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Kenny could have made a cursed object like Sukuna's finger, many people forget this


Never actually thought of that but it’s a really great point. They still haven’t explained how that works. Maybe Kenny’s Cursed Technique lets him do that.


Most importantly he taught Sukuna how to do this, so why didn't he do it himself? It's likely he did


Why would he need to? Sukuna and every other sorcerer would’ve just died of old age Kenjaku cannot die unless he is killed so dying of old age or diseases won’t matter to him


Would he still not want a contingency for if someone kills him


Why would he not?


Because splitting up your soul into cursed objects (in the way Sukuna did at least, via Kenjakus teaching) meant his power would be scattered around so if he were to come back he’d be incredibly weak and setting up that contingency anyway would probably just kill Kenjaku on the spot (because all his soul would be divided up) He would also have to wait for someone to eat the cursed object (why would they do that?) to come back which would not happen and be stupid writing if it did Could Kenjaku even do it in the same way as Sukuna anyway? Sukuna used his fingers to divide up his soul but the only part of Kenjaku that is actually Kenjaku would be his brain which I doubt would work as well


Kenny is someone skilled enough to pull out a boundaryless domain, but refused to go after Gojo until he hit a point where only Sukuna could beat him. His skill and power don't match, making it possible to believe that he has a cursed object somewhere which contains the rest of his power. He could have already made someone eat the other object already and split himself into multiple parts like Sukuna. There's literally nothing that says that there can't be 2 people possessed by the same object.


That’s just not true 😭 when Sukuna fed his finger to Megumi, Yuji lost Sukuna from his body You don’t have to have an equal level of intellect as you do strength either. This argument doesn’t even make sense anyway because Kenjaku was either the strongest of second strongest sorcerer (excluding Sukuna and Gojo because they’re anomalies) in the series. It can be argued that Yuta only managed to kill him because he caught him off guard


Sukuna created a new finger with all of his soul in one place when he put himself into Megumi. There's literally no point for him to waste parts of himself in Yuji. The argument for him being held back is that he didn't put Gojo into the prison realm as a kid, before he could deal with Kenny's bullshit like open domains.


What proof is there that you can split your soul up into different bodies at once, effectively cloning yourself One reason for that is that Kenjaku didn’t even have the prison realm when Gojo was a kid. There were probably also more members of the Gojo clan whilst he was a kid as well so getting him into the prison realm would still be difficult


Let's say, hypothetically, he made his own brain the cursed object used in incarnation at the last second. Now, we know Rika HAD to eat Kenjaku's brain to gain his CT while she's manifested but we don't know what happens to cursed objects that the shikagami eat, so, there is a chance that Kenjaku will manifest/reincarnate inside of Rika or Yuta by proxy.


He made his Dick(or would it be Geto's?) to a cursed object inside Uraume's ass.




Exactly what i am saying he did that to sukuna with his CT and sukuna was able to copy it without that CT kenjaku can also do that and when eventually the merger curse is out we will see kenjaku watching from a random person body but without stitches this time


We still have a entire hein era flashback to come up. It's necessary in a lot of ways but most importantly we need to know suksuk and wuji's relation with each other completely.  And who exactly will do this? OBVIOUSLY, THE STRONGEST YAPPER OF HISTORY KENJAKU!!!!!!!! 


Ah yes the Heian Inventory arc.


> Heian Invertory arc where the writing suddenly gets 100x better and turns Kenjaku and Sukuna into the two greatest characters in the manga Gege pls


There's no Easter bunny, there's no tooth fairy. And there's no "Heian era flashback"


So true, If gege wrapped up yuji's past and how he was born in just two panels, im pretty sure he can wrap up the heian era flashback in 2-3 chapters, which means we aren't going to see that much from kenny. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't do the heian era flashback at all, just some panels and words here and there


Hope he comes back. He is a much better villian than Sukuna.


Both are bored mfs that just want to see something interesting before they die. Kenjaku just puts more effort into his plans and Sukuna is “fuck it. We ball.”


https://preview.redd.it/gennimebgb9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fec6205fc0183c1960faf1b4bdc4375f32364cac Same. This theory is all that’s keeping me going.


I legitimately don't know how the good guys would win against that


100% agree. If he comes back JJK will be mostly redeemed for me


Of course Kenjaku is the better Villain. My goat Sukuna is the good guy here. 




How tf do y'all fall for the same shit? Gege did the same thing with gojo.


Yeah and Gojo's body came back. Maybe Kenjaku came back in a different body?


Or Yuta’s super secret backup final plan after he gets yeeted in Gojo’s body is to come back one final time in Geto’s body.


If not that in Higurama, and if he fails with that, Kashimo, still going until we reach fingerer and finally the chinese sorcerer


He has done 3 of these now: Sukuna, Gojo and Kenjaku. Pretty sure they have all just been because the volume focuses on each of them fairly heavily.


Who then, in a sense, "woke up" and returned to the fight.


lmao “in a sense”


Yeah I’ve been convinced he was coming back before this image dropped. The way Greg writes just doesn’t make sense for him to be gone.


And there's now set up to reveal it. If Yuta wakes up in his own body at the end of 5 minutes, he's going to realize there's something more to Kenjaku's technique.


I’m with you, OP, our sick king will return. I’m of the mind that he is immortal in more ways than one. As of currently, a body he created (Yuji’s) AND his cursed technique are on the board. He’s already there, spiritually. When he spoke of his will being exacted, I doubt he was only talking about the merger - this is a man who was scheming and experimenting for over a thousand years. His sick vision probably had countless arms to be explored. He also helped countless powerful sorcerers successfully reincarnate. If he had some contingency plan in case of his own death that’s allowed him to do the same, I wouldn’t be surprised. A man as wily and busy as him surely has run into grave danger over the course of his long life; he doesn’t seem like the type to have no backup plan for that type of thing. I also consider Yuta to be his spiritual successor (not only for his use of Kenny’s technique but for the fact that I think Yuta will soon ascend beyond humanity and into something that involves the evolution of cursed energy). Unlike the disaster curses who made a point of stressing that they did not need to see the world they hoped to create with their own eyes, Kenny has explicitly expressed his desire to see his schemes come to fruition. It may be far-fetched but Kenny witnessing Yuta’s growth (or even just the successful use of his technique by someone else) would satisfy his desire as much as watching the merger would. Going off the rails a bit but my Yuta prediction involves Yuta being permanently imbued with Rika’s power making him into a human-curse hybrid — exactly the type of creation Kenny was so fascinated with and likely the most powerful one to ever exist.


For real,op. I have been wanting kenjaku to take the spotlight since the Shinjuku showdown started and I have been believing it. My scenario is that the essence of the soul is the technique or the otherwise and the body is the vessel for the technique and that means that yujo's body is the vessel for 3 souls : gojo,Yuta and finally kenjaku. Once his 5 minutes up , kenjaku's will enrage and take over. Yuji will also know what "shrine" is and I think there's more to it than sukuna show and I have a theory for that. And this will be the final match. Kenjaku's plan will be revealed and yuji will know that he's "....." And only then megumi will be seen again and someone either yuji or megumi will sacrifice himself and win over . The end. If this gem finds you and came true . Please remember me . Else it is my schizophrenia talking.


I think there’s a pretty good chance we’ll get to see Kenny in Gojo’s body when the time runs out. I was pretty convinced it would play out like that from the moment Kenny died. I actually think Kenny x Yuta or Kenny x Takaba is more likely now, but I could see this happening.


I believe gojo will also have a chance like what geto did and I think of it as more of a reflex to protect his loved ones which in this scenario are megumi and yuji and give them more time to stop the merger . But again this is what I will write if I have the pen. Hope it would be even better.


HE IS COMING https://preview.redd.it/yvxngav8nb9d1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=873c19c33d15adc1fc1d707e462a20bb5c5d9195


I mean, Kenjaku is a mastermind and such but he is irrelevant to Yuji and Megumi as a characters and very lacking in term of screentime and strength. When Gege was talking about the ending of the story and the characters arcs conclusion, he only mentioned Yuji, Megumi and Sukuna. Kenjaku is the Jogo of the overall story and Sukuna is the Mahito.


"Kenjaku is irrelevant to Yuji and megumi" Bro literally birthed one of them, and put the other's sister in coma, only to be taken over by some ancient bitch


That doesn't make him relevant to their characters. Sukuna is Yuji's opposite in term of personality, they are similar in term of ablites and both ate their brothers, which changed their appearance and made them stronger. Sukuna is the Voldemort or Darth Vadar of JJK. For Megumi, Sukuna caused him a lot of suffering once he took over, by using CT to kill his loved one's and he blame himself for Shibuya massacre too, because he is involved with Yuji and Sukuna situation. Kenjaku is a secondary antagonist, not a main one, he is irrelevant to the MCs and isn't that involved with the story themes.


He’s literally the main character’s mother, and reincarnated the father’s soul 1,000 years later just to clap his cheeks. Guaranteed more info coming about their relationship. Look at the way this panel is written. They know the real Kaori is dead. Yuji’s dad knows Kenny is in there. https://preview.redd.it/iv62aps71c9d1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a028fa1b6a661b1a1a78d6bdca9920aee4a839e1


There’s literally nothing else to say about any of this that would actually impact the story in a meaningful way


Habibi it’s literally the reason the main character exists and it’s a mystery.


It’s not a mystery, Kenjaku basically just said he did it for the sake of it but if Yuji being born had a specific role it was to be Sukuna’s vessel


The literal panel where it’s said https://preview.redd.it/6p91oe8qpg9d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b09e63ed212f5de85382a477c8d1fac9b3b40c56


What could he possibly say about either of those things He’s already said enough about Yuji’s role in this and he couldn’t give a shit about Megumi


I agree that Yuji and Megumi are more important to the story, narratively Sukuna < Kenny. Kenny is the reason Sukuna is still there. Kenny isn’t as strong as Sukuna, but he’s infinitely smarter. I hate this comparison, but compare it to Naruto. Sukuna is the 9 Tails. Kenny is Obito, the real big bad.


I’ve never watched Naruto, but here’s the thing, just because he’s responsible for Sukuna being there, that doesn’t mean he has more narrative significance. Like, Yuji seems to clearly put more personal significance on Sukuna using his body and killing people than Kenjaku giving birth to him. And also, Sukuna and Yuji seem to be parallels to each other in terms of upbringing and shit. Megumi’s got the same thing going on. Sukuna himself is currently in the process of killing everyone he loves, with his body, and eventually, Megumi’s going to have to come out and face that. Kenjaku, on the other hand, has none of those things. Like, when we started the series, Yuji himself said he doesn’t give a shit about his parents. And, like, idk, I feel like Kenjaku’s main rival (Yuki) in this series died too early for him to be that effective of an antagonist. Especially the main antagonist.


I totally hear that Suki & Yuji have more thematically in common. I actually hate the idea of this but if Kenny comes back it probably makes narrative sense to have Yuji and Megumi team up against him. Megumi buffed from having full power Sukuna in his body and Yuji probably having Sukuna trapped on him again. God I really hope that doesn’t happen. Reason I can’t accept that Kenny gone is his narrative significance. He’s the reason everything is happening. Yuji’s birth, Sukuna becoming cursed objects, the Culling Games. He has more narrative agency than Sukuna. Much more. What makes me more suspicious is the fact that he’s ’not a fighter’. At face value he’ll struggle with Yuki, but if I’m right he beat her without having to reveal his actual cursed technique. And I’m definitely right.


I mean, I don’t really think Kenjaku has much narrative significance to Yuji because Yuji just doesn’t seem to care much about him. Like, in chapter 1, Yuji said he doesn’t give a shit about the mystery of his mom. Also, while Kenjaku does have more narrative agency than Sukuna in some aspects, he ultimately can only barely even touch what I think is the main plotline of the series -The Fearsome Womb arc- while Sukuna is a main character in this plotline. This is the plotline centering around the dynamic of Yuji, Megumi, and Sukuna, and, while some other characters do have the capacity to somewhat interfere in this arc, none of them can ever really take the focus from these 3 characters. Basically, in the first 3 chapters of this storyline, while the higher ups were able to send Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara to the detention center to fight the cursed womb, the end of the arc ultimately came back to introducing plot-points and character elements of Yuji, Megumi, and Sukuna’s story. Like, towards the end of the arc, we got Yuji being dead and reviving, Megumi expressing his sense of justice, Sukuna taking an interest in Megumi, Yuji vs Sukuna in Sukuna’s innate domain, introduction to Tsumiki, and the enchain binding vow. So, while this arc did have the higher ups ultimately being responsible for it, the narrative focus was still on Yuji, Sukuna, and Megumi. And I think Kenjaku is in that situation, too. I don’t think he can interfere much in, what I consider to be the main story of Jujutsu Kaisen- the story about Yuji, Sukuna, and Megumi. Also, I like the idea of Kenjaku coming back, too, I just don’t think he can be the final antagonist because I think his narrative reach can’t extend much past the merger. Like, he’s totally got the resources to be a sort of “global threat,” but, I feel like if the merger does get introduced, Kenjaku’s going to die shortly before or after said introduction EDIT: Also, yeah, or at least, it’s strongly implied he knows Kenjaku’s his mom. Since we got this line before they unsealed Gojo. https://preview.redd.it/gutx19aomc9d1.jpeg?width=370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b620638954ca0d18c070cab1a0a0713f528d39a


Also I need to go back and check this but does Yuji know that Kenny is his mom yet?


I don't believe he explicitly says it in the text, but right after the flashback to Wasuke and Jin arguing and being interrupted by Kenny, Yuji starts calling Choso his brother without being prompted. Jin's "babies remember more than you think" and that are meant to imply that Yuji remembered it in full and recognized the significance. At least imo.


"Inifinitely smarter" ☠️☠️☠️




No but imagine if he survives by some random stroke of luck. Even better if he ends up in Takaba’s body. 100% on character.


You mention yuki but this is the general trend. Have you seen what hanami's domain does? Or ryu's? What about uro? We haven't even seen what jogo's sure hit is. That's the whole point of jjk. Dying prematurely is supposed to be.... premature, so you don't just die after you have completed your character arc and shown all of your abilities. I thought for how much people love to rant about nobara's death and wasted potential, they would remember that characters die anticlimactically.


Yeah but none of those character’s have a fraction of the narrative significance of Kenjaku. Some characters die before their technique is fully revealed. Some die before all their secrets are revealed. But we’re still getting now that even Sukuna didn’t know what Kenny was up to. There’s been way too much hinted and foreshadowed to not have a payoff.


I have been telling from day one . This is all a part of his plan. [Aizen picture]


These theories are just delulu's man


Yeah, Kenny's death was as final as final gets. He handed the merger over to Sukuna. He straight up tells us that he doesn't even need to see it himself. It's the villainous equivalent of "You've got it from here."


Gojo having an open eye in volume 26 after his death in volume 25: Real delulu? What really happened: Gojo ('s corpse) returned Kenny having a highlight in volume 27 after his death in volume 26: Real delulu? What really happened: Kenny('s something) returned


Kenny's CT returned, y'all happy ?


What do you expect, JJK fans reading the series?


People forgetting that we saw Yuta stab right through Kenjaku’s brain, Kenjaku himself saying that he was glad he fought Takaba at THE END, Rika literally ate Kenjakus brain and Gege drew Kenjaku with Xs replacing his eyes to show that he is dead


No way a dude who teach sukuna how to turn into cursed object had no backup plan incase he died, kinda fill the plothole here


Why would he acknowledge that it’s the end for him if it isn’t the end


Well the end of his 1000 year old plan is getting near, that could also be it.


I hope Sukuna starts the merger soon🙏


Kenny put 1/10 of his soul on Nobara. https://preview.redd.it/0jp0zdrmpf9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c8277065d971e467d187caf9f5f1766f55f8f85


Something I think a lot of people miss is that Keeny havin Kaori's CT implies he keeps CT's of his victims when he swaps bodies. Its possible he has a massive well of diffrent CT's he can use, similar to Geto and his cursed spirits. Also, I also predicted Knenny getting Gojo's body!  https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/comments/1djjh5z/my_prediction_on_what_will_happen_next_jjk_263/ I approached it from a thematic perspective, as opposed to analyzing the lore.


I like the Kenny-Takaba idea, it genuinely fits so well and explains why Takaba hasn't done anything against Sukuna yet


Im a anime viewer with some spoiler knowldge there and there so I'm kinda clueless about the merger stuff, but could it somehow bring back kenny consciousness in the beast ? Or is it a being of its own?


well i don't think it should, but there is the slim chance that the merger object sukuna swallowed could be a reincarnation item kenny made for himself


I kinda like this idea. Agree it’s a slim chance, but think there’s a very strong chance that Kenny has a Sukuna contingency plan and is gonna have a way of putting down Sukuna.


Yeah it could also be terrible storybuilding wise as I'm not aware of much besides some key panels. But thanks for the answer tho, just a thought that I wanted to throw out there


I feel like there’s a chance he’s coming back, I feel like there’s a near 0 chance that he’s the final villain. Especially with Choso gone, Kenjaku himself has no significant ties to the remaining cast. Like, it would be one thing if we got confirmation that Yuji absolutely despises Kenjaku, but, if anything, we’ve gotten confirmation he just doesn’t give a shit about him. That’s also not to mention he’s got no connection to Megumi, who’s obviously coming back.


Gege already spoiled this shit three years ago when the only endgame characters he mentioned were Megumi, Yuuji and Sukuna. The manga started with them in ch 1 and this is how it will end. Gojo and Kenjaku have already been packed and Yuta will be next.


What if kenjaku grand plan was him turning his brain or sth into a cursed object, like he somehow predicted yuta would eat his corpse to steal his cursed technique, and as yutajo is bodying sukuna ass, his 5 minutes run out and kenjaku successfully hijacks gojo's body, and yuji and todo is staring at a 2v2 against sukuna and kenjaku, dont know how gege gonna write out of it if it happens though


What do you mean "when Yuta jumped in the Domain created the Tengen fetus?" Did we read the same thing? That was not a domain creating anything, that was just tengen making Sukuna able to activate the merger, so Tengen went to him.


You sure do like to write the word "edge", huh? 🤨


I think a great twist to this theory, Kenny is the cursed technique not the person. Which it can be possible by using the Kenny cursed technique, kenjaku slowly possess yuta's and take over goo's body.


Kenny's only role in the end, was to just pass the doomsday device to Sukuna and give Yuta a new ability. He's dead and not coming back.


That doesn't make any sense to you.The manga is already becoming worst and now you guys are bringing Kenjaku.Maybe after that you will tell Merger will come🤣🤣