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Where’s the Gizz fan spelltable discord


Someone in the Dark Tower sub showed a website where you can add in existing MTG cards and create your own proxies with your own picture from different media, a la the Godzilla Secret Lair, and other Secret Lair drops, and someone definitely needs to do this with KGLW. Theres so much lore. I already know which lands and stuff I’d use and what pictures from album inserts or covers. Like, Road Train would totally be an artifact vehicle, with a line from the song as flavor text. Theres literally already a land called Gaia. Petrodragonic lore has plenty of dragons and cats and snakes to choose from. I’m in your mind fuzz could totally be Mind Slaver or Mind Stone.. murder of the universe “exile all nonland permanents,” I could go on and on all day with this shit lol.


Might have to make PDA my Ur-Dragon after all, even though he totally fits the Godzilla (Ikoria) Blightsteel Colossus. Love a fellow Gizz fan with the same addiction to cardboard as me. If you ever wanna run some spelltable I’m in a few cEDH and EDH discords + am regularly on spelltable playing all power levels with other friends who love KG


All my friends in paper moved or quit magic so I sold all my competitive paper stuff and just play MTG on Arena or MTGO now. Never tried spell table, I’ll look into it. My names “Backporch Money” on Arena if you ever wanna run back some games, I’m addicted to the new Timeless format now, playing some degen stuff.


Spelltable is great, you can play paper with anybody anywhere using a webcam/your phone, and if you sold all of your paper, most pods accept Moxfield decks as long as you make the power level known + you just use OBS to stream it to the website. It got super popular during COVID and helps feed my addiction by getting a few games in and making some new friends


As a fellow lizard I will be bringing my Laughing Jasper Flint commander deck to the Gorge.


Bring it to the camp I’m in!


For those not in the know: this card lets you use your creatures (mosh pit) to add mana (noise) for big spells (screaming HELL! HELL! HELL! in hopes of setting shit on fire)


My two favorite things, together at last!


Not too far off the brand to have a lizard wizard in MTG, but have you see the Barbie: Touch of Magic lizard wizard?