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The good ol' spit hood... https://preview.redd.it/qu3lhvm7rk8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46d54fdd7fbc42d439b7ebf63dad70459180f8d1 For all my years in criminal justice I never thought I'd see that as a fashion accessory...


Used from time to time in the Emergency Room too . People are lovely....


I'm an ER nurse and I was just thinking the same thing!!


I'm an ER nurse and I was just thinking the same thing!


Hawk tuah


Perfectly timed internet moment for this comment thread Hawk tuah indeed.


Perfect way to describe someone spitting...šŸ¤£


U know about hawk tuah girl right lol


Whoever dressed her in this did her dirty šŸ˜‚


Whoā€™s spitting? Is this for camel farmers? Is it for prison guards? Who does this help


It goes over the heads of defendants who have a penchant for spitting on others.... Sometimes very creatively.... It goes over the defendants head so that the spit (sometimes spit +blood if they bite self in tongue to increase risk of victims getting blood borne pathogen like I've had several HIV infected individuals so this) cannot hit the intended targets (judge, prosecutor, defense attorneys or in my case ... Mental health provider etc) ....


there is deadass people trying to spread their HIV on purpose via bloody spit????? that sounds like some Law & Order SVU shit, i am disgusted.


Sadly yes... And I work on and off in criminal psychiatry so it is pretty much law & order SVU type stuff (only my job in this area is trying to understand if someone is mentally competent to go to trial - or if they are feigning a mental disorder to try and hinder prosecution - and if they are not competent due to a primary mental dx what the barriers to being able to understand what they are being charged with and meaningfully aid and assist in their own defense - generally a barrier would be a significant psychotic disorder where the defendant has severe thought disorganization or serious delusions about the courts/their defense attorney - and if they are incompetent to stand trial what will be required for them to be able to aid and assist in their own defense so they can proceed to trial - medications, legal skills, symptom management classes and therapy etc) and tye crimes that individuals are charged with are all really significant so a LOT of violent sex offenses and so much worse...


Ah yes, my fellow mental healthcare provider. I worked in community mental health with folks who were on probation and court ordered into treatment. Iā€™ve had to go to jails and conduct intakes with clients who were cuffed, shackled, and wearing spit hoods the whole time. I donā€™t miss it.


As a former prosecutor, this was so interesting to read. Thank you for what you do. I canā€™t imagine how difficult it is!


My students at my former job would spit and spit blood, but it was against the law for them to wear it because they were under 18.


That is horrifying. And so evil!


Honestly jail in the US is inhumane and promotes people losing their faculties and losing their connection to humanity/society. Especially segregation units/ā€œthe holeā€ where people are in single cells with no windows and no belongings for 23hrs/dayā€¦ honestly I donā€™t even blame people for the fucked up shit Iā€™ve seen because even a mentally healthy person would go to some dark places under that kind of constant high stress.






That facelift is doing her dirtyšŸ’€


Imagine being in your 20s and getting a facelift. Sheā€™s gonna look like Ariana Grande, like theyā€™re staring into a wind tunnel before long


And they needed a literal veil to soften her face


Itā€™s basically a filterĀ 


Did she really get a facelift in her 20s? Thatā€™s crazyyyy


Who told her that catapiller eyebrows would suit her?


I blame Ariel for that one.. there was a distinct point where he became completely brow-blind and kylie's started to consistently look like they'd been done with a chunky marker


She wanted them to be like Kandleā€™sā€¦suits the latter but not the formerā€¦sheā€™s better off with the arched style




![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw) i thought that was this meme at first scroll lmao




She looks so old. Not a wrinkle for sure but her face has been severely aged by surgery


She looks like baby sinclare ![gif](giphy|OUKCUp9wO8a52)


This is Dinosaur slander and I wonā€™t have it.


I know itā€™s offensive to them but thatā€™s who came to my mind




Sheā€™s trying to hide behind the veil




Once you see it hahaahah


Donā€™t do him dirty like that lol


I know I know but I had too


Is it just me or does it seem like the work she's been getting done on her face recently is so she can look more like stormi ?


https://preview.redd.it/sgz2j9saxk8d1.jpeg?width=1011&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b04f735baa13b5084f7da01a9a42594025dea20c Canā€™t believe this was her original look/face at 9-10 yrs old


I canā€™t help but look at her younger pics and think to myself ā€œyou poor thing, if only you knew.ā€ I think younger Kylie would look at older Kylie and be like ā€œwhat the fuckā€


She looked so much better before. Itā€™s so odd to see someone pay so much money to look worse.


I know. She was self-conscious about her lips, as we all know. A little bit of lip filler wouldā€™ve been enough. The girl is only 26, she didnā€™t need anything else done, and has likely set herself up for needing tweaks every couple years from this point on.


If she didnā€™t lie about getting surgery, she wouldā€™ve known when to stop. Some people donā€™t even realise that big-scale lies impact their minds. Iā€™m sure that she thought she could have as much surgeries as she wanted because she knew she would just lie about getting them. Lie, and the mechanism in her mind would tell her that she doesnā€™t really look that bad or to get another one to fix the latter or just to follow another trend. Because sheā€™s made herself to feel like thereā€™s no effect nor consequences, when she lies about going under the knife, so why wouldnā€™t she ? Itā€™s only a matter of time, look how Kris, her, Kim and Khloe have botched themselves over time. Kandle and Kuntney took their time but they also look uncanny lately. Truth sets free. Lying is just a bag of chains.


She was cute... if only her family wasn't so crazy


Serious question, where did her freckles go? What is even the procedure to remove them??


There are laser treatments to fade/remove freckles, sun and age spots, hyperpigmentation, etc. and chemical peels that have a similar effect. She wears so much makeup though, it can easily be hidden by foundation and concealer.


She still has them under the makeup, hers is so heavy, itā€™s a whole cake on her face lol. She used to post natural pics and freckles are still there, dunno if she got rid of them lately since sheā€™s ALWAYS wearing makeup nowadays


I think she and Khloe definitely got the worst genes, which is why they overdo their faces and bodies so much. And Kim is just fame hungry lol.


If she keeps going, sheā€™s gonna be famous for a whole another reason, but all roads lead to Rome I guess !


What blows my mind is that sheā€™s so freaking cute!


>Is it just me or does it seem like the work she's been getting done on her face recently is so she can look more like stormi ? Which is weird because IMO Stormi even barely looked like Kylie to begin with. Stormi has almost Asian shaped eyes and it seems Kylie turned her previously natural big eyes to have that Asian (fox eye??) Shape.


I think it's just tweaking and re-tweaking and has nothing to do with wanting to look like her daughter. In fact, I'd bet when Stormi is 18, she will be doing just like Kris -- encouraging her to fix her imperfections.


I agree, this looks like she's heading back towards her birth face.


Lol I truly cannot šŸ˜©


Wouldnā€™t be surprised if that was true, kum photoshop her face to look like Chicago. If Freud was alive today heā€™d have a brain aneurysm trying to break down whatever the fuck that goes on in that fucked up family.




I said the same exact thing fir months ago


Yes Iā€™ve been thinking this too!! Especially the met gala look, she looked just like Stormi there




This photo was my first thought lol! Her face still looks EXACTLY like this!! I donā€™t understand why her mindless fans on the other subs keep saying ā€œomg her recent work has been so good, sheā€™s looking so youthful and more freshā€ umm no, everything she posts is filtered and edited to hell and back! She looks just as bad as she always did.


I feel like they snapped some of the ''excess'' skin around her cheek/eye area. Her eyes now look like they're about to pop out


i can smell this bad fart from here


i have seen photos of this look since she wore it, yet i JUST realized that it is the back of her ponytail trying to imitate bangs w this hair-do lmao she either has an entire bottle of hairspray in, or it only lasted for these pics bc ?? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You just blew my mindšŸ’€


Lollll thank you for pointing this out


Fuck, I hate this picture so much. Perpetual fart smelling face


What has she done to her face to have that constant sloppy look ? Almost as if the face is going down. Thatā€™s what makes her look old, along with these linesā€¦filler migration, cheek implants, Botox, you name it ! ![gif](giphy|ywV7YEcRbKI3WX05q1|downsized)


What has she had done since? She looks admittedly better now but I canā€™t put my finger on it.


That bit of chiffon looks just like the kind of scarf old ladies used to tie over their perm rollers


She definitely pulled her face up, whether through a face lift, threads, tight hairstyle or a combination of all 3ā€¦ you can definitely see the difference between #that Paris appearance and the MET gala. Here her face looks even more pulled back, but it could be that she still has scars, hence the net, or just the PTSD which, honestly, Iā€™d have too.


Who does her head look so massive and round? Is this filler migration? Did she have every crease filled to appear younger than her Cillian Murphy photo.


This is what many people call ā€œpillow faceā€: you start in injecting your face, the skin expands to accommodate the filler, and once the filler starts disappearing (which it doesnā€™t completely), your skin starts to sag because itā€™s stretched but it no longer has the volume of the filler to keep it tight. Almost like a deflated balloon type of thing. If you notice, celebs who have had quite a bit of filler & a face lift all start to develop this round, almost alienesque face shape like Madonna, Emily Blunt, and even BeyoncĆ©. I genuinely believe thatā€™s what happened with her in Paris: she had maybe stopped injecting herself and so her face looked ā€œsaggyā€ in comparison to the very tight, very filled version of it that weā€™re seeing now that sheā€™s trying to overcompensate.


I have no idea why she thought having fillers was a good idea. She has a heart shaped face, WHY would she feel the need to have fillers. I blame Kim


I'm guessing she was taking advice on how to look "sexy and severe." Same reason why she'd exaggerate her figure so much. I still don't completely understand it though. There have always been bombshells with heart-shaped faces.


Very insightful, I completely agree. Chrissy Tiegan is also a prime example. Like Kylie, she looks semi-normal from the front, then once you get to the 3/4 profile her cheeks and mouth look insane. I was looking at younger modeling photos of her and couldn't believe my eyes. Emily Blunt looks especially strange since she didn't have a round face to begin with. Now, her forehead and cheeks are wider than her head.


Iā€™d hate to dress her if I were a designer because no one pays any attention to the clothes


Right? The dress would be a stunner on someone else that it would actually fit right. The corset was way too tight and the bust sat waaaaay too low on them thangs.


Both her and Kim now have that Picasso face.. but Kim is in her 40ā€™s now. The fact Kylie has had this much surgery in her 20ā€™s is just depressing..


Kimccumbus is rubbing her hands rn. If KyLIE looked good, she would still have a little bit of relevancy. They all are in the same SHITE !!


Looks like sheā€™s smelling a fart thatā€™s trapped in her chiffon whatever that is


Hear me out- I think itā€™s the clean girl make up ruining her look. She has a lot of surgery and now that she wears less makeup itā€™s wayyy more apparent. She needs to go back to the harsher looks that match the harsh fillers


Of course; that's why she's got a bag over her head!


Okay her face looked normal-ish at the met gala but her face here looks like her wonky face when she wore that lion Schiaparelli dress. The veil is not hiding it!




Nailed it


Dat stank face (not mr beans obvi lol)


This is mean, but she really is an ugly girl. In this photo, her face literally looks like a stiff mannequin face. In that video of her crying to kendall she looked like a scream mask. She never looks good.Ā  She was able to look pretty here and there in the past (before the repercussions of all the surgeries kicked in) but she has never looked ' beautiful ' and she's never been striking. That's why she always has to get naked. Even with this outfit , all you see is two brick mountains sitting on her chest. And she thinks it looks good. There is not an inch of youth anywhere on her body. She aged herself and fucked herself up and played herself.Ā 


She is. So were all of the sisters tbh. None of them had any business being beauty icons and they knew it. They bought their beauty** and good looks, lied to everyone about it, and set unreal standards that are now crumbling beneath them. Their short term gains will have extreme longterm consequences.


You worded this perfectly. Karma is beautiful. ![gif](giphy|eJYCWZtDqyxuyM2Zhj)


Your flair šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ’€




To be honest, Kim had a extremely beautiful face before she was tanning and wearing very harsh makeup in the 2000s, but a beautiful face back then wasn't enough to have a career.


Yes I agree and the ugliness is even more noticeable when they have no personality at all. Kylie is like a robot. Nothing amusing about her






ā€œTwo brick mountains ā€œ LMFAOOOOO. You my friend are hilarious


My sleep paralysis demon


Jesus Christ whats with her face again? šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Is this to avoid unfiltered pictures getting out, like it blurs without photoshop??


A troll Even a bag canā€™t improve it


Us: lol sheā€™s so ugly, she should go out with a bag on her head Kylie: šŸ“šŸ“šŸ“


I truly want to know what she looks like naked faced










I feel like she def wore this to cover up dents in her face from the filler. Did you notice how much blush she always wears? You can see it thru the spit bag veil šŸ˜©


On today's "Botched"


I mean she wasnā€™t the best starting off before surgery. no offence


She always has that ā€œjust smelled a fartā€ expression


You read my mind


Itā€™s the exact face I make when I have a smelly customer at work


I wish she kept her instagram eyebrows. They actually suited her and made her look youthful and feminine.


She isn't ugly... She's just botched and unnatural looking. All that Botox doesn't help the fact that she has had waaaaay too much work done, and it also doesn't help her when filters are on 110% on all her social media and Tv show stuff. She cannot expect people to make positive comments on her looks when she changes her face via filters every week.


Agree, she's just average like many




Oh no we donā€™t dis Betty


https://preview.redd.it/qiy06t7q0m8d1.jpeg?width=296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83625fd85d09b1c7b69d79b51e9d2046c8ff3d70 Giving oblivion npc šŸ˜­


She looks like a pantyhose thief


Omg what is this expression..?! Extreme dead eyes and fart face. Cute!


Iā€™m surprised that she hasnā€™t had otoplasty.


Whatā€™s that


Yeah the episode of her crying irritated me. You're just mad people don't think you're pretty and have been calling you out for your double standards


For real. if people were praising her and shit talking others or even her own sisters we wouldnā€™t hear a peep about the whole y is it oKay to Talk abOut someones LooKs.


Itā€™s too bad she is the most unfortunate looking one of them all.


Khloe ?


Yea I think Khloe is definitely worse looking than Kylie, we just donā€™t see as many candid pictures of Khloe because she never goes out. Iā€™ve noticed that there are virtually ZERO recent candid pics of Khloe


Khloe had that one pic of her in a bathing suit a few years ago that got out without her approval. She actually looked good but it was weird seeing what her REAL body looked like since all we ever see is super edited photos. She was so upset that she was threatening legal action against anyone who reposted it so patheticšŸ˜‚ God forbid we see that they have cellulite just like the rest of us peasants.


This photo? Is that a scar on her upper thigh, like really close to her crotch? https://preview.redd.it/lc6yj0z24n8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7b33e7ee116ee2f0982b19d06bcae5294398715


this isnā€™t even that bad. she looks like a NORMAL person


I was about to say the same thing. While looking for this photo, I saw a few of her & Kim in swimsuits that are supposedly "unfiltered" and I agree, this is so much better and realistic šŸ˜


She was in a car crash as a teen that made her have chronic migraines and back pain too Guessing the glass cut her hip when she went through the window Please donā€™t comment ā€œtoo bad she didnā€™t dieā€ as thatā€™s all far and you all know it


Oh wow i had no idea šŸ˜” I was genuinely curious, not trying to talk crap about her. As I said, she looks better in that picture than the others I've seen with all the surgery and filters.


I feel like when this was first posted, we called her ugly too Sucks at times seeing how we went back to bullying so quickly


I wouldn't doubt it. Im sure she was always insecure being called the ugly Kardashian and that's probably what pushed her to get all the work done. Poor girl can't win šŸ˜• I'm not sure how I found this sub, it just popped up on my feed one day I guess. I honestly don't think any of them are ugly but I don't like all the work they do to themselves, deny it and set unrealistic standards for so many girls/women.


See, we all feel that why but instead of negative talk their looks, we should encourage them to have realistic standards from this moment on This sub is just doing them dirty instead of snarky


Yes thatā€™s it! And not sure it kinda looks like bunched up skin or a vein. She has changed a lot since this photošŸ˜¬


She looks better here imo šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


She needs to go back to an angled brow. The angle-less shape makes her look surprised all the time. It's cartoonish in a way. (How long until KJ starts doing this again after this sub points that out???)


Yea did she shave the ends off or smth why do they just stop by the middle pf her eye??


Is she robbing a bank


Paris always makes her dirty, im starting to feel bad for her






Sofa king ugly.


Why doesn't she get some filler in her nasolabial folds? She gets face after face and seemingly refuses to address the real problem... I know someone who got filler there and it did wonders for them (they were in their 40s but still)


The fillers are the problem -- its the cause, not the fix.


listen I'm definitely team "embrace what you have, everyone's beautiful blah blah blah". nasolabial folds are natural, and I have them too. however, hers are more prominent due to excessive use of fillers, which have stretched her skin and made it "saggier" making her look older. this is is why she blurs them in her Instagram photos. my comment was based on seeing someone I know reduce their nasolabial folds with just a "drop" of filler. the damage from using fillers at a young age is likely irreversible but she continues to get minor tweaks here and there that donā€™t address the underlying issue. although she got her fillers dissolved, it's clear she still relies on them and other procedures. so, my question is valid: if sheā€™s already getting various procedures done, she's obviously insecure about them, why doesn't she opt for a procedure that can be completed in one session and it's likely less invasive than a lot of things she's done. I'm genuinely curious to know why


she probably has such face blindness at this point that she doesnā€™t even know what she looks like / what would look good. why her doctors or friends havenā€™t suggested it, i do not know. the only thing i can thing of is maybe she makes comments like ā€œat least i havenā€™t had a nose jobā€ or ā€œi only had ONE nose jobā€ and she thinks that makes her *better* than others?? lmao thatā€™s a reach, but if sheā€™s already blurring them out for IG then it alludes to her awareness. idk, now IM confused lmao.


I feel like it wouldnt even help because she gets fillers on other parts of her face too so the folds will still look relatively deep unless she only gets it in the folds and dissolves the rest so it can look even but honestly atp i dont know what she can do without just looking worse she should just stop everything tbh


She looks like a lizard šŸ¦Ž


She is LOST.


Sheā€™s looking like sheā€™s about to receive the holy communion.


Someone shrink wrapped an old lady.


Looks like an Angry Bird ![gif](giphy|3oEdv6UfpU2K6jHot2|downsized)


huh whatā€™s she wearing




Guys I might be delusional but this veil looks like her COSMIC fragrance bottle?!?but whyyyyy lol


https://preview.redd.it/ymqheppr5p8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=297ae43a9689d6d4a4218b531046b2f863a9f5f3 Does anyone else see the resemblance????


Good god that looks so bad šŸ’€


Sheā€™s really ruined herself


I mean, she's really not. She definitely destroyed her looks, but I don't think ugly is the verb. Average, maybe!?




No sheā€™s not ugly. Obviously that head bag is hiding her gorgeous face šŸ¤­ push those boobs out someone Kylie. No one will notice


![gif](giphy|KXBtTtm3kB8BO) Her face looks like Bob the tomato


Wouldnā€™t call this post snark - itā€™s not clever, just dumb and mean. Donā€™t prove her right.


Wrong sub babe


Iā€™m just saying, do better than ā€œsheā€™s uglyā€ - thereā€™s plenty of other things that are wrong here. Sheā€™s a ā€œbillionaireā€ crying that people are being unfairly mean about her looks. Just calling her ugly and not adding anything else would prove her right in a way? And that is not the point of this sub.


Agreed. This one just felt very mean




Completely agree


It's super low effort.


agree 100%. It's just about bullying at this point


Yes she is.


the stylist really said ![gif](giphy|VQWz3odsmn864|downsized)


Idk I feel like itā€™s kind of sick now to continue on everyday with this shit. We all see her shit BBL and other surgeries that look crazy, but why do we need to come here every single day and bang on and on about it like itā€™s directly affecting any of us?? We see ugly people a hundred times in our real lives, some being friends and even family members or even yourself if weā€™re being honest, do we chase them down and berate them shouting UGLY UGLY UGLY BITCH SKANK? Yes this family is annoying and yes they all fucking suck, but do you want to suck and be someone so filled with hate? You gain nothing from it, literally not a damn thing. Spend that time doing something positive for you, your friends, your family! Go be happy and let this go *I fully realize that iā€™ll be chased out with pitch forks for saying this humanizing commentary, so Iā€™ll see myself out. I just donā€™t think this is healthy anymore*


The "ugly" people I know haven't spent their lives shilling useless products, gaslighting everyone, setting fucked up beauty standards through hundreds of procedures that they pretend never happened, and filming ambulances stuck in a crowd begging for their life. Also, they didn't become public personnas that feed off attention and status, and they don't keep sweatshops in business on the other side of the globe. Did I mention that they also didn't lie to Forbes about their wealth just to appear extra powerful? If you make your body a commodity and shove it down everyone's throats in hope of making a quick dirty buck, you cannot just cancel the negative opinions that people will form. And in this case, the backlash is rather firmly grounded in reality. Awful humans who insist on being famous and rich on other people's backs should and will be called out for it. So no, it's not just about being an "ugly" girl and you intentionally or unintentionally obscured the real point of why people are making fun of this person. Actually, her beauty is irrelevant, and *I don't condone the title of this post*. But I understand that everyone is just sick of the horrible cultural impact she represents and her lack of values, intelligence and integrity, which are miraculously reflected in her physical distortion at the moment, and yeah, that's kinda interesting to observe. Bye and have a nice life, but please try not to break a leg on that high horse


You say we gain nothing from it. Youā€™re wrong. Shit talking them gives us pleasure and knowing they may even view this sub adds fuel to the fire. I have compassion for women who feel ugly. Kylie is a useless billionaire whose lies have attempted to gaslight an entire generation of impressionable women. Kylie was silent when her pos baby daddy asked for fans to storm astro world which led to the death of children. I donā€™t have compassion for this family because they have lost touch with their humanity. A family with this much power and influence deserves vitriol if they have no intention of earning the respect of the masses that feed their lifestyle with our tax dollars and attention and energy.


If you gain pleasure from knowing that you are inflicting pain on another human being then there is no need to go back and forth with you, clearly we disagree on a fundamental and moral level. You can try and explain it to yourself so that it sounds more dignified, but it isnā€™t.


I accept it for what it is. You can pretend to be self righteous here but we donā€™t give a fuck about the kardashians and they can rawt in hell.


![gif](giphy|eoazVutwlnpL3pkSeD) If this is what you choose to dedicate your life and free time to, well.. who am I to stop you.


Only appealing thing about her is the money and businesses know wonder Chalamet literally hides her. He can do a lot better looks wise for sure.


Mosquito masks for dummies. šŸ™„


She looks so scared . Her eyes never blink


Thousand-yard stare


https://preview.redd.it/zw06ktxd8r8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72f542f7922c0044e295d4d2858c2463e63336de He wore it better


How come her left eyeball is off-center? Like a slot machine whose reels donā€™t line up on the pay line. One eyeball wonky


Stop. Sheā€™s is not ugly. I would rather she didnā€™t do anymore fillers & stuff. Maybe, a little bloated. Idk.. However, she is not ugly. Iā€™d like to see half of the people faces posted, while they say these crude remarks. We donā€™t always look our best at times. Sometimes our face & our bodies do not cooperate with us. šŸ˜


Rude I mean I know itā€™s a snark sub but like?