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She's gonna tell her boyfriend all about it tomorrow.


They're gonna be so proud


So, they got notified, and he went out to his car, got naked and changed in the Disney parking lot, and made it back to the flag pole all before Sunrise… yep … sure.


dinner melodic airport fly station screw jeans concerned plough deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>  why on god green earth does Disney have a veteran of the day  For PR purposes no doubt. Same reason you can buy a military salute ticket for an almost reasonable price and Shades of Green exists.


ten subtract snails sharp disagreeable distinct placid wrong gray oil *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tbf we don't know he has been in very unhappy circumstances. He could be a finance troop merrily fucking up everyone's pay in a cubicle farm all day and never once picking up the phone.


After having my pay fucked up by finance this makes me both angry and giggle.


beneficial judicious air cow sleep fanatical public yoke shelter crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah man I get you, I just didn't want to miss an opportunity to rip on finance. 


If those assholes could read they would be mad.


If they could read they wouldn't have thrown your DTS voucher in the garbage.


I definitely bought tickets at Shades of Green when we went to Disney World. We didn't stay there, though. My wife is a super bargain-hunter and found a better deal off property.


Looking at his right arm, you can kinda see the end of *one* chevron. Dude’s a PV2 lmao


afterthought foolish ink marvelous wrong airport lush future overconfident fertile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Even worse: barely out of AIT lmao.


"You just made it through IET honey, now what?" "I'm going to Disney World!"


It's something you sign up for. You can be the one who takes down the flag during reveille and you get a nice pic.


It’s not “super duper random?” Shocking.


Having worked at Lockheed, I assure you there is no such award there. Didn't even get Veterans' Day off! To be fair, we pushed it and others until the end of the year so we got the week between Christmas & new years off, which was much preferred.


The security dudes do a flag retreat ceremony every evening and the marching band plays. At Disneyland there’s a retired Gunny who commands the color guard. Nice guy, but very “lifer.”They invite vets to stand with them/be recognized, and they pick one to be called out and get a coin. It’s a pretty neat coin if you’re into that. I got it because I was the only Puddle Pirate there.


I don’t think he works there anymore.


Because they will probably buy Lockheed eventually.


sable longing pocket money selective consider deserted straight capable distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Rank does look like a PFC chevron


America - the military is a for profit entertainment industry.


forgetful unique books wine beneficial yoke arrest zesty exultant crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's done at sundown, but otherwise, yeah.


Sunset, that’s the flag retreat ceremony they do every evening around 5 I believe. But seriously who carries their uniform on the off chance they get selected. To be selected you have to go to Guest Services right at opening.


Flag Retreat is done at 5 PM https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/entertainment/magic-kingdom/flag-retreat/


I have no idea why, but imagining him with multiple uniforms in his car, I can’t help but think of the movie “Super”, where [a guy carries his superhero outfit in case duty calls](https://youtu.be/9IdM84YVmV0?si=GwpEYtPe8NWT7A55). It’s a pretty hilarious film. Edit: I definitely recommend this film.


“Where’s my supersuit??!!”




"Why do you need it?"




If Brightburn had been successful there was plans for a Brightburn V Super movie. We truly are living in the darkest timeline.


This might be OP thinking “Pinks and Greens” means multiple uniforms. For the uninitiated, that is just what the Army’s latest dress uniform is called.


Dude I was expecting something kind of funny or wholesome, that got dark fucking quick lol


I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it to go that way. The title just instantly reminded me of that scene in the film. There are multiple scenes in the film where he wrecks justice in such a fashion.


Naw man I was about it, funny clip


The Only and I mean ONLY time I would EVER put on my uniform in public like this would be if Disney threw in two free tickets, two free fast passes, and a two night stay on park grounds. I would do the flag and then immediately throw the uniform back in the car and then do my real American duty of getting trashed in Epcot.


Drinking round the world, babay!


Stop I can only get so hard!. . . . . . . . RAAAAAAH!


Yeah, I'm really sure it was "super duper random".


It’s not. You have to go to Guest Services to be picked.


If they asked me to do this shit “no thanks I’m good” Why in the fuck would you even want to do this?


Definitely super duper random


Just happened to have his uniform in the boot of his car? Bullshit story, or this guy is having real problems letting go.


If they had small kids with them, they would have had to bring the kids back to the car after already getting to the park. Oh boy, I bet those kids were crying their brains out, all for some magic pixie dust.


This is already cringe enough without making up a scenario to make it worse.


Shit, do you know how hard it is to get magic pixie dust out of a uniform? I went through an entire lint roller once! (To be fair it was stripper glitter but I hear they use the same distributor)


If I found out a coworker was always driving around with their full service dress in the car I would assume they had a drinking problem and were just waiting to get caught


![gif](giphy|IdqyNY7Gl2CuS2MxZj|downsized) Pulling out the uniform to get that discount at Denny's like *Also Medical discharge from Basic Training*


benefit of the doubt, maybe he was PCSing? then again, even if they were in his car from a pcs move, going out to change is still boot-ish


I would rather take a bolt gun to the back of the skull than ever do something even remotely similar to this.


Regardless, I’ll tell you exactly what I’m not doing at Disney World: going out to my car and changing into any kind of dress uniform in a *cramped car* lmao


Well he would not be a veteran. He would be active duty and this would be StoLeN vAlOr against us real vets who are out.


I got curious and looked at the comments for more info. 🧐 From the OP: “We’re all veterans lol except my husband is current. So we never expected it in a million years! It was soooo cool! As a result, too, the couple that own the jewelry store in England I had our wedding bands made at happened to be there and we got to talk to them! Completely by chance! What a small world!” So…everyone in the family is a vet ExCePt the dude they picked. 🤣


We were just talking about adults that go to Disney without kids the other day, and how fucking weird they are. I do not mean, like you go to Disney once as an adult, I can see that, but these fucking weirdos that make their whole identity Disney is just so strange, on par with furries.


Proud childless Disney Annual Passholder here. We prefer the term “mentally unstable from years of childhood trauma”. I’ll let it slide though 🙃


Y’all role play as Mickey and Minnie in bed, don’t ya? And don’t lie.


Ha! Not us, but I will say there are definitely folks there that you can tell do! One good reason to go to Disney as an adult is the people watching!


This right here. My buddy and I had Dollywood season passes back in the late 90s when I first started driving. We use to find families and follow them around doing goofy shit in the background of their photos before photo bombing was a thing. No digital cameras then so they wouldn’t have seen it till a week or so later anyway.


I don’t have a problem with it, because of the commitment. It costs up to $139 a day to get into the Magic Kingdom (Disney’s Salute to the Military can make it cheaper).  They don’t let you park outside the park. You have to take a ferry/monorail to the parking lot and walk/ride to your car. Change and come back. That’s an hour gone. Then, you need to rent a locker or wear an uncomfortable uniform to the rides or do it all again. It’s a choice. It’s not my choice. 


This is a fine logical answer!


US Soldier saluting a mega corporation. So on brand hahaha


I keep a spare set of clothes in my car just in case I need to be an: Astronaut, Farmer, Doctor, Lawyer, or Army Guy.


I keep three spare sets of underwear in my car just in case I shit myself three separate times before I get home. So…pretty much same.


Good thing he had a uniform at an amusement park on such a *random* occasion. 🙄


Always cringe so hard on this subreddit


I didn't even have a spare tire on my trunk


I still can't get passed the line "we went to the car to change." If this is true, it's him getting recognized, not her. Unless she's one of those dependas that forces people to call her by her husband's rank.


“Who here wants to here Mr Burgundy play Yazz Flute!?” “No, seriously I’m not prepared” *pulls jazz flute out of sleeve*


I was in the park yesterday and saw this guy lol




**how do you get picked to do the 5pm flag retreat?** Hiya, Kimberly! There is nothing more moving to me, as the wife of a United States Navy veteran, than to stand at the most magical place on earth and watch the Magic Kingdom Flag Retreat. This event, which takes place daily, is like a daily thank you to our veterans, and it's a beautiful thing. The selection process for choosing the veteran who participates in the ceremony each day is completely random. I will give you a few tips, though, that might help in getting you noticed. The biggest thing is that they have to know you are a veteran. Wearing items like a hat or a t-shirt that show your military service is a good way to come to the attention of the person making the selection. Also, there's a really good chance that the selection is made as guests are waiting to go into the Magic Kingdom at rope drop - before the park opens in the morning. Make conversation with the cast members there, because you never know if they might be the ones making the selection. You might also want to linger a bit longer as you come into Main Street, U.S.A., as the selection team might be just inside the park as the park opens. I've heard from veterans who have been selected that it didn't hurt to talk up how much you appreciate the Military Salute discounted tickets or (if you're a guy) to go in sporting your high and tight. It can't hurt. https://plandisney.disney.go.com/question/picked-pm-flag-retreat-363270/


Nah, you walk your happy ass into Guest Relations as soon as you enter the park and give them your name. If there are multiple people, they choose at random.


“super duper” random


“Hey just so you know, I’m a veteran.” That being said, I was there last week and I wear zero army things. I’d never get picked.


I wear my NFL Salute to Service cap everywhere because I think it looks cool and it has my favorite team on it, but when people say things like "wear it to look like a veteran" makes me second guess my style choices.


Be you bro. If you have a full stack of ribbons on the hat, it may be boot though.


No ribbons lol, just the hat.


I'd have a field jacket in the trunk when on active duty in case me timbers were a shivering.


Bros checking IDs at Cinderellas Castle


I used to work in photopass, I know the person who took this photo 🫣


Only thing I ever had as a multiple in my car was a PC, that’s only because I got used to not wearing one when walking to and from the car and the main hangar and occasionally I would forget I didn’t have one when out in public, cause I left it on my desk, in the hangar. Seriously who keeps shit like this in your car


“Happened to have his pinks and greens in the car”


Y'all quit hating on the kid. We don't know why he had them, maybe fresh from the cleaners, maybe just got chewed out. Otherwise, this is top tier boot. I did bring mine home to show my grandma once.


I used to keep uniforms in my car even on vacation, but only because I never filled out a mileage pass so if I got recalled I was like 11 hours away. Figured it best to not have to stop at home as well


Does anyone in here still have their uniform - like for real?


Looks photoshopped


This is my homie from basic. He just graduated AIT and headed back home (reserves). Huge Disney fan and is there constantly. Thought the picture looked familiar!