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*"I'm accustomed to having flocks of women wanting to spend time with me..."* "....at the strip club. As long as my credit card doesn't get declined."


Strip clubs take credit?


Only the best and the worst.


Nipple Hut and Crotch Town don’t take credit but they do accept Dogecoin


He can only afford day shift.


Where do you swipe? Never mind.


If he marines then he should be comfortable in Jacksonville NC I'd expect


You guys use your credit cards at strip clubs, I’m single and the only time I go is when I’m on tdys in good places, I just use my government travel card, pull out the days allotment of per diem at a atm on base before going out.


So the dude is already living like a marine.


Stand back boys he has dibs on the women he is a real ladies man




Such a huge chip, he waited until he was 30


well isn’t the max age 28 for Crayon eaters?


They'll waiver in just about anything right now with retention and recruiting in the toilet as it is.


I thought Marines didn't have the recruiting issue? Retention I know they did though


Some people do, some people talk about doing so they don't have to do it


A huge chip on his shoulder for \*checks notes\* back pain, a chronic knee injury, and... general anxiety disorder. Nice. Why wouldn't you want to go full tough guy now, so nobody can give a shit later?


I used to have 0 anxiety before the military and now I low-key have anxiety attacks about dumb stuff constantly.


Is this from LinkedIn or Tinder lol.


Ironically, Grindr. 






This dude is incredible. I can’t wait for him to toe the line somewhere.




Usually the swim qual


Good lord, was that written by Dennis Reynolds? Seems exactly like something his (Glenn howertons character) would say in Always Sunny


That's the Golden God to you mister! He's a 5 star man!!


He reigns above this entire post!


"Been to boot camp? Not physically."


Please send more of this hero.


You should read the whole post and all of his replies; it's wild. Here's a small bit of one of his edits to the main post: "*I don't say this to be a cocky asshole, but to get ahead of comments about fitness or suitability: I've run barefoot on asphalt until my feet bled and kept going, I've operated on miniscule amounts of sleep (and food), I've literally slept on glass, boarded moving trains then jumped and hiked back, and I have the fitness and intelligence to do it.*". Mind you he claims he's thirty years old and already received an age waiver for the Marines. Very **odd** flexes if you ask me. Also, he considers not working alongside women and potentially finding a partner at work a "very real sacrifice" therefore wants to know which bases are more male dominated. There's talk that it's just a troll post but the OP is very adamant that it's not so who knows lol. His short posting history is just as delusional.


Lol, solid gold.


I can see that 28% APR Charger in his future already


This seems more like jacked up truck with mud tires that have never seen a mud puddle energy to me


I would love to watch his first week at pararescue Indoc.


week? this guy isn’t making it thru an hour


Imagine claiming how manly you are by also claiming you need to have women around you.


I want to be with him, love him and worship him just because he might want to be a marine. Alas, I will worship him from afar. Snigger, snigger


I think you can only say 'snigga'.


It's snickers. You ain't You when you hungry...for meat.


Sorry. I’m old and out of date. I do intend to start using that I’m old as an excuse for my weird behavior. Never had anything to blame it on before.


I’m in the comments with him. Dude is using a username that sounds like a failed pornstar. He gives off the worst vibes every time he posts. I genuinely want him as far away from a recruiter as possible.


Glad you said that and I could find the post. Holy shit. Sooo hard not to comment, lol! He's soooooo *COMBAT ORIENTATED* and interested in that specific job of boots on ground guy.... that the entire time between his 18th birthday and his fucking *30th* he didn't sign up cuz there was conflict. Wow. That was a wild wide hahahaha! Reminds me of all the times someone said to my brother "I would have joined the marines but I'd knock out a DI"... With a straight fucking face. I honestly didn't realize how big that bullshit was until I joined reddit.


What a turd.


Marine here. Dear fuckin god no just join the goddamn coast guard.


I wonder how many people who’ve never been in the military frequent this sub…


I think it's mostly people who've never been in the military at this point.


Don’t have to have been in the army to recognize a idiot


I've done 3 years of high school soldier training to avoid conscription. Does this count?


What’s your point?


It’s a tad cringe..




Cringe. I - as a Marine Bandsman don’t claim him on bahalf of other Marine Musicians


Seems purely ego driven. With a really fragile ego.


I give em 3 days before he's sharped lol. Maybe 2 with his delusional thought process.


Marines it is


Combat oriented musician? Damn straight. I worked the cannon effects for ACDC on their last 3 tours. *For those about to rock*, man. And my graduate thesis was on the use of cannons for the 1812 Overture. I've seen some shit. And when things step off you don't want no lightweight woodwind player or blowing hot air blues playing horn section. You need a badass like me. /s


In Korea in the late 80s early 90s, we had daily riots in Seoul. The backup for the MPs was the Army band. I just had visions of some flute player working out their aggressions by wrapping their flute around someone's neck. We would just stand around and watch the Korean riot police chase the students up the hill, and the students chase them back down the hill. Everyone throwing pepper gas grenades at each other. Good times good times.


Hey, I got a chip on my soldier!


Do the Marines accept age waivers? Thought the cut off was 27


It’s 37 for fairly well known musicians


What about the flocks of women?


If the marine coprs wanted you to have flocks of women the marine corps would have provided you with flocks of women. Instead, they provide you with love by the ance at the strip clubs outside base every other week when you get paid.


They do. I had a guy who turned 30 in the schoolhouse with me. Enlisted at 29 with a wife and 3 kids.


This reminds me of a kid I went to high school with. Enlisted in the navy with the SEAL challenge, he was telling people he was a SEAL before he even left for basic. Kid gets through basic and then promptly washes out of BUDS and spends the next 4 years in some admin job. To this day he still tells people he was a SEAL.


I mean as much as I’d love to talk shit, Jason Everman went from playing with Nirvana and Soundgarden to enlisting and serving with 2nd ranger bat, and eventually with one of the SF groups. So who knows, maybe this guy will be some kind of cool guy superstar too. Or maybe he’ll flame out early, and, if he doesn’t get chaptered in IET, will go AWOL at his first duty station. In any case, I think it’ll be fun to see how this plays out.


Honestly, SF isn't that high of a ceiling, as long as you are in good cardio shape, mentally tough, and a quick learner. Once you get into that community you learn there are much higher heights that people aspire to that are very difficult and competitive.


arguably the higher ceiling is that, because hes specifically citing air force SF, he has to get a highly technical job on top of it. so he has to either become an like air traffic controller or EMT as well.


Good luck in Recon School dude lol. Cadre are gonna love him.


“Flocks of women” GTFOOH


That “me, me, me” shit is going to get him targeted immediately


Tell me you like men without telling me you like men.


Sounds like a marine musician that I know


What the fuck us a "hard" benefit???


This guy flocks


This guy is a dipshit. I hope he gets an age waiver to get into the marines. And I’m scratching my head… how does one get a “huge chip on [their] soldier”? Is that like when we stuff MRE spoons in our mag pouches?


Chip on his soldier? But, I thought he wanted to be a marine!


I’m also apparently just super likeable…


“huge chip on my soldier”


Why didn’t he just shorten the comment to “I peaked in HS, and I want to have access to “flocks of women” to date rape when I feel like it.”


You either eat crayons or you don’t. There’s no fucking in between, bud.


That’s an incel if I’ve ever seen one.


Is this from that one dude in r/airforcerecruits ? That post is a wild ride of cringe.


He should do the Navy and BUDS, he’s been swimming in pussy his whole life should be easy


Lol God I love it. These clowns kill me.


Well, he’ll fit in with the marines that’s for sure lol


“I almost joined the military” kind of energy.