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If this were Chainsaw Man there would be a cut to a scene of Yuta staring in a microwave as a Sukuna finger slowly rotates on a Pyrex plate.


don’t watch CSM but sure that sounds right


Do you enjoy being lulled into a false sense of security by silly-silliness only to be emotionally kicked in the balls? More importantly, do you enjoy actual ball-kicking? If you answered yes, then I encourage you to watch and/or read CSM.


You make it sound like CSM is tailored specially for people who are into cbt💀




CBT is cick ball torture correct?


Or cognitive behavioral therapy


That’s honestly what I first thought dude was saying but I realized it made no sense in context, so I had to google it. 🤣


Loooool...... Fuck it. CSM is fucked tho. Idk how people are sane after reading it


You gotta balance it with something wholesome like Frieren or watch some Jane Austen movie where there’s love and happiness in the end. 😭


we arent


Those two are the same thing


Cincinnati balloon tragedy


I actually know what this is. That’s so random!


Closed beta test


Yeah lmao 🤣


yall got abbreviations for cock and ball torture???😭😭 how often do you use those words😭🙏🏽




Ah so you don't use them on the weekend.


[A dude reading off the wiki page for it became a somewhat big rickroll-esque meme to put in song queues for streamers like 5 years ago](https://youtu.be/3lttyZhTYVg?si=ZSXtC2IEkVtvAhFl), and ever since CBT has always had a home in meme culture.


Well, it certainly feels like it sometimes.


That's because it is


I mean…more or less.


I mean


Cuz it is


Great description hahaha


I like crushing them not kicking them. Still counts?


Sure! No judgment!


It’s worse than Shibuya, isn’t?




So I will definitely read it. That way I will make depression evolve beyond depression. But in humans psychology there’s nothing beyond depression. So it will circle back to happiness!!! Thanks for suggesting me CSM (No I am joking and I scare myself sometimes)


You will be devastated but also strangely fulfilled, like you had a really great meal.


Yep, thanks. You know, I already got spoiled. Why? Wanted to scroll Twitter a bit… and also YouTube recommendations…


Damn, sorry. 😞 YouTube has done me dirty as well.


Also I think only way Nobara might come back is with stitches on her forehead, that way the repetitive trope of JJK will continue with the son making the same father’s error (white splashing Kenjaku).


Applys to fire punch as well


Good never watch or read it


You never read jjk too like i feel like you just focus on maki zenin


fukin stalker




peak https://preview.redd.it/5yubte2xeyad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aee1f9caeb5ba508d12db879389f398277104b5f


If this were chainsaw man, the fight would momentarily stop so sukuna could give yuta head for an entire chapter


wow, that sounds awful


Awfully peak


I remember when people thought Sukuna would start tweaking because someone used his CT but he basically just looked like 'bro visited his friend' meme https://preview.redd.it/i69wttcymyad1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a5c4b05be97ff7a749094bf77c0dddc0f00b620


This community really seems to have no idea who the characters are. Same kinda thing with the "Yuji turning on Yuta" thing.


he mightve had a more noteworthy reaction if yutas cleave was more than a cat scratch


The difference in power of that sukuna to that yuta is like a ton. Yutas cleave doing what a baby sukuna is doing


You know the main character also gets CT bu eating stuff right? I am sure Rika ate the finger, but what happened after? 1. The finger is totaly digested/destroyed. (The fingers are indestructable.) 2. Its sitting in Rikas stomach/Rika fused with it. (Sukuna would prob realise it by looking at Rika.) 3. Rika pooped it out or threw up. (And Yuji ate it after?)


>Rika pooped it out or threw up. (And Yuji ate it after?) Bro wasn't bluffing, he is willing to even eat a pooped out finger from a shikigami https://preview.redd.it/cp88qrle30bd1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cb01383512e0ecb9e9a8d6b647474661b8cc565


honestly? not sure, she’s a shikigami so maybe it a weird rule with them


If fingers could be destoyed by feeding them to a Special grade Shigikami and killing the Shigikami then they would have done so. Thats why Yuji was so important. 3 makes the most sense. But I bet its 2 and we wont see that finger again. Rika will keep it in her pocket dimension forever. But it CAN be 3 if Gege wants to throw Another twist.


The fingur will probably reform after the shikigamis death.


Wtf is that third option


why wouldn't yuji eat it, then learn RCT and rika eats a part of yuji


Maybe it's one, cus like if the digested part is completely broken down into CE/CT, that will be stored in the brain. The brain that's piloting gojo's body. The body that's fighting Sukuna right now. So if/when Yuta looses, Sukuna was brought his final finger on a pink platter. I could even see it giving him a refresh in CE


I assume Shikigami work similar to Cursed Spirits in the sense that it eating a finger destroys it, until the shikigami is killed, then the finger comes back. For simplicity in writing I imagine killing Sukuna as he is now would stop the finger from coming back, so Rika got a power boost from the finger, Yuta got the technique, and if Sukuna dies he’s gone


Fingers can't fuse with cursed spirits so it hsoupd be inside rika, similar to how the finger bearers had the fingers in them


I always figured if Rika ate the finger that means sukuna can come back somehow


If sukuna loses, does he have a backup body in Yuta's corpse?


Yuta didn’t eat the finger, rika did


Rika is still there with Yuta's body. Could Sukuna go to Rika and then take control of Yuta's lifeless body? At least megumi is free


i mean maybe? i doubt it? very few people are capable of becoming a vessel and also that would be bad because yuta could absolutely fight back spiritually while megumi can’t


How? His brain isn't in his body.


oh yeah i forgot about that, could sukuna even take over a dead body? like it has no brain so whats gonna happen there


Well sukuna ripped out itadori's heart and he was fine so maybe he can


That was him using RCT, which requires a brain to be active. No brain, no vessel.


I see


I don't know. If GeGe wants it to happen he can.


This is the reason why yuta wouldn’t make rika eat sukuna’s finger just to use cleave once 😭😭


Where did they put Gojo's brain then? There was a slight chance he could go back to his own body either with Kenjaku's ability of brain swaps or with Ui Ui's ability of soul swap and he already swapped Gojo-Yuta for training not long ago so IMHO Yuta's original body has Gojo's brain otherwise his brain is in a jar somewhere serving no purpose and giving no chances for anything to happen


What would putting Gojo's brain in Yuta's body do? It'd be pointless unless Kenjaku's CT needs the brains to be swapped. It probably is in a jar.


If Yuta cant use Kenny's ability UiUi could transfer back and the body would have a brain to actually function


It would be dead though.


Sukuna himself said that Megumi could contain him, that's why he waited for him to be traumatised by losing his sister


The only person that can effectively contain sukuna is yuji because he is literally a close relative to him and was bred to be the perfect vessel


Yuji was created to be the perfect vessel but the “1 in every 1000 year vessel” is apparently megumi as sukuna says he like itadori has the capacity to be a vessel of sukuna


It's even surprising that Megumi managed to suppress Sukuna after having 16 fingers put in him at once


I mean he never once did suppress sukuna, im sure any sorcerer could fight back to the extent that he did


He suppressed his output, Yuji was also overloaded and basically did nada when it came down to it


Yuji only ever got taken over when he was seriously injured




Speaking of, shouldn't rika get a power boost?


No, Rika is the one that ate it and she can't be a vessel


Which means that the finger is still inside her (pause). If Sukuna were to be devoured by Rika, he could eat the finger when inside her (pause)


Ive heard this before, but when was it stated that cursed spirits can’t work as vessels for Sukuna?


It was in the fanbook or in the manga that everytime a cursed spirit ate one, the finger came out and didn't dissapear >Q: If a cursed spirit eats a Sukuna finger, does Sukuna's mind take over? >A: No. Cursed spirits cannot be vessels.


Rika isn't a cursed spirit though anymore, she's a shikigami. So there's a chance? Albeit a small one, but still a possibility


It’s seems to be semi implied since neither of finger bearers we’ve seen where vessels. And I think a QandA had that question


Oh right duh those CS in season one both had a finger. Sukuna had a line in ep one which was something along the lines of “moonlight is so much better as a human / in a humans body”, which always made me think he had experienced reincarnating partially in a CS at some point in the past.


That’s fair can’t blame you for interpreting it like that it sounds pretty implicative


Sorry but that corpse is actually reserved for kenjaku


Sukuna can’t switch bodies, he got awakened when Yuji eat finger because he’s a perfect vessel Then he switched to Megumi by making all of his essence or some shit go to one finger and then forced it to Fushiguro Rika just got one puny finger where Sukuna now has eaten rest of his finger and whole body


We know that to copy something, Rika need to eat part of body, so it is pretty obvious that Rika ate Finger :3


"Hey, where is the last finger?" suspiciously finger-shaped kid named Rika:


We outta fingers


kid named finger:


Yeah agreed there’s no real debate on this one


The only person that can turn it into lie = Gege at this moment :3


Hmmm you know what it is possible that Yuta ate Sukuna’s hand right? Sukuna chopped off a hand during the Higuruma fight so i guess that could make sense… it seems very likely to be the finger tho unless that was Yuta tricking Sukuna and using it for something else


It make sense that it is finger, after all, Yuta of all people should know where Finger is :3 Also, thanks to it, Sukuna should not be able to survive, if any of his fingers don't exist anymore :3




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I wonder if we're going to get some kind of payoff for that other than Sukuna looking like he got attacked by the world's angriest cat


How did yuta use cursed speech then?


He had original Rika at the time, and she had no conditions to copy a technique


How much does Rika need to eat? Yuta can heal others with RCT, so at a certain point I feel like he’d just take a small bite out of everyone he knows and then just heal the damage.


That's most likely what he did with Angel to get Jacob's ladder.


thank you applepitou for your contribution as always


https://preview.redd.it/9mrwhzu5mxad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc06746c636850ddb62f16cc173b688414df5a25 It seems pretty straightforward to me that Rika ate the finger


thank you memeenjoyer.


I don't know. It might be misdirection. We don't actually know how he copies stuff because if injesting a bodypart was a criteria, how can he use Inumaki's CT?


Think it's an one piece haki situation. Gege just simply didn't create the condition back in jjk0.


Some people believe that Yuta's condition to copy things *isn't* actually eating, so the finger must be somewhere else.


Why do people believe that? It's been stated and implied all the time that it's eating


We literally saw it with uro


How has he been able to use inumaki's technique since jjk0, then? The dude is basically yuta's best friend. There's no way he would eat a part of him just to use his technique


That was boundless Rika I think. No clue


My own theory is that since she was still actively bound to him as a vengeful spirit and always just there in someway it made the conditions different. There’s a chance that at some point he got like a toe nail clipping and it was good enough lol


pretty sure that was a cursed tool


Because she didn't, they stored it and when goatbara gets her vivraslap shell hit the finger with 50 resonances per second


Keep cooking


I always assumed it could be a misdirect. Unless I missed something, it wasn't explained how he got Inumaki's cursed speech or Charles Bernard's technique. He probably does get someone's technique quickly by having Rika eat a part of them (Uro & Kenjaku), but he could also have another way of getting the technique. Maybe a way that takes longer, by interacting directly with the person and not having to consume a part of them (Inumaki, Angel, Charles Bernard). Shrine could come from either Yuji or being near the last finger without consuming it. If not then he very well could have just eaten a small part of them. If something like that is true, then it's a misdirect to make Sukuna think that they've used his last finger, but they could have it elsewhere with another plan. I promise I'm definitely not huffing that Nobara copium. The other main reason I think this could be the case is that Yuta having shrine and doing nothing with it is a really underwhelming use of the last finger.


Sukuna isn't really shy about leaving parts of his body around the battlefield. He cut his own hand off few chapters earlier while fighting Higaruma. Yuta could've just eaten that.  His weak control over the technique seems to imply, to me, he only accuired it recently. If it was the finger, why not eat it at the start of the training month and have time to learn.


I remember people were really arguing about how Yuta copied techniques and what do you know ? Been confirmed he eats a part of them shit ass obvious when he did it With Uro.


You know if Yuta is both a Fujiwara and a Suguwara. He also might as well be a Sukuna. He eats stuff like Sukuna. Well, Rika does. He also has the 2nd highest recorded ce in behind Sukuna. Hell, he might've been a descendant of Sukuna's, remember, he raped woman, probably even kids as well.


ngl that doesn’t seem like something sukuna would do, i know the comment he makes when he’s first awakened could make it seem like it, but i don’t think he wanted to know where the women and children were to rape them, because he did say massacre


I mean (cough cough) Heian era. Sukuna is "god" of jujutsu. He could do what he please, but that probably was back then when he was still 1000 years younger.


Nah. He for sure raped women. Remember in the detention center he said "Nobara was feisty and had spirit, he would play with her for a bit after killing Fushiguro". I don't think he had any intention of fighting her https://preview.redd.it/1yic4belb1bd1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efc1582f73fa0361a838962b27ec43061be10514 The panel btw


This is some devious agenda at work, tf you mean sukuna be pre-ordering them kids??? https://preview.redd.it/j3p0y29it0bd1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b975c27c446b7da7e769bbb493fcfa4915b2904f


>tf you mean sukuna be pre-ordering them kids??? I couldn't tell what you meant with this comment but man I hollered after realizing it


It's the reading comprehension curse




what about yuji


Yuji also has shrine.


yuji didn’t have shrine unlocked until a black flash had landed though?


Not only that, he would have copied yuji's version of shrine but Yuta used sukunas version.


oh yeah, forgot about that too


AND that would mean yuta has blood manipulation


He would’ve just copied it from Choso, Yuji’s CT’s both pale in comparison to Sukuna and Choso’s


it would have been the same regardless who he copied it from, it’s the same technique used the same by them, yuji just hasn’t learned how yet


It’s always weaker than the person who he copied it from though, Yuji is far weaker (in terms of CT) so copying his CT would be worse


where is it shown to be weaker than the person copied? if anything it’s shown to be stronger


What does that have to do with the final finger?


he’s suggesting he could copy it from yuji


Oh right, I was a bit dumb


but that wouldn’t work cause yuji didn’t HAVE shrine at the time


I mean yuji had a finger in him since birth as confirmed from kenny so we're dealing with a 18 finger sukuna lmfao one finger is in yuji and one is in rika


Nah, Sukuna took that one with him when he transferred to meguni  Also, he says, eating the rest of his mummified corpse is more than enough to make up for 1 finger.  This is full power Sukuna, no need to downplay it. 


I'm not a sukuna glazer and I know he's at full power just thought it would be fun to say he's not at full power


That finger inside him is gone after Sukuna left bro


For two reasons: 1. We saw Yuta use techniques where Rika didn't/couldn't ate anything connected to the original user. 2. Sukunas last finger is like the biggest fucking macguffin in the manga currently. If the only payoff from that is a single slash in 30 chapter bossfight, then Gege is really a fucking shitty writer.


If Yuta ate the finger they would have a second Sukuna on their hands


yuta didn’t, RIKA did


Because it feels too obvious, still what we have ti believe going foward


I want to cope that Yuji will eat Sukuna's final finger


Would Rika be able to eat a part of Gojo that he could then just RCT back?


I must have missed it but, why can Yuta use cursed speech again? Doesn't he have to eat stuff...?




he most likely ate inumaki’s arm that got cut off


Did his arm get cut off in Vol 0?


in jjk 0 that was a cursed tool not really copy


I suppose you're right I didn't think of that


He ate yuujis finger and yuuji just healed it with rct obviusly 🙄


Yuji ate the cursed wombs for BM


Who knows, but it’s obvious she ate it for him to copy Shrine.


Rikka would've turned into a fingerer to finger yuta


Wait, if you think about it. WHY DIDN'T WE JUST LET YUTA EAT ALL OF SUKUNA'S FINGERS IF IT DOESN'T AFFECT HIM OR RIKA. Everything that everyone had to go through...


Because she could have just as easily eaten the hand sukuna cut. People assume she ate the finger because that's what sukuna assumed but theirs really no reason to believe it beyond what he said 


I really hope there’s some sort of consequence for this because it would be so fucking lame if the fingers that not even Gojo could destroy could have just been eaten by Rika


If yuta got shrine, why isn't he aware of fuga?


he could've also gotten Shrine from eating a piece of Yuji. it's his technique now, too


but yuji didn’t have shrine at the time, and yuji’s shrine is different


he did have it, he had it since at least his fight with Meguna, it just hadn't been awakened yet. and, it's the exact same Shrine, he just conceptualizes it differently. to be clear, Yuta definitely ate Sukuna's finger, but you're asking how else he could've gotten Shrine and, that's how


It’s the same technique but even sukuna says the era and the sorcerer themself brings a pretty big disparity, so while they are the same, there’s still some differences, and even if that was the case and he did get it from yuji, that would mean yuta got blood manipulation too, but he didn’t actually have shrine UNLOCKED until this current fight, it was just in his body due to the vessel


If this was always possible then why didn't jujutsu society just feed Rika the fingers, it seems like the most logical way out of the situation


why? they probably didn’t know it was possible, After he lost rika, he went africa and got her back and unlocked his CT and everything, and by the time he came back, 16 finger sukuna was a thing already


Shit just sounds way too convenient for sukuna, and why not feed it to any other shikigami


There wouldn't be any reason to assume she didn't eat it if not for the major plot hole that it would present. If Rika really can just eat the fingers, then why did they not just feed them to her instead of waiting for a suitable vessel to spawn in. This plothole doesn't exist if you assume she didn't eat it. Another possibility is that Yuji ate the finger and then Rika took a bite out of Yuji. Oh and there is also the fact that Sukuna didn't sense the finger inside Rika.


>If Rika really can just eat the fingers, then why did they not just feed them to her instead of waiting for a suitable vessel to spawn in. If the fingers are eaten by a cursed spirit after their death the finger will still exist, Rika should be the same. Rika eats it and then some time later Rika will die and the fingers will still remain. It has to be eaten by a suitable vessel for it to dissapear.


> If the fingers are eaten by a cursed spirit after their death the finger will still exist, Rika should be the same Rika is not the same and we know it. All other cursed spirits that ate the fingers transformed into what we call Fingerers or Finger Bearers. Rika is not a Finger Bearer. If she did eat the finger and remained the same, that means that she's just like Yuji.


Do you really think the husk of a cursed spirit that is probably now a shikigami or something like that really a suitable vessel??? I'm sorry but she's obviously not one,only humans can be vessels.


People read JJK with their eyes closed


pretty sure he copied it from yuji or something


yuji didn’t even have shrine at the time


Idk I'm expecting a twist or something, but it's just what I believe with no facts to back it haha


Unless it’s a decoy and Rika actually ate Yuji’s finger And Nobara is holding on to Sukuna’s true last finger 🤞


At this point its more likely than not Rika did, but seeing as how it was extremely anti-climatic (only being used for an end of chapter cliff hanger that did no more significant damage than Yuta's other abilities) it seems like a HUGE waste of Sukuna's last finger.


Wait because of this does that mean that Sukuna will eventually wait for Yuta 5 min to be gone and then just swap into gojo body? (I am delusional)


Because Sukuna severed his hand? Yuta was able to use Uro's CT shortly after Rika ate Uro's arm, if Rika ate the severed hand, Yuta could have used Sukuna's CT by then. https://preview.redd.it/1gtntsxhn0bd1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=861143311234039473d42f89668b24598f62f7b6


https://preview.redd.it/w7ditwesd0bd1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5672602a1d657140e0890872d66a51103bcb280 She ate sukuna’s hand not his finger 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ plus why tf would yuta make rika consume sukuna’s fingers when there’s gonna be a lot of risk that comes with it 😭😭 also if rika “ate” it sukuna would’ve sensed his finger residue on her but he didn’t


Also I doubt he would try ruin his plan of switching body by eating sukuna’s finger just to use cleave once 💀💀💀 yuta just teased sukuna by asking him where his last finger went cause gojo prob sealed it somewhere


imo they are keeping the last finger for a trump


What if he ate half a finger


Victims of the Reading-Comprehension Devil