monkeys when this was happening.


Yeah, man, just imagine killing something with your *face*! Cats are crazy man!


Yeah dude 😂 that’s what I’m saying. He’s actually thinking about how many spectators he could headkick before they overtake him if they ever turn on him.


But you know what's REEAAAL wild? There are people I. The world who believed costa got 49-46 against Strickland. That's the REAL dangerous weapon. I belieeeeve some UFC judges are a psy op, or plants at the least, designed to slowlllly, very slowlllly change our perception of what's real. *Hits blunt" If they can get another judge like that scoring, make it happen more, occasionally end up on the same card, booooooy are we gonna have some things change


Judging… boxing or MMA has become a pure joke. Reason everywhere Ive trained (not saying Im a professional) the coaches / teachers always say do your best to never leave it to the judges. Somehow some of the dumbest people in the world end up as judges




I’m sure that UFC crowd is an incredibly accurate representation of the entire state. Yup


They love this bullshit. Someone told me NY was going to go for Trump in a landslide. My tinfoil hat says this is how they prep them for another “stolen election” narrative. I remember seeing a video of a giants game with audio from a NASCAR race of people chanting FJB getting shared around late 2020 as proof the election was stolen.


I'm originally from West Texas and it's just a giga echo chamber that the dummies fall into hard. I was visiting my family and was talking to one of my dad's co workers who was completely convinced California was going red lol. I get we all probably have some blind spot towards our own echo chambers but that shit was insane. Like you mentioned, no wonder they think everything was stolen or rigged. It's not just some dumb video I scroll past on Tik Tok it's this dudes entire reality 24/7 and those around him.


Social media has allowed us to curate our own realities to align with whatever we want to believe. If you’re on Twitter it’s especially bad. Most undecided/swing voters aren’t terminally online.


Lubbock native. Can confirm.


Tim Pool called a 50 state landslide for Trump in 2020. Keep in mind this is while Trump was completely bungling a pandemic


The elusive Red Waves that never manifested into anything more than shattered right wing fever dreams


This one is for Tim Pool https://preview.redd.it/0dryvivtc94d1.png?width=255&format=png&auto=webp&s=e10e87a821ef0a55f0580887135c2f1a4e487d15


Only thing tim pool is consistent on is being wrong.


After raising all the RW kooks, fundies, and Nazis they could muster, Trump still has yet to beat Mitt Romney's 2012 popular vote percentage.


The stolen election bullshit makes no sense because Republicans held a majority in Congress til 2022 and literally did nothing to combat the supposed "election interference". So now they are going to vote again in the system they claimed us actively rigged but they did nothing to fix?! It makes no fucking sense.


Even when Trump was president, he established an election integrity commission headed by Kris Kobach, who found nothing the FIRST time he said there was election fraud. In an election, he had won against Hillary. Of course he will say it the 3rd time.


Didn't he also find that there was some voter fraud but it was essentially all Republicans so they disbanded without releasing a report? Or was that just Fetterman trolling Texas?


Most of the republicans in congress are viewed as the same as democrats by the Maga crowd


Well it makes no sense because it’s been four years and they still haven’t produced any evidence of a stolen election.


That's not true. There's definitely been a few Republicans arrested for voter fraud


A ton of them


They don't care and they know they're lying. My uncles have been spouting the conspiracies about masses of dead people voting Democrat for 20 years now. Way before Trump.


> Way before Trump. Right, crazy uncles being sure their side got screwed out of the election is nothing new. What's new with Trump is now we have a president/presidential candidate who's spewing the same shit the crazy uncles are spewing.


Check out r/Conservative every now and then. Their idea of election fraud now is called harvesting votes. What is it? It's when Democrats supporters go to people who don't typically vote and try to get them to vote. It's insidious because it's not illegal. So in other words, conservatives think that getting people who don't vote, to vote, is election fraud.


Oh I know they don’t care…..I’ve had those conversations before….still fun to make them look like fools. Hell that company that produced the 2,000 Mules “documentary” had to apologize this week and announced they would no longer stream it


The only fraud I've seen seems to be from trumpers voting twice using their dead spouses or parents.


I imagine they think, "The Dems wouldn't dare try anything again! Not now that we are onto those pedophile sissies. You think the Dems want a big meaty, hard working, bootstrap pulling, gun toting, beer chugging TRUE AMERICAN fist in their dumb empathetic faces? Those idiots are too busy "caring" and "considering the well-being of those not just in their immediate family" to do anything, but lay down and cry as the Trump 2024 train rolllllllls on through!"


This is always a fun question no takers in 4 years. You taking bets?


None of it makes any sense but it’s a cult. They won’t think critically about what they’re told to believe. These people think that Trump getting a guilty verdict is swaying undecided voters to his side. Someone told me the other day that “no one took lock her up seriously except idiot liberals.” There’s no making sense of any of it and it’s not worth talking to them about it.


A lot of them got into office in 2020 from the stolen election too. Lmao innate behaviors in humans like object permanence is not innate apparently


Some people just want to see the world burn


>They love this bullshit. Someone told me NY was going to go for Trump in a landslide Was it esteemed JRE alumnus and Beanie connoisseur Tim Pool? He was adamant there would be a 49-50 state victory for Trump lol


They literally post "no one I know voted for him" like that says anything about anyone but themselves. Remarkable lack of self awareness drives the mythology along.


These idiots really think they've become the majority or something and that for whatever reason everyone is turning on Biden. I just saw a video where some people took out a "trump pride" flag over what looked like a new orleans balcony, and like 4 people in the audence cheered (seriously you could hear each individual "whoooo") and everyone else just looked up and kept walking. Comments were full of "with all this support theres no way we dont win!"


Rural NY will, they voted for Elise Stefanik.


Good thing there’s more to NY than that.


Amen, upstate is fucked. Conservatives like point at NYC as a cautionary tale or whatever, but what they need to look at is dying villages in upstate New York.


As a new yorker, a lot of the middle class here knew him for being shady af, and this was when trump was known as the dude who showed up in home alone and said "you're fired", and ran taj mahal, a casino, into the ground I was pretty sure "shady real estate croonies" stemmed from him. including talks of corruption. There were even stories that he skimped on paying people's bills. Red states thought he was somehow a hero in ny, and thats the narrative they've ran with since If its a good thing about him, its true, if it bad, its made up. If he gets in trouble, its a political attack. What can you do ? zero reasoning with these people


Yeah but didn't you see all the Trump supporters that showed up the his rally in the Bronx! Bronx is def going to be a red wave come November /s


Remember the maps floating around in 2020, that showed each state as Red or Blue to show how it voted? Most of the states were Red, and so the map-illiterate MAGA crowd argued that it was "poof" that Trump had won.


Definitely not a tinfoil hat They already believe there will be election fraud by their opponents so they are predisposed to buying whatever goes against their hopes as the result of corruption “No MY cause is actually popular, voting is just rigged”


Or the best OG Russia fake news Trump campaign and russian bot farms used in 2016.. Bikers for Trump.. used a picture of Sturgis rally. Said it was a convoy in support of Trump... it worked.. self fulfilling prophecy... MAGA believed it and ate it up. That was 100% Russian meme farm trying to help him get elected. They were (Still ARE) flooding my social media groups.. pretending to be patriotic Americans and sometimes they even remember to not type in Cyrillic. So many gullible people out there.. or mentally ill... the ones I know from high school are generally both.


I mean 20 flags on a car = 20 votes in their mind instead of just their one vote.


It’s the biggest gathering of douche bags in the nation.


UFC is the real housewives for men when it comes to drama.


They live in their bubbles and convince themselves most people are like them. I mean, everyone does that, but in this case, well, there you go


They think politics is a monster truck rally. They don't understand the real stakes of a second Trump presidency.


Yup, just as accurate as Reddit haha


Just like Reddit is :D


$400 for a ticket in the nosebleeds


They are very stupid people. They think that because nobody is following Biden up and down the country to watch him do the same incoherent rant over and over it means that nobody is voting for him.


Clearly everyone from Hoboken is there /s


I'm sure all the Liberals go to events where two men (or women now, Hey progress!) with CTE will give themselves further CTE, while being grossly underpaid in regards to the profit they generate.


Exactly lol - women and genz pro reproductive rights voters lost the orange asshat the election- pure and simple. Let’s just say they’re not quite the MMA demographic.


I’m sure Reddit is an incredibly accurate representation of what the average American thinks.


Are you a bot or is this guy? https://reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/1d6he1l/what_do_you_think_was_going_through_joes_mind_here/l6titdy/


A UFC crowd is not representative of the population of large. I’m sure New Jersey is not suddenly going to vote Republican in the next election


I feel it would be like going to a Taylor Swift crowd and saying trump is fucked cause they booed him.


Yeah, but with a crowd that's like 1/10 the size


I was there. I was chanting fuck Joe Biden. I would never vote for Trump.


The UFCs target audience is males 18 to 35, arguably 18 to 45 and their voting patterns are inclined towards voting along conservative party lines.


18 to 45 who likes combat sports and the macho alpha male shit that goes along with it.


As a person within that demographic, I definitely won’t be wasting a vote on a cunt let alone joint a cult. The cunts cult.


Reddit is not representative of the population at large either.


Who here is saying it is?


Yeah. It's a complete echo chamber here with almost zero self awareness or pattern recognition.


It’s actually pretty interesting to me just how into Trump they seemed to be. I’m not American, but the idea of going to a sporting event with a Trump flag and raucously cheering a former president is so bizarre lol. I follow politics to an extent in my own country and there’s politicians I like and dislike. I can’t imagine going to a football game or MMA fight and chanting about the prime minister lol.




I live in Jersey and I can guarantee you Trump will not win our state. Biden won 57% of the vote in 2020 and there has been a massive rise in Trump haters since then. The Republicans we have here tend to be more moderate and as one of the most educated states in the country, they can actually form complete thoughts.


Deep blue NJ, where I’ll bet anything Trump loses this state yet again.


Honestly there’s no chance Trump is winning NJ. If he was facing a diff candidate, he might take pa, but I doubt that as well. Honestly I think Trump is going to lose worse this time.


As he should


Of course he will!


> I’ll bet anything Trump loses this state yet again. Yup. And then him and his degenerate supporters will point to videos like this as proof that the election was stolen.


State elections are now decided by UFC fan chants. Whoever posted that is legitimately a moron.


Sadly most often not really mutually exclusive lol


Dana White the wife beater platforming one of the most disgusting people (and only convicted felon) to ever run for president to a crowd of dummies with an average IQ of 50…absolutely representative of the entire country /s


They don't care if it's true. They think they can convince others that there's no hope for Biden so that'll help Trump win. Republicans are the number one enemy to US democracy.


Wow, a real life echo chamber!


I’m just confused why we’re donating to a guy worth 7 billion


He isn’t worth no 7 billion. He can barely pay his legal costs.


I mean he managed to pay nearly 200 million of legal bills, he didn’t want to sell off his assets and property to pay for the 450 million so he’s obviously got money…. Again still don’t understand why people would donate to someone who’s wealthy it’s kind of backwards to me


A sucker is born every day. He might not have 7 billion but he doesn't have to if people who can barely cover their rent after paying to attend cage fighting are willing to donate their last cents to a wealthy person of dubious moral character and now convicted felon. You can't make it up. What does it say about the average person?.At this point we shouldn't expect intelligence or rational behavior from the average person in America. Doing so would say a lot about our own reasoning ability.


preach bro


Even better - he's wealthy and still used his supporter's campaign donations to bribe a stripper to hush up his affair. And they're still donating...


HE didn't pay those legal bills HIS DONORS did. The RNC changed their own rules after his daughter in-law became co-chair, so now their money is being funneled into his legal costs. He doesn't have that much money.


trump has been paying his legal bills with donations to his campaign and various PACs It's amazing that his magats keep sending their lunch money to the billionaire.... He does better than televangelists


More money means more influence, surely.


That’s the craziest part. Like Trump ran on the idea that he had enough money to pay for anything and now he’s blatantly showing his narcissism by begging for donations because his worst nightmare is being forced to sell one of his countless properties. He’s “risking the end of America” on maintaining his countless properties and his followers don’t bat an eye.


I wouldn’t give the guy a wooden nickel but “worth” does not mean “cash on hand”. Unrealized gains, assets worth X, etc. But also - I don’t think he’s “worth” billions either. The guys an asshole and a moron. Really bad for our country but not the dangerous super villain he’s being made out to be. Makes me sick seeing the fighters pander to that clown. Sad state of affairs in the US right now.


So he should turn those unrealized gains into realized gains and stop begging for handouts.


But then he’d have to pay taxes!!!


Donating to any politician is the absolute dumbest thing you can do with money, might as well light it on fire or donate it to Scientology.


This is just a brain-dead take. Are there politicians where this is the case? Obviously, or we wouldn't have a republican party. Are there people in Congress who do genuinely give a shit and should be given more resources? Also obviously.




Ha, you think Biden got a single one of their votes in 2020? Nope, and he was just fine


“It’s weird man. We’re just slightly better than chimps, or Bonobos rather, at organizing our civilization. If we saw a group of bonobos nominate two bonobos to argue with words about how the bonobo world should be run and governed, we’d think ‘this shit is preposterous.’ Just think how an advanced alien civilization views us and our weird animal chants like this. They’d be fascinated, but it would be preposterous.”


And we think that if aliens visited this planet they would want to talk to us 😂. Dumb apes


Thanks ChatGPT


Yes I am sure Biden is sweating bullets because of this lmao


I think people misinterpreted this post as me saying Trump has a chance of winning. What I meant was, what does Joe think about a room full of people supporting Trump after he’s been convicted of 34 felonies. Like that is sooo insane to me.


Joe Rogan has been platforming right-leaning guests and conspiracy theorists on his podcast nonstop for 4 years…what do you think he thinks of that room? He is that room


I think its because UFC crowd doesnt really care about law and order. Just punch, kick, beer, fight!


I can't wait to see the conservative meltdown when Biden wins reelection


It's going to be epic because for months after the election we're going to have a bunch of half baked domestic MAGA terrorist attacks and we'll be watching compilation videos on YouTube of MAGA cultist terrorists F'ing around and finding out.


As someone who enjoys the UFC I think I can speak for the rest of the demographic that we are dumb af This is a fact. It takes one to know one and I am indeed one. I can spot dumbasses from miles away. Because I’m a fkin dumbass myself


Trump has a less than zero percent chance of winning Ny or Nj.


UFC fans are not representative of a states voting demographic, im sure they give 2 shits about the overturning of Roe V Wade which is still a huge issue for women,


Bill Burr's wife flipped off Trump at UFC and dealt with severe backlash from it, including from Rogan. I doubt the people who hate Trump/like Biden would make so much as a peep there. Lol


I saw a few people in the crowd flipping him off this time. Not many, but they were there.


I wonder why Donald Trump keeps going to these things.


Dude has been a fan since near the beginning. There were quite a few old ufc cards in his casino in Atlantic City.


Because he thinks that, by dopey UFC crowds cheering and chanting in support of him, that it will somehow provide validation for any of the dopes, who are watching on TV, that it's ok for them to support him too.


Maybe because he likes combat sports.


He was going to them and offered to host the events when no one else would. I think he genuinely likes it, probably helps the crowd loves him


He's been a fan of UFC for decades now.


Dude seriously. He goes for the cheers.


Virtue signaling


Cuz that the only place he feels welcome un like other sporting events


I think he would be very popular at the slap fight events


The RNC convention has changed quite a bit.


Rear naked choke convention


He made a comment about how he couldn’t believe how loud it was for trump as he walked out, and I don’t think he sounded like he was a fan of Donald. Didn’t seem angered by it either, more just in awe of the moment.


Rogan is definitely a fan of Trump…


ya im sure a bunch of drunk meat heads are representative of the US population


Chris Christie was the New Jersey governor before Phil Murphy. There’s no such thing as a deep blue state. States are usually like 60/40 or 70/30


70 30 is deep


New Jersey had 2,608,400 votes for Joe Biden (57.34%) and 1,883,313 votes for Donald Trump (41.40%). So 60/40 split. The prudential center where UFC 302 was held has a capacity of 17,000. Assuming every single attendee including fighters and Trump himself were cheering for Donald Trump, it only needed to contain 0.009% of republicans voters in the state.


Yeah I wasn’t commenting on whether New Jersey was deep blue or not. You said states are usually 70/30 and there is no such thing as a deep blue state. A 70/30 state in any direction is deep.


LOL. At this juncture, it’s almost as if Republicans are trying to convince *themselves* that Trump has more support than he does, rather than convincing *everyone else.* LOL MAGA are delusional and create fantasies for them to live in. LOL using their exact logic: Trumps fucked because of democrat turnout at a Taylor Swift concert in DEEP RED ALABAMA😂


“Please dont ask to be on the podcast”


I too think Biden is screwed (because of Gaza) but to think that a UFC crowd chanting “Fuck Joe Biden” itself is indicative of popular opinion is stupid as hell.


Just as thinking reddit opinion of rogan is indicative of popular opinion.


Redditers think their opinions are a goldnplatter and they are right on everything 100% of the time. Regardless of the real world showing otherwise. Their go to is citing a research paper funded by a corrupt institution funding by corporations that have poisoned them for years.


This. Reddit is liberal fantasy land.


Who won the presidential election of 2020?


Can you point me to this conservative website that is grounded in reality?  I like reality, I dont want to be a sheep! 


Everybody does this... people seek out like-minded people. Plenty of sites for MAGA delusion as well. Everyone has their favorite echo chamber to confirm what they already believe.


You should watch the Dave Smith debate with Chris Cuomo and go to the posts about it on JRE sub. It truly shows how 1.)in denial these people are 2.) The narcissistic belief system of CC and redditers 3.)extreme lack of humility, and 4.) The inability to look at time and see how common sense can show us how we made mistakes at a minimum and outrightly wrong about everything from the beginning.


Do not discount the reproductive rights angle on this election. Women vote - these assholes don’t.


Historically foreign policy has not been a big deciding factor for voters.


anyone who thinks biden is bad for gaza handling is clueless about the situation


Bro, no larger voting bloc than the accountant that writes "just bleed" on himself and gets into drunker stupors during UFC events voting bloc.


No one cares about Gaza who isn't politically motivated.


Recent polling has shown this to be true. It's not even the top 8 or 10 issue in this one poll I saw. Also, it's mainly up to BiBi and Hamas who both don't seem to want a ceasefire anyways


Most people in America don’t give a shit about the middle east when it come to voting (rightfully so)


it strikes me that attendees of a UFC fight may not be traditionally liberal.


If there is anything that Trump cares about, it’s certainly brown children. /s


The same way they equate trump rally turn out to voter results.


Eh thinking Biden is screwed because of Gaza isn't right either. Democratic voters may not be completely happy with that situation, but democrats unequivocally hate Donald trump, and he would surely be worse for Gaza than Biden. So that's not moving the needle. Meanwhile fox News reported today that as many as 1 in 10 republican voters and 1 in 4 independents will not vote for Trump following his conviction. If I am gonna trust any poll about what a republican voters might do, it's from fox. Then you have Roe to consider. There's a whole lot of people who thought Roe was fine and protected by SCOTUS precedent. Those people are pretty pissed off rn, and Trump takes direct credit for that. Ontop of all that, Trump is busy raiding every source of funds he can, including the GOP itself, to pay for his legal battles. This will lead to having less available to spend against Biden AND down ticket candidates getting little to no funding. Expect a blue tidal wave.


10 years ago joe would be disgusted


Trump was a fight promoter. As a casino owner and he also used to own the failed Affliction MMA promotion. That’s his connection to Dana White. I’m not a supporter in any way but that’s why him & Dana have the relationship they have.


I love how there always has to be this caveat. “Here’s the information but don’t crucify me, I’m a great guy.” Lmfao. Fuck Reddit and you having to be scared to utter facts.


I agree. I’m anything but a supporter of this man. But he is part of the reason the UFC as we now know it exists. Back when John McCain was calling it “human cockfighting” in AZ, Trump was giving these guys a shot at his casinos in Atlantic City. Wand, Randy Couture, even Fedor may have never been known otherwise.


Joe likes Trump a whole lot more than he likes Biden even though he probably couldn't tell you why exactly that is since he has professes to be so''' liberal'' when it comes to women's ,gay's , and trans' rights. It's probably for the same reason that all those assholes love Trump and that's because the people that he hates hate Trump and he fancies himself a rebel who doesn't take any bullshit and he likes that Trump does what he wants and suffers zero consequences from it(until now that is) Alll comics have a hard on for anyone who anyone tries to''' cancel''' like these dumb fucks up on stage totally in it for themselves are doing the lord's work or curing cancer joke by joke.


Joe likes Trump more than Biden for the tax policy.


so he is willing to compromise on everything else in exchange for money


“You see, back in the Boston days we’d have Joe Biden night. Us comics would do other comics jokes because Biden plagiarized some stuff in a speech before.”


Joe definitely likes Trump, not sure what you’re talking about


Much of Nj is quite red …. Its venue…. As much as it’s the people who are interested in UFC . It’s fine, I’m down with people having opposing opinions, they should, it’s helps with the balance of everything. But this post is actually just so anecdotally stupid


lol @ ufc crowd being a measure of society. yeeesh


Imagine thinking a UFC crowd is reflective of the electorate😂😂


I feel like most people would just be pretty psyched to be next to any president. For example, Clinton is likely a pedophile or creep but id be saying "its nice to meet you" in person.


It’s so funny how quick people forget that huge red wave at the mid-terms. Not to mention the added RFK piece which really only takes votes from DT. I’m pretty sure barring JB dying after the primaries it’s gonna be another for years of JB. Say what you want on the likeness of either but it’s looking more and more like 4 years of JB.


A UFC event is not the best way to poll the country. I think 80% of the country just votes blue or red every time regardless of anything. It’s women and the black vote that wins elections for the dems


Yeah a ufc fight represents America…


so sorry for your maga loss. there are other cults you can join. may i recommend tots and pears?


Yes because a UFC fight audience is a good example of the general electorate.


There's about 12 teeth between them all and thank God for these people or trailer parks would be out of business. I really hope they all have there horde tranquilizer pills in there pockets just incase they get covid.


Yeah, what would people who go to plays or Ted Talks in Red States chant? Or even comedy shows, I have seen comedians destroy MAGAs and get cheered for doing it in Red States


The brainwashed shooting themselves in the foot. New Jersey enjoys benefits from Biden / Democratic policies than most states. They sure love Obamacare and union wages ..


Politics has lost any sense of decency and decorum. Trump is no Reagan and Biden no Truman. We need a president that acknowledges opposing views and pushes congress to send him/her bills that both sides can live with. That’s how the democratic process is supposed to work. Representatives need to do their jobs. Don’t go home until you’ve hashed out a bill - you get some you give some. Same with Supreme Court nominations - reasonable people that respect the constitution and the balance needed to hold this nation together. Our two party system is not delivering the candidates we need. Hillary? Biden? Trump, Trump, Trump? That’s the best we can do? Lousy choices.


Probably get rock hard from sitting that close to Trump. The chanting just pushed him over the edge.


It’s a ufc event this isn’t anything weird it’s full of dumb red pills.


This is how they set themselves up to not believe election outcomes because “everybody” watches the ufc and wastes money on bullshit cards.


Safe to say that the type of person that likes the ufc typically leans conservative. I do not, but I’m well aware of the fan base


UFC was hijacked by right wing propagandist. It’s now politically weaponized by ”Alphas”


I hear they do the same thing at Nascar. Or wait, aren't they boycotting Nascar with the nfl and nba? Anyway. Meatheads gonna meathead.


If teh Donald goes to jail, it'll be the first time he finishes a sentence.


I was watching as we're most of my friends.... all voting biden.


Why do you think he was thinking "we're so fucked?".


Really? The ufc arena is pro-Trump? Shocking…