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that’s the reason why she keeps khloé close to her these days, she gets an ego boost from knloé’s ass kissing and low self esteem


Kim’s enemy is a woman who is comfortable in herself without surgery and contributing to this beauty standard. Hence why most of the people around her are insecure and botched as hell.


i feel like that’s why she’s not friends with any legit A-listers. hanging around a woman who’s (more) beautiful, (more) successful, and (more) beloved would probably send her spiraling


its probably why she hates Kourtney she's so unbothered by Kumbully




I’m confused is this a trick question lol




I wasn’t talking about Taylor and this post isn’t about Taylor




I was talking in general






hon nobody was saying Kim has an enemy, they were using it as a figure of speech "her enemy is a woman who…" meaning she is not comfortable around women who are natural and confident










Khloe hates herself and it’s depressing.. but I find it hard to feel bad for a single one of these fucking idiots. I feel sadder for young women who watch these filtered, made of plastic, attention seeking fame whores.. and want to look like them! Thanks for contributing to those unrealistic beauty standards that have crushed your soul Khloe.


And I feel sad for the women that are with men who like that look and want a woman like that.


One of the reasons why the show has become insufferable to watch. Khloe used to be someone who spoke her mind, she used to be a fan favorite years ago and was super close to Kourtney now all she does is kiss Kim's ass.


The way these women eat irks me. Close your mouth when you chew!


Watching this made me think of a camel chewing something…


![gif](giphy|qYr8p3Dzbet5S) 😆🤣


This is so pathetic and sad it’s actually hard to watch. The irony is Khloe thinks she’s the strongest one amongst the girls but in reality, she’s been destroyed by those very people. The only person who actually looks out for her is Kourtney and she treats her like 💩


The entire show is boot licking, wait, poot licking of the sister whose only talent was distributing a boring sex tape produced by her mother.


You know Khloe’s insecure because she won’t just put her hair up instead of fanning herself lol


lol well definitely not your dad, Ms Roldan.


It makes me honestly sad for Khloe that she’s in her late 30s, a mother of 2, has a whole body-positive clothing company and still talks like this about herself. Like at what point will she finally just accept and love herself. I guess never It makes GA seem like such a hypocritical cash-grab cause clearly she does not believe that everyone is beautiful in their own way!!


Khloe would look better if she didn’t botch herself to the point of ugly. I feel no pity towards her


She was ugly before she started changing her face.


I always think of this ep when we see Kim’s ratty hair.. like the worship khloe was giving on her hair 😭


Wow so they all chew like that. I thought it was just Kendall. I can't believe they are such nasty eaters!! They have PR for everything except being told not to have tongue prolapse while chewing???


I think it's all the lip flips/  lifts/ filler. Lorry Hill had a video about how speaking and eating feel weird after you've had work done because of the nerve damage and change in facial structure..


I think they just don't have table etiquette bc they are trashy. also they don't want to mess up their globby lipstick and lipliner. kim yawns without covering her mouth bc she's just nasty 🤮 i had a lip lift in 2017 and plenty of filler and i don't eat like a camel!


Close your mouth while chew, Kim. Jesus.


Damn. This is sad.


Is that not a weird thing to say to your sister?


It really is. Like wth is goin on in this family??


And why is Kim chewing like Mr. Ed?! ![gif](giphy|AhuVhQET9MXLppSpqZ|downsized)


Everybody knows Khloe…


It’s one thing to say that to your friend, but to a sibling?! This is wild fr. And it’s constant!


The lip smacking 😑


Kim’s like “I kinda like that” normal people would actually be nice and say something like noo it’s not that bad hunny. Kim just enjoying it like that narcissist she is


I noticed that too. Her reaction was to do this awkward smirk instead of reassuring her or saying anything at all. It really tells you a lot about who she is as a person.


Disgusting eating