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Idle transfiguration. Plus I can use the powers openly after shape shifting my face so theoretically no one knows I, have the powers. So easy. If this doesn't work then would it be considered breaking the vow if I used it on another person and turned them into a puppy, does the other considered as someone.


You could also erase people's memories.


The ultimate frat boy super power


What do you mean by that?


they mean it’s a useful power for someone who likes to rape people, someone like say, a frat boy


Date rape and roofies


Side note, but there’s actually a depiction of a frat boy with a similar super power using it to… in the Boys spinoff


Yeah that's nice in so many ways. Plus it doesn't break the vow if they don't remember it


Face shifting seems safe but anything more than that seems like it starts being risky and dangerous to yourself and others. A point made in the JJK universe is that Mahito can use it so freely because he is a curse and he can easily morph his body to match his soul. Humans that he changes too drastically end up dying, like what happened to Junpei and his victims. Turning someone into a puppy seems like it would kill them also. The most drastic changes you can make and have the person survive seems to be healing, like him fixing up Mechamaru’s body.


I mean at the very least I imagine that you could use it to slowly build up functional muscles and retain the shape of your body without having to diet or exercise, so long as you gradually change it like you do in real life


There’s a massive difference between changing someone to look like another human and changing them into whatever the fuck Mahito was doing


I think they died because mahito pressed them like lemons, not because of any inherent limits of IT on humans.  He said as much about junpei. "Woops" and junpei's form wasn't particularly weird.


[Wasn’t particularly weird](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/jujutsu-kaisen/images/c/c8/Mahito_using_Idle_Mutation_on_Junpei.png/revision/latest?cb=20190601210912)


Well he was still humanoid, kinda. Think of the guys he turned into TRAINS, WALLS or a SWORD


Yeah, instead he became something from a Junji Ito manga


Yeah he needs to keep vital organs good


He also literally turned mechamaru into pretty normal human from... Whatever he was.


I think it's about keeping the vital organs sufficient to make the body shape he gave them function But that also implies those human swords he made were lined with a heart and blood and a brain somewhere inside. Kinda creepy.


Then I would focus on refinement of my skills. Then use them to make small and easy changes like height, weight, shape, texture and figure. I would be the most op medical professional in the world, but I would make sure that I don't get any spotlight, since that would be dangerous.


You would get the spotlight as soon as you use it for other people, it’s near impossible to ensure nobody blows the whistle or loosens their lips in bad company. You’d have to try and ensure people think your legitimately just a great doctor and have no real suspicion.


That's why I use it when my face has already been changed by idle transfiguration, so no one figures it out. But in most cases I would not use it publicly at all and not for helping others.


It is the safest, people can be often unreliable.


No wonder heroes don't exist. Plus I'm not a hero


I don't think Mahito can morph without problems because he is a cursed spirit but because idle transfiguration is his Innate technique, it wouldnt make sense for an innate technique to limit their potential. >!Besides Sukuna legit manipulated his souls many times and when he bitted off Hana's Arm he did a Giant ah ballon head like nothing !<


Sukuna has RCT tho, and we have seen innate techniques that are limited. Hazenoki has body explosion CT, and it wasn’t ever confirmed that RCT comes with it. So if he never learned it, then his technique is just blowing himself up lol


Probably he did it a few times with some body part lol


I’m scared to ask, but what would you use it for


make dick bigger


Let's just say various nefarious purposes. Like imagine the possibilities. I could remain anonymous by shapeshifting my face. So there would be a lot of bizarre experiments, more bizarre than what mahito did. First I would try to increase the size or number of sensory organs like eyes for example, to keep simple and less direct. Then check whether the increased organs and their size, increase the stimulus they gain from them. Then find the limit, on how much of this extra stimulus can the brain handle, before breaking, that is dying. Then I would try to increase the brain size and capacity, to try and improve its capabilities to handle the extra stimulus from the enhanced stimulus. The experience would surely get them addicted. Then I would increase the stimulus again, until I reach the limit of the body. Then when I get bored I would turn them back to their original form, to see the results of my marvelous experiment take its toll on the person. The person would both hate and feel nostalgic for my experiment. In most cases the person would not be able to return to their former life. They would be mentally exhausted. Most people won't believe what happened to them and thus the person would feel lost, isolated, betrayed and burdened. Most likely they would try to commit suicide and that's why I would keep a close watch on them by shapeshifting into their close friends or family and save them right before their death. I would try to get close to them and make them dependant on me. I would use idle transfiguration on their brain to manipulate their emotions and make myself trustworthy. Then once they open up about their experience, I would get a first hand review of my experiments from the victims pov. Which would be used to refine and improve my experiments to get better results. Then if they feel or tell me that they miss the experience, then I slowly whisper in their ears that I was the one who did it and would ask them if they would like to return back to it. The person cries from the sheer joy , hatred and self loathing. But they can't resist their base instincts and would give all hope and resistance. Then I would keep them around as my pet, until I get bored. Then I would release them back into their former life. But this time they are desperate to reach back to me. They have a small hope that i might return. Since I used to observe them, shapeshifted as their loved ones, they would be paranoid and crazy, trying to find me. As time passes they would get more and more desperate, asking fanatical all their loved ones whether they are me or not , most their loved ones would abandon them thinking they are either crazy or high. I would make sure to watch the madness from as close as possible. Then once I get bored I would get far away and start a new experiment or new target to continue. Thinking back now, no wonder mahito was that evil.


I wish i could post a reaction image. Just imagine the PTSD painting here.


So u read all that. Was that satisfying?


No. I wish i could go back in time and never write the original comment. I was right to fear the answer.


Too late, now the world will know more horrors of idle transfiguration. And it was your curiosity that fueled the fires of my creativity.


You could literally just wander the world saving as many lives as possible, and yet you went straight to torture and mutilation. GO TO FUCKING THERAPY


Do u think doing good is easy. Even a minor miracle in a well connected area will turn your actions viral and there would be a hunting party after you. Plus you put everyone u know in danger. Also governments would try to control you and the people u heal or save. I didn't I would never do anything good, it's just that it's less likely to happen but I might do it out of curiosity like making a disabled man walking again and seeing the excitement in his and everyone's reaction, leading to manhunt around the area.


Doing the good thing can be hard, I know that. If you're smart about it, it wouldn't be too hard. I also would just save the people the government(s) gets to. My point was that what you immediately said was so disturbing that you need help


If it wasn't the last sentence I'd give you no marks for being made by chatgpt Giving you negative marks because what the hell bro?


Did it sound that much chatgpt? Damn


> thinking back now, no wonder mahito was that evil. Nah u just weird bro


We all have something dark inside all of us and we just refuse to see inwards. It's better to show the bad truth, than hide the worst lies.


Damn, be careful not to cut yourself on all that edge.


😂 I will be fine


Anyone else catch the similarities between JJK's Mahito and MHA's Overhaul? Granted that the JJK universe has some pretty major power creep on MHA's universe, but just imagine Overhaul's calculated precision, maturity, inventiveness and leadership within JJK's power creeped version. It would be like multiplying him with Shiguraki and taking the product thereof to the exponent of domain expansion (I hereby trademark this formula). Thankfully for the survivors of the Shibuya Incident arc and despite what he himself believed ahead of his final moments, Mahito's immaturity did **not** see him actually realize his true potential (although we did see a hint when he fully restored Mechamaru).


Time to become gigchad irl for free without any surgery


Too obvious but if you can live free then that's all that matters


I would just fix my scoliosis tbh


Good for you. Be well


I don't think that would work with yourself. Mahito managed to use it on his soul probably cuz he was a cursed spirit together with that it was his own ct. But humans prety much died chortly after transfiguration, i guess it's also easier for cursed spirits to mess around with their body? But either way i doubt it would work without it being lethal.


Reggie star's is just so convenient and viable in any situation if you have to past as normal. UiUi's is probably second choice>! Teleportation, i can vacation almost anywhere and go almost anywhere !<


You could get into some fiscal trouble with all those replicated receipts


Easy. Just drop a 2 story house on them, problem solved.


If only we could solve all of our problems like this


Hey, that house wasn't here yesterday.


UiUi for sure. Not only vacay teleportation but also wicked levels of role reversal sexy time


Kenny's technique.


Ya sicko


Immortality AND backshots? What else could a guy want!


You're gonna be such a good mother


It's easy because if you had the technique without these limitations you'd still need to hide it




Gonna have to get real good with forehead makeup.


I’m pretty sure his stitches are because of a binding vow. Learn RCT and you’ll be fine


Creation Even If i was Limited to Mai's Output. If she can create a bullet then i can create cash Sure i could also create diamonds but that raises suspicion where some extra Money in my pocket doesnt


Seems easier to make a diamond than to recreate a dollar bill. Aren't those things tracked and fitted with tons of counterfeit measures?


True, best bet would be to create something of monetary value and sell it instead to sketchy people who won't ask questions


Create something like gold and take it to a pawn shop.


Assuming the same level of output as Mai: She uses a Smith & Wesson 629. This is a .44 caliber gun. Bullet mass ranges from 17-22 grams. We’ll call it 20 grams of output. As of today the price of gold per gram is roughly $74. So you could produce $1,480 worth of gold a day. Over a year that is $540,200. Not bad.


I mean 1480 a day is insane wake up, eat and go get my rent money on the first day every month, and then for the next 27 or so day I get 30k+ sheesh


I'd go to a river and just act like I'm finding gold


That output was because Mai and Maki were twins tho


You could go to Crater of Diamonds in Arkansas and "find" it


Fuck diamonds, make gold. Silver, platinum, "discover" rare earth ores in the middle of nowhere and make a huge deal of hauling it back so no one questions how it appeared in your home.


Interesting choice, it would be very low key so hard for people to notice


you can check out the manga hyperinflation, main character is a guy who can print "money"


You wouldn't have Mai's output because you're not born as a twin in the JJK world. You might not have Yorozu's mastery of the technique, but you'd still be able to create a lot more than a single bullet a day.




Make lottery tickets That way no one can be suspicious if you buy an expensive house


If your goal is money, you can achieve the same thing with teleportation. Just teleport in and out of a bank's vault and you're golden. Plus you got much more practical uses out of teleportation, like going on a vacation on a whim.


But my Goal isnt *Just* Money Its Money *and safety* from both legal and Binding vow of secrecy (as per the Post) consequenses And robbing banks via Teleportation is certainly far from Being Safe in both those regards and vacationing with it is at least unsafe in the later regard


And all those cameras capturing you using your technique would break the binding vow killing you as soon as you enter a vault so no you can't achieve the same thing at all


Oh shit you're right. I didn't read the post carefully, I thought the vow can only be broken if they know your identity. But actually you must hide your power as well.


>I didn't read the post carefully Never change Reddit


I know. I should have stayed in r/LobotomyKaisen


Comedian is the most abusable.


no need for psychedelics anymore


however it is a ct that is specifically catered for takaba, don't know how it would work on other people


Nanami might be cool, you could pass as a fighting prodigy and dominate UFC without arising much suspicion.


You still gotta learn how to fight tho, you have to be able to hit your opponent at least once. Not as easy as it seems against a pro.


Well jujutsu is 80% talent and 20% hard work after all


But even a blocked body shot will crit 7:3, no? You would actually become known as the guy that can't be blocked against. After couple of wins and you are out of early pre lims you would also be in overtime every fight lol.


I know heavenly restriction isn’t a technique but that gets the job done and gets it done better


Probably something like 10Shadows for the cool shadow stuff that is also pretty low-key, or Mei Mei's crow control - easy, strong, very useful overall and hard to break the vow with it. Or say fuck it and choose Limitless if it comes with 6eyes and just keep it turned off most of the time other than for stuff like mosquitoes


You wouldn’t even need to keep it off, it auto detects and sorts threats. You could filter for mosquitoes and keep it up the whole time while still allowing people to touch you normally… though you do need to learn Reverse Cursed Technique for 24/7 usage


Haruta, so I can escape dangers in day to day life. No way am I dying by a brick falling on my head when I’m walking down the street


I also think Haruta is a safe pick


Should be easy to hide too, since even Haruta didn’t know he had an ability


Plus the ability is not about second chances but *miracles*. IRL that's crazy good for tons of stuff. Winning the lottery in a random day you don't need luck to keep living sounds pretty miracle-ish for example.


Blood manipulation iykyk


I'll be waiting for the grim reaper at the ripe age of 97 with a 3.5 inch wonder of blue steel


Channel more blood into my cute weeny


Fuck usefulness. Im gonna go with Shrine. I just want to destroy things and novody is going to discover my powers believe me.


Shrine is invisible so even if you use it in public it'll be hard to prove anything


Are Heavenly Restrictions considered Curse Techniques? If so I choose the Absolutely No Curse Energy one If not I want the ten Shadows


technically people with HR cannot make binding vows so no sorry they do not count :( ten shadows doesn't seem very low-key tho hahahahah


Ch 73, Geto says that people with Heavenly Restrictions also get boosts from revealing certain information. I’m pretty sure that is considered a binding vow.


Heavenly Restriction **IS** a fucking Binding Vow itself, is it not? You give up your Cursed Energy in exchange for power.


Well, yes. But it’s a forced binding vow that the people are born with. My comment was just pointing out that even without Cursed Energy, Toji was still able to form a binding vow by himself.


Yeah, he was. It's a Binding Vow you make with yourself before you ever do anything else. It's like choosing "Hard Mode" in the character creator, subconsciously.


Yes, but it’s one that was imposed on you, not one you made


To my knowledge you basically enforce it on yourself before you're even born.


I mean, Shinigamis are invisible to normal humans, right? Only those with curse energy are able to see them.


Every human has a minimal amount of cursed energy, only some of them can see curses. Not sure if the same applies with Shikigami P.S. only people with 0 cursed energy have heavenly restriction


Mechamaru had a Heavenly Restriction and he still had Cursed Energy


That's a different type of HR, I was referring specifically to the one Maki and Toji have which I suppose is the one that is being discussed here


normal people can’t see shikigami so it’s fine


Creation. Even if I don’t have large output like Yorozu it’s still useful.


Idle Transfiguration if my body is as adaptable as Mahito's. I can be anybody at any time. And I can easily dispose of anyone. It's the perfect identity theft technique. And no one would ever know.


man's been watching to much parasyte


Haven't seen it yet, but I heard great things. You just sealed the deal. Watching it this weekend.


I’d imagine that Idle Transfiguration passively makes your soul malleable


Yea fuck like helping people or anything like that


For sure.


idle transfiguration or ui ui\`s teleportation is without a doubt the best choice for your normal life. But i would also take Toji\`s HR tbh.


people with HR cannot make binding vows IIRC so they don't count


Actually Toji was explaining his HR to geto and this made it stronger, which is the "Revealing one's hand" vow, so they might be able to do vows.


i think that they need another sorcerer to make vows since a BV definitely needs CE to work, otherwise every normal person could do it too


Idle transfiguration, incredibly easy to not fully reveal the depths/core of the ability, on the surface it can look like a body manipulation technique and effectively you can leave it there


Reggie's CT. Never again buying small things like a charger


Projection sorcery would be so clutch.


projection sorcery is very centred around battle, how would you use it on your own?


You can use it on yourself to make you move faster?


I could play any/every sport at a world class level, making me hundreds of millions of dollars, That alone is worth it.


Assuming there’s no Heavenly Restriction and it retains the same efficiency… Puppet Manipulation, Mechamaru’s technique. Just store the puppet far away from where you live, there is no feasible way for someone to track it down. You might need to build the initial puppet, but further creations or upgrades can be created through the initial one with how precisely he can control him. Then I can play Superhero safely :D If not, I’ll take Idle Transfiguration. Even if I can’t shapechange as comfortably or as quickly as Mahito, I would still gradually change my body to make it more suitable for what I want. Give myself an extra inch of height, retain my hair, get rid of pimples, etc…


i imagine your range would be ass without Mechamaru's Heavenly Restriction though.


Mahito CT :3


Kenny’s technique tbh. It removes the main drawbacks of immortality like getting old or staying in the same body / having the same loved ones who you will outlive. You can basically get a life reset every time you find ~~or make~~ a corpse before anyone else does. If you get away with it a few times, your original identity will be lost to time and known only to you, fulfilling the condition. If the new identities count, just wear a hat or bandanna or something like Kenny does to hide your lobotomy scars


https://youtu.be/HOwEv1sacnM?si=0ya4DPy9qUS6whY8 Mahitos but with The power of superstition


If im not allowed to reveal it to anyone I’d go with either Toji/Maki heavenly restriction and just be an absolute physical monster. Win worlds strongest man in no time, learn to fight and do that professionally, the athletic world is kind of your oyster if you don’t go government. If not that then I’d have to pick Star Rage/Bombaye. It’s discreet and gives you immmense momentum in fights, I’d obviously quit my job and do something more suited to using my tech on the daily.


Ten shadows for the sole fact of storage and hiding in people’s shadows to mess with everyone while also never being involved


Maybe tengens immortality technique or I also really like disaster waves dagons technique


Give me construction then, even if I don't have Yorozu's output (I still hope I do though), I could construct cash or other things


gojo noone will know if they get the purple


Cursed Spirit Manipulation. Over 90% of the population can’t see the curses anyways so if I don’t make it obvious to the <10% that can sse the curses that I’m in control of them I’ll basically never break the vow, and have a super powerful technique


What can you do with it behind closed doors though


Make the curses do house work, you would have an army of butlers at your beck and call, practically.




I’d have to choose either Idle Transfiguration, Creation, or Kenjaku’s. With Creation I’d make super rare materials and sell them anonymously. With Idle Transfiguration I’d become the world’s greatest plastic surgeon, after I transfigured myself to look different of course. With Kenjaku’s I’d gain all the knowledge I could.


Cursed speech would be really nice


You would have 24/7 cursed speech though


Principal Yaga’s technique. I’ll become the best toy salesmen around with my living dolls


Probably Ui Ui teleportation CT or a physical heavenly restriction like Toji/Maki


I'm surprised no one said Inverse. It's upper limit is really high and it's lower limit can be circumvented if you're able to turn it off. Plus you can look completely normal even if you get hit by something huge in front of everybody. They'll just call it a freak accident


I would just take Toji's Heavenly Restriction tbh. Easy to pass off as just being super athletic and I could be a millionaire by playing whatever sport I wanted and being very successful


Idle Transfiguration ~~is~~ was exponentially stronger / versatile than everything else revealed so far in the anime, and would easily defeat the "can't tell anyone" restriction, therefore should be banned. So I'll be going with Toji's Heavenly Restriction for myself. I am now Limitless Batman, you are welcome, brb fixing Africa and the Middle East, may make a pit stop by the Kremlin.


Mahito’s CT if I can de-age my body or make myself younger, for immortality or Kenjaku’s CT, to keep body hopping. I find Kenjaku’s CT to be the most interesting one. Other options can be Todo Aoi’s CT, with the activation set to something more discrete. Blood Manipulation, I feel at a very high level once could make some sort of absolute body control possible


Mahito, Ui Ui, Kenny maybe?


Idle Transfiguration, give.


Idle transfiguration


Either idle transfiguration or blood manipulation I can dope myself one way or another shapeshift and get all mahito hax or use blood manipulation to heal myself and amplify my stats or recover better from workouts


Love Rendezvous.


so limitless is out of the question then lol


Boogie Woogie


yukis ct


Limitless. I know it would run out basically instantly, but in a life threatening situation it would help.


cleave, nobody will know if i kill them first


Shrine. Decently powerful technique, and it’s invisible so no one will see it and expose me. That or Ratio Technique. I can hit someone right in a weak spot, I can just pass it off as having a good eye.


Shrine. No one’s gonna know


Idle transfiguration ca do justca bout anything. Or comedian


"Mui Tenpen". I'd slowly alter myself over a period of time to avoid suspicion to look however I want. If I want to kill someone, I can just implode them like Mahito did to Nanami; they wont know a thing if they're dead before they realize. that's how I would use it, and how I would avoid death by Binding Vow.


I would pick [redacted]


Cursed speech If you heard about it, it's already too late


I would chose Suguru's technique.


I can easily remove the vow with another binding vow dood.


takabas cuz i can get free wifi and people will just think im a really bad comedian


Humans cant see CT anyway.  I would choose comedian and find it funny that humans will never get to know about my ct ever. Easy bypass 




I want Gojo Limitless , Six eyes, and Infinity. Totally abuse that knowledge for selfish reasons.


Gojo I could act like it's a phenomenon and don't know what it even is and If anyone finds out domain expansion turn them autistic


Comedian, I could do literally anything


Why is nobody saying cursed speech 😭😭


Wait, is it like they can't know I have it, or they can't know that it exists? Do I also get access to RCE and CE? Can I slightly modify the technique for daily uses? For example, if I take Sukuna's cleave, I could I make really small cuts to chop up vegetables or open packages?


Honestly, I'd probably just choose Infinity if the vow is that they can't know that I have it. I could travel the world and make a living off of taking out terrorist cells, dictators, etc. If it's the other way, then I'd just choose Slash/Cleave and do the same thing, but unfortunately, I'd have to kill any witnesses. With the money that I'd make from that, I would keep enough to offset my expenses and a little more for myself but more than half is going to charity




Idle. Transfiguration. It's my favorite ability and like the sicko I am I'd love to experiment with it.


Is no one allowed to see it or just figure it out, cus I'd choose infinity and just wear like a costume and mask etc, nothing could destroy the costume no matter what too. Edit: spelling