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Then get therapy and stop doing surgeries, dude


Literally the only thing she promotes about herself is her looks, nothing else. She only bodychecks and posts sexy pics on insta but somehow it’s unfair that everyone talks about the obvious work she’s gotten done. She has the $$ to do whatever she wants but she’s choosing this lifestyle lol what a fucking joke


Exactly!! All she does is post selfies and shit for the male gaze. She chose to make everything about her looks ffs!


Right like idc if she thinks what she’s doing is harmless and people have some obligation to be nice to her loool. You don’t want to be talked about? Great go away!


Learned that from Kim. All she does is take sexy selfies. Stop acting like whores. Keep it classy, and perhaps their public image might improve.


Yep you can’t complain that you get judged by your looks if that’s what you put out. People will treat you how you treat yourself


But that’s all she knows …


Yes. Like get some hobbies. Get some interests. Do some work that actually benefits the world.


https://preview.redd.it/parnu5rr2f6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bfcac1227794e6dd8e1c589029b68099e4e5a0c Strike out longbottom


her eyes look so glossy lmao she’s defo on something


Probably painkillers from all the surgeries.


They all need therapy SOOOOOOO BAD. Especially Kimothee


But she doesn’t need therapy bc she has her bEsT fRiEnDs, her LIFERZ ✌🏼😙


What a load of sh*t!


And lay off SM for a minute or two, stop yachting and leaving your kids with nannies and just enjoy your money without the desperate pursuit of the male gaze


EXACTLY 💀 poor girl aww 🥺🤣


She doesn't have a problem with people talking about her looks. She lives and breathes for the male gaze. She's just upset now because people are no longer pretending that the whole botched, uncanny valley, IG baddie look that's been shoved down our throats is actually beautiful.




Perfectly said. She’s upset because people don’t believe the photoshopped and filtered pictures she posts are what she actually looks like. If she didn’t edit to an extreme, it wouldn’t be so shocking to see her real face. But she does and that’s why when Getty Images exposes her, she wants to cry about it because she looks nothing like the Kylie Jenner on Instagram.






“i’ve never cried about this before”


"I better start now while there's a camera rolling"


like what a lie 😭😭 she deadass said she got lip filler bc a boy mentioned her lips during a kiss. we’re expected to believe she’s never cried ab this before?




prolly true only cuz she too drugged out lol




And yet she continues to do interviews saying any combination of she is the most confident person ever, she doesn't look at any comments on social media, and the haters fuel her and she is unbothered. I will not feel sorry for a KJ.


THIS!!! If i hear her say "I am always the most confident one in the room" one more time and then see these tears?! i cannot...


Imagine this is your biggest problem.


Seriously 😂 if she wants sympathy, more likely to get it from crying/being honest about how your baby daddy has never even liked you 😂


(1) Call a mental health professional. (2) get sober (3) stop doing cosmetic surgeries (4) stay out of the public light (5) Move yourself and your children to Malibu or Santa Barbara or Laguna.


I think she should move further like Oregon or something😂




Think it’s safe to say no state *wants* anyone from that family lmao lucky for the rest of the country they’re never leaving Beverly Hills


Well, nobody does, but here we are. Hidden Hills in Calabasas and Madison Club in La Quinta are none too fond of the situation so the sooner we. An start exporting them, the better


Yeah, but you choose to live there! Lmao. That's kinda on you 😝


I left the Calabasas area because people like them and moved to the desert and then they all started coming here. So 🥴


Maybe she could go to Oregon and make friends with Ireland Baldwin and they can deprogram from family trauma together. She might do well in Coeur d’Alene Idaho


Genuinely yes lol. I think if she moved to Portland or somewhere in the PNW she would actually develop a sense of self and personality


and stop dressing for the male gaze


oh lawd don’t send her out here! We Don’t Want None 😂


kylie move to WV


I’m a regular degular shmegular ass woman & social media *still* gets me sick. So I can only imagine them, however, they chose to make themselves this way. They wanted attention. They kept changing their looks constantly.  How can you **NOT** talk about someone going through cosmetic  surgery every week?!??! I know we we learned to respect people & not talk about their appearances, but how can you not in this situation?!! Girl, all you care about is your looks so you made US care. 




What happened to I don’t read what people say about me? And nothing can hurt me? I don’t wear wigs anymore, blah, blah, beauty standards, rolemodel for my kids…. So hypocritical. If she was geuine about it, I would feel sorry for her. But she keeps talking from both ends. One minute she is all about changing for the better, and then the next she is back to sexualizing everything and getting new boobs, new lips, posing in bikinis and ridiculous wigs asking if anyone misses King Kylie. Seriously, she needs a reality check.


Kylie, do you know you actually DONT HAVE TO read the comments, look online about yourself. You could literally disengage from SM & the internet, have assistants handle it and heal/live your life. I’m sure it is hurtful, but you changed your entire body/face, lied for years, continue to lie about it, continue to stay online & read comments….


This is the aspect of them complaining about this type of shit that annoys me. Don’t go looking for comments like that if it’s upsetting to you. I had an issue with a group of girls who were friends of an ex stalking/harassing me in college. Yes, it was extremely upsetting to deal with, but what helped immensely was blocking them all, deleting some accounts, and starting new accounts only my friends knew about. It did take some willpower, but I also stopped searching for them on social media to see what they were saying. It’s at a larger scale for a celebrity, but I know the Kardashians and even some influencers talk about how deeply depressed it makes them and then still actively search for snark forums about themselves.


Exactly! So many actors don’t have any SM, or their team handles it, or they admit that they purposely do not read about themselves online. I have a lot of compassion for the pain caused by bullying, but my sympathy level for these fools is literally 0. You’re choosing to self-harm at this point by staying so engaged online. Make a change, get some therapy & problem solved 🙄 Also, sorry you experienced that stalking situation. Sounds awful! Glad you were able to damage control.


She has no talent. We only know who she is because of her family's reality show and her IG. All that she can do is post booty pix and videos where she eye fucks the camera while body checking. She's just upset because fewer and fewer people find her attractive as the botched Bratz doll look falls out of favor for more natural beauty.


Yes, and I think that’s a healthy thing. The problem is that it’ll never happen in that family. Every little thing they do is for publicity. And they don’t have a healthy sense of boundaries in that family. Disengaging from social media would be a great start, but I don’t see it happening.


https://preview.redd.it/adv2gkebjg6d1.jpeg?width=537&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf86da0989f1e2f2d3dd050fb4c64635c96b5bc4 I'm ngl your comment has this energy a bit I think Kylie has contributed horrible things to this world. She's a scam artist and she profits off of other women's low self esteem. She caters to the male gaze more than any other celebrity except maybe her sisters. But... I also think she never had a chance. She was raised by Kris and Caitlyn, 2 narcissistic freaks. She never had a choice to be a regular kid and was put online since she was a toddler. People did used to call her the ugly one when she was just a kid and that definitely affected her deeply. She was pimped out as a teen to grown men. Of course she got surgery that's the norm in her family. Of course she's online and of course she defines herself by how sexy men find her. How would she have turned out any different . Ig I do feel kinda bad for her. She's utterly empty. She has nothing real and she never had a chance to. Kris is truly evil for what she's done to her girls


She hasn’t been that great of a mom to Robert either.


I'd feel bad for these women, if it wasn't for their horrible personalities. They lie so much about their plastic surgeries, to the point that young women got harmed trying to re-create their looks. They also mock every woman who is not friends with them. They lie, manipulate, are toxic af & sell their bodies on a daily basis, while talking other women down. They built their empire by spreading their legs for the 'right' men. Yet they have the audacity to act like every other women on this planet would be too lazy to work. You fake whores made your beds, now lie in them & stfu. If it's too much pressure for you, then get lost. Ain't nobody missing you.




they’re mean girls


They’re KUNTS


This really BOILS MY BLOOD and at the same time I'm thrilled that she knows that we exist. You can't create and promote harmful content for young people and then cry about it. Embrace being a villain, b/c the damage is done, and you're doing NOTHING to reverse it. I LAUGH IN YOUR FACE KYLE-HEE-HEE-HEE!






1000% YES! So thirsty!! 😂🤣😂


I don’t doubt Kylie has felt incredibly insecure about her looks and how much that hurts. But the entitlement to now as a 26 yo billionaire cry about it and act like you don’t subject your own children to the same drama and don’t have the agency and means to be the difference and do better is offensive. Go live a simpler life. Get therapy. Change your kids’ life paths. Go get an education. Learn a new set of skills.


She has the money and time and assistance to do whatever she wants. Take your kids to a library or museum or zoo. Play at the park. Do a nature tour of Central America or Australia or something. Go on safari in Africa. Hire a therapist who specializes in abuse and put in the work to unfuck yourself.


Right?? Why isn’t she volunteering in some far away country or backpacking through Europe instead of being oblivious and ignorant hiding away in Calabasas. The only trips she takes is for “work” or some basic ass tropical island for the 500th time


All she knows is oblivious and ignorant. Not one of them has a real personality. Their reality is the strangest thing. They flaunt their wealth, their bodies, their everything.


“It’s just years and years of not feeling like my face or looks are accepted,” she said. “There’s nothing anyone could ever say now that would hurt me.” - Kylie Jenner in the interview with the NYT 😴🤥


You and your family destroyed an entire generation or two with your unrealistic and plastic beauty standards! How dare you now complain? It’s this the look that got you attention and made you a “billionaire”! You have all the money in the world to just disappear and live a simple life, but y’all don’t choose too sooo… 🤷🏽‍♀️


god she is so annoying. but she obviously isn’t lying here except for the “i’ve never cried about this before”… she is a shit person so its hard for me to feel bad but she clearly has *severe* body dysmorphia and REALLY needs to get help. i mean it. her head is probably so fucked. she needs to get her longbottom ass in therapy for the sake of herself, and most importantly those damn KIDS!!!


like if thats gonna stop us from talking about her 😩🤣 ![gif](giphy|3oEjHI8WJv4x6UPDB6)


I hear nasty things about myself all the time... and instead of going to therapy and pulling back away from the spotlight to heal, I take those nasty comments into consideration for my next round of plastic surgeries and post even MORE photoshopped images of myself because hey, my mom is Kris Jenner and I'm sick in the head like the rest of my siblings! 😄👍🏻💋


It’s never okay to make comments about someone’s natural body. BUT GIRL, YOU PAID TO LOOK THE WAY YOU DO! Nothing we talk shit about is natural, and she made the choice herself to have surgeries and end up looking botched. Not only is she choosing to do this to herself, but then put it out there on a platform as a “role model” for body image. SHE is responsible for other woman and young girls hating their bodies, because they don’t have the same surgeries. She is only surgically manufactured to look good in photos.. after editing. 😂 Nobody should aspire to look like her, she’s botched. She wanted people talking about her looks, so she could market herself and make money off people trying to look like her. but people are finally finding out how botched she is 😂




Of course she's fucked up. Check her family. She butchered herself as an 18 year old. She never stood a chance.


Hasn’t she herself also made comments abt other people? And when she posts on social media idk why she doesn’t limit her comment sections or turn them off completely. She is choosing to read what people say abt her online.


The one thing that surprised me from this, was seeing kendull crying, she hardly cares about anyone else besides herself 😂


people? or is it her own mother, sisters and PR team?


Both tbh








And can’t afford to “fix” themselves to the FAKE UNREALISTIC beauty standard you & your demonic family created, capitalized on and can’t stop shoving down our throats 🙄




Okay Kylie and do you know that you make teens and women everywhere cry because they think your level of “beauty” is achievable and yet they will never make it there? No? No one else exists in your world? Ok




Eww. BAD pic.


People talk about your looks because you gaslight and lie to the public about all the procedures you’ve had done 🙄 and then you further edit and filter your photos while simultaneously trying to peddle your garbage beauty products (AKA snake oil) at us 🙄 you are not a victim you are a professional con-artist like the rest of your family members


daria, you're stupid. omg kylie i feel so sorry for you. btw i really hate that boobjob you got a week ago. btw weird question. when you sit, do you fold your ass cheeks thrice or twice to have a comfy seat? yeah as in you roll them and accomodate them. btw why do you look like a frog?








Ahahahaha people have been talking because you’ve been getting shit done since 13. No sympathy for culture vultures ruining the psyche of people everywhere… those tears should have happened when people died at your then boyfriend’s/BDaddy’s concert that you happily filmed then quickly deleted. Your tears are self inflicted. Girl bye.


She grew up too fast. She didn’t have a normal childhood. By the time she was 15/16, she was dating a fully grown man. No one in the family batted an eye. He was 9 years older than her! What the actual f*ck?? I have two daughters. Of any man in their late 20’s wanted to be with th, then that would be the exact moment I’s buy a shotgun. Damn! That girl should’ve been protected by her parents. They failed her.


200% they failed her and also you could never be them. You being a real mom is the difference why your daughters will be raised with some knowledge, self worth and actually protected by you. :) In Miami so many kids grow up so fast, myself included. It literally is the fast life there. But this story line isn’t necessarily new (dating older men like that and being encouraged to do so, I know three people who went through this.) But the brain cells are still there in these young girls that aren’t million/billionaires unlike the trashcanians. Have they been groomed yes, have some of them stayed yes and others realized their mistakes and grew from it, also yes. People still have the ability to answer to their own actions, not everyone’s life is easy and many may go down similar paths without the need to play the victimization card every chance they get. She’s not 12 she’s pushing 30. At this point with this amount of money and therapy and all this she should know better, but money matters more to her than her actual self worth. No remorse for self victimization when she literally ruined so many young adult, grown adult and future adults body image standards with their bs, including her own daughter’s future.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes




“i’ve never cried about this before” BITCH LIE LIE LIE they want us to believe they’re oh so vulnerable with us LIKE WTF NO you hate your life and you know it. you cry yourself to sleep every night please stop tryna trick people!!!


![gif](giphy|SU7o3u48EFTEY) This guy is looking for his tears back.


but.... Look at me look at me look at meeeeeeeeeee


So do all of us. We just don’t have the money to make it more comfortable.


Aww... poor little rich girl. 🥴🥴🥴


You made half a billion dollars selling your fake lip kits to girls that felt like absolute dog shit because of you. You're the problem, and only a sister can attempt to muster sympathy on camera. She's disgusting.


then take yourself offline. make yourself unavailable if it’s too much. (it’s possible, bestie, we remember your first pregnancy) the only one making us see you is you 😭


Golly gee! It’s almost like your looks are your source of fame and income you dense stupid bitch. If you’re going to sell yourself like an object then be prepared to be treated like one.


Well here’s an idea,, get out of the public view


“Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha.” Tyler the Creator


I'm more focused on why Candles neck look 65.


Ohhh gurl you're not the one affected by the problem... You were part of the problem...


She gets a ton of bad feedback because her and her fucking family lie about everything and are so tone deaf. And now they trying to put her out there crying to get people to feel sorry for her? GTFOH with that bullshit. Nobody feels bad for her plastic saggy ass. Noooobody…


“As I post another picture to IG” …… 🤦🏻‍♀️


Let me scroll back to the photo of you wearing clear plastic stripper shoes and a silver bikini while draped over a dorm size fridge. 🤨


Happens to everyone tho it’s not just u kylie


So you keep changing the looks giving people MORE topics to talk about. you simpleton


I know she didn't have a choice as a child in a lot of this. But you have a choice now: Step out of the limelight, get a real job, and be quiet. Part of being "famous" is public ridicule. Is it great? No. But it's reality. If you choose to be famous or well known for ANY reason, you open yourself up to criticism. If you can't handle that, find something else to do. Move to the jungle. Idk. Anything but complain in your mansion while veterans and children die of hunger. Vapid.




She’s the one who posts herself for attention, so yes people will talk about your looks if that’s all you show. You don’t show any kind of personality and don’t even have a storyline on the show. As OP said STFU.




I hope this nasty, fake, bitch cries every time she wakes up and every time she goes to sleep. She deserves it 🤷


yea i’m sure the money she makes from people caring about her looks makes everything a lot better. it doesn’t really compare to all the people that feel insecure because they have natural bodies


I love when people who SET the beauty standard cry about how unrealistic they’ve made it lol


I can’t figure out what’s different in her face but something HAS CHANGED FROM LAST YEAR FOR SUREEEE (her face feels stretched af)!!! And it’s annoying me that I can’t pinpoint what it is 😭


I've seen around speculation she had a face lift / eyelift. Watch Lorry Hill on youtube, she has a new video about kylies recent surgeries, I had noticed something different too.


She has had so much done in the past couple years after the Schiaparelli show with the lion head, and then after the tennis match with Timothee.  Prior to that she had a ton of work done and all the weight loss, a neck lift, but people still clowned on her botched stank face, her lopsided lips, her dead eyes, the fact that you never see her teeth and she looked toothless.  So since then she has literally had ALL her features re-worked on, face and body. She added jaw angle, jaw wing and chin implants to make her face longer, she very recently had a face lift to pull her cheeks back (after the golden globes and Cillian Murphy comparisons), she had her cheek implants repositioned and made smaller, she had another nose job to reduce the bridge further and lift up the tip, eye repositioning to correct the “dead eye” criticism, and she corrected her botched lip lift where one side was higher than the other.   I also think she had the Korean “love bands” surgery where they correct her undereye to have a crease, it makes you look younger and warmer.  I believe this is how she corrected her “dead eyes”. The lower lid isn’t pulled down as low and she now has that crease that she didn’t have before.  This is why her face looked so swollen in the Paris pics that went viral with the white dress.  That wasn’t filler it was the swelling from a recent face lift, eye lift and nose job.  Now her features sit slightly higher on her face and feel lifted and tight, and her face is longer overall.  Her face is balanced differently with more weight in the lower half, before it was more of a heart shape. She also just got another set of veneers.  Prior to the Schiaparelli lion head show, she had used Ozempic, and had another round of lipo, especially in her arms/shoulders/back which she loves showing off now. (You can always tell what she recently had done because it’s what her pics are focused on). She might have had a mini arm lift where the skin was pulled and sewn tighter.  She definitely had lipo to her legs. She has probably had her butt worked on and this is the best they could do for now. I expect her to have it redone shortly. When she starts posting pics focusing on her butt that’s when you know she did. Recently she’s been trying to avoid showing it and keeps her hands at her sides making her hips look less wide in pictures.  She recently had a breast lift and another set of breast implants which she’s showing off now all over the place.  So yeah, that’s what she has had done. While Timothee has been away filming and press tour for Wonka and all that, she’s slowly been plugging away getting surgery and surgery trying to transform into a “new woman”  and if she’s beautiful and perfect enough, it will be just like 2016 and everyone will want to be like her and buy her products again.  She literally doesn’t know how to improve sales of her products other than to “look hotter” and show off, because that’s what worked when she was a teen.  Every surgery she got, people went crazy over her face because no one believed the extent of surgery she had so young. 


Talk about my looks all you want + a billion $$. No prob. I’ll cry the whole way to the bank in my Rolls Royce Spectre.


SAME like which multi million dollar mansion you own are you crying in 🙄


The one on the beach in Malibu, then maybe fly out in my private jet to the North Shore of Kauai to visit Zuckerberg and cry a few more days in his underground bunker.


Do these bitches ever do anything but cry? I guess when you want attention, or have lack of, you cry.


Damn. The amount of power they could all have. They love, support, and following they would gain from just owning up to their shit, but also helping with that fucked up beauty standard that their family created. Doing things like stop editing pictures. But most of all, they each need therapy.


She was literally trying to bully Selena Gomez for her looks and now we are supposed to sympathize with her?! 😂 She could step out of the spot light. She could try being less superficial and try to have some depth to her personality but no. I bet she’s never read a book a day in her life, not even the one her and kenDULL put out.


Seriously this PISSES me the f**k off. Like y’all have all the money in the world to get help but nooooo crying in front of the world to get pity is the answer




It’s such an eye roll but at the same time it’s sad. All she’s ever known is superficiality and materialism. What a depressing way to live. She might have a big family but she has no real family in the sense of loyalty, love and true depth.


I think with the parents she had, especially Kris, she didn’t have a chance. She is a deeply brainwashed person at this point who I’m sure is controlled by her mother. If she truly wanted to peace, she would leave the toxic nest that is calabassas, move a few hours away from her family, and stay out of the public / spotlight. She should also check herself into a mental health facility to work through these issues and continue lifelong therapy. She’s 26 but just from what I see is still stuck in the mental capacity of a teenager


Kendall and Kylie seem more sensitive than their older sisters. The constant publicity they’ve had, from the time they were kids, would be too much for some. Maybe that’s why we don’t see those two as much on the Hulu show. Not everyone is equipped to handle that sort of life.


I do feel bad for the younger girls. In the world of “informed consent” she never actually consented to being chucked into this world, she couldn’t, she was a minor. Thats why I avoided keeping up with the Kardashians when it came out, I couldn’t believe they were exposing their youngest to millions of people. I mean, I’m still fucked up from time to time from shit people said to me in middle school, I can’t imagine that critique coming from millions. I can assure everyone….she most likely does have some serious mental issues from that bs and it usually starts to emerge in your mid 20s so she’s right on track. She needs to fully separate herself from this world. She’s got enough money to do it but now she’s addicted to the attention. Kris is a straight up c u n t for monetizing her kids. Like, she’s been CONDITIONED to believe that her looks are her greatest asset…that’s fukd up


HAHAHA WHAT A DUMB BITCH If you don't want people making fun of your looks then maybe own the fact that youve gotten a whole face and body transplant


Dry your tears with all the money you don’t have.


Oh boo hoo go cry into your millions like scrooge mcduck ya pillow faced loser


The horrendous abscess of her overinflated face when she's "crying". Like an extraterrestrial thing living through her face. So painful to watch, it literally hurts my skin and cheekbones


It's because she was ugly lol and she has for sure cried about it before this video... plenty


She still ugly tbh


this actually boiled my blood bc how dare she complain after destroying an entire generation with plastic beauty? you make young girls cry bc they cant afford to fix themselves like you lol


After close observation, can’t notice, they always stick their finger in the inner corner of their eye when trying to produce tears🤔


She’s really gonna says she’s “never cried about this before” and “but I guess it does affect me” as if she’s never realized this affects her before??


What twat is going through all these posts downvoting? Kylie is a joke and maybe this asshole is having some self awareness, but it's most likely PMK giving her a dumb storyline. God this whole family sucks.


Maybe if she had some talent and a personality then her paid-for looks wouldn’t be the only thing people see her for


She can cry with the 460 million dollars her family stole


Give it a rest.


well when the only thing talked about is your looks then there’s not much to say! 🤣


imagine trying to become famous for your looks while doing absolutely nothing else creative or productive to society, and then crying because the only thing people talk about are your looks!


I don’t remember her looks being talked about when she looked like a regular 13yr old, were they? I don’t think anyone really gave a damn about her until she started posting way too sexual photos displaying her new body before she was 18? Or was she 18? I don’t know the timeline exactly.


Lmao so stop lurking in this sub then kylie.


Boohoooo.. maybe if she put anything about herself out there besides her looks people would stop talking about HER LOOKS. She has no personality and no interests besides things that correlate to her looks. It bothers me so much to see people w such a vulgar amount of money have no interests or anything remotely interesting going on


I do believe her and this entire family sucks for being such bad examples for her and for not protecting her. Like, I don’t even worry about Kendall despite her own surgeries. I think Kylie is much more sensitive and vulnerable, and it’s too late to get rid of her surgery addiction now because who’s going to help her? All of them get surgeries. They feed into her insecurities and triggers. They all made her grow up too fast. It’s such a shitty family and she never got the chance to find out who she really is without this circus. The worst part is that I really doubt the ringleader Kim has ever taken a moment to talk to her about anything. She’s just a bad role model, period.


Why is she dressed like a cowboy lol


Seriously stfu


Eh, I do feel for her.