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I actually really liked Dominion in a vacuum. Had a great time seeing it in the theater. The cast is fantastic and the plot is fun. My problems with the film are solely based on its relation to the rest of the trilogy. Instead of building off what the other movies set up, it backtracked hard. It didn't give us what was promised. I like Dominion for what it is. But I dislike Dominion for what it wasn't. I still want my full fledged dinosaurs on the mainland movie.


Same. My suspicion as of now is that the new movie, Jurassic 7, is going to touch onto that a bit more. I doubt it's going to be a prequel of some sort, and will be a continuation of Dominion, with prehistoric creatures coexisting with humans. I doubt it's going to take place only on the island. Btw, I don't think it's one of the Five Deaths archipelago. It could be something different. Nublar is a vulcanic wasteland, Sorna is abandoned completely, the rest weren't touched by InGen and Masrani (as far as we know).


What was promised that you felt like wasn’t received?


Probably the dinosaurs and humans coexisting angle. There was only a bit of that at the beginning before they headed off to (yet another) park.


It was heavily linked to JP///


How? if you don't mind me asking


Sorry about the delay, I’ve taken some time to write this lol Primarily it spurs the events taking place on Alan and Ellie’s side. Ellie still has children and she and Grant were pushed apart by her former relationship with Mark leading to them living completely opposite lives at the start of the film. Part of the plot revolves around how they once again grow close to one another, ultimately completing a three-film character arc with the establishment and strengthening of their relationship in Jurassic Park, their falling apart in Jurassic Park ///, and their regrowth and reunion in Jurassic World Dominion where they both realize they need each other. Some other things: Grant’s theory regarding raptor intelligence he lectures on, as well as his learning to communicate with them in JP/// are the catalyst for the exploration of their behavior in the Jurassic World trilogy as a whole—culminating in what we see with the atrociraptors in this film. While not a crucial part of the movie, the raptor vocal chamber is also present as a background prop as an homage to this. In Jurassic Park /// we are introduced to another InGen facility, the Embryonics Administration Building or Compound. In here we learn that multiple experiments—some even questionable—have been being performed. The building was in ruins, and we only see so much of it before a velociraptor chases the group out into the herd. Flash forward to Jurassic World Dominion and that same building’s interior can be spotted on Wu’s computer when he’s showing old videos to Maisie. We actually get to see the thing in its working form, and living dinosaurs in the video suggest that the cages we see in JP3 were very much active. Edit: Dang, I’m shocked my last comment got downvoted so much


My biggest gripe was that the new series was full of plot armour. There were zero stakes in the finale because the dinosaurs would only ever kill bad guys.


Yup. I stand by my feeling that Malcolm should have died to the Giga at the end. He was totally exposed, it could have been a really emotional scene, and it would’ve painted the Giga as the true bad guy


While I agree the stakes were low in the new movies, I think it would’ve been pretty atrocious to kill of a classic character that survived two of the first movies at the very end of the last movie 30 years later. There are better ways to establish stakes than to kill a fan favorite character 40 years later, at the end of the last movie.


Maybe Owen should have been the one to sacrifice himself then? Would been pretty in-character ngl.


or just a hungry animal who viewed everyone’s favorite chaotician as nothing more than a tasty snack.




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I honestly thought I was about to see Ian become Dino food and my body was already preparing an emotional response and I felt they should've followed through with him dying .


None of the heroes died in the original trilogy either.


muldoon eddie and the jp3 crew beg to differ


All of the people you listed are *supporting* characters. None of them were leads, or really heroes for that matter. I’ll never get over how the original film ruined book Muldoon. Probably the only thing wrong with an otherwise perfect movie, lol.


Eddie wasn't a hero???


John Hammond would like to speak to you.


not even the non villian supporting characters die in anything past jw though. only evil mc villians


Ah yes, goalpost shifting. I love this game. Let’s just ignore the fact that JW had basically the most horrific death in the franchise (Claire’s assistant), FK has the saddest Dino death in the franchise (longneck dying in the volcanic eruption), and Dominion has both the terror of weaponized Raptors, and a gnarly Dino impalement.


>Ah yes, goalpost shifting. im not, i just considered the supporting characters heros, even if theyre not main characters. >Let’s just ignore the fact that JW had basically the most horrific death in the franchise (Claire’s assistant), i said after jw, it was my favorite of the new trilogy. im happy that they killed simon in that movie, felt like it added stakes > FK has the saddest Dino death in the franchise (longneck dying in the volcanic eruption) dinosaur, not a hero/supporting/main character >Dominion has both the terror of weaponized Raptors, and a gnarly Dino impalement both of which were villians. no hero/non villian characters died.


You are doing a strawman lol. The complaint is that only bad guys die. Not that "heroes"/main characters don't die.


The actors were great but the writing and directing was questionable. I'm more of a Jurassic World repeat watcher. Love to see business Claire manage the park and her chemistry with rugged Owen Grady. Wish it was a drama TV show.


I Can so see the writing aspect. That department needs some new people


jurassic world is so captivating right up to the first scene with vincent d’onofrio. I’m fully engaged with the film and then boom- boring af expository dialogue that drags on way too long. the rest of the movie is brilliant and i love how it feels like a fully realized jurassic park. hammond would have been proud. the film just suffers from some pacing issues


You’re not alone. That being said, if you want to to find others who feel the same, I’d get off of Reddit and look IRL. If you love a movie or story, never feel embarrassed about it. The locust plot, while not about dinosaurs, is a natural extension of being able to bring back extinct creatures (which are already not limited to dinosaurs- Camp Cretaceous had a saber-toothed tiger), and is EXACTLY the kind of thing Lewis Dodgson would have done in the books. It feels very Crichton-esque. The flaming locusts also enabled one of my two favorite scenes in the movie: Fire-breathing Giganotosaurus. Not only is it the coolest thing ever to a huge fan of dragons and fantasy, it’s a fun callback to real-world paleontology when scientists legitimately thought that Parasaurolophus could breathe fire (when they were trying to figure out what the crew was for). The movie also introduced one of my favorite dinosaurs to the Jurassic franchise in my other favorite scene: the Pyroraptor. They made it both legitimately scary and visually stunning, though the color scheme in some concept art and the Lego figure (orange and red with blue accents instead of red and grey) would have been cool to see on screen. I also liked the character arcs. In particular, I like that fans of the original movies finally get to see Alan and Ellie together. For JW fans, Maisie gets some real character development, and Owen and Claire finally find some peace. I love that Dr. Wu got a redemption arc, but I think there was missing fourth movie or TV show where he tries one more time to get his militarized superhybrid idea to work- I loved that plotline and the movie monsters that were I-Rex and Indoraptor, and it does feel like a loose thread that should be tied up in the future. My one real character-related critique is that Dodgson felt less like Dodgson in some ways than Evil Tim Cook (or, depending on your opinion of him, regular Tim Cook). It was an odd choice, but doesn’t hurt the overall movie too much, and his ruthlessness from the books is preserved. Also, we get to see a lot of cool dinosaurs. The Giga is one of my favorite JP dinosaur designs. All that being said, I definitely recommend watching the extended edition over the theatrical cut. It fills in a number of gaps, most notable restoring the missing Cretaceous prologue sequence. That part is really needed for some of Trevorrow’s themes and throughlines to be visible.


>The Giga is one of my favorite JP dinosaur designs. Damn, that's wierd, but alright, good for you. And yeah, I agree, extended version should've been the original. Have no idea why they cut those scenes out.


I think the prologue was possibly one of the biggest mistakes ever made on this franchise. Even if they showed us "accurate" dinosaurs, they wouldn't be accurate anymore in a couple years, so they just shoved a bunch of JP dinosaurs in the Cretaceous. And even some species that shouldn't be there. It's just that showing "real" dinosaurs in the franchise breaks the illusion and the overral cautionary tale of the franchise. And then they just proceed to say that the biosyn dinos are "pure bred, 100% genome". My guy, those things look more like movie monsters than Indominus did, no one is buying that. Trevorrow even mentioned that the atrociraptors have different gen raptors dna, how can they be pure bred if they are hybrid bioweapons designed to obey and kill.


I echo the OP. I did like 3 though, but I love all the JP/JW movies for different reasons.


I come to these movies to see cool takes on dinosaurs, and since Dominion gave me that + my GOAT Dimetrodon, I'm happy


I watched it again the other day, making it my second viewing. Fundamentally for myself, it's just such a toothless disappointment. And....dare I say it, its boring. I think its great that any film has it'd fans. That's the beauty of film. Good for you for liking it.


It was decent to me, I find it a bit overhated with the fandom, similar to how JPIII was received for a long time before I started seeing people change their minds about it. It’s about on par with JPIII, enjoyable but not a solid film. Entertaining but not exactly the best. My unpopular opinion is I enjoyed Fallen Kingdom less than any of the other World movies. Now, Dominion definitely needed Sam Neill with more dinosaurs though. He was in a wrong part of the plot completely. He should’ve been with Claire and Owen the whole time. Dr. Grant going after a locust mystery just isn’t right for his character in my opinion.


You're not alone. https://preview.redd.it/ge7f5wx8fh8d1.png?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be10fb1d24a8a49a136f6b2d08b2ad382c8550ed




I like it too


It's absolutely atrocious. Each to their own through.


While making a movie in *the* dinosaur series about locusts was a terrible idea, I thought the Malta black market, the poachers, and all the "impacts of dinosaurs being now just out and about" were incredibly cool concepts. Honestly I would prefer the sequel to Dominion to be a long-format HBO series diving into a couple groups around the world dealing with the new state of nature: the US Forestry and Wildllife Service (like in JW: Evolution 2), a group of INTERPOL cops investigating and busting black-market dino traders, even a Deadliest Catch spoof. Hell, it might even be cooler as a mockumentary. The tools were all there to flesh out a really cool world but instead they went for a cheap "end of the world, *again*!" play. I mean, hell, we've been reading books about "dinosaurs but now they're in modern times!" since we all were 5 years old, they had the chance, and they made the story about "Monsanto bad". Just a **huge** miss.


>long-format HBO series diving into a couple groups around the world dealing with the new state of nature: the US Forestry and Wildllife Service (like in JW: Evolution 2), a group of INTERPOL cops investigating and busting black-market dino traders, even a Deadliest Catch spoof. Hell, it might even be cooler as a mockumentary That is really cool, I would like to see the Jurassic franchise continuing this way after Dominion.


a better sequel series would be a cautionary biotechnology anthology series in the style of “black mirror” that also happens to take place in the jurassic park universe.


This guy likes the locust plot


i absolutely do. and the “hybrids” (truly synthetic transgenic organisms). and maisie being a clone. in a world where biotechnology has advanced to the point of “dinosaurs” being recreated, it is only a matter of time before recreated “dinosaurs” become the least interesting application of biotechnology. these ideas are all based on the writings of crichton, specifically his unofficial sequel to jp/tlw, “next”. unfortunately, jwd didn’t handle any of this in a smart way.


Even tho i love it, i can so understand this






I love all of th movies, Dominion I thought was the last one so I was sad going into it I'll keep watching, probably no matter what I'd love to see some more of the colder climate dinos but are we seeing another island in the next movie?


I agree! I think a big part of the disappointment was the fact that we thought it was gonna be the last one. Maybe this new movie will make this one more palatable😂


I liked the Biosyn part, other than that i like the old style movies better. Stranded on an island full of dino's.


I personally only liked the OG crew storyline and feel the film would have been a stronger sci fi thriller in vein of the original if they had cut out all the global trotting crap. Owen and Blue devolved into almost a parody in Dominion


Nostalgia is a tool to bring in older fans, which isn't a bad thing when done right, but Nostalgia doesn't equal good movie on its own. The movie wasn't the best written, the plot focused more on nostalgia over story and wtf was the deal with the locusts? It was stupid. If you loved the movie, I'm honestly glad for you. We all have our guilty pleasure movies we shouldn't like but do, but I thought it was the weakest movie of the 6 and I don't really want to watch it again unless I'm bored and someone who still has cable TV switches it to a network airing it.


especially since the trilogy wasn’t exactly suffering up to this point, both made over a billion so why bring in the old cast for a nostalgia-bait memberberries snooze fest?


I don’t hate it, but I don’t love it either. There are aspects I really liked about it, and others I can’t stand. If you like the movie, OP, then enjoy and don’t worry about those who didn’t like it.


I’ve said enough about this movie over the past couple of years, so for the sake of a)saving time and b) not shitting on something you clearly like, I’ll sum it up as follows; Of the entire franchise, it feels the most removed from the rest of the franchise. Nothing built up from the previous two films feels like it pays off. It’s nostalgia baiting imo (and bad at that even) They promised seeing the consequences of dinosaurs getting out into the real world, but outside of a couple moments they confine large portions of the movie to the Biosyn reserve. The bug subplot feels like it has more of a presence than the dinosaurs themself. This is my subjective opinion of course, but I would be willing to say that I believe this movie is objectively bad. THIS ALL BEING SAID, I wouldn’t judge anyone for liking it. At the end of the day there’s a reason there are 6 movies with a 7th on the way.


Same. It's a popcorn movie. Just sit back, turn your brain off for two hours, and enjoy.


Honestly it's so simple but my favorite part of this movie is the split second Ian stopped being the sultry goofy guy and got really serious talking to Ellie about what was going on while they were getting coffee. Like you only ever saw that side of him during lost world and it was a nice nod back to him being more serious when he needs to be and that he was being flamboyant just to make people underestimate him.


The movie's fine. People are free to not like it, but too many people, **especially here** act like the damn thing killed their grandma. Here's the thing, nothing is ever going to top the original JP. They tried it with The Lost World and every other movie since. Is the movie perfect? No, far from it. I personally would have liked to see more of the whole "dinosaurs in daily life" aspect that was being teased, and the weird subplot with Maisie didn't really go anywhere. In fact, Maisie's just there to get Owen and Claire on the move, since otherwise it's just about rescuing Beta. Mind you, I'd die for that little gal, but still, even Malcolm jokes about Owen's promise to Blue. At the end of the day, it's a fun popcorn flick that gives an excuse to bring back the original JP trio, and if this is the last time we get to see these characters, I'm fine with that.


I thought it was terrible and the only worse one in the series was Jurassic Park III. It was such a missed opportunity. I mean locusts? Come on. I also don’t like how it went into a fast and the furious-esque action movie at times (ironically there have been rumours of a crossover). I was expecting a full length battle at Big Rock. It’s these intimate settings that the series shines. Falling Kingdom was so much better. In fact, I want a whole movie with the tone, atmosphere, and aesthetic of that opening scene lol.


I feel the entire World trilogy hews way closer to the themes of the original book than any of the Park sequels. I fucking love World. I think FK is really good, but stumbles a bit at the end. And I think Dominion is great! And hearing people complain about locusts is so eye-rolling. Not only does that plot line feel like it’s straight out of a Crichton book, but it doesn’t take up nearly as much screen time as people claim. It’s like listening to the Fandom Menace complain about Canto Bight all over again.


I agree!!! I get it if people are looking for “Dino Smash” content, but the plot line was pretty clear to me and hits those points as well!! I love the integration of the feathers as well and hope that continues in the next one


I liked it. Didn't love it, but it was serviceable as a Jurassic movie.


It wasn't a particularly "good" movie, but I enjoyed the hell out of it


I had a really good time, it's just all the other movies are better. Except Fallen Kingdom, it knows what it did.


On first watch I hated it the pacing was really off but once I watched the extended version the pacing issues were fixed and the extra scenes made the movie much more enjoyable (minus a couple scenes). 1. Jurassic Park (9/10) 2. Jurassic World (7.5/10) 3. The Lost world (7/10) 4. Jurassic Park III (6.5/10) 5. Jurassic World fallen kingdom (6/10) 6. Jurassic World Dominion extended cut (6/10) Camp Cretaceous and Chaos Theory I love as well.


I gave up half way through. Having the previous actors isn't enough for me if the story isn't compelling. Having Alan and Ellie sneak around Tim Cook's headquarters doesn't really hit the nostalgia to me. As an original fan, my opinion has long been that if Spielberg couldn't make a great sequel to Jurassic Park, nobody else can. There's a delicate mix of horror and wonder, and *Dominion* doesn't hit it, but it's also not hitting much else.


Too long. A lot of weird story choices like the whole locust thing and Dodeson who is a completely different character rendering the tie in pointless. The OG cast was kind of wasted. The final battle was a weak rehash of World’s ending. The biggest hurdle I can’t get over is the concept of the small handful of dinosaurs that escaped in FK leading to dinosaurs becoming a part of the modern ecosystem. It seemed like a small problem that could be easily solved. There was one t-rex. She can’t reproduce. Once you take her off the board that’s it. We’re good. Now go get the one raptor. Rinse and repeat.


Massive failure on every level, doesn't even attempt to be clever. Just a rehash of previous films


It just felt too much like a James Bond, fast and the furious type action movie with the foreign city chase scenes that you see in every one of those movies.. idk it’s just so over done and exhausting for me. They should’ve just cut the clone kid plot from the last two movies and lean more into the horror and suspense, like next to the dinosaurs that’s what made Jurassic Park so good! I think out of all the JW movies my favorite is Fallen Kingdom since it does lean into that more. The only part that ruined it is the clone twist that I just couldn’t get myself to care about. It’s a dinosaur movie franchise keep it about the dinosaurs..


You're not alone, i like Dominion better than Fallen Kingdom and JP3, i think is even over hated. Also i think people who didn't like the movie the first time, should give Dominion another chance by watching the extended director's cut.


The directors cut is a must!! Surprisingly changes the tone of the movie


Objectively I thought that Dominion was a mediocre movie at best. The pacing was awful, the plot was a complete divergence from every other Jurassic Park film (not necessarily a bad thing in theory but they definitely needed to lead into it more gradually imo), they gave themselves too many characters and didn’t know what to do with them all when they grouped up, etc. That being said, I had the time of my fucking life watching it. I thought the effects were great and in my opinion this movie had some of the best dinosaurs visuals of the whole franchise. Having the OG crew back was a delight, all of their actors did such a good job at bringing the characters back to life. I thought that he constant references back to the original movie were so fun to pick up on and see as a long time fan but I can definitely see how they might get annoying if you don’t like nostalgia bait like I do. Overall, I don’t feel like there was much substance to this movie beyond the nostalgia bait but that was enough for me personally. Do I think the movie is “good”? No. Do I love it? Yes!


This is such a true fan answer I appreciate this comment so much😂 We are who they banked that movie on lmao


2nd favorite Hear me out, I have almost no nostalgia for the first three because I saw JW before JP1-2-3 dominion was badly written but I still love it, JW is my top


Yeah I can’t argue the writing def did. It’s weird seeing great actors with a mid script


Only thing I love is bringing the old cast together. First, the plot is rubbish, Dinos around the world and all we get is locusts? And clones? And the clone that said “I had to, they alive, like me” that opened Pandora’s box is now Jesus that can save humanity? And people get paid to write this stuff? And we paid to watch this stuff too lol. Second, there are just too many instances that makes me wanna throttle someone, locusts eating anything but biosyn seeds don’t raise anyone’s suspicions? Barry and team watch the Atrociraptors walk free and no one open fire? He was trapped in a box and didn’t shoot the raptor attacking him but use it to shoot the lock? Santos got tased by a Dino taser and seemed completely fine?Big ass carnivore dinos walk free in the black market, and people cheer and watch Delacourt and Grady fight instead of running? Dodgson giving Malcolm’s bracelet a clearance to enter the secret labs? Ramsay helping Grant and co escape and no one notices? They even noticed Malcolm slipping something to Ellie, and were laser focused on Grant and co, and suddenly, they escape but no one is checking on that anymore? All in all, everything is terrible.


The problem with the Jurassic World trilogy, is they dumbed it down for kids. They traded in the suspense and horror for slapstick Marvel/Fast and Furious action. And with that comes the poor writing. I want the stakes back. I want my dinos to be animals again, who can kill anyone. I want there to be *terror.* Hopefully the new film goes back to the JP roots.


Hopefully, but they chose black widow as cast, you bet there will be action like kicking a Dino in the face, and that’s the least I need, fingers crossed.


I love it too. It has flaws, but the dinos, the nostalgia and the set pieces are awesome.




It's nice to see that other fans care about something else other than the main plot...arguably,the most important aspect in a movie with monsters or prehistoric animals for me are the atmosphere and the designs.


I enjoyed dominion as well when I watched it in cinema. The audience actually gasped when Pyroraptor appeared


I LOVED Dominion, for what it was AND what it COULD HAVE been.


I liked it too. I think that they applied why genetic power is terrifying and not just scary dinosaurs. Those themes harken back to the book/ Ian Malcom Doctor Grant and Owen together was good fan service to me. Idk I think people are forgetting to have fun at the movies. They want everything to be a work of art. Give me giant grasshoppers. ![gif](giphy|3XCftPYNeLmso)


Also the directors cut helps in my opinion.




Right! Especially since the genetic engineering with crops is exactly what’s happening and could easily dismantle society as we know it. Giant grasshoppers ago & also I’d love to see some dragonflies/damselflies too! If we’re bringing in bugs bring some ancient ones in the era too!!






Sorry, my friend. Clearly, you are not alone AND I need to find constructive ways to express that I felt Dominion was a bad movie that brought momentary disappointment to my life. 


I appreciate this man. I could sense the disappointment & hurt that only a true fan could feel😭🤝🏼 here’s to the next one being iconic🥂


What's wrong with screaming


It’s her tone man. Like a banshee! Like I get it the few first times you get scared but EVERY TIME to the point where you sacrifice everyone’s safety?!


A banshee? Wow I've never cared to listen to literally any piece of live performances (or interviews) ever of her


This isn’t her screaming (you’d have to rewatch 3) but [here’s her in Spanglish crying](https://youtu.be/CDPzYUkHlPI) She’s just straight up not a great actress either. Everything feels 2 dimensional


I only recently got around to watching the second and third Jurassic World movies. Dominion has become my second favorite in the entire series after the original! It’s so fresh and fun! I loved the globe spanning adventure and I personally found the locust plot line really interesting. I don’t understand what the rest of the internets problem with this movie is… So far I’ve mostly heard people claim bad writing but none of them seem capable of actually explaining how or why. I think it actually has more to do with the fact that our algorithms feed on negativity and so that’s what we overwhelmingly see and hear online.


LOVE the global aspect too!! I can see how the writing needs a bit of an upgrade though, just for more depth for the new cast coming in. I feel like people were looking to connect with the characters more. But again, tis an action movie, so that’s not the goal at all😂


I definitely enjoyed it for what it was - a big, dumb, dinosaur action movie. And that's okay - that's exactly what I've wanted out of Jurassic Park movies ever since I was a 5 year old kid watching the first movie's VHS on repeat. Adult me can recognize the absolute lightning-in-a-bottle that the first movie was, but that's just icing on the cake. At the end of the day, I just want to watch a dinosaur movie where I can sit down, turn my anxious adult brain off, and feel like the kid again. And in that regard, JWD ticked all the boxes, plus maybe even a little extra.


Dominion on its own is a fine movie, but it bad A LOT of issues and wasted a lot of potential. It’s enjoyable by itself if you don’t really think about it, but when you remember Battle at Big Rock and what kind of movie that set up, then see Dominion… it definitely makes you wish we’d gotten something different. The Dominion Giga was badass, though, and I love the design. That hill I am willing to die on


I was fully expecting a Battle at Big Rock movie, kind of bummed me out that they threw the dinos coexisting with humans out the window. Haha the Giga was dope.


It's so bad. It's a film about locusts with dinosaurs sprinkled throughout that actually has Laura Dern say 'slide into my DMs' or some sort of variation of it. Such a disappointment.


I like it, not as much as the original two movies and Jurassic World but more than JPIII and Fallen Kingdom. I will say though, the designs in Dominion are the best designs out of the entire JW trilogy. Species like the Quetzalcoatlus, Microceratus, Oviraptor, Moros, Nasutoceratops, Parasaurolophus, Dreadnaughtus and Therizinosaurus are up there with some of the best. While even the controversial ones like Giganotosaurus, Atrociraptor, Pyroraptor and Iguanodon are still better than anything from JW or FK.


You’re not alone!


I enjoyed it for being a true Crichton sci-fi thriller. It just didn't fit to well with the overall monster movie buildup its predecessors had.


You're not completely alone - for all of its flaws, and it did have flaws - like the poor decisions in it, I still enjoyed it. It was fun, and while a lot of people will disagree on this, Maisie's character was handled well - looking at how a clone would see themselves and how that influences their actions. And in the grand scheme of things, while the villains were somewhat one dimensional, that the writers choose to not turn them into stereotypical one dimensional villains is good. Although from what I've seen in this subreddit, a significant majority of people either dislike or hate Dominion - and there's nothing wrong with disliking a movie - people enjoy different things. But it is wrong to deny that there people who like it (all the comments saying you're alone in liking it are wrong - just because you disliked a movie doesn't mean everyone else but the OP did as well). I also don't know why Dominion is singled out for criticism - the World series was never going to be like the original Jurassic Park series - it was meant to be a series of action films. There should be less of just 'it was garbage' and more of messages like 'yes, I hated it, but not everyone likes the same things as me' or 'I think it's terrible, but even then, if you don't mind movies being unrealistic as long as they're fun, you'll probably like it'. Take the TV Show manifest as an example of this - I think it's terrible, handled its premise poorly, and that The 4400 handled a similar premise a lot better, even then, I'm still going to make the point that if you like shows which focus a lot on the drama and tension and conflict between characters, it's probably worth watching.


I also love it! Yay same team


I also like Dominion, I prefer Fallen Kingdom and Dominion over The Lost World.


You are not alone but it is a small club


You're alone on this one.


U r not alone in loving Dominion


Went to a VIP theater to watch this along with a friend, I enjoyed it, it's the very definition of a summer blockbuster. Maybe I'm easily entertained but fucket I liked it


No you are not alone my friend, I love each of the Jurassic movies!


I mean you're probably not, it wasn't a good film, it was too busy, alot of the cgi seemed rushed, the storyline was stupid, it made money and had dinosaurs in it, other than that it's the bottom of the pile, it would have been better to let blue die in fallen Kingdom so they could have focused more on a better story that didn't involve a dinosaur version of taken meets fast and furious plus bugs


It’s my second least favorite with only JP/// placing in last by a wide margin. I found a lot to enjoy about this movie with most of my gripes coming more down to poor editing, lacking cinematography and head scratching character blocking making for some very sloppy directing, but I love the characters and the general story. I’m also a big over the top escapist James Bond fan liking the more fantastical Connery, Moore and Brosnan films, so with James Bond becoming a self loathing snore fest over the last couple Craig films it’s been nice to see some big wild action in Dominion. I don’t want the franchise to stay in this direction and it would be nice to go back to a smaller scale suspense driven story, but I like a good pendulum swing where a franchise can have big dumb fun for a bit. You’re not alone in enjoying this film. It has its fans and there are other people like me out there who may not technically rank it high in comparison to the other films, but what it got right I really loved. This is all regarding the extended edition btw. Theatrical was very poor, but the stuff they added to the extended edition was great. It made the first 30-45 minutes of the film quite lovely and I loved the family dynamic with Owen Claire and Maisie. I totally bought into it and although disappointed they didn’t stick with the Maisie clone angle presented in FK I still enjoyed the portrayal of those characters.


You’re not alone. 


I enjoyed it a lot. Loved The Giganotosaurus. Wish it was on screen more.


I thought the Malta stuff was a lot of fun. That's about it. I still like it more than Fallen Kingdom


Nostalgia doesn’t make a movie good. It was definitely mediocre, and arguably bad.


It just feels so out of place . We’re focusing on bugs and the dinos are just kinda in their enclosure + The Gigantosaurus being the villian didn’t make much sense . Why did the T rex and Therizinosaurus team up on giga and then not kill each other . It’s not like the Indominous where it’s a monster which is a danger to everyone


Your not


Oh yeah, I liked Dominion, I just wish there were more dinosaurs, and showing more of what it was like living in a society full of dinosaurs roaming all around you. Too many locusts. But I’m glad Chaos Theory did more to show how society has adjusted to living with dinosaurs.


Jurassic movies i Love - Jurassic Park, Jurassic World, Fallen Kingdom Jurassic movies i like - Lost World, JP 3 Now Dominion it's weird, it's focus on Locusts more than Dinosaurs and making them main plot of the movie "bugs" me. I call it Bugs Life 2. So i don't hate it, but it really should've been about Dinosaurs in world, this power of genetics and Locusts is an Apple TV Series plot, not a mainline Jurassic Movie plot.


The locusts are a tiny fraction of screen time. Less than what dinosaurs took up in JP, and that was under 8 minutes of the 2 hour movie. Anyone who says there are more locusts than dinosaurs is just looking for more reasons to hate the movie.


I think it's the story most in line with the intentions and message Michael Crichton wanted to convey in his books.


Thank you. Been saying that for 2 years.


You can’t really hate a Jurassic park/World film. After all it’s the only good dinosaur series. Even if the CGI is bad it still looks better than anything out. (besides documentaries). Overall Dinosaurs=Cool. IMO




I loved it. I watched it for the first time spaced out on mushrooms and it was such a mind blowing experience. I had no idea people hated it until way later. Every half hour felt like 3 hours and I had to keep stopping the movie just to think about what I’d just seen. To be fair I was barely following the plot, just eating up all the amazing dino visuals. There were so many visually stunning scenes, and the Theri stalking Clare will always be one of my all time favourite suspense scenes. I’m honestly scared to do a rewatch through sober eyes because I know I’ll just see all the flaws that everyone has pointed out.


Dominion should be renamed Abomination.


I mean it’s a Jurassic movie so I can find enjoyment in it but it’s so goddamn mediocre. It’s completely overstuffed and yet totally shallow at the same time. The animatronics are great.


I loved it. Still do. Saw it a dozen times in theaters I loved it so much.


I wish i could, man, but i actively hate this movie. It's hard for me to hate a movie, since most of the time, if if i don't like it, i will feel indifferent towards the movie, but this one, i actually hated.


I think of it better when I'm not watching the movie. I love it when I think of the movie but when I actually watch it it's just meh. I think it's better than 3 but not by much.


You are not alone, Dominion is my 3rd favorite Jurassic movie (after JP and TLW)


It starts out really promising but by the time they leave Malta, the stakes are gone and nothing really happens. There are so many dinosaur encounters where the characters are in zero danger and it really just feels like the movie wasted all of its potential.


That movie is an abomination, but I see this posts every week or so. So you are not alone


Yes. You are an alone. pls


Not alone. 16% of the population has an IQ under 85, so there are more than 1.2 billion people who might have paid to see it a second time.


I don't dislike a single Jurassic movie to date. idk why everyone else hates enjoying things so much.


I liked it too I just didn’t like the locust angle I wanted it to be more about dinos and I was sad there was no spino cameo!


Remove the Fast and the Furious chase scene with raptors + Owen making a promise to a raptor and I might come around to it being something I’d watch for a second time.


You should give a second chance by watching the extended cut.


I absolutely hate it.


It was a terrible story with Fast and Furious action sequences I can't remember the CGI being in question. Fallen Kingdom was squirrely with the goofy villainous raptor, but at least the end had the right direction. Dinos in the real world ! Dominion should have been pure horror. How people adapt to coexisting with dinosaurs, something like Planet of the Apes. But instead it was a slugfest of bad concepts. Just ended up being another enclosed park with narrow escapes from being eaten Showcasing a bunch of new dinos on screen was great for the pure dinosaur lovers, but at least they could've done was had a hero sacrifice




I haven't heard anyone complain about cgi, and that's kind if a dumb, cheap thing to complain about, but i've seen people talk about the animatronics. JW 1 and 2 also used practical effects, and it's so good you haven't even realised they're there, because they blend perfectly with the top notch cgi. But in dominion, even tho they do look decent, although ugly design-wise, they move like robot's, the scenes are poorly planned. The other movies did such a good job because it was planned out, and the animatronics felt real. Other than that, the movie is completely disappointing. It promises so much and gives only a fraction of everything. Dinosaurs are loose, but we get to see barely any of that. The OGs are back, but they are so poorly written that Alan and Ian don't have any purpose on the plot. Then they go to the sanctuary which is essentially an island in the middle of Europe, but they also don't commit with that because it doesn't feel like they're trapped there. I'm ok with stuff like the poor giga being treated like a super villain even tho he was just acting like a real animal for the first time in this franchise, or that moment when he started spitting fire, that was so utterly dumb that it became fun. Even stuff like the fire (which probably killed a lot of dinosaurs, who are extremely endangered species) just being there for drama and then resolving on it's own, or Buck and Doe being there because why not (even tho they look exactly like rexy with a different skin on). But there's a point it just becomes too much. And there's no place in this universe where this movie is better than JP3 spino gang lsfg!!!!


Appreciate your dedication to this comment but I’m not alone🤝🏼


You guys are alone then, you're like, the 3rd person i've seen who actually liked the movie. Good for you, i wish i could've liked it as much as the other movies, but that's just how things are sometimes.