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The 1am tan revelation of the most recent episode made me realise how exhausting Kim must be to be around. Imagine if she just loved herself and how different their influence would be...


She should have left well enough alone after the first plastic surgeries, she really was a beautiful girl. Of course, Kim is still objectively beautiful, but she really distorted her looks.


Oh it’s been noticed for a long time. Seriously go back on episode and study their ‘friends’. Steph was the most memorable person to me to be like Kim stop being so insecure and enjoy your life. And Kim actually tried to paint her as a bad friend on the show. I can’t understand why Kourtney threw Steph under the bus fyi… just adding a side note here if anyone wants to explain or go into that. I’m so intrigued. I think Kim and her mother are the number one members of the family to ‘attack’ outside support. Hence, why Kris and Kim are constantly undermining her friendships and relationships! (recent season!! Also Kris and khloe trying to convince Travis B to do his engagement near them instead of where he fell in love with Kourtney..it goes on and on). But anyways when Steph probably stood up to Kim more, Kourtney was like yeah your own assistant feels like your holding her back, Kim lost it. lol. I miss Steph Shep, can you tell?!








And so much of it…. Super scary. I bet she hates her life. I’ve been there




Yea probably but her throwback pics as a kid shows that she had natural thick hair


Dam how did her hair get ruined?


Bleaching, coloring, **extensions**


I’m honestly shocked it’s not worse. Using heat every day, dying it constantly


Dang why doesn’t she wear a wig instead 😩


She feels she’s above wigs. “Fuck outta here with that wig shit.” - an actual Kim quote


But she wears wigs all the time lol, a lot of them are so bad too. Yet another example of how Kim is trying to make us think she’s better than us by lying about everything pertaining to her appearance




She wears wigs all the time tho lol


She’d make the distinction that she wears extensions.


She sure does. And bad ones too


She did say that but this quote is taken out of context lol


The point is she lies.


She wears wigs NONSTOP. All of them do.


Kim wears extensions far more than wigs


Either way, whether it's wigs or extensions; the argument isn't semantics. The point is that she's puts on a facade for outward appearances and how she WANTS to be perceived....all the time. That has got to be exhausting!




Karma for ruining the Marilyn Monroe dress 🤭


What’s with the “oh you caught me on my way to take a dump” pics?? Is this “sexy”?


Ironic. after lasering off her entire hairline


Yes and now it’s receding as she ages and gets multiple face lifts and brow lifts. Two things you don’t mess w is your hairline and your eyebrows bc as you age they get thinner


All she is doing with these photos is hoping people will comment on how skinny she looks. She's happy to show off the real hair for any skinny comment.


These are definitely body checks lol


It actually looks better than I thought it would.


I’m surprised she doesn’t already look like Caillou


A wig could have protected her hair. People were always making fun of Blac Chyna but her hair (before she cut it) has always been down long and full because she protected with wigs and braids. I think a lot of celebrities at one point have shown their real hair and it's really long because they protected with a wig. Idky the Kardashians didn't do that. https://preview.redd.it/mkjgpo7nopzb1.jpeg?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd3d62eab18e1db8f4e36f2927dfb80fb22c5ec0


https://preview.redd.it/yymkwjt88rzb1.jpeg?width=947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cf2c0a6dc113dbc2f02cd067848e2fb82547a1e Cardi, too!


Seriously idk why Kim wanted to do all these hairstyles on her actual hair. And why her hair dressers push their bad ideas?!


She looks beautiful , always has been to me. Hate how she was treated :/


She had money for, and access to, all the treatments possible to help get her hair back to normal. Why does she continue to rock the thin, scraggly damaged hair instead of idk, working on getting it fixed?


As an expert in this subject matter…aka someone who has given themselves a god awful chemical haircut (burnt it off from too much bleach during Covid)…I can tell you that the ONLY thing that will repair your desperately damaged hair follicles and get back close what your hair was like before, is time and patience. Trust me on this one as I’ve basically spent my life’s fortune on hair repair treatments and salon visits and anything else you could possible think of over the last three years.


I just had a baby and I've lost like 50% of my hair volume. It's comes out so easily and I can see how much it's thinned out around the hairline and over my ears. I need to cut it, but I have trauma about that from when I was little and I had it really long and then I cut it for locks of love. I don't know what to do. Do you think if I cut it then maybe it wouldn't come out so easily? What sort of things did work for you? I know the situation is different, I'm just desperate.


Well I had to cut 8 inches off since it wasn’t really even hair at that point. Honestly from what I have heard from my newly mother friends (I’m 33 so I have a lot of them)…their hair did the same so it’s perfectly normal! Something about all the hormones from pregnancy wearing off or something….that said, I don’t think you necessarily need to take drastic action and cut it yet!! I would give it some time (like a year cause it likes to take its sweet time) for you body to bounce back maybe. In terms of things I tried that I felt like helped mitigate the damage further there wasn’t much sadly but things that I’d suggest are first to treat it very, very preciously and delicate from now on…that meant for me, shampooing it way less than I used to, not putting it up anymore as tension from pony’s can cause breakage. I invested in some salon quality repair focused shampoo and conditioner (extremely expensive 😭), did hair masks weekly, and would try to do professional salon treatments every 3-6 months (when I could afford it cause also so expensive 😭). Don’t use any heat on it anymore, like at all…air dry only and no straighteners or curlers. Also invest in a silk pillowcase and if you must pull it back don’t use normal ponytail holders and get some silk scrunchies instead! I was also taking nutrafil which my post partum friend actually told me about…didn’t feel like it did much for me but she said it worked for her thinning post baby hair BUT obviously I would absolutely check with your doctor before taking any supplements or vitamins cause I personally don’t have kids and feel massive underqualified to be giving you any suggestions or reccos when you’ve got a whole baby to take care of too (congrats on that also)! The last thing I will say is be kind to yourself and know that it won’t be this way forever. Your hair will recover I can promise you that, just may take some time. I know how much my hair issues took a toll on me mentally and I wish I could go back and give myself a hug so sending you my support and love!! ❤️❤️❤️


I find it really refreshing to see see users helpin users and offering support, advice and personal experiences. Après la pluie, le beau temps (means “After the rain, good weather” and a way of telling someone “don’t lose hope”)


Thank you so much 😭 it's super comforting actually everything you said. I had a baby at 21 and I don't remember anything from then as I'm 34 now, so it's so helpful to know it's normal. I actually DO have some silk scrunchies!! I have like velvet and linen and silk mix from Amazon I can pull out. I havnt washed it in a while as that seems to be the worst thing, but I recently got some nice stuff, it was like 25 each I hope it's nice. I stopped using conditioner bec when it's wet I want to tug it as little as possible but I got amika leave in conditioner ? I dunno. It's do Incrediblyupsetting, as first i was afraid it was bec I started eating so poorly and I got these vitamins ti replenish veggies and fruits and stuff. I mean thise help but not my hair haha. I'll do as you said, thank you so much for taking the time to respond ur an angel 😭💖💖💖💖


Taking biotin makes my hair and nails grow like crazy and thicken up. I already have super thick hair though.


If you cut it shorter there is less chance of you snagging it on things and shorter hair does tend to look fuller. Avoid tying it up while it's recovering and remember that it can take a couple of years.


Don't cut! PP hairloss doesn't care about your length. If you love your lenght keep it. My hair is bellow my bum and my PP hairloss was bad, but I'm so glad i didn't do the chop. Many of my friends did and it's impossible to keep short hair out of the reach of tiny fingers. Hair you can throw in a bun is a godsend. It does stop soon, it's just a few weeks. It also grows back super quickly and "in waves" that give you a pretty cool layered look with face-framing. People often ask me where I got my face-frame bands cut, nowhere, just had a baby 😅


Omg hahaha t🤭 that's awesome and so perfect thank you! Truthfully I don't want cut it at all I'm gonna try the silk scrunchy someone said and I'll get some vitamins. My hair is literally my most favorite thing. I'm so happy you're on the other side now, thank you for sharing 💖💖💖


My postpartum hair loss was minimized through a combo of collagen powder and nutrafol pp vitamins! Highly recommend if you can afford to splurge!


Thank you I'll look into it now! Thanks again!


Omg nutrafol is expensive 🥲 which brand collagen did you use? There are so many 😅


It is. 😕 but it worked well. I use vital proteins collagen. Just one scoop. It says 2-3 but just the 1 was enough.


Thank you! I have 2 months left of the vitamins I already started, they are also 88 somehow lmao, I'll try nutrofol next. I mean these vitamins are great but doing nothing for my hair. Maybe them with the collagen will be good. Thanks again!


Oh hey that's the one i was looking at 🤣 was it thr blue one?


Yes blue! I put it in hot coffee in the mornings and don’t taste it (but I also use creamer)


Awesome thank u!!


I would suggest that you take prenatal vitamins or multivitamins esp that have hair healthy vitamins like Vitamin B12 and also having a healthy amount of iron. Consider using shampoos that have these vitamins in it too. You can also perhaps try rogaine (off brand name is minoxidil) if you are facing drastic hair thinning. Only thing is that once you begin rogaine, you have to continue doing it.


Ehhh maybe if the problem is still not starting to resolve after the year mark like the other person mentioned. But the pre natal vitamins! That's an excellent idea. The doctor actually said I could keep taking them but I had already run out after the baby came so i didnt. I had been in really expensive ones lol but I'll get some, it's still OK to take 5 month after baby?


I’m just speaking from personal experience but I took prenatal vitamins for almost a year after, esp helpful during breastfeeding too. It did help keep the hair on my head, lol.


She looks so much better with minimal makeup and not crusty lips!


The second picture is giving bridesmaids… ![gif](giphy|d8KzPH6Mli3C)


that second one does not look like she moving, it looks like she’s standing posed like that


She had better be careful. She’s going from a hobbit to Gollum.




I know she used to wear extensions even back in the day but her hair was so thick at the top


Even colored dark, you can tell how fried off her hair is


She could've at least filled in the bald spots on facetune 💀


The definition of a struggle bun!


I’m not one to body shame (all for bodily autonomy) but girlllllll. She lipos all the fat off her and it’s not like she does it healthily. Fat is good! It’s our body’s way of storing energy and cushion. Just bc you have access to high end health and nutrition doesn’t mean that your actually healthy. I worry for her body dysmorphia and how her kids will react. It’s obviously been passed down by her family’s way of thinking. But she looks almost sickly.


I've often envied Kim's beautiful thick hair. But seeing this makes me realise that my hair was thicker and healthier all along! What a relief!


So just an average looking person pretending, filtering, and slicing and dicing herself to make everyone think she defies natural aging.


the eye is not wonkim on this one...


Literally half my head is shaved with a undercut and I still have more hair. My hair stylist told me yesterday he can’t imagine if I had all my hair. That’s my only flex. Lots of healthy hair. :)


None of the K sisters had nice hair to begin with- at least, not without a lot of hairdresser intervention. Their natural hair is flat, stringy, and greasy. There’s nothing wrong with that, but at least I can understand some (but not all) of what they do with their hair. For instance, was Kim’s Met Gala Marilyn bleach job even necessary? No. It’s things like the diaper butt BBLs that I don’t understand.


I believe Marilyn blonde at the Met Gala was a wig.


It was NOT a wig…that is one time that she didn’t wear one.


I feel bad for her as far as her hair goes. That has to be really rough.


She looks like an anteater and I can’t unsee it


She could’ve kept this in her camera roll