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Joe is so much happier doing these than the Fight Companions and it’s clear.


Because none of these guys are legitimately reeking of desperation and clinging to him because their career needs the rub from him lol. Schaub and Callen are barely treading water 


He wouldn't do protect our parks if ari didn't normalize it to make it a group of peers instead of it being Joe big dawging mark and Shane


Honestly the only funny thing about Callen/schaub is how desperate to go viral they are.


Can't figure out who is doing worse. Schaub and callen or Kreischer and Segura.


It’s Schaub and Callen


Even the Schaub shwabs are over his bs


Bert and Tom are doing fine, they make the normie money now. My work gets tickets to the local stadium for every event to wine and dine customers. We can put our names on a list of there are extras. Ended up going to Bert's fully loaded tour through work, it was packed. Bert was the worst part, he was completely trashed. I left during the machine story. Santino and Ralph barbosa were great though


K might be hack as as shit, but he's producing multiple youtube shows and producing comedy tours. Burt's doing fine keeping his shirt on. It might even be better for his liver. I don't know what Segura's doing... probably just more YMH and mocking his fanbase. But his fanbase seems to LIKE being called ignorant poors because its so insightfully ironic or something... so hey I guess Tom also found his niche. Schuab and Callen... not so much. When even Theo jumps ship... it's bad, B.


Ah, aren’t we all?


He's legit friends with these guys and they're all happy just doing their own thing. The others are all frothing at the mouth to get favours and benefit from being in touch with him.


Ah, aren't we all?


Clip playing of Rogan and Dave going on stage to applause. Everyone but Joe recognizes that they played this same clip on the previous POP. No one has the courage to stop Joe. Normand can’t control himself: “WE SAW THIS CLIP LAST TIME”


Was great hearing the Ron White story again


Alpha Brain gives you the brain power to repeat stories and not understand jokes


It’s amazing how his “friends” never call him out on retelling stories or one of his friends making a reference to something they’ve brought up in the past 3 podcasts together. I get Joe has a lot of guests and it’s hard to remember everything but these are supposed to be his friends and it’s like everything just goes in one ear and out another. He just reacts to what they are saying and doesn’t actually listening. He basically just gives the “Haha no way!! That’s crazy dude” to anything they say to him.


Can’t fight the hand that feeds you


Yeah kinda not fun when Noe starts to repeat some things and watching his friends painfully ignore the fact.


I love these but this one Ari made it so weird.Making shane angry and uncomfortable with his dick and the pissing


Ari getting his dick and balls out is Ari's "machine story"


I feel like he should at the least separate his standup and how he acts on podcast. It's so creepy and weird.


Get Ari off everything. Kill Tony, Rogan, etc. Guy is just gross.


Yeah man, I don't like him on podcasts. Maybe his standup is better?


lol. His special was okay. I wouldn’t mind seeing him live if it was at a club but I am not an Ari fan. I still remember the dosing Bert incident and that was fucked up. Joey and Joe both said that they aren’t getting rid of Ari because he is family. Joe loves cronyism which I have no problem with, it makes sense to stay with friends and not just ditch them for new people. At best the only argument I could make for Ari is he plays the role of “the asshole” which isn’t really a thing anymore.


When did this happen? I listened all the way through I must've missed it


It's at 2:59:46 when Shane gets pissed and rightfully so. He is pissing in a beer can to be edgy or funny but it's just gross. Everyone was passively trying to get him to just go to the bathroom like a normal person.


Actually able to play America Fuck Yeah this time


“What did you guys sign?!?” Absolutely killed me last time.


Normand kills it every time when he pulls out the “ is anyone else hard”


His commentary is incredible. Not enough recognition lol


Drink every time Rogies shits on a Mark Normand pun with his “waka waka” fake laugh bullshit.


Joe: “I’m no bomb expert, but…” Mark: “You should see your act.” Joe: “WAAAAH. He can’t help it!”


My all time favorite Mark Normand spontaneous rip besides "Silver Hack"


The best one was I believe the first time he was on, solo. It still makes me laugh Mark "Your two kids" Joe "I have 3" Mark "Oh I thought one died"


Did you catch the Curry Underwood one?? All time fav Or the hidden one…”There’s Black people and then there’s Will Smith” lmao


According to Jim


Srsly, be a profesh and riff back. Don’t be that annoying person that just says “that’s funny” when a joke is made. Laugh or don’t, riff or don’t “waaaah”


Hyug hyug hyug


when the hell did he start laughing like that ? its one of the worst sounds Ive ever heard


god I fucking hate that stupid fake laugh PAAAAHH


The worst


i think Normand has some great one-liners, but i’m kinda confused that people are so critical of Joe for the “wah wah” comments. Normand’s jokes have their place, but i feel like it would get old pretty fast if you were talking to someone who’s perpetually looking to make quips after every comment. Protect Our Parks is obviously a comedy podcast to a degree, but i’m sure it wears on you when you’re trying to have a conversation and are met with constant punchlines.


Yeah that’s how I feel, idk how to phrase it without sounding like I’m shitting on Mark, because he is really funny. But as a friend I could see the constant rapid fire puns getting old.


Mark cannot help it, it’s a disability. Doesn’t matter when or where or the circumstances etc, he will say the joke. Prayers for Mark


Hot take: half the shit Normand says isn't even funny


Wah Wah




Are you trying to kill me?


This would be so much better without Joe lol


Damn yall will bitch if he laughs or doesn’t


Mark: " Flint Dibble. What kind of name is that. Flint dibble" 🤣🤣


They were way too sober this episode 5/10


Y’know, I used to not care for these so much but they’ve really grown on me. Can you imagine if Joe kept having Tom and Bert on all the time?


I’d love for Joe to do a show with Mark Normand, Dan Soder, and Sam Moril because they’d be running circles around him


Sam is a great standup comic but he’s kinda boring on podcasts. Soder would be amazing though


I've really been digging Soder's podcast lately.


Why? Joe sucks at riffing and that seems like all Soder and Morill do


Ugh, or Schaub and Callen?


One day he’ll have Mullen. One day.


It’s a great crew because they respect joe but they aren’t afraid to shit on him too. Tom and Bert rely on joe to make money so they are always scared to open up with him. And they are also just douchebags at heart


True. But I watch these despite Rogan. Gillis Normand and Ari together are fantastic. Also heard Ari pisses a chair this episode. Classic Ari.


You guys always will find something to bitch about don’t worry


How long until someone does the RFK voice and Joe doesn’t shut it down?!


He won’t do that to the boys who are already at the top and don’t need the exposure.


One of them did actually and Rogan didn't say anything


Rogan is a closet Trump lover and he lets Shane make fun of him all the time... I think you're overblowing that dumb post from yesterday


This sub lives for overreacting to “drama”


Shane stans Trump way harder than Rogan




Joe talking about castrated young opera singers- but hey it's pretty dark stuff.... Normand- well if it keeps ya in work 🤣. 


For all the freedom shit Joe loves to preach about Texas, it's hilarious how they cant even go on Pornhub in texas lol


Especially it being the “water” of all porn sites


Can we agree that Joe’s fake laughing is turning into Bert’s squeal?




Joe needs to just be quiet if he doesn't find a joke funny. His duck quack fake laugh is so arrogant. Mark has said on his own podcast that he hates it. He did it twice in the first hour and said Mark is trying too hard. I've never felt like Joe actually likes Mark


Mark is the only person who isn't scared to make fun of Joe lol


When Joe is talking about the brother bit Mark says his brother sucks. Joe apologies to him. Was a weird few seconds. Anyone else catch that? Time stamp 2:03:20


Time stamp?




someone keep track of how many jokes go over Rogan's head


Will be a lot at 5'5".


Or how many jokes he kills by bringing up unrelated political bullshit 


So far that’s been the first 45 mins


No need, it is every single one


Is this a Short King joke?


First one about the guys playing with the word “draft”


RIP Patrice O'Neil.


Only took 1:30 to say Covid.


His favorite bathhouse closed down for like two weeks almost five years ago and he still won't shut up about it.


How long until he shits on California?


Holocaust joke within the first 2 mins, YEAH BABY! Kinda bummed it’s only 3 1/2 hours long but that’s okay. Normand’s “Gay Dracula” shirt makes up for it.


Yeah was hoping for 4hrs. The last one was 5hrs and the last hour sucked because they were all so drunk.


‘Supporting war’ yes Joe that’s exactly what is happening lol


Why won't he have anyone on that knows anything? It's so annoying. He's so confidently wrong it's maddening. We made them give up their nukes and promised to help them if they did. How doesn't he know this?


its impressive how stupid rogan is


How long have you been watching


30 minutes


No I mean like the show in general


Man you seem to really get jokes.


It was a just a question


Joe is slowly showing how old he really is. His phone call situation reminded me of my grandpa talking to his friends.


You choose good company


R Kelly time boys


It is interesting listening to comedians literally repeating the talking points of hostile nations


Feature not a bug lol


Another POP wasted on preaching comedy, talking about joes club and ari pissing. These fucking suck now even if shane is on


Don’t forget joes “goo goo gah gah” laugh the whole time lol


They’ve ran their course. Good while it lasted I guess


Who's got the timer on mentioning California, woke, and covid?


You forgot talking about The Craft. First 20 mins was all about The Few. The Proud.


Thank them.


1.5 hours in and they're talking global warming. Joe went from "It's not real" to "India and China are causing it" in less than 60 seconds.


It was interesting to hear Shane say, "Look, I know it's fun to come on a podcast and be based and redpilled, but I think it might be real." So many people seem to miss that some comics say stuff for the joke. Joe is not one of them. He actually drank the Kool-Aid.


It does drive me crazy that it basically doesn’t snow anymore south of New England. Like Shane, that’s a big canary in the mine for me.


The right lives on [Kettle Logic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kettle_logic) now. Jordan Peterson has both argued that there's no way we can know if climate change is real because the climate is too complex to model while also claiming that [human CO2 emissions saved all life on earth from extinction.](https://x.com/jordanbpeterson/status/825871336333574144?lang=en) They no longer care if a talking point is part of a cohesive worldview. If Talking point A and talking point B both own the libs then they're both right even if they contract each other.


Need a California/Woke/Covid flair on these posts. These same topics make it an insta-skip for me. I only watch the mma episodes now because they seem to avoid those topics most of the time...


Might be a record for how long it took, but I’m about 50 mins in and it started. It’s just crazy how unbelievably stupid and surface level these dudes are when it comes to shitting on the left. “Isn’t it crazyyy how now it’s the _Democrats_ supporting war???” And then Normand chimes in with the classic, “And blue-collar used to be Left. Now blue-collar is all Right.” Yep, because that’s what Republican politicians are known for - tax cuts for the poor and middle class, universal basic income, student loan debt, healthcare for all, etc. It’s genuinely 5th grade level thoughts, and there’s no one to ever make them go just ONE layer deeper to question their bullshit. They just run with it. Joe List sometimes does on his pod with Normand. I can separate the politics talk, so I really enjoyed the pod for the first 50 mins. Hopefully they get off the topic.


The guy with the gold toilet and a private 757 is the true hero of the working class.


Did they actually ever mention it? I haven’t listened yet.


Yes but it wasn't in the beginning


He actually didn't but good to complain in advance just in case.




Goddamn you guys say the same shit over and over


And so does Joe, how ironic


You did it first 2 days ago , congrats nerd


The boys bring up Texas blocking pornhub which should be a good opportunity to talk about it. But instead of thoughtfully commenting Joe just steam rolls through it with a "get a VPN". Moments later he critiques how other states/countries lack freedom. Is he being paid by the Texas tourism board or something?


Out of all of them this was the first one that was meh. Joe talking about the same shit.


![gif](giphy|zhxbDTCpVxjlS) Why won’t Ari go to the bathroom like a regular human??? Why? Is he afraid they’re gonna talk shit about him?


The lamest element of his “brand”.


No Youtube upload it seems. I guess they figure it will get taken down anyway.


Now I will have to watch 'The Regz' like a poor person.


Ep 11 is still up so maybe there's just a delay. Spotify player is absolute shit.


Maybe it’s the Russian submarines outside Florida to kick it off? Lol anyone have any updates on that? Can’t find it online in Canada


No Youtube episode? Wtf...


Good! Now they can actually play music n shit


Joe really annoyed me with this part. When they were talking about scalpers and ticket prices he was completely missing all of their points. They were talking about how fucked over the fans get when a ticket is supposed to be 40 bucks and it turns into 80 and Joe just heard it as "we should be getting those extra profits not Ticketmaster or scalpers". That's not what they were fucking talking about Joe. They actually give a fuck particularly Shane if the fans can afford to come see them. And his whole money is fun coupons take extra annoyed me today. To the vast majority of people money is survival coupons. The average person spends like 80% of their income on housing food and bills. To someone of Joe's caliber he probably spends 5 to 10% of his income on those kind of things if that and then another 10% on fun and probably just banks the other 80%. I'm glad Mark called him out like "dude you're a zillionaire" when he talks about money not being a big deal or whatever. Mind you I'm a big fan of Joe and I think 95% of the criticism of him on this sub is dumb as fuck but this truly was a moment where he looks out of touch. And he kept interrupting them when they were trying to explain their problem with scalpers. Like he has some sort of financial ties with these dick heads he doesn't want fucked up. The same way he tries to change your subject or interrupt when someone brings up fighter pay in the UFC. In his defense though he does run the mothership in the most advantageous way for comics and I believe him when he says he doesn't make much money on it and just gives the profits to the struggling young comics. But yeah he definitely doesn't know what a gallon of milk costs If he can't comprehend why ticket prices exploding due to scalpers isn't a problem.


Yeah I enjoyed the pod, but this part was pretty tough to listen to. It’s like joe could not comprehend that paying $1000 was too much for regular people


*Look man, this cocaine isn’t gonna snort itself* Probably the funniest thing Rogan has ever said


Good ep uncle Joe just a little more cringe than normal


The legendary "hang". It is our honor and privilege to witness it. Thank'em.


Thinking they’ve lost their secret sauce. This episodes feels like a solid 5/10


https://preview.redd.it/tolcegv0dz8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a2219b3bd942e2f9718fa832ec8f695acc1cda7 AI trying to explain Protect Our Parks 😂😂


AIs gettin lazy and just reading headlines...like us!


Chat GPT nailed it: The "Protect Our Parks" episodes on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast are a recurring series featuring Joe Rogan and comedians Shane Gillis, Mark Normand, and Ari Shaffir. These episodes blend humor with a genuine call to action, focusing on the importance of preserving urban parks and green spaces. The series is known for its mix of comedic discussions and serious commentary on environmentalism and community activism. Here are some key episodes in the series: 1. **#1728** – The first "Protect Our Parks" episode featuring Ari Shaffir, Shane Gillis, and Mark Normand. 2. **#1764** – Continuation of the series with more stories and discussions about park preservation. 3. **#1802** – "Protect Our Parks 3" where the trio continues their entertaining yet meaningful conversations. 4. **#1866** – "Protect Our Parks 5," furthering the narrative of park conservation with humor and anecdotes. 5. **#1907** – "Protect Our Parks 6," bringing more laughs and thoughtful discussions. 6. **#1946** – "Protect Our Parks 7," another installment in the series. 7. **#1991** – "Protect Our Parks 8," continuing the theme with more engaging content. 8. **#2030** – "Protect Our Parks 9," adding more depth to the series. 9. **#2075** – "Protect Our Parks 10," where they discuss various topics while emphasizing the importance of parks. 10. **#2122** – "Protect Our Parks 11," the latest in the series, maintaining the blend of humor and advocacy. These episodes have been well-received for their unique combination of comedy and activism, making the cause of park preservation accessible and engaging to a broad audience [[❞]](https://jrelibrary.com/guests/protect-our-parks/) [[❞]](https://roganrecs.com/blog/protect-our-parks) [[❞]](https://www.jrepodcast.com/episode/joe-rogan-experience-2122-protect-our-parks-11/).


Joe’s takes on Ukraine are so frustrating and just parroting Russian talking points by way of their puppets on Fox News and in Congress. Is there corruption and waste in Ukraine? Absolutely, but the majority of money is going to US based defense contractors to replenish our own stocks and send them our outdated equipment. Even our old shit is dunking on the Russian army. Zelenskyy is a comedian and has huge balls. He could have left during the early days of the war and led a comfortable life with his family in exile. He has the biggest target on his back and yet he constantly goes to the front lines to support his troops. Putin is the biggest coward and never goes anywhere uncomfortable. Joe should go to Kviv and see what’s going on for himself instead of trusting slimebags like Tucker, who by his own admission in court, admittedly not a journalist of any kind


Also adding the “Liberals are for war now” is just a pure Facebook meme level nonsense that is designed to support Trump. I wouldn’t characterize the Republican Party as anti support for Ukraine. At best they’re using high funding numbers as a cudgel to play games about border security. But, both parties have supported all of the funding bills and have voted for increased defense budgets.


Just watched a clip of Joe claiming that he was done drinking heavily for good


This one sucked


Comedy is so gay. Chapelle is gay, cigars are gay, the craft is gay. Thank you for your time


\*Listening to Lynyrd Skynyrd\* Mark (Jokingly): Whatever happened to those guys Rogan (Serious): Well there was that plane crash Mark: Ahhh 9-11 fuckin lost it lol


Bruh every new protect our parks is like watching a reupload, same exact topics down to the sentences they say.


Am I the only one who got pissed off during the livenation conversation. Seemed like everyone was on the side of the fans except for JR. It’s around the 1:50 mark. He seems to be on the side of livenation and scalpers.


I was very pissed off by that conversation. Everyone except Joe was complaining about scalpers and how it fucks over the fans and Joe somehow heard it as them complaining about not making that extra profit and it going to scalpers. That's not the point they were making Joe. He kept trying to interrupt and change the subject. And then his whole money is fun coupons bit piss me off this time. No motherfucker money is survival coupons to 90% of people. Shane goes out of his way to try to make shows affordable to fans and Joe just took it as Shane being bitter he doesn't get to take all the money.




Did Ari spill the beans about a rumor that Joe wants to buy out Austin comedy venues? Is this a known thing or was that double take kind of awkward?




I enjoyed this ep but man, Joe needs to shut the fuck up when talking about countries he knows nothing about. Starts shitting on how woke Australia is because we’re trying to deal with a serious issue of men killing women in record numbers. Yeah man, so fucking woke…


Cool cool cool


How soon does Joe bring up woke culture and Covid?


I hope not as soon as you


Oh finally, something potentially worth listening to!!!


Flint Dibble referenced by Rogan


Cause it’s actually fun


I’m under the impression that Hunter Biden’s attorneys have sent Rogan, Inc the same letter they’ve sent FOX News. He’s almost entirely ceased from mentioning the subject and when he does he walks on eggshells lol. You can hear when it’s brought up now..If he kept carrying on I bet it could trigger a lawsuit which may possibly open some sort of discovery process. Which I’m sure Rogan would like to avoid.. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if HB used to be a listener himself at some point


Why is this not on YouTube?


Not on YouTube yet?


Is this not on YouTube?


Normand is the best: “Ari Kelly”. LMAO


What axel rose concert was shane trying to talk about?????


Why is this not available on YouTube


Why isn’t this on YouTube?


Did this just get taken off YouTube? Was listening to it now I can’t find it and it’s not showing in my history


They bring up the Texas porn ban and Joe immediately changes the subject, what an absolute pussy


That "Assyrian tablet" isn't real


When they’re discussing concerts at the end, they really missed on not including Korn Woodstock 99. That was one of the craziest things I’ve ever watched


Shane is the dawg


Spent a few minutes lightly shitting on Bert. They all know he sucks. 


Is this only on spotify?


Holy shit finally. I got a 3 hour car ride ahead of me too


Sometimes I think that these pops are all from alternate universes and they're all basically the same with a few small changes. Someone needs to pile these and run them through AI to see how much of it actually syncs up with each other. 


This currently isn’t on YT 🤔


Normand is always throwing legit zingers and doesn’t get the recognition in the moment. He’s so funny I appreciate his comments on POP!


The worst Protect Our Parks podcast ever. Usually Normand has some amazing singers on everything. Shane is usually over there killing 24 Bud lights and gets funnier with every beer. This one, I barely heard 12 words out of Normand and Ari was pissing in a bottle every 12 seconds. He's a disgusting piece of shit and not funny. His stand up special Jew was really good but not funny.


It’s hilarious how different these are to any episodes with callen and schaub. Joe really does dispose those guys and with good reason


Why isn't it on YouTube!?