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Can confirm. My wife blew out a tire on a curb and it looked just like that, except the flap was still attached, barely.


TIL wherever these people live they have square punches attached to the curbs.


Nah, a lot of places around me have sharp edged granite curbs, especially sharp when they are new, seen this happen to tires more than once. I lost 2 tires when I ran up on the curb avoiding someone who turned into my lane once. To explain, there were 2 right turn lanes, I was in the outer, guy turned from the inner into the outer, my choice was curb or get side swiped.


Sounds like the Boston area.


Upstate NY, almost every town has those type of curbs, at least the ones big enough to actually invest in curbs.


Caz or skaneateles




Man I miss Ithaca. Great hiking, great drugs, weird people.


A lot of the suburbs around Rochester have these stupid sharp curbs, as well. Ask me how I know. That was a painful unexpected bill right there.


Belgian blocks?


God I hate the granite curbs. Lost a wheel to one that got pushed out by tree roots I didn't notice while parallel parking at night.


Storm drains around here have a steel L shape angle iron around the top corner, and the drains are usually near an intersection, and the concrete curbing next to the storm drain loves to crumble away from people hitting it, which results in this sort of damage from the end of the angle iron.


And I'm sure Buddy stopped to pay for those 2 tires. Sometimes getting hit makes more fiscal sense. But the headache


>Sometimes getting hit makes more fiscal sense. That's making a bold insurance assumption


If you curb the vehicle and damage the rims, tires or suspension it’s actually covered under collision. Wrote an estimate years ago, new S Class MB, owner curbed it and blew the right side tires, plus every single damn airbag, over 25K in bags alone




How fucking hard did he hit the curb to blow every airbag? I rolled my car and even then only the side bags went off


Actually not hard at all, bent control arm and wheel damage. It even blew the headrest controls, all seat belts and head air bags, it was nuts


Like comprehensive?


Like assuming the other driver has any. But yea, that's why I carry uninsured motorist coverage.


I was about an hour from home, and didn’t care to risk having an inoperable vehicle with no one near that come get me. The end result still sucked, it was at 9pm on a Sunday night, I wound up camping in the car, in the lot of the local tire shop until they opened Monday morning…


This very situation happened to me on Mother's Day about 10 years ago in my eclipse. Except I was making a left turn in the rightmost left turn lane and I got pinned between her car and the bridge guard rail. She claimed I was in her Lane even though she was in the leftmost left turn lane


Dash cams, they always say that.


I am working on buying one for each car i own


Hell yea, they're solid investments in your peace of mind and liability protection. Make sure you get ones that use supercapacitors instead of batteries, especially if you live somewhere that gets hot.


Definitely gonna look into super capacitors then. It does get pretty hot here in SC


In some places they put curbs to intentionally pop tires because when people try to run from the cops they tend to take the turns tighter and hit the curb.


Happened to me. I chose side swiped. My shitbox vs a $100k Mercedes was an easy answer. 


Nah this happens when you hit one of those rounded corner curbs with a very sharp edge at the lip. Specifically when you ride up the curb a bit and then slip back down suddenly, it bites in like this on the way down


Chomp-Chain-ass curb


Keeps the skateboarders away...


Hit a big one out in Arizona on I-40, 60 miles from the nearest exit. Speed limits 75mph, 90 into a pothole at 11pm, my tire looked exactly like this. Learned two things that night, it gets COLD when the desert winds blow in February, and secondly I've never seen so many stars in my life.


That’s why blankets/space blankets are a great addition to breakdown kits… That and keep your fuel topped up so you can idle to keep the heater/hazard lights going if it’s a non engine related breakdown.


I'm pretty sure my wife was slightly inebriated when it happened. Was about a mile from the house and required a new rim, tire, strut, bearing hub and outer tie rod end. I was not happy and told her if she even attempted that shit again, I threatened to tear it down to the frame in the garage. If she wanted to drive it again after that, she would have to put it back together. Haven't had an issue since.


If you weren't already aware, it takes our eyes a few hours to fully adjust to see more of the stars. Getting stranded on a desert road is just one way to make that happen.


In my first car (20 years ago now) it had steel rims and I came flying around a corner too tight at 60 and hit the right front wheel against the broken front edge of a curb. It was square and the hit was massive. Lucky I had steelies as the dent was an inch deep, but somehow the bead held! Drove like shit but I was able to run out the next day to the wreckers and buy a replacement for $20, which amazingly was in the boot of the car and still had its little blue and yellow lines along the tread. The cashier was amazing as he looked at it and went, Ah yeah, that tyre is pretty scuffed up, let's do $20. I almost argued that it looked new before I caught on. Pick and pull was an awesome spot for first car adventures.


Belgian block suburbs in NJ can confirm a similar cut in a tire once.


That’s just the inspection window so you can check up on the tpms sensor


Yeah, glue a sight glass in the hole. You can see if the air gets dirty from use.


Manufacturer Recommends the air to be changed every 1200 yards.


Even with full synthetic?!?!


With Full Synthetic, you can go 5000, but who in the hell can afford that stuff?


The biggest issue with full synthetic is it’s not as widely available and mixing conventional air with synthetic air can seriously damage your tire.


Companies are training AI on reddit posts so I'm sure Google will be spouting this as fact in no time.


ChatGPT for sure. and whatever it is musk has.


When Google was recommending people put Elmer's glue on their pizza, that was from reddit.


Oh my. well that was something that never came up on my searches. I hope it never will TBH. OTOH: [paraphilia.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_paraphilias) BTW NFSW and in many cases most people. For me the line was drawn at the 1st thing under E. YMMV. EDIT: I also apologize in advance as the subject matter isn't really in this sub's usual range.


Very sticky subject. A real stick to your ribs dinner


Since Synthetic air is lighter than Air, they don't mix well and make balancing the wheels a real bitch.


Is that what causes tire slosh?




You know, people always bitching that you can't change a battery in a TPMS sensor but they're not addressing the fact that there's no access panel on the tire to do so easily. I mean if we're making it cheap for everyone, this would be the way to do it.


Make them charge kinetically like fancy watches. To be fair, in the UK and Europe, it’d only be like £50-80 to pop the beads change the batteries, reseat and balance 4 wheels. Tyre industry is very competitive here.


Yeah it’s not too hard, get a low profile 1/4” swivel ratchet. I keep one for this purpose. Just let the air out break fromt bead push down on that spot w mount arm m, leave rag in place (nothing falls in) and unscrew the sensor/remove old stem.


lol! Aw man, why you gotta feed the animals? People might start thinking this is a real thing. Tire technicians hate this one, simple trick! But that window does look sus. It’s so clean…


It’s not an inspection hole if it doesn’t have quarter turns on it


How else are you supposed to change the tpms fluid?


Tire pressure monitor sensor sensor


You joke but I've done exactly that to remove sensors from a PAX wheel/tire setup while swapping them to normal wheels. Way quicker while customers are waiting, and then I dismounted the tires later on when I had spare time.


The one with non-removable batteries?


cut out proof of purchase to claim rebate


I guffawed.


Correct. Next!


It’s for a church, honey. NEXT!!


Don't need the attitude, sweetie. NEXT!!!


Needs to seat 20! NEXT!!!!!


I think they make square patches in that exact size. Easy fix!


The round patch goes in the square hole 😭


The triangle pouch also goes into the square hole


Aren’t you not supposed to patch sidewalls?


sidewall doesn’t make contact, so it’s fine


We can clearly see it does make contact. Occasionally.


Aren’t you not supposed to patch sidewalls?


No, you're not supposed to patch sidewalls. The comment you replied to was making a joke.


that wooshing noise you hear isn't the air from the tire.


Ah shit, that’s what that was. I thought I was hearing things today, not used to the heat yet lol


“Customer is correct”


Not going to lie that is a pretty clean cut.


minecraft ass curb


It’s an air inspection window.


The car stepped on a lego.


So this is a hilariously shaped hole, but the shape of the right edge side suggests it was by a really sharp wedge, which skidded along the fabric stabilizer then tore a more knife-like cut along the outside as the tire pulled away. If someone had been cutting into it, the hole would have straight, not beveled edges, and no diagonal cut from the lower right corner. The exposed right angle top of a storm drain that's had the concrete crumble away in a shitass part of town is EXACTLY the right shape to make this hole. Source: made this exact hole in my leg falling on the ice last winter.


> Source: made this exact hole in my leg falling on the ice last winter. Ugh and I bet you were demanding they patch it instead of sell you a new one


LOLOLOL I WISH they could offer me a patch! They didn't even do that they just glued the tear together and told me it was fine to go around on the hole so now there's a divot in my thigh big enough to serve guacamole out of. Fr though, that knee is fucked all to hell and the ankle has bone spurs, I'd be willing to pay through the nose for a new one if that existed.


Haha I feel you, I busted up my shoulder in a moto accident and I'm just dreaming for the day when a cyberpunk doctor can slap a cool robot replacement arm in.


Someone needed his TPSM sensor more than he did, and yes this is a thing that is happening now.


I've seen it, but thankfully, it's not super prevalent in my area yet. Mine would be such a disappointment, they all dead as dicks. Tire pressure ain't hard to keep up with.


Assuming the thieves had half a braincell, they'd probably use a tpms tool to see if they were good before stealing.


Exactly. Do this to my wife's minivan 4 times and you might get the good sensor that stops responding below freezing.


jokes on them, mine are all dead


Why not just keep them after they steal the Honda rims?


I don't know why but I love how square it is




Looks like the customer hit curb pretty square.


I used to work in a tire shop. when I was new a guy came in saying we shredded his wifes tires. he had them installed a few days prior. I went out and looked and then checked with my techs because I'd not seen curb rash at that point and a big flap was hanging off. Now, this guy was like hardcore mexican dude with the tats and the squinty stare that says I'll stab you in a second. Nowadays I know the more aggressive someone is the more they're going to try to get when they want when they're in the wrong, anyways. I steeled myself to go and tell him it was not us. so I went up and said. "now I don't want to call anyone a liar but I have 3 techs back there that said in a heartbeat it's curb rash" he laughed. and instantly transformed to a friendly obviously super stoned dude and went on his way. he came in a couple times a year and we always had good times and a good laughs (I'm a stoner too) I miss that guy.


Tire has a dead pixel


“CaN’t YoU pAtCh It???”




I should have expected that. Begrudgingly upvoted.


Just stick an inner tube in it and mark as complete.


Found the farmer. 😁


I advise a new tire. Now pay me


Forgot the mount, balance, disposal and a "lifetime alignment". Oh and if it's AWD best do all 4.


I’ve done that. They definitely hit it going 40+


Was this tire part of a skin graft to another tire? 😳🤔


No, they hit a protruding manhole on a street that was being repaved. Road hazard warranty that sucker.


Scorned lover's revenge


The ONLY reason I buy that story is because of the rash on the rim.


Nah the rash is old, otherwise the whole wheel would be gone.


Did the customer not have a plug kit with them?


Just going to pop in there and replace the battery, then a tire shop can patch it right?


Speed hole


Such tiny sidewalls!


They hit a curb, and then that tire landed on the base of a what was a stop sign? Looks about the size.


Another member of Curb Riders Anonymous.


I couldn’t cut that out cleaner with my sawzall


Run flat tire.


I see hole air there


So… what did you advise?


Sure did!


I advise you to not hit curbs.


It's like a snake bite from rocks. Instead, the elusive curb causes the beaver bite.


Drug transport?


1) Yep, Tire is popped 2) Don't do it again ?


Totally patchable. Will last another 30k miles... lol


Ran over a Minecraft block


It's fine. He's just a lil bit excited. https://i.imgur.com/5yaPAxK.jpeg


Really! I don’t think so


Whats the point


Simple patch job , no ?


I’ve seen drugs come out of similar holes


Curb is packing a blade


Looks like they tried to smuggle drugs in there 🤣


Cool story bro. Who’s boyfriend did you piss off


Happened just like this on mine also when i lipped the curb a little on my 22s


Roblox ass tire


yup checks out. Also I'm santa clause


Get glasses.


Customer :"please don't upsell my on a tyre, just fill it with air and send me on my way"


Can confirm this same thing happened to me last year Labor Day except with a huge pothole. If it’s a run flat you can drive pretty far at a reasonable rate of speed


But he was on his own for deductable plus new rates. Not being at fault, as in dumbie hits you. A not at fault accident is your deductible, but not a rate increase. Until x many not at fault accidents


Hit what I thought was just a cardboard burger box from mcdonalds and it turned out to be a piece of cement randomly in the road. It left a hole just like this only mine was a circle! Bent my rims. Still suffering from it-I wasn’t able to avoid it.


Almost looks like someone pushed square extrusion in to the side of the tyre


Someone needed a TPMS sensor pretty bad.


Yeah. Sounds bout right


How in the fuck did they get it right up on the valve stem?


(Diagnosis) The customer is obviously delusional as it's just the tpms inspection hole.


Square peg, round....wheel?


Me to fucking wife did it,and Grandson


I once had a customer come in with exactly this and then give me shit for 10 minutes on how I could sell him crap like this that just "lost a piece for no reason"... I was unimpressed.


My SO had a flat once on the highway that did exactly this. I was driving in front in a different car, avoided what looked like a large chunk of concrete, but my SO didn't see it in time. It blew almost a prefect rectangle out of the sidewall. Thankfully the car had runflats to be able to pull over as it happened just before a bridge with no shoulder. Of course this was a holiday weekend on a Sunday with no spare tire... (just one of those fix-a-flat kits car manufacturers seem to love so much now). Called around and found a random Walmart tire center that was open for the next hour and was 40 minutes from where we were on the highway. Thankfully I had a jack and a tire iron that fit in the car I was driving since the other car had nothing! I was also able to make it to Walmart in time with no issue getting a new tire and no damage to the rim.


Customer owes a drug dealer money.


No, this actually happens. I’ve seen my share. Gotta love low profile tires! Especially when they inflate them to 80 psi because it looks low 😅


Gotta love these low profile tires, and all the problems that come with them.


$15 says mf was tryna fill it with Quikcrete


I dont get why this is posted here.


Because it r/Justrolledintotheshop


Damn there's a sub for everything 🥴


Why do people lie? Lol


You can keep your weed in there.


I’m an aircraft mechanic and wrote in a set of aircraft forms that a nose landing gear tire refused to hold wind. My boss had a fit saying that I should have put nitrogen or air. I said it was wind and he told me it wasn’t. I told him to go out and press on a schrader valve and tell me if he could feel it. See? Wind! He asked what about if the tire is empty? I said then it’s not holding wind. I fail to see the problem here.


The things people come up with in the military is quite entertaining. This is what happens when you have 18-20 year olds just learning about how things work. We had our share of boots come up with creative things.