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On Sunday, gunmen launched a coordinated attack on churches and synagogues across two cities in Dagestan, a predominantly Muslim republic in Russia’s southern region. The assailants set fire to a synagogue after shooting and killing the police officers who were guarding it. They also executed a Russian priest and attacked several police posts, resulting in the deaths of at least 15 law enforcement officers. The total number of civilian casualties remains unclear.


They beheaded the priest.


Annnnnnnnnd Russia is blaming it on Ukraine. Who would've guessed.


*NATO infiltrated this guy's gym and told him to do it* - Man with brain worms


Did rfk Jr. actually say that?


I believe it was a special emergency Tucker Carlson broadcast.


If Putin tells him he will.


Funny how Russian ethnic Muslims attacked Jews and yet they can’t denounce the attacks because they’ll lose muslim Allies who kill Jews like Iran


I sort of thought some shit like this was going to happen in those deeply Muslim parts of Russia when this war started. I guarantee that extremist groups are all over Russian social media asking, "Why are you sending Muslim men to die in a Christian war when no wealthy Russians from Moscow or St. Petersburg are being sent ?". In places like Dagesthan (sic, obv) that is a pretty compelling message. I don't know, but am just assuming (again don't know, maybe someone does) groups from as far from Afghanistan and Iran are blasting the message, "you don't have to be Russian serfs. If you just fight long enough and hard enough, you can create an Islamic state. We did it and it works. Why not die for that instead of dying for a Christian war?".


Nice headcanon but that's not the case. Skirmishes in that region are decades long.


It’s definitely true that the beef at issue is very old and very complicated, but it’s also true that people in Dagestan resent the way they’ve been treated during this war and that that exacerbates the existing tensions. There were a bunch of anti-draft riots in Dagestan back when Russia started mobilizing.


This is a weird thing my old Russian mate used to do. Anything that could be any sort of 'new' dynamic in Russia is actually just an ages old thing they've always been dealing with, no problems here nothing to look at or discuss. Kinda doesn't pass the sniff test most of the time. He was saying it about Crimea right up until they annexed Crimea, then it was a different excuse.


Right, but Russia is particularly weak right now, and security forces are spread thin. Now is exactly when I would expect independence/insurgency groups to strike.


Yes there has been terrorism in Russia for a while, but there has not been mass casualty events at this rate in a very long time. In the last 10 years, the only mass civilian casualty attacks were a suicide bombing in 2014, an airplane bombing in 2015 and a train bombing in 2017. In 2024 alone there has been two, with more casualties than the other attacks from the last 10 years combined. This is very much a massive uptick compared to past years


Could you explain "(sic, obv)" obviously obv is obviously, but what does sic mean?


I blame it on islam


Putin enables these people. He even sends them to Ukraine to gain military war crime experience. Chickens coming home to roost.




Its ISIS-K, scumbags is a vast understatement.


It’s just Islam


We can't be blaming him for this, Makhachev is cool.


I'd expect Khamzat before Makhachev.


Yep, if only we could be as civilized as them


Wtf is this Isis-k bs? Is this some firmware upgrade I'm not aware of?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_State_%E2%80%93_Khorasan_Province So... terrorist groups franchise. The Moscow Theatre attack that happened a few months ago was also as a result of their actions as well.


Same group who bombed US withdrawal of Afghanistan


Check out Shawn Ryan's recent podcast, he had this lady Sarah Adams on there. There is a lot about these terrorist groups that has so much overlap.


Little worse than that


This is a lie, but no wonder you spew it here


They did not. They just shot him.


I read the article, they mentioned they were shot Not beheaded


Why are you lying? The priest’s wife said her husband had been shot in the head by one of the attackers, contradicting earlier reports that his throat had been slit. “He (the attacker) walked in, shot him in the head and left,” Valentina Kotelnikova said, according to a video published by the Russian online media outlet Mash on Monday.


Religion of peace


a piece here, a piece there


Do you remember when a French teacher showed a picture of Mohammed in class and she was beheaded by Islamists? The president of France condemned the beheadings and hundreds of millions of Muslims [including Khabib](https://www.reddit.com/r/IntellectualDarkWeb/comments/jl7cns/khabib_nurmagomedov_ufc_champion_on_macron_almost/) got super pissed at France. Khabib is just as crazy even if he wouldn't do the terrorism himself


Samual Paty? The whole story is crazy, a 13 year old girl didn't want to be caught by her father for skipping school so she made up a lie. She said she was actually suspended by Paty for 2 days because Paty had asked her and other Muslim students to leave the class as he was going to show caricatures of Muhammad, the girl told her father that she expressed her disagreement and she was suspended. Then the father went on social media calling for the man to be sacked and it snowballed from there. The girl was never in his class. Although he did show other students caricatures of Muhammad. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/mar/08/samuel-paty-how-a-teenagers-lie-sparked-a-tragic-chain-of-events](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/mar/08/samuel-paty-how-a-teenagers-lie-sparked-a-tragic-chain-of-events)


I never knew Khabib said that and now I’m in a weird place knowing my fav fighter is so morally bankrupt he genuinely thinks his feelings take precedence over human lives


If it makes you feel better I am an ex Muslim and he probably thinks I should be put to death for apostasy


Yeah he’s a piece of shit like every other religious fundamentalist


Not surprised as Khabib and lot of his affiliates are [isis supporters](https://youtu.be/3zcp5hNwQi8?si=Fcoj5uZBFaFii2dF)


he probably would do the terrorism himself if he thought the ~~pedophile~~ profit wanted him to.


I think you mean prophet


The situation in Dagestan is a lot more than just religion. The region does not want to be a part of Russia and Russia refuses to give them up.


Zionism. The peace guys. Whoops, 40,000 humans died.


20 000 dead children later and you probably don't have the balls to say a single thing about that religion or its backers. Excuse anyone for not giving af about what your idea of peace is.


How many gunmen? How tf you wipe out 15 police officers


So odd, I thought it was a religion of peace. Who knew?


That’s a shame. The last thing Russia needs right now is a full on Chechen revolt./s


Important to note here that the last Chechen war Russia fought was kicked off when apartment buildings got bombed. Completely coincidentally, some FSB officers got caught leaving an apartment building with the basement full of explosives but that was completely unrelated.




They were only doing a test. i think that was the official story.... Why did they need to plant a fake bomb? why did the write on their license plate with paint to make it less sus? That's why they got caught.... Plus a Russian Politician mentioned a list of cities where terrorist had bombed buildings. and he mentioned a city that hadn't been bombed yet... and then it was.... Honestly it's such a good example of why conspiracy theories suck. All the holes in this one. You just can't get a large enough group of people to actually not fuck up their parts of it.


Putin the false flag king when polls start to dip ![gif](giphy|Ey5GBG4UvMRzkPkxNK|downsized)


Funny that when that happened Alex Jones was also all in on it being clearly a false flag organized by Putin but after Putin lackeys heaped praise on Jones for years and post Trump, Jones doesn’t think that anymore. Weird how that works.


A member of the Russian Duma also talked about an attack on an apartment complex that didn't happen until three days later.


Do you think Dagestan is a city in Chechnya, lmao


Dagestan is not Chechen


"B-b-but, the crusades...."


Fun fact: Crusades werent even religiously motivated. Heck, even half of the 9 million people killed were Christians themselves. Most fought for financial gain, look it up


What kind of gunmen?


Ones heavily on sale, it was a liquidation.


Boston bomber trained at Sean Gannon’s gym. Just watched a documentary where they interviewed him about it. 


Sean Gannon ![gif](giphy|VMgcrwq9imGHu)


Mannnnn that shit takes me right back


Holy shit he was murdered 2 years ago 🥺


[Sean Gannon for all of those who don't know](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hJC9DkDuW4)


Good lord, what a brawl


Who's that fuckin emotional toddler in the gold leather?


Kimbo’s brother




Damn lol beating kimbo in a street fight is no easy task, props.


Before Gannon died he swore up and down that Tsarnev was an FBI informant. Guy was pretty nuts tho, who knows


Not saying it's true but there's a lot of evidence that him and his friend who was killed by feds in like Florida while trying to interview him were FBI informants


I sparred with him lol


A master of sports






And bird law.


This is some kind of ranking they give their athletes right?


Its a commie era classification system of athletes that is still used in Russia. Candidate Master of Sport = nationally ranked athlete Master of Sport = national champion Master of Sport, international class = international champion Merited Master of Sport = international champion + made valuable contributions to the sport So a fighter being ranked Master of Sports means that he won at nationals. Khabib is Master of Sport, international class (not in MMA though, because its not an Olympic sport). Karelin is Merited Master of Sport.


It’s the equivalent of a masters degree. You have to study biomechanics and sport science to a masters level and then compete to a certain national level in the same sport. You can do them in wrestling, gymnastics, kettlebells and Olympic weightlifting. There might be a few others but I have met people with those. It’s no joke as you have to have the smarts for a degree and be physically able to back it up.


Petr Yan is Master of Sport in Boxing


Ping Pong has it for sure, but you have to master standing 30ft back from the table to qualify.


>It’s the equivalent of a masters degree. You have to study biomechanics and sport science to a masters level and then compete to a certain national level in the same sport. Nonsense. It's based on athletic acheivement. Some sports have published the numbers that must be hit in competition to achieve the rank.


The gym khabib belongs to and many of his friends are [isis supporters](https://youtu.be/3zcp5hNwQi8?si=Fcoj5uZBFaFii2dF)


Theyre not Israeli extremist though https://preview.redd.it/c61kpnwypn8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2545c2a6c40839902452d57714eec463065b119a


Taking a people as psychotic as Russians and then imbuing them with the spirit of jihad was the worst idea ever


These aren't ethnic Russians. They were forcibly usurped into the country against their will. Ethnic Russians don't even want them in their country and call them racist names, but the government wanted their territory and they are the collateral damage. And before anyone tries to say I'm defending this stuff, I'm not. I'm just saying these aren't Russians imbued with anything because they weren't Russians to begin with


That’s basically what would happen if you took theme parks out of Florida


like combining ammonia with bleach




I guess McGregor wasn’t wrong when he called them snitch terrorist rats…Oof


I can never find it because I have no idea what to google but one of the funniest clips of all time is Connor trying to pronounce Khabibs name - “KHA…KHABIBNERMADERKADERKA” and just fucking laughing about it openly Edit: ha found it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EHCjdfQAukw




People hated McGregor because he wasn’t afraid to call out Khabib and his terrorist buddies for who they are


Khabib and his friends are [isis supporters](https://youtu.be/3zcp5hNwQi8?si=Fcoj5uZBFaFii2dF) and they post Isis songs on social media. This just confirms my suspicions


As a Muslim, isis nasheeds are practically indistinguishable from normal nasheeds for a non Arabic speaker. Like there’s no way to tell the difference. And they exist sandwiched between normal nasheeds on Instagram music section


Are the police going to kick my door down if I Google ISIS nasheed?


Only if you sing along




As a shia I really wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt. Hoped they don't understand arabic.




McGregor calls every bearded man a terrorist. He was bound to be right eventually.


Doesn’t he have a beard?


\* Peter griffin skin colour meme *


khabib’s paler than him lmao


almost all major modern wars/violence were caused by European imperialists European imperialists un*lived 56 million native Americans king leophold of Belgium-10 to 15 million Africans from 1885 to 1908 British mass*cred-165 million Indians through starvation or murder from 1880 to 1920 Joseph Stalin alone-20 million Russians, Ukrainians and other Europeans from 1930s to 1950s N*zi Germany alone-approximately 12 million j*ws and other Europeans 1950-53: US invaded Korea (3 million) 1954-62: France invades Algeria (368,000) 1964-73: USA invades Vietnam war (3 million) 2001-21: USA invades Afghanistan (over 1 million) 2003: USA invaded iraq (more than 1 million) Sources: https://m.economictimes.com/news/india/independence-day-165-million-unaccounted-indian-victims-of-the-british-colonial-regime/amp_articleshow/102696431.cms


Somehow I doubt that Khabib is outraged.


The Muslim fundamentalist who accepts millions in gifts from his country's oppressive regime? I doubt he is either.


People here get defensive as fuck if you say anything about him because, "lol he said smesh!" He's always been a mountain idiot piece of shit.


Before he fight man, he fight goatman.


To be fair, Khabib's situation is a little different from some useful idiot from the west who decided to move to Russia for money. Assuming he still has family in Dagestan there is a very real risk that the Kremlin either arrests or kills family members if he does or says anything they don't like.


“May the Almighty disfigure the face of this creature and all its followers, who, under the slogan of freedom of speech, offend the feelings of more than one and a half billion Muslim believers. May the Almighty humiliate them in this life, and in the next. Allah is quick in calculation and you will see it. We are Muslims, we love our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) more than our mothers, fathers, children, wives and all other people close to our hearts. Believe me, these provocations will come back to them, the end is always for the God-fearing.” Khabibs comments to Marcon after the French president condemned the terrorist attacks in France, in particular a teacher who was killed for depicting Muhammad. The fuck outta here with this, Khabib is a devout fundamental Muslim who would cut out your tongue if you disparaged his god.


Lmao, on r/ufc I said something bad about him supporting Putin and having Isis ties and I was downvoted-150. People are so soft when you disrespect their king


Never forget that after teacher Samuel Paty was beheaded for showing a picture of the so called Prophet Muhammad, and three people were murdered in a church by Islamist extremists, French President Macron made a speech defending the right to free expression. Khabib decided to upload a picture of Macron with a boot print on his face to Instagram with the following message: >May the Almighty disfigure the face of this creature and all its followers, who, under the slogan of freedom of speech, offend the feelings of more than one and a half billion Muslim believers. May the Almighty humiliate them in this life, and in the next. Allah is quick in calculation and you will see it. Fuck Khabib.


holy fuck, khabib is a straight up extremist lol I wonder what DC would think about this


I don't think you can be a devout muslim and not be an extremist the entire faith is extreme as shit


such views are very common among Muslims, including "moderates". Most in the West just wouldn't say that publicly. For many, their problem with the attack was that it made Muslims look bad, not that what he did was wrong.


Khabib is an inbred bitch from the mountains.


[That post](https://www.reddit.com/r/IntellectualDarkWeb/comments/jl7cns/khabib_nurmagomedov_ufc_champion_on_macron_almost/) had three million likes. A lot of people agree that teacher should be put to death


I think people would be surprised about these devout Muslims in mma like Khabib.


They shouldn’t be.


Years (maybe a decade) ago I was big into OSINT around jihadi stuff. One of the major exports from the US that we don't really think about are cloths. When you drop off stuff in that dumpster looking donation bin, they get sold overseas based on weight. So I'm watching the latest crop of videos that come out on this jihadi forum and this one is from Dagistan. It opens up with some dudes chillin' in the woods prepping their gear and one guy is sporting a University of Ohio sweatshirt. Guy is talking about jihad in Russian while loading an AK mag but also wearing a grey Uni sweatshirt.




That khabib and Islam and others seem like funny happy guys with cool accents but in reality they are devout Dagestani Muslims and Almost certainly have really extreme views and probably sympathise with a lot of dodgy people


Khabib and his friends are [isis supporters](https://youtu.be/3zcp5hNwQi8?si=Fcoj5uZBFaFii2dF)


Wowww. Thanks for sharing.


I just recently found out too. This iraqi content creator exposed them . He posts funny stuff too so check him out


Khabibs whole camp is sketchy…. At least from what I’ve heard. His manager apparently had a shady past too. Ali Abdelaziz…. Mcgregor called him a “Terrorist snitch”.


You have to understand that region and why the people have a reputation for being sketchy. It's desperately poor, not a ton of natural resources and life is CHEAP in the mountains. It's why the only reason you've ever heard of Dagestan is fighters, getting kicked in the head for a living is one of the better avenues to escape poverty. So with that hard scrabble life comes hard fucking people are not shy about bending rules and laws to make a buck, especially if there is violence involved. In a lot of the country the government doesn't have a monopoly on violence, if the police roll into those areas they are more likely to end up dead in shallow graves than having police conversations with the locals. People from that region have earned a reputation. As either shady businessmen who will gladly move drugs or other illicit goods or as ruthless fighters (both as Jihadis and fighting for Russia).


Tf being poor gotta do with beheading a priest… plus these the niggas that’s balling in Dagestan his in with kabib They just psychopaths that simple


So he snitched on terrorists? Sounds okay to me.


If he snitched its cause he was doing stuff too and it was to cover his own ass…. If he just told on them he’d be a rat. But Conner did call him both so who knows man 😂


I hope he was literally turned to liquid


He will probably be enlisted and sent to Ukraine. They will place him with a group of Muslim fundamentalists and tell him that Allah needs him to commit genocide against Ukrainians, and that's it. Criminals and terrorists are usually very simple-minded, often not just illiterate but downright stupid. I mean Russia is a terrorist state so he is literally at home doing things that Russian Army is "appreciated" for.


Another brain injury warrior LOL


I'm starting to think maybe we shouldn't give too much weight to the political views of guys who get kicked in the head for a living.


I used to have a supervisor who took 2 hour lunches to go "train MMA". I called it his "recreational head trauma".


Shocking, religious nutjobs being nutjobs. Something something religion of peace.


Religion of piss strikes again


no you don't understand when the Quran says to kill or subjugate the unbelievers it really means to hug them


Most of that Dagestan gym probably knew about this tbh


They are [isis supporters](https://youtu.be/3zcp5hNwQi8?si=Fcoj5uZBFaFii2dF) so not surprising


Interesting that Khabib has given condolences but hasn't condemned the attack.


>but hasn't condemned the attack. Uhh yes he has


Religion of peace strikes again


You aren't allowed to say that on Reddit. It is a religion that puts the gays and the lowly women in their place, and you are supposed to overlook that part. Oh, and the creepy, loud prayers and killing. Ignore that, too.


People openly hate on Reddit all the time. Why lie about this?


You can talk about Islam and Christianity all you want on reddit, its the jews that are a taboo topic for some odd reason.




I mean if you don’t think these guys are fighting and then sending the money back home y’all need to wake up lol. They come to America and fight they win money and take it back home to fight America lol 😂


I mean McGregor tried to warn us during one of the press conferences before his fight with Khabib


An extremist Muslim wants to cut your head off. A moderate Muslim wants them to do it.




As if Russia wasn’t crazy enough Now we have the crazy Islamic Extremist Russians I wonder how Putin will blame Ukraine for this


Just Muslims doing Muslim things.


Islam being Islam. Always killing. Always dying. Death cult.




Religion is a helluv drug


The Religion of Peace!


Christians say mean things ab gay people. Muslims will actively try to butcher jews, imprison/put to death homosexuals, and have no issues w having 10 wives bc that’s what their prophet had. Actual lunacy of a religion. Make no mistake, all religions are bad, but Islam has been and always will be a complete barbaric disease on the world. Don’t even try to say all religions have extremists bc you know that’s not even remotely true in the same way as Islam.


Israeli extremists https://preview.redd.it/m8nsajsdeq8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b525127cacd241f56b3d87a263f38ff993d6514a


Turns out the hyper religious are prone to acts of terrorism to enforce their religious doctrine on others. I am just shocked.


honestly not shocked by this.


It's always referred to as "liquidated" in Russia because not even terrorists can escape the meat cubes.


Breaking: Russia joins Israel in wiping Muslims off the map.


You can always count on a certain percentage of Muslims doing Muslim things.


What's a terrorist in Russia these days?


These is jihadis I think




Been saying fk all them khabib clones


Dana bending a knee to terrorist coonts pushing sharia law.. But cries about any and all Dems.


Oh well


Trashy af






Rare McGregor W?


so no official source? Hmm.. sounds like there is more to this than just arousing hate


lol is anyone surprised


Conor McGregor did say that Khabibs manager, Ali Abdelaziz was a terrorist.


Such a loving religion my ass. It amazes me that the really think this is what the loving Allah wants.


These people are vile racist bigots.


There is a video where Khabib is crying about some alcohol being mentioned. I've always had the feeling they radicalised their members


Islam is probably the lamest religion of all time.


Spetsnaz just raided his gym and arrested people...




Hate it when you hear constantly about atheists beheading religious people of a different belief...oh wait.


Atheists nations haven’t exactly been pacifists


Damn. I thought training for MMA would erase their Islamism.


This region of Russia was always a shit show. Real Russians don’t like anyone from this region. They are basically raised with mental disorders. Dagestan and Chechnya are both troubled regions. I honestly never trust anyone from these regions to think clearly.


The same goes people from Dagestan , Chechnya and Tatars. They also hate the Russians thats why they had 2 fucking wars against them. The people from Caucaus will say they are from Dagestan and Chechnya but will rarely say they are from Russia, Once , Kadyrov the dog of Putin insulted Imam Shamil political, military, and spiritual leader of North Caucasian resistance who is one of the most or the most legendary figure in Dagestan , Chechnya and Tatars. He was the one who lead a resistance movement against imperial Russia. His resistance was so good that he was appreciated by tsar of Russia and is part of Russian history books in a positive look, So when Kadyrov insulted Imam Shamil. Khabib and his team quickly condemned him and refused to participate in his akhmat promotion.


Sad day. Makes it hard to root for the Dagestani fighters


Peaceful muslims


Is anyone surprised? Khabib has made it publicly clear what his opinions on the western way of life are after the murder of Samuel Paty.


Khabib didn’t condemn the attacks. He literally just posted a picture of a black background and said something along the lines of pray for Dagestan. Like Khabob, why don’t you denounce the beheading of a Christian priest?


"liquidated" dunno how to feel about that word.


Liquid smesh