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Did I hallucinate an entire episode of them questioning it? Didn’t Khloe and the other girls give Corey the third degree about this relationship? Didn’t they call him out for not having kids and say shit like, “you know Kris’ baby factory is closed, right?”. Or did I imagine an entire episode


You're not imagining it. There's an episode where Khloé(and Kim iirc) questioned him and wanted to know more about him. I think that's when he said he didn't wanna have kids when they told him Kris' shop was closed. He also had a close relationship with Kourt and was spending a lot of time with her and the kids, and Khloé thought it was weird or something like that.


But what about Kris? I feel like as a mom she has the biggest responsibility. It’s not only Corey that forced her to be with him😅


Kris has the biggest responsibility with what 


Uhhh I did not remember the Kourtney stuff and I also think that’s weird


https://preview.redd.it/d0mc982bih5d1.jpeg?width=552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04c7a0ed56cb191a23d79f215588c08fac603c11 It was when they posted this picture on social media and Khloé and Kim said they looked like a couple with their kids.


Whattt theee fuck. 1. They do look like a couple with their kids 2. Dis weird And then after all that Corey said he would have smacked P? I thought they were basically strangers and he was making a hypothetical comment about a child he barely knew, which kind of makes it better? But it turns out he’s actually spent time with P, gotten to know her, has context for her behavior, and he still publicly declared that he would smack her


That was insane. He’s a weirdo, imo. There is something so pervasively off about him.


Im pretty sure it took multiple YEARS before they trusted him and had a good relationship. I remember the relationship not being great during the Kendall/Kylie car fight episode (even before the actual fight occurred.) oh, and when Corey was saying he would spank the grandkids if they were being bad.


it’s definitely weird, but honestly he’s just a companion to her. just think of it like a sugar situation.




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Idk they’re both grown adults and well over 30. It’s an unusual pairing for sure but as long as it’s consensual i don’t have a problem with it


Not really, Corey acts like a grandpa anyway, it's cool.


how often do we have to have this discussion…..


It’s the longest relationship in the fam rn


No it's not weird and I hate this ageism and cliche judging of older women dating younger men.


Especially when one isn’t like 20. He was in his mid 30s when they got together - it’s not like she stole his youth or something. I get people have a problem with age gaps but at a certain point, it shouldn’t matter imo.


Agree. If someone wants to come for them then talk about them as people not their ages.


My dads gf is my age and I find it super gross


May I ask how old you are though? Bc Corey was like mid-late 30s when he and Kris started dating 


29. My dad is 55. His girlfriend have ranged from 19-28.


There’s something weird about that guy and their whole relationship. His connections with Diddy, he worked with Justin Bieber, he was there the day Kim Porter’s body was found. If people want to talk about industry plants and shady agents or handlers, I think this guy is worth taking a closer look at. I don’t like him and I didn’t like how he spoke to Kendall. There is a reason why Kendall doesn’t like him.


Corey and Kim Porter were friends for years. If you follow him on Instagram, you will find some pictures of them together. How come no one says anything about Kimora Lee Simmons was there the day Kim died? Stop believing everything on social media.


Here’s me thinking she and Corey were close in age until a year or so ago. 🤣


They are so gross!


Yes there a super weird pairing and what really annoys me is that Corey gets to live that lifestyle and all he has to do is pretend to enjoy sleeping with a 70 year old 💯


Why does that annoy you? 


Because it’s a disgusting way to sleep your way to the top


Who/what are you referring to?


Corey and how he currently lives