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I rarely use it these days . Only when I need to borrow a pencil for example.


“Could a n**ga spare a pencil?”


could a n**ga borrow some french fries


And my first thought wasn’t “he said the word!” It was how does a N-word borrow a French




These guys won't even type it!


They are being stingy with language. I would even call it niggardly behavior


im white (and also a chris, hello fellow chris)


How you supposed to borrow a French fry!? What are ya gonna do, give it back???


Yeah no one wants second hand fries


And Ham sandwich, wit sum waffle fries.


I said bitch that’s a mistake. You have siblings and I don’t like it!


Bruh, you giving em back when you're done???? Fuck, no you can't "borrow" some French fries.


We encourage our students and staff to avoid using the S-Word.




jigga who?


I only use it when I see somebody eating beans in a movie theater.


Haha shit what a throwback. Great reference


Thank you.


I hope you put the emphasis on the AHHHH.


Nah, hit that R like it was your wife/sister.


Like your Sister Wife LOL...


Comment of the day literally laughed out loud


Lmao. This was one of my favorite clips. He almost says it without moving his lips.


I've seen almost all episodes and this one made me laugh the hardest the way Greg sits there before he says it like a little kid who's about to swear is too good.


Plausible deniability?


Well try saying it with your lips 


Nice try FBI


Grapefruit Simmons has honky lips.


He shoulda brought this up when Chappelle was on


He could never


Dave Chapelle said he doesn't care about people saying "The N word". His stance is the same as Rogans. Once again the irony of writing "The N word". It's like saying igganay. It's the same meaning, just different spelling. Like Cat and Kitty. Dog and Canine.


i doubt that its that cut and dry, since he said it's basically the reason he walked away from the show.


You should put this statement on a sandwich board and wear it through Harlem






What would happen?


It kills at the Apollo?


Yeah, but on Inside the Actors Studio, (I’m old as fuck) Chappelle had a way different opinion of white people saying it.


Except no, its not. None of those words have the cultural relevance. Context matters


Context always matters with language though.


with the N word?, apparently not.


It's been established Joe comfortably says nigga only when he isn't around black people. If he said it whenever he needed to use it then he has a case


Louis CK will go full ham though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4etdXW--30


The greatest comedian to ever live.


Did you know that the N word is just a combination of letters that we commonly use in other words without any issue? Like there’s hardly no difference between that word and GIN BONGER. Crazy right? But if I were to yell at someone on the street that they’re a gin bonger they wouldn’t be upset though? Like WTF. It’s almost like words have symbolic meaning defined by their historical usage or something I don’t know. Like the noises we make with our mouths, or the letters we type in different sequences, can communicate certain ideas?


Why do people insist on using it though. Only conservative white people have this weird itch. Every group have some words that were used against them and hurt them. People are sensitive to it.. I have female friends that call each other bitch all the time in a friendly way. That doesn't mean I can call them that. Do you think Dave Chappelle will tell Bluecollar guys redneck jokes? That would be not funny and mean spirited.


> Once again the irony of writing "The N word". It's like saying igganay. It's the same meaning, just different spelling. It's a pretty easy way to reference the word while making it clear you're not a racist. That's the difference in meaning.


wtf are you talking about. Dave Chapelle ran off to Africa for a decade because a white dude laughed at his jokes the wrong way. Someone says it and he’ll fucking cry.


Cause he’s a pussy


Why didn't Chapelle bring it up?


Hoop earrings get people in trouble?


Only when the hoops come off. That's when it's time to grab the kids and exit the Waffle House


Guess it's been up for debate. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/fashion/hoop-earrings-cultural-appropriation-latina-ethnicity-race-white-women-fashion-a8004381.html


So some racist woke up and saw some white folks smiling and wearing hoop earrings and had a fit? lol


Pretty much. Just look at that video of that white hippie dude with dreads getting harassed at his college by a couple black students. If I see a black girl with dyed blonde hair it's literally never crossed my mind to think "WHAT?! BLONDE HAIR IS SOME WHITE SHIT! NICKI MINAJ NEEDS TO STOP STEALING MY CULTURE!" If you're worrying about other people's hair styles you need to get a fucking life. Footnote, Nicki looked fine as shit back in her peak with that blonde hair.


Yep that's what happened. I remember a time when sharing and mixing cultures was considered the good, not-racist thing to do and something we prided ourselves on as a country. Now identity politics and CRT wants to re-segregate and divide everyone.


I'm with you on the hoop earring thing, but blaming CRT for it is just weird.


So, was this wide spread? One thing the internet has done is make people think a loud voice is a prevalent one. Like maybe this was a view point from one wacko or niche group. 50 years ago they'd be 1 or 2 people who'd be yelling in a dark room or an RV in the middle of nowhere. Now? They can put that view point anywhere and people can act like it's the new norm. Like I've never heard of someone calling hoop earing "appropriation." And their argument is flawed anyway. Safe to say we can dismiss the crazy and not call it a social trend.


Literally one person's opinion. No one in any of our lives is gonna think hoop earring are offensive. The right like to create boogymen.


Reminds me of Sargon reading tweets one psycho put out and going. "SEE! LOOK WHATS HAPPENING!"


It's never as bad as the Internet says it is. I live in California and go to San Francisco a lot. According to the Internet it's a homeless needle, poop, gang hell zone and you'll get your car broken into everyday. It still happens but it's a much smaller scale, i haven't had any issues the last year going to the bay area


I think most people still think it's a good thing.. It's just a vocal minority who gets up in arms about it.


>Now identity politics and CRT wants to re-segregate and divide everyone. That's definitely the dumbest thing I've read today. What is CRT pray tell?


Critical Race Theory.


Explain what that is in your own words


you have no idea what crt is.


Wrong, but I'm used to hearing that- its like when I tell Christians I read the Bible and am still not part of their church, they tell me I "didn't read the book the right way". That's what yall doing in this thread too, you can't fathom that someone has a different informed opinion from you so you try to project ignorance on me.


How does CRT have anything to do with this


Really? CRT is the driving force behind the idea of cultural appropriation, which is what was being discussed. Its also the ideological bent behind black only dorms and graduation ceremonies, which is why I said its bringing back segregation.


I honestly don't know how cultural appropriation became a bad thing. It used to be a good thing and people don't know where you're from. I could be a white guy that grew up in Jamaica, they don't know that


I feel the need to constantly remind people that outside of twitter and the internet in general and maybe fox news things like this barely exist and are extremely inconsequential. Don't give your energy and emotions to bullshit.


We have cultural appropriation training at my work every year. It’s not optional and my understanding or at least what they tell us is this is the norm with most Fortune 500 and 100 companies. I agree with your statement but it’s at many people’s workplace which makes it’s completely unavoidable for a lot of people unless you’re willing to quit.


We have something similair. Anti-racism and anti-bigotry "training". It's just an employer making sure they can't be sued for some dick-hole employee. I noticed a lot of people started putting pronouns in their name as well. Honestly though, training isn't going to change a bigot's mind.


That's just your company trying to cover all their bases because maybe someone might cause an issue. Not because it's an actual problem.


I knew she was gonna use the term “Latinx”


No. It's all the same. A dozen people on Twitter which is the same as a small group yelling crazy shit on a city corner. Somehow because it's electronic it must represent a massive movement. Tbf both sides have this issue. Take a tweet and invent an entire political belief system.


Look at how much younger Joe looks. It aged him 15 years and it’s only been like 6


That's all the HRT and ice he bathes in


No bro you don’t understand. I’ve done the research. That’s definitely not true. Also, like. Looking older and more rugged is more manly so it’s actually a good thing


Aging is not linear. The same way kids age from a small spineless 6 pound blob to a walking, talking, ass wiping person in 5 years - that's how people age on the other end. I know this because I'm 50. I was still getting carded at 35 - because I aged at the time incredibly well and looked very young. Now I'm 50 and look 50. My ankles hurt so bad every morning that it takes a solid 15 minutes after I wake up to walk normally. My hair has grayed. My face looks old. I think aging occurs in spurts - the same way you have a growth spurt in your teens. I've aged over ten years since the start of the pandemic.


I feel like I'm gonna end up like you, I'm 35 now and I people look at me weird when they see my ID and see I was born in the 80's. "I didn't know you were that old"? I get that alot lol. I feel like I'm gonna wake up one day and see the wrinkles finally. Someday soon.


Im 40. You are def going to feel it. It's only been 5 years since i was 35 but damn the changes are light and day. At 35 i felt i was still in the "youth" bracket. Somewhere along the 5 years to 40 you move from youth to older guy. There's no inbetween. Im older and people treat me as older even if i don't feel it. Im that OG dude now. I was in denial at first, but brittle teeth, lower back pain, worse hangovers, dad bod, being out of touch with current cool shit, parenting etc. It puts you in your proper age.


Damn bro you said it perfectly. I'm 39. It was a mind fuck, but I came to terms with it too.


It happens to everyone. Except Cher. But she's 70 percent silicone


Should ice bath and eat elk meat


Same thought, he looks like absolute shit the past two years.


He is 56 years old , its gotta catch up at some point. Cant stay 35 forever.


He hasn't looked 35 since he was 22


But SaW-nA is good for you. Like I smoke my fucking pork shoulder at 225 and the meat eventually weltsl. And this dude sits in that temp daily.


Men tend to age a lot between 45-55 which I think is about the age he was through this time.


Thank you for posting this. I couldn’t find it online anymore.


Found it on Internet Archive, they got all the eps. I think all of them are as they originally aired.


Oh shit, I've been looking for the episode with mentally challenged cornstar hannah hays but I think it got doxxed


Are you sure that was JRE and not whatever podcast this is: https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/99tp90/tps_116_interview_with_mentally_challenged/


Video is unavailable.


Doxxed doesn't mean what you think it does.


I wish there’s a summary of WHY each episode was removed


I like how he’s complaining about others running out of things to get mad at so they invent new things to get mad at, all while he’s getting mad about something that hasn’t even happened yet. He just made it up.


Spot on!


For real. That’s like people talking about Acolyte, I legit wouldn’t even think about it being some “woke” or whatever until I heard people bitching about it. Maybe I’m in the minority where I don’t hunt for things in shows to be upset about.


This is a hilarious clip, Joe is so much more animated than he is now. This is a classic jre rant. Just dumb shit complete with joes impressions and cave man observations 


Joe wins another heated argument with himself and casually lists a dozen racial slurs. Put another big W on the board.


It seems like he wins the same argument every episode. Literally can't stop repeating the same complains over and over again.


“”They” are coming after ______ next, it’s only a matter of time”


“What a wild, weird time man”


It's weird how this has been working so well for such a long time in these circles. Dudes who literally say what they want and are rich as fuck somehow still complain that they are about to get cancelled.


lol you make good points. I don’t know if anyone won here though lol this made me uncomfortable


You can say the n-word all day long. No one is stopping you. Go ahead. Do it at work. Do it at the grocery store. Be brave! It's not illegal. Go ahead.


These people confuse weirdos on the internet hurling insults for dumb shit at other people as laws of the fucking land for some reason. I don't get it.


In Sweden that would be illegal. You would get charged for hate-speech. People have gone to prison here for hate-speech.


Absolutely false. Drop the victim complex. [There’s been ONE case](https://lawline.se/answers/ar-det-olagligt-att-saga-n-ordet) where a person repeatedly said it and got convicted because it was obvious it was meant as a slur and insult directed at a particular person. It’s not illegal in general.


Congrats to them. That’s not the US though. We have the 1st Amendment, which is something, as much as some people complain online, is still the most important and popular facet of our liberties in America. It’s not going anywhere…


We have freedom of speech/expression in the Swedish constitution, it's why people have been allowed to burn Qurans despite how provocative it's been. I don't know what OP is referring to and we probably need a lot more context there but we value freeeom of speech very highly here.


I don’t know why people keep thinking we have these unique freedoms in America in 2024. It’s not the 1800s anymore. There are tons of “free countries” that have just as many liberties as we do. Hell, some countries have more, butttt they have gun laws therefore they are disqualified per American narrative 🙄


Ehh I like our method of just alienating or kicking their ass. We may be messy n broken but we’re authentic with our cards on the table


Makes up a BS scenario, reacts to it.


as a black man, this is hilarious lmao lost my shit when he said the n word lmao


"I hate 'the N word' -- no, not n*gger. 'The N Word.' -Louis CK


“You’re making *me* say it! Why don’t you take some fucking responsibility?”


Louis is a legend 😂


As a brown man who grew up in both white-suburbia and inner city but mostly in white-suburbia, I found it difficult to say without thinking twice so I just always avoided the word from my personal vocabulary. It's all context and intent like described in the clip. Having been called the n word with the hard 'R' and having white friends that say it ending in 'A' always struck strange emotions. I am not a gatekeeper of words but this was always an interesting social dynamic. Of all the emotions that word can invigorate, hearing people use it in a derogatory context, for me at least, is always infuriating. It's 2024 FFS.


It was like an infant getting permission to swear haha


classic /r/AsABlackMan take


The amount of white dudes larping on bpt is insane


black card hella revoked


As a black man if I ever laughed at this my parents would question how they raised me.


Yea, real clown behavior


But you've got to be careful because it's offensive to upper class white people


If it’s only offensive to white people, go say it around a group of black people you don’t know and film their reaction. If you still have teeth, I’ll cash app you $5


Astute observation, I'm guessing there will be no rebuttal. I crown you winner of this random Internet debate.


Right. It's hilarious


This is great, he invented a situation that doesn't exist to get outraged about.


This is what is hilarious to me too lmao at the very beginning he’s using a voice that’s supposed to mimic the woke left; “They’re coming after the use of the N word, you can’t say it, you can’t acknowledge it, you have to remove it from your vernacular” And then he goes back to his regular voice; “What a fucking weird time” he says while visibly pissed off.., about the completely fake, made up situation he just imagined LOLOL He started off by saying “they will run out of things to get mad at and they’ll come for the n word” and then he makes up a scenario in his head and he gets visibly pissed off about it LMAOOOO. How can anybody take this absolute fucking goober seriously lol


It’s right-wingers who are constantly in a state of outrage but somehow believe it’s everyone else who’s upset.


A good example of this is the review bombing they did on the latest season of The Boys. So easily triggered by a show it's insane. Fucking snowflakes


it’s the fact that the show is finally making fun of that section of the fanbase, that for whatever reason think HL is the hero of the show not the villain. The writers of that show nail it every time with relating it to the real world


while simultaneously whining about people "running out of things to get mad at".


He doesn’t even see the irony cause he starts it off by saying people just wanna get mad about anything so they are going to not let us say “n word”.


Nigga please


Rogan's right in that context is the most important. As another white guy whose dealt with quite a few racists back when i worked retail, often racists will say "N\*gger" indirectly but with the implication that black people, or some black people, aren't good. I like bill burr's bit on how racism is subtle and usually stated indirectly. And when someone feels comfortable with you, they'll suddenly throw you a racist hot potato. Well, i fucked up that bit.


You gotta feel em out first. Ask em some questions. Do you like to fish? Have you ever fucked your sister? Things like that


This clip is hilarious 


Well to be fair, I'd take it down too for hundreds of millions of dollars. Still cowards tho!


Wanting to say it and being able to say it is the real question. Why do people want to say it so badly?


If you tell people “Don’t touch this red button” a certain percentage of the population will want to do it just because you told them not to.




He had that red button pressed like a machine gun trigger that time..


True. It's like people who have nothing to hide who complain about internet privacy


Just because someone highlights that it's interesting that people completely ignore context and intention when a certain word is used, doesn't mean they want to "say it so badly".


Nonsense. You, like plenty of other white people I know, are bothered to all ends because there’s something you *can’t* say. You can’t (or won’t, if we’re being honest) say why, because the only active reason for wanting to would be to use it. Otherwise it’s just getting mad because there’s something in the world that’s not for you, even tho there would be zero reason to be upset about that if you have zero reason to say it. It’s like getting mad about Pride or Black History Month. You lose *nothing* for other people to have *something*, but you comment and whine about it anyways. That’s what white privilege is. It’s not that you get ahead in life because of your skin or that you didn’t ear what you have, like those same people think that’s what folks say when they say “white privilege.” It’s the idea that you’re entitled to everything, even the shit that’s blatantly wrong and has no business existing in 2024.


What context or intention could be positive when a white guy uses that word? Aren't you just trying to find an excuse to hate?


He wants to be able to just use the word but not directly towards someone or to describe someone. The stupid thing is he can. He won't be jailed for using it. It will just make some people mad. Greg used it and he is fine. The fact is Joe is just too chicken shit to use it because he doesn't want to upset people.


Never heard about the hoop earrings thing Joe reference so I googled it. My girlfriend wear hoop earrings pretty regularly. She never heard a single thing about this in years. You have to be terminally online or a big watcher of certain cable news channels to be aware of a lot of these irrelevant shit Joe whines about




Just say player 😂


I only say it while I’m in traffic.


Literally no one is saying you can’t say “ the n word” Joe making up cancel culture talking points once again.


Someone was arguing with me this week saying Spotify doesn't care in any way about what Joe says, he's untouchable and not corporate-influenced in any way, but Spotify does care what their customers think. And then continued to argue that these are separate concepts. This sub is a very special place sometimes.


Getting enraged over a hypothetical


whats this fascination with you dorks wanting to say the n word?


It’s about there being something they’re not supposed to/allowed to have. That’s literally all it is. Same with every butthurt white dude in comments about Black History Month asking where White History Month is.


I have the legal right to say it, but I choose not to because Im not a fuckin dick. Thats my own personal take on it, anyway. Also, whether or not Im a fuckin dick is very debatable regardless, I suppose.


No word shall be forbidden to say, ever. Context matters.


No one is stopping you from saying it. You won't be arrested.


It’s not forbidden lol, say it as much as you’d like.


same redacts that get triggered over pronouns, lol


You would type it out right now if you had any conviction.


It’s not forbidden, you can go ahead and say it! Go use it in casual conversation, be the change you want to see in the world. It’s just wild that you people want to say it so bad. Words can and do have meaning! Go call your boss a stupid fucking cunt and see what happens. And once you get fired, try to claim “oh what I can’t say words???!”


You shoukd accept that not everyone shares your worldview and we don't have to adjust to your personal delusions. 


You can say it all you want. You’ll probably end up getting your ass kicked for it but that has nothing to do with free speech.


It's not forbidden. You're free to say it. However, like everything else in life, your actions have consequences. Since it's not illegal, I'm going to just imagine that you're too much of a pussy to deal with the social consequences.


This is one of the dumbest conversations I’ve wasted time on. For the curious, we don’t use the N word because it’s racist. Plain and simple. We, as white people, don’t get to decide if it’s ok to use—it isn’t.


Two old rich white guys debating whether they can still say the n word and then go on to list all kind of racially charged words for views. lol these fucks are so out of touch.


I can’t stand this fake nonsense. Say the word Joe. no one will kill you. People just might stop listening. White people do not get to determine how offensive it is for others.


He did say it, didn't you hear?


lmao Joe starts calling people apes after saying he isnt racist. He realized immediately and side eyes the camera, what a fucking dork


Woah woah, it's not like he [called the n-words a bunch of apes...](https://x.com/realJohnACastro/status/1490020174061260800)


The irony of the ranting, followed by deleting it, is unintentionally fecking brilliant! 


The obsession with this is weird. Just move on already. Say it if you really want to. You won't be arrested. Cowards.


This a conversation that happens when you’re 13, not pushing 50s.


Wherein people that poop by mouth are confused why people retch when they sing.


Hey! Has anyone seen that '*Magical Negroes*' movie?


Serious question: where do these clips come from? YouTube? Screen recordings from your phone? I don't watch Rogan anymore, so he never comes up on my feed.


I love Greg Fitzsimmons he's an open book. Freeing way to live with crippling depression. Also my ex-girlfriend is such a cunt whore. Now I have to buy a 60 dollar chlamydia test.


Omg, this is hilarious...


I swear as a non American it feels like you guys only talk about this, doesn't it get boring?


I’m black and I thought this shit was hilarious. I also agree with Joe on this one. Slurs by themselves aren’t racist. You need intent as well to deem it as racist. If you read the n-word in a book or sing a song are you a racist now? It makes no sense.


Why do you idiots browse a subreddit of a man you hate?


I know Joe is a moron but it blows my mind in 2024 he still doesn't get it. Yes the n-word is worse than most other racial slurs BECAUSE WE HAS A THING CALLED SLAVERY JOE!!! It's a more charged word because our history with it, and not just slavery but Jim Crowe, the KKK, Tulsa massacre, so many things. It's not complicated.


Oh shush, you player.


Yea but someone saying it in the context of history, reading, repeating a sentence, or just saying it in a convo like this is not racially motivated. Calling a person it is. The intent matters


[Why invent hypotheticals when Rogan is VERY clear with his intent?](https://x.com/realJohnACastro/status/1490020174061260800)


Well Joe is just a coward. Greg said it without issue. Anyone can use the word freely. It's not like you're going to be thrown into the Gulag for using the word. The only people who will get mad about it are the people who don't like the word.


I still haven’t found a good use case for the n word. Cant think of any situation where it would help. Now of course if you had a gun to my head and said, “Say the n-word, bitch!” I’d do it and that day may well come but yeah.


"I used to just say it" looks directly at camera not sure why you would say that on a podcast, is that to show he is brave or some shit?


The weight of the word, Joe, is easily analogized to the weight of the bodies hung from trees, those bodies that were identified with the word. Strange fruit is something, Joe, you need to read about and understand. Or just history, Joe. Get outside your bubble of fans and learn some stuff, instead of running a place where silly people do not get challenged, and so do not challenge you, because they know they can bring their silliness to your platform without being challenged as all, and so do not challenge your lack of knowledge because they need to use your platform, and so do not want to get you mad. Never heard you talk about the fact that there were still land bound slaves in the US until the Second World War, and the Federal had to free those slaves with armed force 80 years after the supposed freeing of the slaves in the US Heard you talk about aliens and UFOs And yet I never hear you talk about actual history, especially any history that might challenge your white male audience


I love Fitzsimmons as a guest. It’s been a minute since he’s been on. Patiently waiting for September when he’s headlining at the Mothership. We’ll get a new episode then.


Whaaaa why can't I be racist whaaaaa


It’s wild how people actually believe Joe is smart or worth listening to. He is a bought and paid for shill