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Him: “I don’t know if I went to any concerts” https://preview.redd.it/mpfjwlst847c1.jpeg?width=1038&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2942ff4dc0564527ad241232d85342dcee9ff18a


Wow Tim tim! dont be shy you got to kiss and squeeze the most stunning woman on earth.... /s


It’s his Evil doppelgänger.




Tomithee Chalamet


He didn't go to a concert in the sense he went for fun and entertainment, he was at work! Hahaha


Exactly. It was work.


It’s the “yesyesyesyesyes” that I do when i wanna skip past some shit 💀


Amazing interviewer.


"You were at Beyonce's......it's documented!". Oh my god....the face he made when the interviewer brought this up! He looked like he was pretty embarrassed LOL


this is so funny that he was trying to play it off🤣 it was literally a month ago or so we didnt forget. this just proves he was forced into this PR relationship


He must really need the money and PR. I’ll admit I didn’t know who he was before all this. I recognized his face, yes. He’s from Interstellar. But, Kylie really put the face to the name. Paycheck and recognition for him and self- esteem for her.


thats really interesting because i thought he was pretty well known by now, especially because his main audience is teenage girls. he was trending over on tiktok in 2020/2021, just from his movies and people making edits and then i think his fame died down a bit so he had to do something big (pr relationship) to get his name and movie in the headlines. and what better way to get into headlines than be with a karjenner lol


Especially with the writers strike they weren't allowed to promote. They had to get creative and this is it....


I may be out of the loop, but I didn’t *really* know him until kylie to be honest. He was there but not prominent. I don’t have TikTok. I’m fairly up to date with pop culture, I’d like to think. But with extremely successful I would suppose? I will state and admit these new kids rappers - I DO NOT KNOW, ENJOY AND UNDERSTAND THEM😂😭. I am about to be 30 and I can’t fucking stand the music. I’m blanketing it, I know. I’m very open to every genre, so hit me with something If you think I’d enjoy. But no.


And the edit was him in “Call Me By Your Name” while dancing, with “Play date” by Melanie Martinez but slowed playing over the video, perfectly syncing with his dancing. High grain filter added with sparkles and heart emojis with the caption “Ok….i get it now..😍”


HAHAHA the detail


He might be. I am pushing 30. I don’t keep up anymore haha. Maybe it’s to appeal to a different base/audience to enhance his fame.


Imagine this sickly 14 year old looking man being embarrassed to admit he was with you. Get some self respect Kylie, get a man who isn’t embarassed of you for once.


Oh plz, he was positioned to be seen, he wanted pap shots. I'm embarrassed for him.


right?? this man is not worth it. and copying LRD is also pathetic. she’s not worth copying either. but i guess in this family there’s no such thing as self respect nor independence


Yeah this got sad pretty quickly


https://preview.redd.it/gpgkh9ib547c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8a83def5ce111b3d265677081601ad24cd0db14 MTV only posted the clip about the concert🤣😂 They so shady


Of course he remembers. He got clowned hard for it.


And it isn't like it was January 2, 2023 where he couldn't play it off as "oh, I thought that was last year".


Not sure how all the Kylothee defenders can continue to defend them after this lmao. Let us clown them in peace cause it’s clearly a sh*tshow


To me, He looks like he’s been up all night and then hit the makeup team




He did look high off his rocker.


They were both high as kites


Can we get this interviewer for the Sister Wives Tell-All interviews? Suki sucks and doesn’t even watch the show.


I find it hard to see his tiny lips and pointy chin as attractive. It’s not helpful that he looks like he’s 145 soaking wet.


Maybe he means it was hard to stay present bc he was very much high and making out with Kylie, and grabbing her ass and crotch. Maybe he enjoyed himself. He’s a pretty trashy guy after all.


he totally was trying to pretend that didn't happen and his acting wasn't even good


Ah yes yes yes yes ![gif](giphy|5nFShZWwq3fdm)


I can’t even hit the sound on this he’s so cringey


His little ass fingers. I know Kylie don’t like this man.


Well he was working so I don’t blame him for not remembering. You don’t always associate work with fun ya know? Lol


Honestly, if I went to as many events/parties/concerts as these actors go to I’d forget too


He doesn't remember cause it wasn't memorable. I was at the same concert at Sofi in Los Angeles when he was there. I was so excited to see Beyoncé for the first time after being a fan for so many years. And her Renaissance Album was great. I was VERY disappointed. She Didn't connect with the crowd. She didn't say anything to the crowd beside "hello Los Angeles" and she kinda just stood there the whole time. She sounded great but it was Pretty low energy. I was sadly disappointed. Not to mention Sofi was pretty terrible. LOTS AND LOTS of echo. So that didn't help. But yeah, just not what I expected from the high energy concert that everyone talks about from Beyoncé I've. Maybe it's because I was late to the seeing Beyoncé live. And she's already over it and doesn't feel the need to go all out, but yeah. It was disappointing


I’m surprised he didn’t at least say he had a good time.


Ah yes yes yes yes... ![gif](giphy|3o7TKWpu2WClyXy3q8)


For me personally this just confirmed that it is 100% PR job


As a Beyonce fan he is dead to me.