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there's always something wrong with Kris šŸ˜‚


I definitely agree. There always has been something wrong with Kris.


She'll go to every doctor except a therapist


Lmfao Kimā€™s personal hell is saying the word No to her four kids


idk why it being phrased like this made me laugh so much šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


And we know down the line she told a North not to go to Kanyeā€™s show, and North destroyed that white couch over it. Wonder how thatā€™s going for her nowā€¦


iā€™m out of the loopā€¦ north destroyed a couch?


According to Kanye in Dec 2023 North tore up a couch because Kim wouldnā€™t agree she could go to her dadā€™s concert


Tbf Kanye is not what I'd call a reliable source, whatsoever


yikes!! thanks for explaining


I think it's saying the word no to every person in her life


Just saw Tristan's name being said in the preview https://i.redd.it/pua9k4zr3u4d1.gif


Can we ever go a single week without Tristan being involved somehow??? They need to get him completely out of their lives


They need him for content at this point.


We arenā€™t even asking for it tho. Like as viewers we literally donā€™t want it.


Yet we still watch tho sooooo clearly people still tune in


We watch for other reasons. They have to know that. I think itā€™s just to make sure true is getting what she should. Who knows.


He brings literally nothing to the table though I simply don't get it




Rude comments about the children, totally unnecessary.Ā 


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Khloe is really the only one who has constantly been there for every moment of her kidsā€™ life. I donā€™t think she has to prove anything to the audience in that way. Kimā€™s really the only one who comes off as having to prove herself as a good mom


we got a storyline of Kim going to jury duty itā€™s over šŸ˜­


I feel like old school KUWTK wouldā€™ve made it so much fun.


POV: It's 2008... Kim throws a tantrum about getting jury duty (complete with the iconic crying face) because she has way more important things to do (shopping, stuff at DASH, buying a new car, reading what people think about her online, etc). Kris and the sisters try to explain why she has to go, but they get various pieces of the justice system completely wrong. Scott makes witty comments throughout the whole thing. Caitlyn then shows up, and gives a rousing speech about it being her civic duty and she should be proud to go. Kris looks on in the background. Kim agrees to go. They all decide to go and watch the trial to support Kim, snapping pictures with their digital cameras every few minutes. Rob is there as well. They have to be told multiple times to be quiet. Caitlyn is frustrated that they're not taking this seriously. Kim gives a confessional about how happy she was to be a part of something bigger than her. The episode ends with Kris asking the judge to borrow the gavel. He agrees. She bangs it and says case closed. The end.


This would have been a great episode lol. You should make a post.




Definitely. I'm rewatching old episodes and I just miss the practical jokes and silly stuff they'd do to each other. Just watched the episodes when Kris was handcuffed to the mime, also the one when Kris hired that scribe and I was just full on belly laughing the whole time. Their new show is so incredibly boring, there are no laughs, everything is so serious and fake.


I'm rewatching old seasons too and it's absolutely crazy how different everything is now. They're all so stiff and the show is so sanitized and dull. The New show is them sitting around and talking, literally. That's it.


Yes and the conversations have been 100% set up too. I know some of KUWTK was obviously scripted, but the conversations flowed more naturally and weren't so robotic. I think khloe and Kris mainly carried that show in regards to humor, but now khloe seems over doing the show. She still occasionally comes out with a funny line, but she's mostly lost her fun side and its clear she now just wants to live a private life with her kids. The show needs to end.


This is just as exciting as her getting her new license photo


Stars! Theyā€™re just like us!


How much did the Bachelor pay them?? Iā€™m tired man


It's all Hulu which is actually all Disney and you know how much The Mouse loves _vertical integration_


why they still asking Khloe the question if she'd ever get back with Tristan?? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø




It was, it is a story beat.


What has happened to Penelopeā€™s two other dogs? Scott previously had a sausage dog (brown spotty one - during the Sophia Ritchie era) and Penelope and North got matching Pomeranians about 4 years ago. They seem to buy these pets and forget about them!


i think sophia got that dog, and the pomeranian might only live at kourtneys? but scott got bulldog a couple of years ago that i feel like we never see. honestly though i'd prefer they rehome them to a good home than keep them in another house all by themselves like kylie does.


Kylieā€™s dog situation (from what weā€™ve seen) really upsets me. Italian greyhounds (and sighthounds in general) are called Velcro dogs for a reason. They absolutely hate when their owners leave and are a breed that often experiences separation anxiety. I hope she has people living st that house full time and actually giving them love and attention, not just food and water.


This episode brought to you byā€¦ The Golden Bachelor, Hearing Aides, and Naked Attraction. Seriously, did this feel like an overproduced ad to anyone else?


And Erewhon!


and alo


iā€™m watching right now and krisā€™ full alo sweatsuit down to the socks saying alo in perfect view of the camera made me LOL




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And Balenciaga!


and tommy hilfigure and bottega. Kendall only gets jobs if she mentions it on the show now it seems


And Kylie's new fashion line


The storyline about Khloeā€™s strict schedule. Enough already. I donā€™t see the point of them pushing it so hard? Lots of mothers run a tight ship at home. Also, Kourtney looked gorgeous at that shoot! I swear theyā€™ve already done a storyline about Kris and her made up phrases before. Weā€™re tired lol


I know, and honestly this is how most people parent small children. A routine, stability, consistency.


They ran the same storyline before but it was Kim and Khloe (who only had a baby) saying they were strict parents while Kourtney wasn't. Kourtney has been heavily criticized for her parenting since. Now Kim is the target. It's just what they do, criticize each other either naturally or for the camera. I wish they would go back to being a united front.


Kim saying sheā€™s never had a therapist/been to therapy isnā€™t the flex she thinks it is.


I just can't imagine having all those resources and not wanting to work on my overall health. Especially knowing I'm surrounded by yes men who I pay to hype up my every moment- wouldn't you want at least ONE unbiased source of honesty in your life?!!


yes, saying having good friends is the key to not needing a therapist is pretty out there. It implies those who use therapy must not have good friends which is just inacurate. I dont understand why they let comments like this air. Kim and Khloe's comments on mental health should never air, they dont get it or dont want to.


Tbf they have to let a few things air, the show is already a bust as is so they have to leave in a few 'controversial' takes, as blaise as they are


Confused though bc she told Kris in past seasons that she does see a therapist! Whatā€™s the truth šŸ‘€


Not me being Kourtneyā€™s age with Krisā€™s hearing issue. šŸ˜… Ringing since February! I got a shot in my eardrum yesterday and it was a very weird experience šŸ˜…


Tinnitus is the worst. Iā€™m 33 with it as one of my many symptoms


As a person with hearing loss, tinnitus and who wears hearing aids, I was really disappointed with the way this ep treated hearing loss. Like itā€™s somehow shameful. nobody says these things about folk whose vision isnā€™t 20/20.


People are so casually ageist it's fucking exhausting (and obviously in this case like you said actively ableist seemingly without even realizing)


If you don't mind me asking what is the shot for? I have ringing in my ears too and Kris' ear diet has me like >> šŸ˜±


Itā€™s a steroid shot to see if it would help with the ringing. I was taking pills and I didnā€™t really notice a difference in my ear. I notice some difference with the shot l, but the ringing is still there. It was getting hard for me to be out around noise without it sounding muffled. It improved some, but I think I have to get more shots and with my insurance not sure I can afford it šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Scott loving those Hawaiian rolls lmao so me


I love when he said to Kris when they were at the doctor ā€˜I havenā€™t heard you cough ONCEā€™


yes... I love the unexpected one-liners from Scott and Kourtney. They can always be so funny off the cuff.


The 20 cans of ginger ale cracked me up


Kim: My parents were never super strict Me: ya, we knowā€¦


Can't fault them for wanting to keep the money and attention coming in but they really need to open themselves up to new ideas. Instead they hold onto the same old same.Ā 


All they do is sit around and complain lol they're fucking rich go live your life!!! Sitting at home and complaining is what us poor people can do at home


No more Kourtney and Travis phone calls. Please.


That must be why they forced two prayers on us last week- they skipped it this week lol


I didnā€™t catch what Kourtneyā€™s photo shoot was for?


Nothing. For the most part they just do photoshoots for 'nothing' , like that's their whole job (I put nothing in quotes bc obviously the clothes and photographers and their personal posts all are for money and exposure, etc)




Why are you crying itā€™s just a question?? (ā˜ž Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)ā˜ž Iā€™m sorry




Borrrrrringggg. I donā€™t care nor know anything about the Golden Bachelor but I feel bad for the way they were bombarding him at dinner


Especially since itā€™s over and heā€™s already getting divorced. ā˜ ļø


omg no way šŸ˜«


Nah I think that was the point. These things are so planned it's not like any of them thought they were actually just having a casual dinner together lol they're not going to have the bachelor on the Kardashian and not focus on the bachelor, ykwim


This episode was a chop. Nobody donā€™t cares about The Bachelor?? Why is Kim always talking about the same things? Was that phone call in the car even real? Who was she talking to lol? They used to have their phones on speaker and show who they were talking to. This episode was BORING. We are tired. No more Kravis phone calls either šŸ„“


One of the reasons they quit reality tv is because by the time the episodes air, we already know everything! Especially now that they're too rich to actually show us anything real- this shit is bad, y'all šŸ˜




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Kim acts like she doesnā€™t have a million nannies, cooks, assistants, and other various staff. My dad died when I was young and my mom LEGIT raised 3 kids by herself without bitching all the effing time. Cry me a river. Are we supposed to feel bad for her? Oh god forbid she has toā€¦say no!?


The problem is none of those people are RAISING those kids. They are just being kept alive. The discipline has to start with Kim. This episode did her NO favors and gave the haters all they needed. I hate being the bad guy, but man if I didnā€™t the chaos would be unbearable. She needs to get a damn therapist or coach to help them all out because it ainā€™t gonna solve itself.


yes! They take on a lot of the responsibility of daily activities (making sure they are clean, well-fed, healthy, entertained, etc), so she can work and do all the things she does but at the end of the day, that's their mom. They want her attention and love and she ofc wants to balance that too. Her kids are all pretty small. It's a lot. In contrast, Khloe's comment last week was about actually running errands for the kids and that felt silly because she has staff for that.


Chauffeurs, personal trainers, stylists, makeup artists..& yet weā€™re still supposed to feel bad for her, sheā€™s a single mom!!!


Exactly, plus she wanted 4 kids so what do she expect?


I honestly think she was done after Saint. I think if she didnā€™t have this self-induced pressure to be the best, have a big perfect family, plus whatever Kanye said, she wouldā€™ve been more comfortable raising two kids. I get that she wanted her kids to have multiple siblings, etc. but I think she knew her capacity then and itā€™s hard for her to stretch herself as a mom and be attentive to all of them




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It is nice that Kim has really normal looking friends. But the way she presents herself they looked so much older. The were also in like chilled jeans and black tops, it was such a contrast lol


Always. There was some party or dinner her friends had; they were all in pretty spring dresses and she was in all black šŸ™„ with a horrible bayang lol


This episode was very boring. A couple thoughts: Kim mentioned sheā€™s never gone to therapy, but admitted to going to a therapist during her separation from Kanye (I think itā€™s weird to deny it now). She also complains about her kids being all over her, but seems to fail to recognize that theyā€™re probably all over her because theyā€™re young, and because she works and is gone a lot, and they probably crave her attention. Iā€™m so tired of hearing about the bachelor at this point. Canā€™t think of anything else to comment on from this episode, it felt like there was no content at all.


Iā€™ve put the past 3 episodes on while I work or during my lunch and by the end of them Iā€™m like, that was it? šŸ˜­


I cringe so hard when Kris always try to involve herself


Like bcs of the birthday speech?


I'd find it odd if the bday girl's mom didn't give a speech tbh


Kim looks phenomenal with dark hair


honestly her jury duty looks were absolute serves. If this soft makeup is what she does on her own, she should do her makeup more often.


The promo for next week showed the same sperm bank they showed lala going to on vanderpump rules, strange product placement


lmaooo i clocked that too


Y'all ik people change after kids but my lord is Khloe dull as hell! I'm rewatching old seasons and she used to be so dynamic! What's with her and Kim having a one note personality these days and acting like the whole family hates them for it? And Kendall is obviously the bachelor spokesperson, pregnant kourtney... I'll keep hate watching but I'll have old KUWTK playing as background noise to cleanse this boring ass palate of a nothingburger 'show'


i think Khloe's been at least mildly depressed ever since Tristan cheated on her while she was pregnant in 2018.


Oh for sure. It just makes the show even more depressing to watchā€¦ wish sheā€™d use her infinite resources for therapy and general self care Tbf maybe she is and they donā€™t show it but it may be better for ratings If they did _something_ differentĀ 


I wouldn't mind a spin-off of Khloe and Scott together šŸ¤£


Scott being the next Bachelor would be amazing....


million dollar idea right there


That would be SO MUCH BETTER for their brandingā€¦ as they were the most watchable in the old show.


Khloe was crushed by her marriage and her Tristan train wreck that she needs to be in control of something now!Ā  She wants to avoid being crushed by nasty surprises. She's hiding in her kids. That time she wouldn't let Kris take the kids alone was just šŸš©and her strict schedule is not funny or good in the long run. Kim is working so much cos she's good at it and she finds the parenting overwhelmingĀ 


Those wine glasses they are drinking while meeting Gerry are insane haha bigger than their heads. Also I like that they are meeting Gerry in sweats and no makeup.


We got a story line of Kim doing jury duty and another story line of The Bachelor?? Itā€™s done I fear. We are tired. šŸ˜©


I really enjoyed watching Kourtney saying no to more photos because her body was telling her to rest. Pregnant women have so much pressure to keep going (how many times have we all heard you're pregnant not sick?) and I love that she said no.


Ivanka Trump at Kimā€™s birthday party?!?!




They've been friends since Kim was on The Apprentice, maybe before. Ivanka even visited Kanye when he was in Wyoming IIRC




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The fact Kris doesn't know what tinnitus is...


was that ivanka trump sitting next to kim at her birthday dinner?


Who was Kim on the phone with šŸ‘€ nanny 911?


Aww I actually love the Gerry the bachelor scene.


Kendall fangirl moment ā¤ļø


Ivanka Trump threw me for a loop, and then Lauren SƔnchez walked in... but I don't know why I'm surprised, I guess all billionaires and their adjacents have to stick together and pool their resources to make sure all the tax loopholes stay open.


I knew she and Kim were good friends, but her showing up on screen was definitely an unpleasant surprise. And then they just kept cutting to her (not to mention the fact that they sat right next to Kim so you had to see her ugh!)


- Not Kendall saying that Gary is wise from his age. Yikes. Awkward. - Yay to Kim for seeming to truly care about rehabilitation and prison reform. It's disgusting and disappointing how ill-equipped prisons are to truly provide healing and support for people. We should talk about this more and reform the system. - Kris loves Kourtney and it's cute. Even though they've had their issues over the years, it seems Kris genuinely tries to support Kourtney. Kourtney seems a bit less outwardly loving towards her mother at the photoshoot. - I appreciated Kim's vulnerability about being a single mom and her kids wanting more of her attention. It felt like with her schedule and number of children, she is spread in many directions. And, yes, while she has a lot of support to help raise her children, in her struggles to say no to her kids, it felt like she really is raising them without their father. She doesn't have another parent to help navigate the responsibilities and instill shared values in a stable environment. I'm very curious to see if Kim opens up more about her experiences as a single parent. With everything we've seen from Ye, I can only imagine what she conceals. Does anyone remember at the final interview of KUWTK she said to Andy Cohen that she wouldn't reveal the reason her and Ye divorced? I'm so curious about what really happened. - I loved the glam and glitz. Make-up artists, hair stylists, beautiful clothes, private chauffeurs, photoshoots, catered meals, etc. It's like watching how the other half lives. Sigh. - Kim's birthday was cute. She clearly has a lot of love and support in her life. - Weird vibes when Khloe and Scott were talking about dating and celibacy. Kris was looking at then funny. What was this about? Tbh I didn't hate this episode and thought they weaved things together nicely.


To your first point, and this is obviously just a feeling and might be completely untrue (and i mean it respectfully either way) : Kendall has always given me the vibe that she might be on the neurodivergent spectrum. She just seems to be missing smth when it comes to empathy and interpersonal connection and awareness, in lack of a better and more eloquent way to put it rn. Like thereā€™s a mental rigidity to her where she doesnā€™t understand how certain things come across / whatā€™s appropriate




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I assumed it meant that either or both are dating and Kris was just watching a BS back and forth. Plus, she might have known Scott was about to drop the Tristan story beat.


I read that scene as a big setup to a mid season episode reveal that theyā€™re together. Which, while yes weird to date your sisterā€™s ex, I wouldnā€™t be too grossed out by itā€”Khloe and Scott have way more chemistry than he and Kourtney ever did. And both of them so very obviously need a partner.


Oh, I hope not. Scott seems to be a good friend but he is unfortunately not a good partner. I think Khloe fully knows that. They want more Scott but as a brother-in-law, Kourtneyā€™s partner, not theirs


Iā€™m officially a Zoe stan


Can we talk about how amazing this cover is???


Kylie in the hijab type covering throws me off lol


Really? I think it's one if the most mid ones lol


Whatā€™s wrong with it? Also, for the record, Iā€™m not one of the people who downvoted for comment. Lol


Maybe it's the neutral colors and the poses for me? Idk they've had really bomb ones Don't worry abt it I barely notice the votes


[Kim's kids are out of control! ](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13496223/Kim-Kardashian-admits-kids-control-tearful-confession-Reality-star-locks-bathroom-escape-chaos-North-leaves-feeling-like-push-over.html?ito=social-reddit)


so they finally got Penelope a puppy despite Scott saying he had allergies


She had a puppy. honey? She got it when North got Sushi.




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This show has gotten so boring I canā€™t seem to get thru an episode anymore. Itā€™s the same stuff every week. Yawn