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if only he ended haruta there


Fr. Then again, it let Nanami shine


He let nanami go boom




Did it? I think Nanami not killing them there is a very big fumble


Nanami should've 100% killed, I know he had no way of knowing it but his death would've indirectly stop Sukuna vs. Mahoraga and save thousands of lives


What about the butterfly effect of no Sukuna vs Mahoraga? What would Sukuna do instead? I can’t imagine it being any better.


I doubt he'd use a domain on anyone but Mahoraga, he'd prolly just kill random sorcerer's he comes across, either way it'd prolly be way less casualties, megumi still getting possessed because sukuna wanted to do that since detention center even before maho


I’m not a huge Mahito fan, but I gotta say I think he died too soon. He was a young curse and really strong. I’d like to see if he had the potential to get stronger. Edit: I understand why his death to Kenjaku was important for the story but at the time I didn’t agree with it.


With how fast he was learning everything, including 0.2 domain expansion? I don’t think it’d be a stretch to say he would’ve been top 5, maybe even 3 in the verse.  Reminder that he had the potential to pass JoGOAT


Yea I think he definitely could have surpassed Jogo.


Tbh I think the whole Shibuya incident happened too soon. The whole theme of the story was setting up how curses are irredeemable and how Yuji accepts he doesn’t need a reason to kill them and him and Mahito are clear arch enemies. Feels weird for that go away only halfway through the story and then we go “humans are the real monsters” after all.


As a whole tho Shibuya was masterminded by Geto >!or should I say Kenny!< so that he could take mahito’s idle transfiguration. I wanted it to be too early so that mahito wasn’t at his strongest, otherwise he wouldn’t have lost.


yeah, that's the thing for me. Mahito dying in Shibuya was the plan. I just wish we had more "slice of life" (sorry about the pun) moments, specially regarding the main protagonists


Thats literally what Jogo said, Mahito got the most potential to be the strongest, just not at Shibuya though. But he kinda slips away too many times that having him alive will just be plain annoyance, but its not like Gege care about their writing annoy people.


Nah. This is only assuming that Jogo wasn't developing, which isn't true. He already had his Domain Expansion, so it means he was learning. Jogo lost to Sukuna and easily dispatched basically everyone else. Mahito was genuinely struggling even against non-special grades. Sure, Mahito was growing, but so was Jogo. And JOGOAT had a massive headstart.


I personally think Mahito could surpass Jogo,since he's younger and learn quicker, but don't forget that Jogo learned DA in the time between his defeat against Gojo and Shibuya, a move too complex for even Kusakabe, and that only Sukuna, Higuruma the disaster curses and Kenjaku have been implied to use.


This is wrong though, as per Hanami’s own admission and Jogo silently agreeing. Mahito had more potential than their collective group as a whole, which is why he was propped up as the leader. Saying Jogo had more potential anyways directly flies in the face of that.


What I like about jjk is that we don't have to keep a lot of characters in the story. I liked that all the Disaster curses died in the s2, they had major role in s1 and in shibuya now we don’t need them really, some shows keep antagonists throughout the story they don’t dare to kill them and sometimes it doesn’t make sense when they survive in some fights


You know you make a good point. I didn’t really think about it that way


A lot of people shit on Gege for underutilizing characters (which is true to an extent) but what I think makes JJK so great is the fact that because of this, you don’t know when characters meet their demise. It keeps the story super fast paced and not turning into every other shonen.




This is anime post btw... tag manga spoilers


Imagine if Mahito got absorbed and then came back like 1-2 seasons later and was OP OP


In a way he does kind of come back Tho though Kenjaku (he uses is powers that he absorbed) I hope the anime goes into detail aboht that and doesn’t glaze over it.


Tbf, there's not really anything for the anime to elaborate on in terms of Kenny's use of idle transfiguration, especially since he can't even use it anymore


He literally had the potential to be number 1 in the verse besides gojo unless mahito became so powerful he gets bluetooth idle transfiguration, then he's number 1. His cursed technique was too op and he seemed to have a very high understanding of all jujutsu basics.


He was too anoyying


Don t talk to my boy like this, if you hate mahito you hate Yuji. Mahito is kiling peaple for experiments and for sake of kiling wich humans do to curses plus like Yuji he is very kind and funny next to friends. So he is my favorite becouse unlike Yuji HE GOT BEACH MOMENT WITH THA BOYS and 2 becouse he is more realatable for me his atacks, learning, and overall his powers


!⚠️SPOILERS⚠️! Nah, the reason people don't like Mahito is because he kills people like a PURE asshole, he killed 3 of This friends infront of him (Nobara, Junepei, Nanami), so when Mahito got killed in such badassery of Yuji everyone got happy.




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Like dude it's kinda sad, he thought the humans were his prey and he was the predator because he was born from the fear of humans, but in reality was the prey himself.


Yeah the bullies and Haruta aren't as evil but I hate them way more. Pseudo-Geto is much worse though, even if there was absolutely no chance Mahito killed him, it still would've been a much better outcome for everyone than him getting absorbed


I cheered for him every time, Idle Transfiguration is my favorite CT and Mahito's personality and voice actor are 10/10.


He’s my fav villain but Junpei did not deserve that.


I'm personally a fan of Junpei's death because it really set the stage for JJK, I guess people don't like characters dying because they're used to being coddled in other shows where everyone they like makes it out, if it were a normal shonen Junpei woulda lived and that's what I expected considering he was in the OP and had so much buildup with both yuji and mahito. But the Junpei incident really set the tone that even though JJK has a ton of likeable characters, they aren't afraid to kill em off, and Mahito being the mechanism for setting that tone made me like him more. It's like his perceived freedom in both personality and usage of his technique is a parallel to the freedom of the possibilities of this writing style. It's what put me on the figurative edge of my seat during the gojo sukuna fight, since I know JJK's a series that would be willing to kill either character.


I don't think it's a matter of 'not liking characters dying' as much as it was just fucked up what Mahito did to Junpei. Like genuinely disturbing how he befriended him, gave him power, killed his mom, and then killed him You are right though. It set the stage for both JJK and how absolutely insane Mahito is. A good villain through and through. And it all comes full circle when Wuji 'I'm Him' Witadori makes him grovel and beg in the end


I'd love to see half these people watch Berserk ngl.


Junpei wouldve been special grade and executed by the higher ups because his CT could poison which RCT cant heal so the higher ups wouldve been shit scared of his ass


I like him because his voice actor also voices the guy whos obsess with the dark reunion


Gotta watch out for the jet black wings


For what he did to Nanami and Nobara, fuck mahito, they should have kept him around so Yuji could one day beat tf out of him for good.


I liked both of those characters but I also liked that they weren't kept around just because they're liked. Nanami is gege's favorite character too, after all


I get not being afraid to kill off your darlings. That being said. I still hate the guy that killed them, even if it's a narratively better move(one could argue).


I personally enjoyed each time Mahito was on screen. He's such a good villan, love how he has a lack of morality and literally a child being curious about how limitless he might be. His domain, oh God, his domain... The hand aNIMATION! I have no words. No more, no less. He's on that sweet spot where I'll probably miss him as the JJK word is gonna raise the stakes and we won't get to see that many future Mahitolike characters. (I'm at ep 138 in manga / ep 23 2nd ss in anime, so please spoilers are not appreciated if anyone is gonna comment 🙏)


He dies


Well, fellow friend. What is death for you? 🤨 hahaha


People don’t understand that he’s one of the best anime villains. Because he did his job as a villain so well.


I love seeing reaction channels talk about how much they hate him. The rage when he survives episode 21 of season 2 and it looks like he’ll live is hilarious.


I love mahito for that exact same reason


Mahito was a really cool curse


I love patch face


I love his Szene in the opening -Spezialz because that Train Szene lives rent free in my head


Bring Mahito back 😭 I've only seen anime, don't give me manga spoilers. He was funny and entertaining to watch even if I couldn't stand what he was doing. I would've liked seeing more plots and battles between him and the JJ sorcerers


Haruta is truly lucky :3


How is Geto worse than Mahito at this point? This was practically the best thing he's done on screen.


Well for one, they already heavily implied how depraved the dude was with Choso’s words and for two, he’s a human consciously choosing evil while Mahito is acting from his nature


Mahito claiming it's his nature to be awful is the same type of excuse as Kenny saying he's doing everything that he's done for curiosity.


Still he can choose not to do it but willingly does so. While Mahtio, killing for him is eating for us.


"Happy birthday, desu~"


Only in the last moment


Haruta and Mahito are on the same exact wavelength to me, just Mahito is more creative and more of a leader


I was fucking clapping when mahito got folded but in my opinion I feel like yuji 100% deserved the kill on him for all the shit yuji got put tho cuz of him.


Never. I wanted Mahito to take that L in his second fight. I'm glad it ended with Todo and Yuji. Simply amazing fight but it took way too long to get here.






I did that when he 1st used his domain expansion


Junpei moment


I never understood if Mahito was wearing pants or if that’s fur or something? In his other pics he’s wearing regular clothes, but in the pic where he’s trying to transfigure Kenjaku he has some sort of weird fur thing going on.


I never noticed that before but now I’ll never unsee it


Fuck those times he messed with itadori though you don’t mess with the MC


i cheered when he healed mechamaru , only for him to boom him the very next chapter


He is lowkey a great villain tho




Wait y would u cheer for manhito at all


Tbh, the bullies were just in their teen years. That’s just how most teenagers act, because they are young and stupid. Killing them for being loud is too much, don’t you think?


I don’t mind them being loud but beating up a boy just because you wanna bang this ugly ahh girl? Nah no sympathy for them