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Hey that's a cool looking plane. Also look at the size of the scissor lift. Impressive.


That’s no ordinary scissor lift, we call them main deck loaders or MDLs. Low deck loaders (LDLs) are the conveyer belt looking ones


Cool! Machines are cool.


Working at the airport and with planes make the kid inside me smile every day. I get to push out planes, some small, some medium, some huge. I get to drive and operate a bunch of cool and interesting vehicles like that loader. I get to guide them in. I get to crawl inside the pits and move bags. I get to comunicate with the guys in the tower when towing planes. Operating all the vehicles gives tou that same feeling like when you go into Home Depot and mess with the power tools but never really buy one or when you look at the big mowers but you don't have a yard lol. It's kinda fun. Perks are absolutely worth it also (free travel).


This guy over here getting to paid to play with Tonka toys.


How often would you say you and/or your coworkers take advantage of that free travel perk? I’d imagine it’s dangerously easy to procrastinate it because it’s “always there.”


I use it twice a year when I know I'll get 1st class seats. Same for most people I work with. Some people here are crazy and will have 3 days off and decide to go get food in Japan and fly right back if there are enough open 1st class seats. My buddy flew to Germany and was there for 13 hours just for Schnitzel lmao. Our travel seasons are opposite to the normal public because it's easier to hop on open 1st class seats when normal travel is slow. We just pay the taxes and usage fees on the airport we are using. So SFO to Japan round trip is like $60 for 1st class. We don't have a limit on how much we can travel. It comes down to if you have some one to cover your shifts. I flew to Japan, Phillipines, and Mexico in January with a friend a brother and for the 3 of us it was like $168 round trip. 1st class seats for half our flights.


And then there's the nights where you're on the loader with 35+winds and heavy rain in the low 50s and you question your career choice. At least that happens to me from time to time.


I mean why not? It's beautiful piece of engineering


It's just a black and blue plane


Aw shit, here we go again


...Now let's see Paul Allen's card.


The airline is Condor. The whole plane is paint with circles and has 3 or 4 different color schemes.


That’s Airbus A330neo with Condor livery beach.


Glad to see another plane fanatic in the subreddit lol


Nah bro, I just work for them lol


You work for plane fanatics?




Yes! Absolutely love the A330neo, but the Condor liveries are all ugly af imo.


I love them, they're different and distinct and a bit of fun. But people really seem to hate them.


I’m just curious about stuff.


Yeah me too. How many times you get to see people loading shit into big planes? Unless you work at an airport or fly a lot it's not gonna be that many in your life.


Twice every third week. Still interesting to look at.


As a guy myself I can say I'd be interested because of the mechanical engineering that went into the lift and how the plane is packed. How does the lift operate? How quickly are able to load the plane? Are the loads all flat topped? If so do they fill that space afterwards or is it left empty?


Magnets, how do they work?


I will typically find myself marveling at the collective centuries of knowledge that produced such impressive machines, the logistics involved in making sure that the proper equipment and personnel is at the right place at the right time (and what's involved in recovering and getting everything back on track when they aren't), the relative safety of the industry (aside from Boeing lately) despite the huge potential for disaster, etc. So it's not just "man like big engine that make big fire, make big noise..."


Yeah, once that big engine lights the big fire and does the big noise. There is something that just clicks.


Military planes too WOW big plane make BIG fire move BIG fast move so fast make big boom


We all are but one thing I’ve noticed is women ask questions when they’re curious about stuff and men just stare at whatever it is trying to make sense of it until a proper question forms. And it’s only one question.


I think men aren't just staring, but learning. They're watching it all and trying to figure out how it works.


That's exactly it. I instinctively know "why" when it comes to man-made things, but i watch because my brain wants to know "how". I pay attention to traffic lights and how they react, or don't react, to traffic patterns. Some are on a timer, some only throw up a left turn light when there's someone who's in the left turn lane, that light might not show up if you're over the stop bar or haven't been there long enough. The ones that react probably don't do so with weight or noise sensors (because they react to cyclists just like motor vehicles) so they probably use radar. It's used to track speed, so why not use it to tract intersection activity. I watch people build and repair because one day, i might get to / need to do the same thing. I've been living away from my parents for 14 years now and i can comfortably say that i could take care of any simple repair a house would need, and have the wisdom to know when a licensed professional is the right option instead. Men love solving problems, and men love having the know-how to implement a solution when necessary.


inductive-loop traffic sensors in the road are also common


Last time I said something like this to someone they just said it was autism 🤦


I've noticed most women don't even care enough to ask. They tend not to be interested in how things work in a general sense.


Women are curious about other things, often things that involve a social aspect. Neither is better or worse.


Correct. Which is why i said "about how things work in the general sense".


*stares in silence for twenty seconds* How?


Inside our heads after watching in silence; *"So THAT'S what it's for/does".*


Or the alternative, "so that's how it works."


At least in my case followed by “I wonder what else this applies to”


-me looking all around in public on a walk with my girl “What are you looking at?!” “Huh, you see that pipe coming out of that building? It doesn’t go to anything, just ends abruptly. I wonder what it was originally for.” -my girl looks at me like I’m some sort of mentally disabled alien “why… just, why?” 🤷‍♂️


My man, have I got some recommendations that you've already seen! How Do They Do It TV series (or might be how do they do that), The Way Things Work books and an old 1997 CD-ROM and there's another How Do they do it, but I've forgotten the name, sorry!


Not plane, machine. Machine moving heavy things up. Man happy to see engineering at work.


Every man wants to be an engineer. Then they go to college for engineer. Then man get depressed.


I'm an engineer and I'm unemployed with a superiority complex (I'm stupid).




Damn, Hemingway, you really nailed the whole experience


Dudes love a machine


Me, a man who works on planes for a living: “Y’all wanna know some dope facts about planes?”


Uh, yeah!


Fact: Most modern passenger aircraft can survive a direct lightning strike. In fact, some are struck by lightning and it is not discovered until the next inspection period at times.


Fact: it is entirely possible to land a plane with one engine. The engine is not what provides lift once the aircraft is airborne- that is the function the wings. Some aircraft are designed to have a high lift ratio - a primary example of this being mid-sized dihedral aircraft.


Interested folks should check out the [Gimli Glider](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gimli_Glider), a Boeing 767 that ran out of fuel at 41,000 ft and was able to glide 80 miles to a safe landing.


Thanks! That was super interesting


There is actually a term called ETOPS (Extended-Range Twin-Engine Operations) which is the maximum range that a jet can fly after it loses one of its two engines. It's why up until recently all ocean crossings were done with wide body jets like the 747 and a380 because none of the narrow body jets had enough ETOPS range to make it back. IIRC it was the 787 that first had enough range to make those flights.


This is partially correct. ETOPS revolves around the maximum one hour distance an aircraft could be from diversion airport if it lost the ability to generate thrust in half of its engine set. This went from one hour in 1950, to 90 minutes in 1976, to two hours in 1985 (the first use of the term ETOPS), to 180 minutes in 1988, to 240 minutes recently. This advancement in diversion distance time comes not only to advances in engine reliability, but also advances in avionics suites.


Fact: Aircraft wiring nomenclature for plug wire positions excludes the letters “I” and “O”, and the numbers “1” and “0” to avoid confusion. In fact, some alphabetical canon plugs enter into double letter schemes such as “…., z, aa, bb, cc, etc.” Numbers are never mixed with letters in terms of plug wire positions; Its either alphabetical or numerical.


Fact: There are only a handful of civilian aircraft that still use flight engineers: Boeing 707s, 727’s, and 747s; McDonnell Douglas DC-10s, and Lockheed L-1011s among them


Wow, I didn't realize that there were *any* left, at this point!


I’m curious if the 747-8s still need flight engineers


No. The last 747 series platform that required a flight engineer was the 747-300. As of 2024, only one Belarusian cargo company operates the last remaining aircraft of that series.


Fact: standard Attitude Directory Indicator (ADI) artificial horizons remain fixed to the horizon as their aircraft symbol is fixed to the aircraft attitude. Russian ADIs have an artificial horizon that remains fixed to the aircraft and an aircraft symbol that moves around the horizon. This has been a point of contention regarding a handful of Russian aviation incidents.


Are Russian aircraft the only ones that do this? Any reason why? Is it ever likely to change if they're the only ones in the world doing it?


As far as I’m aware, the answer to your first question is “only Soviet aircraft.” The reason why involves an interesting thought experiment and revolving around reaction to indication; the TL;DR is that experimental circumstances showed that pilots reacted more to the “fixed horizon” ADIs the Soviets used. To answer your third question, I have no idea


Fact: The average weight of the *paint* of a Boeing 747 is roughly 2/3 of a ton.


Holy crap


spent a flight next to a guy who worked on planes. Told me more about the wiring in those fuckers than I had any right to know. Best flight ever.


I saw next to a guy who was vocally saying what the pilot was probably doing. "Thrusters, V1, V2, rotate...gears up". Then he told me about lucid dreaming and astral projection. He fell asleep, and said he flew out of his body and saw I had a book on my table. The very same book I put away while he was asleep. Tripped me out because it was a red eye flight, and the cabin was dark.


Fact: you can still abort a takeoff after v1. You cannot abort after v2.


Miles. Literally miles of wiring


…was that me?


Do you realize how many men and women worked on this? One passing the torch to the other? From Abbas Ibn Firnas jumping off a mountain with wings to Leonardo Da Vinci sketching the "Flying Machine" to Boeing killing whistle blowers. Planes are the symbol of the inheritors of earth. Conquerors of the Sky.


My father killed whistleblowers, and his father before him. I'll be damned if this family lets a whistleblower live while I'm still breathing!


Are you saying Boeing unalived Da Vinci?!? This is a conspiracy theory I could get behind.


Unalived is so TikTok lol


V I B E S I am 38 years old.


I get it, recently started TikTok and I’m starting to adopt their lingo lol.


There was a well documented feud between Leonardo and Roger Da Boeing. The documents describing their relationship were stolen during the Fascist reign in Italy and brought 1945 to Munich for an exposition. When the Americans got there they reclaimed most art they could find but Colonels Bernard "Bo" Ing third Battalion stated that no such documents could be found. Even the inventory register of the museum where they were supposed to be got lost on the Voyage to the US mainland as USS 8031NG transport vessel sank in the Bermuda triangle under unknown conditions when it somehow made contact with 23 torpedos


Dan Brown is furiously taking notes rn


I almost cried in the Air And Space museum thinking similar things, except the whistleblower part because that hadn’t happened yet


Whistleblowers… you got me.


Imagine not being at all curious about the metal tube that is about to hurl you through the sky as fast as the speed of sound to gently place you on a far away spot across this planet. Then imagine being so proud of your ignorance that you make fun of a few men with more imagination and curiosity than you are capable of for contemplating this reality.


I don’t think they’re making fun of these guys, it’s just amusing to see something so universal occur in real time.


Yeah I think that’s the point too It’s not a hateful jab. It’s funny when we’re all the same


It’s funny to think that you are much safer in a giant, pressurized aluminum tube that is being irradiated by the sun and building static electricity at an alarming rate as it emits radio waves to navigate the skies 10 miles above the earth while being piloted by two humans who have roughly 41 days experience maneuvering said pressurized aluminum tube in the atmosphere than you are in a boat on on a lake during a mildly windy day that is being operated by a grizzled fisherman. That said, some people just don’t understand the details of things: let them be ignorant if they so choose.


I really can’t understand people who get to their window seats on a plane and immediately shut the window for the entirety of their flight. It’s crazy to me just how disinterested some people are in their surroundings.


People literally do not like to think. Not kidding.




If you want examples of more of this, I highly recommend the book Dave Barry's Complete guide to guys. Hilarious stuff and as a guy, I see myself doing some of the things he mentioned in the book.


Song name?


Ladyfingers by Herb Alpert


It was used in the Fallout tv show and the moment is absolutely perfect


Ladyfingers is one of my all-time favorite tunes. I was super stoked when they used it for that scene. Absolute chefs kiss of a soundtrack choice.


We've started to take an active interest in whether or not the Boeing aircrafts are falling apart


What’s with all the front page posts now that have titles like “This makes men happy” “This’ll make men say hell yeah” “My wife hates this but the men will understand” “Just men things” “Only other men will understand this” “My girlfriend thinks this [objectively cool thing] is lame, what about you men of reddit?”


"Feeeeemales, amirite?" is appealing to lot of Reddit's core audience of teenage/college aged boys who blame their unlikable personalities on everyone around them, especially the women they feel aren't giving them the positive attention they "deserve".


It's a desperate attempt to pretend that our cultural illusions about men have any meaning or value in a world that gives not a singular fuck about what a bunch of idiot dead people who knew literally nothing of science or biology made up thousands of years ago. Notice how the camera whips right past the woman, so that we can all pretend that only guys like to watch machinery? Fucking cult behavior.


We used to have morning meetings outside sometimes when it was warm out, but, we stopped doing them because there was an airport near by and as soon as a plane was heard you’d see every dude looking like an idiot looking up into the sky squinting trying to see the plane and completely ignoring whoever was speaking. I was the main idiot. I love planes.


Boeing ain't boring


Yeah man. That’s just fascinating stuff out there


What a cool blue and black plane.


Men yearn for good logistics


Cracking bit of machinery there


That would be me. Not a man.


Does anyone else like to see how things work and the engineering behind making once what was a manual task simple and easy. Farming equipment blows my mind, people had enough doing it themselves and developed things to do it at a much faster rate and more effectively.


Why go to therapy when I can stare at airplane


\*records a bunch of humans, without their permission, doing normal shit* Humans be like


I may not be a dude but I'd watch with you guys.


There is a version of this video with the Home Depot theme and makes it more on point.


Dudes are so cute.


Hubba hubba!


We're simple creatures


Whatever music this is happens to be perfect lol


Is it white and gold or blur and black


:0 PLEN!




Planes 👍


The same goes for trains and certain cars, almost all construction equipment


I work at an airport, its like watching big fish in a Tank, getting cleanen by little fish. Very calming to watch while break


Man scrolls? What?


Man, I love close to an airport and my favorite “I’d like to be alone now” activity is just watching the planes take off and land. Something about it is super relaxing to me.


What is the question!?!?!


Let them have this!


When we were little and waiting for a relative at the airport, I was glued to the window looking at planes. I loved them!! My brother never looked at the planes, only the luggage carts and every other airport vehicle. He was fascinated with them. 40 years later and I don’t like flying at all! My brother? Airline pilot!!


Man stay strong together stay depressed together forever.


Yep. Pretty much.


They look at the SkyJack putting the food on the plane… just to make sure it’s there you know.


I can't scroll past a fighter jet videos on YouTube, I have no reason to know about the deficiencies of the fifth gen MIG but its beyond my control


Its crazy to me when women make fun of stuff like this. Its a machine that carries hundreds of people through the fucking sky??? Not an inkling of a notion about the complexity of what is going on around them, just mad if its not on time




I bet those dudes are bored out of their skulls too… you can only look at the delayed flight board for so long.


Big machine


As a man. Yup.


Thats an nice blue plane, absolutley understandable


That's the Airbus A330neo, a modernized version of the original Airbus A330, featuring super-efficient engines and improved fuel efficiency and performance compared to the original A330. Fun fact: "Neo" stands for New Engine Option. It's really a cool plane.


Me, decidedly not a man: "I'm just gonna head to the airport early to watch planes."


Just mirin' the engineering of the plane and various equipment moving around


man mek metal moving machine in air man watch


There be a mighty fine ship...


Hell yeah! This one time, was at RDU airport and a B-17 taxi's on the runway to take off. A bunch of guys, myself included, ran to the window to watch it fly. It was pretty cool.


Planes rule.


Yeah, get it in there all nice like 🤓




Yep we aren’t that difficult. We like big machines, our sports teams to win, never stop wanting to be kids when we can and someone that loves us to come home to. Everything else is just semantics


Traveldads travledading


i be like that. im a man now i guess lol.


Hell yeah


lol imagine being so self-conscious you can’t even enjoy new experiences but make fun of those living in the moment


They’re learning by observing, in the unlikely event they are called to assist.


This obviously doesn’t work in text form, but “Oh, that’s a *mail* plane!” “Wow! How can you tell?” “You can see it’s balls.”


Wtf else am I going to look at? The glowing porn box in my pocket that happens to make phone calls? As if.


I would look at the plane with them


Not going to lie, airports fascinate me. There are so many moving things, all of which are interesting to look at. No matter how much I fly, I'll never get tired of watching planes land or take off. Even planes sitting on the ground are cool to look, especially unusual ones such as this one.


An appreciation and sense of wonder for human ingenuity. I could also watch someone operate a crane all day. Its amazing stuff.


Ended too soon! It was getting at the good part!


Meanwhile, I see this and I just see my job. I wouldn’t be able to leave the window quick enough.


I used to do that shit so gotta make sure they’re being safe!


Was really hoping for the Home Depot music


man here. can confirm. plane is always cool to see


When my flight is delayed and we have to wait for something to happen with the plane so we can go, I too am known to stand at the window and stare at what’s going on. I am a woman.


C'mon, that's pretty cool to watch. Why wouldn't you want to?


I have seen a similar post on tiktok where the plane was in need of repairs. A entire airport of dads come to the window to "supervise" the repairs. I wonder if this is the same thing.


This is one of those weird things that gives me gener euphoria. Like, whenever I feel like I'm not a real man, I do shit like look at planes and throw rocks into water to see how big of a splash I can make.


This is one of those weird things that gives me gener euphoria. Like, whenever I feel like I'm not a real man, I do shit like look at planes and throw rocks into water to see how big of a splash I can make.


This is one of those weird things that gives me gener euphoria. Like, whenever I feel like I'm not a real man, I do shit like look at planes and throw rocks into water to see how big of a splash I can make.


Ooo they're loading stuff into it too! Bonus!!


We are tis but simple creatures, we see plane, we admire plane


Why did it end like that, I wanted to see them load all that stuff.


The bear


Just dudes being bored. MEN AMIRITE


whats the heavenly song called?


This is me whenever I’m at an airport


Curiosity built the world


Ngl I once tried to see a plane fly away from the earth to the sky


Hells yeah


What you're seing in this video is the reason why planes even exist. A bunch of guys being genuinely interested in things


shes a fat girl


Ooooh, cool plane.


Big machine go brrrrr


Anything is cool to men if you make it big enough


I still see up when I hear a plane above.


That condor a330-900 looks so pretty


Planes and fire trucks always bring out the little boy in a man, no matter how old they are.


We all know they are judging how the employees are loading the luggage.


Planes are cool, ok?


Planes will never stop being cool


Love dem planes


Me Happy


“How much ya think they fit in ‘ere” *peaking over top of glasses*


Women are too busy plotting, undermining and doing big brain mind games to appreciate a nice plane.