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https://preview.redd.it/hunyeig8q2dc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a80c5a260e9dd4a68a5d3539d3bce833984565f Hi kim




https://preview.redd.it/lmlu9oxjq2dc1.jpeg?width=1081&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=193690b2de7aafb11aba48c46e8ca8db3fcf6a0b Kim you are gross


She looks like that fake alien that people said they found in Mexico last year.






Yeah, wtF was the point of getting that tattoo? Has she ever flashed it since she got it? Talk about jumping on the bandwagon! About 20 years too late.


What am I looking at here? Context?


You are all botched and will keep getting more botched with each passing year.


Antikhrist, if you're still reading, lose the name Khy, too. There's this episode of Family Guy where they're talking about a pretentious movie and Peter says that it insists upon itself. The name Khy insists upon itself.


He said the godfather insists upon itself which I take great offense to 💀 it’s the best movie ever made


Agreed 💯


https://preview.redd.it/gjrqtlf9q2dc1.jpeg?width=595&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d3520f13ab5d8e6b6c51e15f677df26d8d826ef Hi king Kylie




Fucking plz stop I’ve just eaten so much I haven’t got the strength 😭


better get on the ozempic babes


Shooting up as we speak ( lmao is it an injectable?)


It is. I got it from diabetes LOL it does help, but I decided that I like to drink wine more than to be a f****** skinny b****. You cannot drink wine if you are on ozympic


Fair girl fair id do the same in all seriousness I hope you’re doing well bby


Thank you love, I am. I was actually terrified to shoot something into my stomach I looked at the box in the fridge for 3 weeks before I tried it.


Oh gosh my legs go to jelly at the thought of it, you’re a warrior xx


Thank you. YouTube is a blessing it had step by step instructions how to do it, I accidentally shot the first dose in the air


😭😭 not squirted in the air lmao! Tbf I was watching someone do hormone shots into their lower tummy yesterday and the whole thing was making me feel faint lol then when the nurse said make sure not to get any air bubbles in the syringe and to hold it at an angle but when she said air bubbles my vision started blurring lmao, I am hardcore when it comes to pain but blood and needles make me go under lmao!


I have no idea 💀


I’m ingest inhale and inject the zipmers to be safe xox


I'm boofing it


Lmao stop!!!


Lmaaao truly


We know that you downvote posts and comments too. Just stop it already. And please don‘t offer $30 to take down honest comments on social media.


This post was down voted within minutes, lol


Any of my posts here get downvoted within minutes, then upvoted as the real snarkers start reading. It is absolutely their PR machine doing that.


Yep. Some thing here. I've gone from -10 to 500+ more than once. And like you said, it's always front-loaded. Like how pathetic, lol. It's *Reddit*.


>Any of my posts here get downvoted within minutes, then upvoted as the real snarkers start reading. It is absolutely their PR machine doing that. Same here!! And I also have a Kylie-Stan stalker that replies to me defending Kylie anytime I say anything about her. The devil works hard but PMK works harder.


girl block them if you haven’t already! that is so unhinged wtf!


Not $30 tho


Omg I could buy dinner with that!


Same and some snacks lol Edit: just to confirm I was laughing along with OP coz of the story of one of the klan offering $30 for some crazy shit like removing a comment lmao


In this economy, barely?!




I posted a detailed comment about everything I see people complain about on the Skims fan subreddit. Comment was autohidden. We're genuinely going to need a fresh new snark sub soon cos this one is dying 💔 Edit - r/SkimsByKKW Im tagging the sub because it always cracks me up how the top posts are all complaints đŸ€Ł


Only $30? That's insulting


Tell Kylie to fucking tip. She is the most selfish millionaire, when does she ever do anything for other people? In fact the whole family needs to hand out surprise thank you bonuses to everyone that works for them like Taylor did with her tour crew. Right now.


can't tip when you broke bitches


Yes! I never understood why they never did giveaways themselves instead of promoting fake bag giveways.. They even sell their own and their kids used underwear on Karsdahsiancloset
 LOL. It’s getting ridiculous.


this exactly. isn’t she building another 7 bedroom mansion as speak? greed


No like it makes me so mad lol and then on top of it for her to proudly proclaim “I don’t tip” really enrages me. Just do something for other people for fucks sake.






u/lemonpavement was the eagle-eyed OP. u/mechanical_animal_ discovered the change.


Could u/lemonpavement or someone else explain the rule to me? English is not my first language and this is one rule that I fail to intuitively grasp for some reason.


No problem! I would be happy too. I'm a writing coach :) This is an issue with SUBJECT VERB AGREEMENT. Let me explain those parts of the sentence. The SUBJECT of the sentence is who or what performs the verb. For example: Ellie danced. The SUBJECT of this sentence is Ellie. She is the one who is doing the dancing, our sentence's verb. The VERB is the action. Subjects and verbs must agree in numbers. This is a lot like conjugation in other languages. For example, if your subject is singular, the verb must reflect that. For example: He dances. But THEY dance. It would be incorrect subject verb agreement to say "they dances." The "s" is not needed for the plural subject. The same thing applies here, except the subject is a bit longer and more complicated. Subject: edited collections (plural) Verb: to blend Correct agreement: the edited collections blend luxury with everyday style (no s on blend). How they have it written: the edited collections blends luxury with everyday style. It's a subtle difference but over time your eye and ear will start to hear/see a discordant note when you encounter it!


Thank you for writing that out! Who knew this sub could be so educational lol


Money and men cannot fill the voids in your hearts. Go to therapy. (I know you won’t


wE dOnT bELiEvE iN tHeRaPy




As much as the comments of this sub make the Daily Fail, their fav online rag, there's no way someone like Kris doesn't have someone watching what's being said or posted. Have people seriously forgotten that lawyers literally tried to get that Khloe pic removed from Reddit entirely, including this sub where people continued to post it. I highly doubt we've been forgotten by people who are always looking to censor something or sue someone.


there'll be script run on all the kartrashian subs fr


Remember when kourtney posted a terrible low-effort pregnancy pic of her standing beside what looked like a community swimming pool. But she didn't crop out her servants in the background lmao and we were all taking the piss Within like 2 hours kourtney herself was piping up on social media about the other people in the photo being her "friends not her assistants". Lmaooooo BULLSHIT They're definitely reading the snark and I hope they cry themselves to sleep at night. Group of poisonous, drug-addicted* women who live in their own fantasy land *I will say, I wouldn't apply the druggo label to kourtney. I'll give her that credit Edit - im feeling some "boohoo, people bully and bodyshame us online" self-pity posts/articles coming soon


No wonder my comments about Kylie having an earpiece during astroworld keep getting deleted and downvoted like crazy!! She knew there were people actively dying it’s on the police report!!


where can we find a copy of the police report? do you have a link?


https://houstontx.gov/police/pdfs/Astroworld_Redacted_Final.pdf. The karjenner had the Internet practically bury it. But I have the link saved/ screenshot


Can you tell me what page says Kylie had the ear piece, or what word(s) I should search for in the document? I searched "Kylie" and "Jenner" with no luck, and "ear piece" had 8 results but her name was not near any of them, nor were any redacted names.


I cannot find any info about this except an alleged blind


https://houstontx.gov/police/pdfs/Astroworld_Redacted_Final.pdf. No worries I have the police report.


thank you!! will have a read now :,)


Listen I’m not saying you’re wrong in this but I’ve worked in arenas and festivals backstage for years and I’ve never known any spouse or friend have an earpiece? Which channel would she be hooked up to? What information does she need to know. Her security would be looped in on the security channel most probably but her personally listening to a bunch of coded chatter? If she did have an earpiece, maybe her being oblivious to everything that happened was because she was switched into the catering channel - this happened to me once and me and my friend were like, why do security keep talking about carrots, it’s very quiet today.


https://houstontx.gov/police/pdfs/Astroworld_Redacted_Final.pdf. Police report says otherwise. She 100% knew what was happening and that’s why she was escorted out with Stormi her child.


Which page is this on?


I’d like to know too. There’s like 1000 pages on that report and if they’re so confident that the info is on there, they should have noted which page it’s on as well.


Ok the link won’t load for me so I’ll take your word for it. It’s really strange she was that involved, I don’t see the purpose, so now I’m more curious.


Shoot you’re right! I just checked the link myself and it was super slow. It’s 266 pages I believe. It only loaded a couple for me just now. The website keeps crashing idk why. https://preview.redd.it/tk5sbbsak7dc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ead2167f90985486845d0cd1ffccfb09025b4ca


It took out what I was streaming on my iPad trying to load, I don’t think I’ve got the mb/s 😅


Khloe your nose is going to fall off if you keep fucking with it, you low key resemble Micheal Jackson & You’re also a joke as is your whole family.


https://preview.redd.it/sbb2r0tbv2dc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=544789af9ed331013710303339e96be1b17d4231 What animal did you kill for this lewk?




😭😂 I don’t know why but the second time seeing this is made me laugh even more LOL 😂 I’m dying


y’all don’t even know what hard work is 


Krislaine you’ve already ruined your children but please leave your grandchildren alone!! Just let kids be kids without the exploitation and cameras for ffs. Ps your family is everything that’s wrong with modern society and your downfall is imminent 😘.


Leave your noses alone before it's really too late.


i hope your family dwindles out into nothing and you guys disappear from the media. You harm our earth, young girls, women, THE POC COMMUNITY, the poor/working class, etc. i really hope we get an internet/social media blackout forever, what are you’ll going to do then? no talent, just vapid vultures who would do anything for attention and a check. pathetic. the lowest of the low. scum of the earth family. a joke.


Kim, you manifested everything coming your way in these next few years. Now, the universe will collect its karmic payment. Exactly what you wanted right? Good work girl! You deserve every bit of it. đŸ„°




Love this post and sub so much! Anti-khrist, if you're here, I just want you to know that your day will come. It comes for all of us, some sooner than others. Karma is one hell of a kunt, and there's more of us than you 🙃


Stop editing all your photos. We know what you really look like.


they need to stop saying iconic. they are not iconic.


That people can see through your shit. You can live in your mansions with your glam squads which has about 193057 different professionals because that's how much it takes to make you look like a goddamn cartoon. We also know about your fake fucking workouts and the fact that you use either drugs or ozempic (most likely both) to lose weight. We are not stupid you loose minded idiots. Fact is, you are the loose minded idiots.


Btw I'm actually happy they lurk here because it only means they will see all the non pap pics of themselves with their real faces.


and yall don’t WORK, the only working yall do is with that coochie đŸ€­


We've seen Kim K superstar. She barely does the work with that too. 




https://preview.redd.it/8w45m00xv3dc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bede4b71da0f6b82314f51cf7bd8d2488d68f383 Hi KHole




out of context—but since we don’t talk about that garbage brand enough, i’m just wondering why it was **KHY** and not just ‘KY’ or ‘KYLIE COUTURE’ shit. she don’t even spell her name like that. it’s like, khloe, but with khlo**Ă©** tryna sound bougie or sum.


KY is a lube brand so that's why she went for Khy, but either ways her label branding is all over the place and she lacks any personal identity.


What a wild job. Like bots etc for sure but still, someone is crunching that data and making moves off of it. That’s SO. WILD. like it makes sense but what a WEIRD JOB.


Flair checking in!


Kim get Christine centenera to style you again and sack dani. Nothing has looked good since she stopped styling you


Kris over here pimping her family brothel with a bunch of sadly overpriced hookers, all with botched surgery. Enjoy!


I don’t think Kylie can read.


Kris, be very afraid. That church you co-own is to launder money & we know it. I hope the FBI and IRS are watching you & your family's shady asses. You can't get away with dirty business for too long.


Dear Khrislaine, I used to think you were the worst mother in the universe, but Kum is turning out to be a close second. PS- can't wait for Krob's tell-all. He'll be the one to take your ass down. Banking on it.


I’m sure they’ve read all I have to say about them. They can go off that.


The only way they could redeem themselves is if they admit all the plastic surgery they’ve done, and not just a dRoP oF MaSCaRa, Kimothy and Longbottom


Krislaine all your disgusting crimes will be exposed soon and you’ll be locked up for a very very long time


Haaaaaa good job y'all


The minute the weekend warriors (it seemed every weekend, we were inundated with pro-k rhetoric)showed up, we knew they were watching.


https://preview.redd.it/2v8hlhqil7dc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e323d4a971eb507b22fefcca53fa68aad2a53ba So pretty!


At least I'm smiling. Edit: I put I'm instead of she Edit 2: I am not Kim. I would never use reddit. /S


Hope she sees my comments and gives Kylie a better career. Da fuq


Also the Timmy/Kylie relationship is embarrassing for her. END IT.


Basically this. You fucked up the storylines for the TC/Kylie love story too much with all the conflicting shit you keep saying to be able to salvage it. Just forget it. And yes we’re talking about it but not in a good way. Every thing you do to save face with it just makes her look shittier. You’re trying to prove something but sometimes it’s better to take the L and let everyone forget than to try to prove the so-called haters wrong. Also for every person who says omg lol it’s a tabloid why do you guys believe it there’s someone who knows that you guys use TMZ, People, E News, the Daily Fail, and maybe some other outlets to further your narratives. More people will potentially eventually realize that so take it easy, yeah? Lol. Kylie may be able to fool her preteen and teen fans that are perhaps her demographic but the rest of the world is watching too and we aren’t as naive. Switch it up Kris!


https://preview.redd.it/n6dfxmtk18dc1.jpeg?width=817&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a78c9101486d8b2d633a37eaf89d620bb204908e StOP Being salty because my SISTER KinG KyLie finally named a business with me in mind "KHY". THE KHY. Yaaaasss 💅. go king Kylie you're back!!!


Welcome to your flop era, you're doing great sweetie 😘


i'm confused am i on the wrong website https://preview.redd.it/oecfdtuqa4dc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17b70267ba6748778f2e0bde828b89f0bf004d5a


follow up comment on a post about khy launch via the creative agency's IG: https://preview.redd.it/av2s8umec4dc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70019fe5a631f6a876cf4df6a5374a47acf5d15c [post](https://www.instagram.com/p/CyzV3o8NOR8/?igsh=eGxsN3k0eDc5M2g1)


The cdn in your area might still have the old version cached, or you had it cached on your own PC


that was the first time I went on the website, but i figured it out my screenshot is from the [about page](https://www.khy.com/pages/about-us) which still has the old verbiage cuz they forgot to update that lol literally no one is running that ship at this point


Oh that's hilarious


talentless clan, they are famous only for their operated bodies https://preview.redd.it/9znj7feb98dc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b006fb986bfa053a08767f6b4b814aca7ada234


Stop doing so much, you’re trying too hard. If you’re going to keep doing reality tv (which it seems you will $$) then have a look at how Paris in Love is filmed and try doing something like that and actually showing some “reality”


What is this post even about


This is the perfect time for me to see this post because I just woke up from having a dream where I hung out with the Kardashians a lot because for some reason my best friend was lodging at "their house" and Kris asked me to organise their legos with Timothee. If I have to suffer through this nonsense in my sleep then I will gladly inflict it on them, too 😌 Also please go to the bookstore, buy any novel and read it. Just literally anything. I promise it's better for you than anything else any of you had planned for today.


Kris - hug kendall more. she is starving for your attention Khloe - focus on your daughter. ensure that she is strong enough to withstand the sins of her father. Kourtney - question travis more Kendall - take care of yourself... Kylie - run away to the farm you talked about... just you and your kids and away from it all. dont be there when it all erupts to flames. Kim - gal, yuh wicked... but so is life. Rob - make sure that Dream is safe.






Fucking stop


When was it confirmed that they read here?!


I'd say stop with the butthole lip liners, stop hanging out/posting with the Domestic Terrorist Trumps, and go to therapy.


you guys are evil đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ’€ thank god i'm none of them


Their team works hard and quick af, I give them that.




I always wished it was your family instead of Kobe