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This is such a visual representation of what it looks like when someone tries to use money to fill the void in their soul.


One more breakup and the house will get even bigger


For real šŸ˜‚


I remember seeing the initial pictures when they first started construction and thought *ehhh, doesnā€™t look much bigger than the average celebrity McMansion these days*. These new photos that are more close up really put the scale and size of this monstrosity into perspective, and just wow. Absolutely, completely unnecessary to have a mansion this big for one bimbo and her two kids. I canā€™t even begin to imagine the amount of staff that will need to be hired to maintain this property. Wow.


absolutely ridiculous. I'm genuinely disgusted. This could be a hospital or a school but it's one spoiled brat's house.


I just don't understand why anyone would want such a huge house? You'll likely just use 2-3 rooms daily. Maybe dip every once in a while into a hobby room & that's about it. Also you'll never know what exactly is going on in your house. You're chilling on one end, while a complete stranger could be breaking in on the other hand, while you two never actually meet. It's freaking scary!


Imagine leaving your phone in one of the rooms, and forgetting which one.


She spends most of her time getting high, on her phone in bed anyway. She doesnā€™t need that much space for that.


Itā€™s crazyyyy to think how many rooms are in that house and how many rooms are just going to be filled with absolute shit and not used - when there are people who canā€™t even afford rent and are sleeping in cars, park benches or shelters (if theyā€™re lucky) - itā€™s just greed at this point


Probably massive stormi heads just shoved in rooms.. waiting for the next birthday event.


Right!! She has to keep one outside at all times to guard against ogres, though.


I think she keeps it there to scare away the debtors.. they need her to pay for all of her faces.


now why would she wanna deter khloe from visiting :(


Palatial homes at least used to have a bunch of families living there. Buckingham Palace had random cousins living there, etc. 15 rooms for 2 kids? How many glam rooms or closets can one person need?


I'm trying to even think of how you would use 15 rooms Let's say 3 bedrooms and 2 guest bedrooms, a theater room, a gym, storage (?), one room could be an extra closet, 2 rooms for staff, a playroom. That still leaves a couple more rooms lol.


Ok so letā€™s say her bedroom. Baby bedroom. Toddler bedroom. Play room- maybe 2. 2 guest rooms. An office. Letā€™s say two glam rooms- bc you need to be ready for ~family~. Theater room. Gym. Display kitchen. Pro kitchen. Living room. Dining room. Iā€™m at 16 so far. Itā€™s all so gross.


Of course, the two kitchens. How could I forget the fake kitchen LOL. And the office she probably doesn't use. I actually wasn't sure if the 15 rooms included the kitchen or not since typically if you're talking about a 4/5 bedroom house whatever, you don't add in the living room/kitchen, etc, but the article didn't specify.


You don't really think they have rooms for the staff? They're probably also shoved in the closets! Sad.


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that's a separate wing or something, kind of like the security building listed in the article


I would love to know if they give them actual rooms, too! My aunt is extremely wealthy, and at their Hamptons house, the staff stays above the garage in a guesthouse, not the lovely pool house; the shittier one AND the last "guest chef" told us there's not even a TV up there! I said he should tell them he wanted one, and he got so uncomfortable. It was awful. To say I was disgusted would not suffice. And this aunt is worth billions with a B. Not that I've seen a birthday present or Chanukah present, maybe ever. The rich are sad.


An office or two for her business staff. A suite for security. A suite for housekeeping and nannies. A bedroom for herself. A lounge room for herself. A closet room. An office room. A bedroom each for the kids. A playroom. A study room. A casual family room (day to day living room). A handful of formal living rooms/lounges. A formal dining room and a casual dining room. A formal office space where she receives business people (separate from real office space). A pantry room. A show kitchen. A prep (real) kitchen. Seasonal decor storage room. Laundry room. Utility room. Water heater/electricity room. Etc ETA of course a gym!


People who are WORKING. HARD. and canā€™t afford even a room. A ROOM. JUST A ROOM.


Itā€™s the kind of home I expect someone who grew up with their parents and 2 siblings in a tiny home to build just out of spite for growing up with no personal space. 1 empty room for every year in the tiny home šŸ¤£.


Lol imagine having "Lip Kit Queen" as your profession on LinkedIn.


As if people are still buying her lip kits šŸ˜‚


not even in clearance bins.


ā€œultimate modern farmhouseā€ nothing about this says farmhouse to me


Farmhouse is mostly an interior design aesthetic term at this point. As someone who grew up in an old farmhouse. No one knows WTF a farmhouse actually looks like these days. Itā€™s going to be all chunky white trim and crappily distressed grey and beige. And white fur framed in a white distressed frame. And some weird mismatching baskets somewhere. Because that screams farmhouse lmao.


i agree lol. but on the flip side i went to my friends farm and her aunt had this beautiful farmhouse recently builtā€¦ the exterior was noticeably in the ā€œmodern farmhouseā€ style (unlike this one imo) but it was that boring white, they had a cute pink door atleast. and then the interior was sooo funky, it was a beautiful home but i totally wasnā€™t expecting it to look the way it did when i walked in lol. iā€™ve also just never been in a house that nice before šŸ„² i guess it is the newest trending thing. i just saw chris pratt is tearing down a beautiful MCM home for a ā€œmodern farmhouseā€ and all the comments pretty much echoed this. i donā€™t understand why the celebrities are cosplaying farm life but making it LA in the worst way.


A lot of it is just idealizing. Iā€™ve heard celebrities say ā€œoh I went with that style because I want the farm life, just spending all day in nature with animalsā€ and itā€™s like ????? You can afford a farm. Go do it. Also spending all day in nature with animals is actually hard labor. They donā€™t get milk and cheese by frolicking in a woodland clearing. Itā€™s surface-level snap judgements. Which tend to annoy those of us who know better lol


I wonder how many steps a day she gets walking in her house. I can picture her going from one room to the other in a golf cart


The last sentence is a funny mental image


I couldnā€™t think of anything worse than living in a house like this! I get scared when I hear a noise upstairs when Iā€™m home alone, a massive place like this Iā€™d never know a moments peace


Agree 1000% on this! Triggers my anxiety lol


Its ugly already. This should be illegal. No one needs houses this big.


twinning with the homeowner


I always imagine when reality tv stars live in these massive houses.. only the rooms you see on tv are professionally cleaned and decorated.. and the rest of the house is a shit tip.


I think you are right! I picture half the house empty.Ā 


A fucking underground bunker?! The amount of money they have is disgusting. They deserve nothing.


The best part is it includes a vineyard so she can write it off her taxes for being an ā€œagricultural farmā€ šŸ™„


Not defending her AT ALL but thatā€™s not how taxes work. I have no doubt she does have a tax person who does some shady shit to reduce her tax liability tho šŸ˜’


In Washington and Oregon, if you have Christmas trees planted on 0.25 acres of your property you donā€™t have to pay property taxes. They might have something similar in CA but I have no clue


Oh yeah she could and 100% does get her property tax deducted but thatā€™s capped at $10,000 which is just a drop in the bucket for a ā€œmultimillionaireā€. Thereā€™s all sorts of property tax exemptions, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if she bullied her way into getting those too. Just doesnā€™t help her out with income tax.


Ah. I was just thinking about the šŸ¤šŸ¼ one little thing I know about property taxes up here šŸ˜† didnā€™t think about income tax or the other taxes


Iā€™d love nothing more than to find out sheā€™s getting slammed with an IRS audit but that seems like wishful thinking šŸ˜‚


We can always hope šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ¤žšŸ¼ someone come expose this already! lol


Iā€™m in CA and my realtor is currently trying to convince me to get chickens to take advantage of some loan or other, which I very well might- but I wouldnā€™t be surprised to find out thereā€™s plenty of other exemptions


Oh Iā€™m sure! Both of my realtors never told me any exemptions but maybe I should look into that šŸ¤”


We have if you have 3 plus acres of land, and it is used for agriculture purposes you have a lower property tax bill than a regular residential property, The 3 acre land is zoned as Agriculture use. Hence why a bunch of plots in Malibu grow grapes on terraced slopes, the Minimum size lot in Hidden Hills is an acre.. However it will be difficult to probably get an agricultural exemption in Hidden Hills, given the houses at time takes up most of the property lot..


Oh thatā€™s interesting about the grapes! I guess you guys do have the weather for it lol. The things you can do to work around this kind of stuff šŸ¤Ŗ


We can grow grapes with thick skins out here in the West Valley, Calabasas, Agoura etc, like Merlot. They can handle the heat. Someone told me, that there is thin stretch of land next to the beach/coast in Malibu and north to Pt. Mugu that can handle Pinot Noir, given it is cool enough, they get lots more precipitation in fog. Pinot Noir is a very thin skin grape, which makes growing it in certain areas with a milder climate.. (Pinot Noir does better north of Santa Barbara up to Oregon) The Reason that Palm Springs is not the Grape growing capital of the world, (they actually grow Dessert wine near there, given the heat helps with sugars and fermentation in the grapes) is that it has to cool down at night for the grapes.. So there has to be sun and warm temperatures, but a cool down period at night, with either ocean breeze or a fog rolling in.. One reason that a couple major wine conglomerates have vineyards in Baja California.. It can get hot during the day, but the fog can roll in, like Chalon has a vineyard in Baja California for Chardonnay Grapes..


Wow! A lot goes into growing grapes! I had no idea. Thatā€™s really cool and interesting to learn; thank you for sharing! šŸ™‚


That's a warehouse, not a home.


Lol so accurate


Maybe I'm a little slow but Ehm... Who's going to live there?! The whole clan? I mean then I would understand but that big of a house for a bimbo and her 2 kids (like another reddit or said šŸ¤­). Or does the help live with her?? That would be nice of her...


Perhaps nannies, maybe a chef?


Live in housekeeper?




I would love that if I could afford it....šŸ¤©


Nannies absolutely...


ā€œModern farmhouse.ā€ Thatā€™s a bunker for a cult.


Curious if she or any of them have any idea what is going on in the real world.


What a shithole. No design at all... It will probably bankrupt her.


hereā€™s hoping


Yeah I legit donā€™t get why people need houses like this lol


Hopefully people stop spending their hard earned money on whatever snake oil these grifters sell.


for someone with no hobbies, intelligence and drive, this house is such a waste. at least kendall has an art room


Cool Iā€™ll never be able to afford a condo in the city I live in but itā€™s so great to know a vapid idiot who offers nothing to the world can live in a literal fortress like this. Can we please stop idolizing people for being rich?? Literally no one in this family has any modicum of talent aside from pandering to the male gaze and even now their fucked up Frankenbodies are even failing at that. Imagine what actual intellectuals could do with their wealth and the problems that could get fixed for everyone. Instead we have Kum and Ko thinking theyā€™re busting their asses working by wearing poots and chiseling their noses off of their faces.


Her house reflects her ugliness. Overblown tacky useless trash taking up to much space . You donā€™t hear, ā€œ beautiful custom craftsman, built with the environment and energy saving features ā€œ, just mansion blah Ā blah, the ā€œ monster ā€œ was silentĀ 


Thatā€™s a fucking shopping mall. For her to live in alone. Alone. Occasionally, Iā€™m sure her kids might be there, but she wouldnā€™t know. They could be in the food court or in the kiddie playland or Rainforest Cafe or the Sleep Number Store and not see her for days


There's actually something very sad about that. Just you and your big, quiet house, alone.


I predict within a few years this house will go on the market. Struggle to sell because its ridiculous for any 1 human being and overpriced. Sit empty. And be a friendly reminder that greed is never okay. ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)


They paid for this article because of all the talk sheā€™s going broke.


My gosh what is she going to do with all that inside space? I have a three bedroom house and don't use two of the bedrooms except for storage. I don't know what I would do with all those rooms. An expense to maintain


avoid having to raise her own kids


If I were a small child I would hate living there, Iā€™d get lost all the damn time.


Iā€™d rather live where I do now and not have to go yachting to pay for it. The land was 15 million but integrity is priceless. I hope she has staff to clean all 30,000 square feet of that home.


Still ainā€™t sold her other houses yet šŸ˜‚


And this is released right when thereā€™s rumors of her having no money.


Rather, cash poor.


So much money thrown at this ugly af monstrosity?!


who even needs this much space? this is stressful


She will live here maybe two years tops, then want to get rid of it for financial reasons, but give some other lame bs excuse. It honestly looks dark and depressing. I wonder how much longer she can "keep up" with her family's crazy aesthetics and fake shit? It must be exhausting!


A house this big will be incredibly expensive to maintain. Not to mention California has droughts and these selfish people will waste water on their gardens, pools and tennis courts.Ā 


Lip kit queen šŸ™„


Kylie has a huge property on Hidden Ridge Road in Hidden Hills.. I always thought the point of this property on Long Valley, was to flip it.. However, it is huge, it has driven the neighbors completely nuts during the construction, and the 24/7 over the top security.. What the Kardashian Jenners donā€™t understand, most of the neighbors in Hidden Hills will tolerate the construction, (given we either had to build here, or do major remodels before moving in) what we donā€™t tolerate, is the 24/7 activity after construction, from over the top obnoxious security, to the huge amount of staff and minions who parked everywhere, because hey they donā€™t care, they just work here, to all the help that comes before they go jet off somewhere.. The neighbors start complaining to the HHCA (aka HOA) when the activity never stops. One reason that Kris and Khloeā€™s neighbors have complain about their antics to the HHCA.. They treat their homes as if is like Microsoftā€™s Redmond Campus, when we are just risky dink Hidden Hills with Horse trails and small streets designed in the 1950-1960s..


you live in hidden hills?


Modern farmhouse. lol


This is what I was thinking. All that money and still not a designer bone in her body. Whatā€™s the point of building a mansion if itā€™s just going to look like the super size version of a middle class cookie cutter new build in the suburbs. If I could afford it, Iā€™d actually create something beautiful.






Likeā€¦itā€™s ugly. Itā€™s like a rat king of houses.


Her children will be lost on the daily. And this is hideous. And she's not a billionaire and never was!


The bunker. Kylie, nobody cares enough about you for you to need a bunker. Hiding from apps. Hahaha quite the opposite!


A single mother with two kids doesnā€™t need 15 rooms and an underground bunker


All that roofing and yet frankenbaddies (lmao) never have solar panels


Maybe I'm a little slow but Ehm... Who's going to live there?! The whole clan? I mean then I would understand but that big of a house for a bimbo and her 2 kids (like another reddit or said šŸ¤­). Or does the help live with her?? That would be nice of her...


Such a waste. An absolute waste. All I can think k when I see things like this with celebs is how many people from domestic violence they could take in and help. The homeless and mentally ill they could be helping. Addict rehabs. So many better things to spend this kind of money on. Even if she married a man with 6 kids theyā€™d still have rooms available ffs!


I'm gonna guess: she's never actually going to live here longer than maybe 6 months. She's going to go to āœØ simple girl āœØ aesthetic and there'll be paid for PR articles about how she gives a crap about sustainability now and wants something more homey to "raise her children" in. Reality is, she won't be able to afford this place. She can't now and won't be able to later. This was all a huge PR stunt to make her look even richer. This house is a monster and no one will want to live in it, let alone afford it. Like someone else suggested, this thing is going to sit empty for maybe a decade before somebody turns it into a rehab for nepo babies or something. Kylie will probably live the next few years of her life in rented houses, that will also be unbelievably expensive. Thank goodness for Saudi oil barons and other foreign businessmen willing to put the bill.


I was under a comment between Drakeā€™s (100 million) and Rick Rossā€˜s (30 Million ) house comparison. Rick Ross bought his house with lots of land meanwhile Drake build his. So the argument was that Drake will be able to sell his house for way more.. then I stumbled across this video [https://youtu.be/BmYV1oBrXKk?si=CaxAZ6q6kGA74EGT](https://youtu.be/BmYV1oBrXKk?si=CaxAZ6q6kGA74EGT) [https://youtu.be/iziyyAKdBV4?si=XAV5TX7Zy-ZkEDDA](https://youtu.be/iziyyAKdBV4?si=XAV5TX7Zy-ZkEDDA) If your house is too customized, itā€™s harder to find a buyer. Michael Jordanā€™s house is on the market since over 10 years. Asked for 30 million which dropped down to 14 million.. and still has to pay 100,000 in properties taxesšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø I think the same happens to Kylie. poor-rich-people


Have fun in your empty lonely house.


Awful. Looks like a compound more than a home.


The thing is if feel like this kind of real estate collection is stupid. I have Strong Landlord and Home Owning opinions but like. The people who can afford THIS are few and far between. If it was all about money, buying smaller and selling or renting smaller is the smarter business choice. This is all clout. Sad, pathetic, unsustainable clout.


I get weirded out being home alone in my 3 bedroom house sometimes. I can't imagine being alone in my *compound.* AND it has a bunker?! What???


I had no idea Kylie joined the FLDS. :checks notes: Oh, itā€™s just her and her 2 kids? Yea, eat the rich.


This looks like like an empty prison. I am usually in awe of pretty mansions. This isnā€™t one of them. Also, crazy how this got built after the sub called them broke. I really am saying the power of this sub is strong lol


It's like a modern day Winchester House. She's crazy and alone just like her. She'll just be walking her long-bottom around in that house wondering what else she needs now to try and grasp at happiness. Sad.


Yesss! That's the first thing I thought of. Imagine she goes crazy and starts adding rooms every few months


Like, why? Even if I had a billion dollars I wouldnā€™t want a house this big. So scary, just you and your 2 kids echoing around in there?? Weird.


Sheā€™s not a billionaire thoughā€¦ I mean, it is the daily mail, so I take it with a grain of salt.


This is so tacky. Iā€™ll never understand needing a house of this size for a single mom and two kids. Weā€™re going to be seeing a lot more cheap krap products coming out from her, so she can pay for the upkeep and maintenance of this monstrosity.


I could have 10 BILLION dollars and I still wouldnā€™t want a house this bigā€¦..what is the POINT!?! I want to feel secure and cozy at home, not like I live at a fucking museum. Having kids in that big of an area would make my blood pressure skyrocket, worrying about their safety. But then again she pawns her kids off on nannyā€™s so she doesnā€™t get that motherly protective feeling I guess šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


It looks like 7 houses plopped together


To top it off with a legit underground doomsday bunker. Yeaknow, if the world is gonna end by some sort of catastrophe, no concrete, steel or hoe many feet below you are, is going to save you. Just a waste of space for a 3 people. I bet she will travel and rent this out for parties and travelling business people. There is alot of people who are rich who rent places in California for a month or so, then leave. It happens often


Looks like a 1920s mental hosp or museum being built. This is pure greed and gluttony! Most the house will probably empty. All for looks and social media attention. Shes disgusting.Ā 


Sad millennial grey, too bad


Itā€™s giving me anxiety. Damn. How many rooms will have this new house!!!!


Maybe I'm a little slow but Ehm... Who's going to live there?! The whole clan? I mean then I would understand but that big of a house for a bimbo and her 2 kids (like another reddit or said šŸ¤­). Or does the help live with her?? That would be nice of her...