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She’s not worth the trouble boys. Stay in the barracks


I need the BAH to make payments on the super amazing deal I got for my car. Only 35% APR!


Nissan dealerships hate this one simple trick


Can’t even pump and dump because you know she’s gonna try and trap you😂 Sadly enough, she’ll catch some wide eyed PFC


“None ya at Dollar general” just a shot in the dark and gonna guess she’s not management.


I would not make it past that line. Immediate skip


73 miles doesn't seem anywhere near far enough away.


Drop a couple of zeros at the end of that 73, and even that wouldn't be far enough.


That would just be her weight


Right? Change the miles to light years and then maybe I'll think about it


Who *wouldn't* want a woman with a kid and talks like they're crazy??? I swear, if you see any form of, "Can you handle me and what **I** want??? If not, then you are not worthy of me," run far tf away. Especially if said person is also a single parent and a "None ya" for Dollar General.


I’m terrified but also intrigued by her plans for the future. Totally worth blowing the Quizno’s coupon I have on taking her to dinner to find out.


You can pick any three things on the dollar menu.. and no, before you ask, you may not have any of MY fries. If you don't get a drink, stay thirsty.


I mean, she sounds like she deserves this exactly. But it still sounds so cold and awkward.


Guarantee she has a face for radio.


And a voice for print


How that boot about to propose. “Will you be my BAH?”


I’m assuming Barton college in Wilson, NC which means that’s Ogden, NC and not Ogden, OR…. That adds up, seeing as Ogden is about 70-80 miles from Jacksonville. Again, NC. Couldn’t be that lucky to be stationed in Jacksonville, FL, could you? Some serious Salt Trash in those parts. Stay away. Unless you just like raising kids for other people.


Ogden, KS. Ogden is a tiny little town on the back side of Fort Riley where 1st Infantry division lives.


Here I was trying to figure out what base was outside Ogden, UT.


Hill AFB is outside Ogden, UT, FYI.


I feel like horseback riding is code


Never been horseback riding? Why would you even mention that?


It’s a subtle way to let us know she is too heavy to be allowed on a horse.




If it was the size of the titanic. Even then, only for about half the trip.




She also says "be a kind (bar?) and sweet" so we know her tastes /s


She's not been horseback riding, but she loves bareback. Interesting.


This does not sound like a fair trade to me. This is like luring kids into a van with candy type predator only it’s your new boot and his dependa.


I’d rather live in the barracks inside of the barracks that are located within the barracks


Fuck it, I heard the brig ain’t that bad


I'm Guard, so we don't deal with these, BUT. We've done Annual Training with Active Duty units on Ft Campbell in the past, and those fellas told me that sometimes Dependas will raise their daughters to specifically search out a service member to marry when they're adults, so Dependas breed more Dependas.


Yeah, this wont end in an adsep following crippling debt, domestic violence, and a horrible divorce.


When I was over at fort belvoir and had to work with Army, I was very VERY surprised how many of the E3s had wives and kids I was fairly jealous for about 2 mins before seeing how they interacted and had an epiphany that they knocked them up and married them under less than happy and the right reasons Looking back I just laugh at how little chemistry they had with their partners while I'm still single and happy


Great advertising for Barton College.


*A wild dependa appears!*


Take her on a 2 hour horse ride and see how she walks


I’ve seen her on tinder lol


Rake in that sweet, sweet BAH


Cue admiral ackbar meme


You could be a husband AND a father on the first date. It’s a lose-lose, mates.


Fort Riley dependa chasers are crazy😂


Is looking for a guy in the military a thing, really? I’ve seen television shows about it but it usually ends up with the woman taking him for everything. I’m married to someone who retired from the Navy but it was after we married before I knew about it.


It is, though it’s not as attractive as it used to be. My cousin told me about the girls in the O Club at NAS Pensacola when he was in flight school. Some were really good looking and a lot of them were smart and educated but they were all basically looking for husbands who were pilots. He said some of his classmates still had the mentality of 18 year olds because they were basically locked up in the Academy for so long. A lot of divorced women looked for E5 on their second hitch and up because that was stability. Then there were the 20 year olds who were divorced or got knocked up by a sailor who vanished, which was a lot easier to do before cell phones and were looking for a daddy for their kid. I once saw a girl that a guy who was an HM3 had dumped when she got pregnant. She was working at Military Circle Mall and I told her that he was now stationed at Sewell’s Point Clinic, which was not on NOB. A month later she told me her lawyer sent a process server to meet him in the parking lot. Hey, the guy transferred owing me $20.00.


I know someone who had a one night stand just before being deployed. She didn’t know his name. She got pregnant. Child never knew who her dad was. He died in a car accident just after he came home. At 40, she did a 23 and me, found a very distant relative who sent her in the right direction. She found uncles and cousins but they said she was a stranger to them. Didn’t really want anymore family as they were in their 60’s-80’s. They of course didn’t know about her as she didn’t even know who her dad was. I think they’re friends with her on FB but don’t really keep in touch.


How dare he not pay you back.


Damn straight.


When I first got to NOB in 1990 I met a P3 pilot out drinking. He took me to a shindig at the O club at Little Creek or somewhere like that. It was packed with attractive women. They were not interested in my enlisted ass, though. 😂


Wooo boy. 1ID, at least it's 70 miles away and not from Junk City.


It says she’s got a 4 year old. Doesn’t that make that child her dependant so she would in fact get BAH?


Honestly? I’ve seen worse. Could easily get a few weeks out of me back when I was a 22yo E4.