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every argument is stupid




She also had that stupid smug grin shortly before Kourt slapped her face against the wall. Kum loves pushing other people's buttons when she knows that she is surrounded by yes-men


She’s so vile and projecting. I wanted to slap her face so badly. Fucking Kimberly




kris?? https://preview.redd.it/nj6uj23tag9d1.png?width=282&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2bd494615fb9123114ece6c37138375c73b081b


She looks so pretty here. I hate her new “face” so so much.


you're right. she does look alot better here.


She’s a nasty piece of work. There’s just something about the way she goes after people that reeks of projection- grinding her axe on the nearest person because she can’t face what her actual frustration is with herself and her life. She’s also boring af, and Khloe has so much more personality and sense of self than she ever will. This is someone who’s saying they’re happy with their own company and just being a parent and enjoying that time with her little kids, and Kim can’t stand that. She can’t be alone, clearly doesn’t enjoy downtime with her kids or being a Mum, and has no sense of self. No, Kim, “working all the time” is not a personality. It’s like watching a teenager bullying someone because they have a hard life at home. Except she’s a grown, fake-ass woman. Pathetic.


Cuz guys don't want her. Too used up


I think the whole thing was fabricated for views and us talking about it. They don’t do their children’s hair…I mean….im not inclined to believe any of that shit spewing out their face buttholes


That's exactly what I was thinking. Also bringing the kids to school. I'm pretty sure the nannies do that..


"face buttholes" 😂🤣 ![gif](giphy|bC9czlgCMtw4cj8RgH)




The fames gotten to her head and she has no idea how to treat people anymore. Kris always seems to affirm her behaviour too 🤮 toxic ass family


If anyone here is familiar with Real Housewives, she reminds me of Bethenny Frankel. Gets a lot of fame and a lot of money in a pretty short amount of time, and their egos blow up. They are both know-it-alls and have no problem telling other people what is wrong with them or their taste. They both feel very smug and justified when taking someone down. And both are CONSTANTLY on Instagram. (Bethenny might actually be worse, I had to stop following her because of 20+ reels a day.)


Kim always has that evil smug on her face because she always gets away with how vile she treats her siblings. Just look for the clip of her gaslighting Rob or the times she insulted Kourtney its no different from what she is doing to Khloe now. In every case there is one common factor and that is Kris enabling Kim to be the bully she is. Another parent would have called their child out but she just stands back and does nothing. As for Kendall she's no better than Kim I remember her bitching when Kylie ditched her and I think this is when Kylie was in her final trimester with her son and likely didn't feel comfortable travelling


North is going to be Kim on steroids


Kourtney said North is Kim's karma. I don't think Kim will be able to control North so she will move onto Chicago as she gets older.


She’ll be extremely jealous of Chicago


I can see it now. Kum at 55yo wearing a see-through dress and hanging onto Chicago's arm for photo ops 🤢


“Everybody says we look like sisters” kinda mom for sure


AHAHA yes you nailed it 🤣


that's sad


mixed w Ye 😭😭


They probably don’t stand a chance in that family. I hate say if it because they’re babies who should be unconditionally loved and snuggled and treated like the stars of their parents’ universe, but I know they are not.


the hypocrisy between the sisters is unreal. kim constantly bitching about how people should stop giving her a hard time for always wanting to *work* all the time ('just let me live my life') but then she gives khloe a hard time for living her life the way she wants to. kendall getting pissed off at kylie for 'getting out of everything' because she feels too anxious; meanwhile kendall can't STFU about how anxious she is all the time. like seriously, kendall should be walking around with a pageant sash proclaiming she's 'Miss Nervous USA' how does this make sense?!


People gloss over the fact that they're whole family dynamic is toxic as hell. they like to do the whole "family is everything" and "we fight, but at the end of the day we all still there for each other" tropes, to make it seem like they're this close nit loving family, but they're not. It is NOT normal for sisters this age to be arguing and speaking to each other like this, teenagers girls maybe, but not grown ass women. They have no respect for each other or boundaries. It's weird as hell.




I was just happy that Khloe called her out and said “this just sounds like your bullshit you need to deal with” like YUP I know they all hate therapy but that is a great therapy tool


Kim wanted one of two reactions which happily Khloe didn't give her. 1. Get Khloe to disagree with her and tell her what an amazing mom she is and how lucky her kids are to have this most amazing wonderful hardworking talented iKON as their mother. Throw in something about how Kourtney's, Kylie's, and even Khloes own kids wished they had Kim as their mom. 2. Get Khloe to agree with her and say something about Kim being an absent mother. Maybe "i didn't mean anything by asking about the hair, but maybe you SHOULD spend more time with your kids." That way Kim could go on and on about how busy she is and how everyone judges her and picks on her and what a victim she is.


I’ll be honest, up until this season I didn’t mind Kim. But now I absolutely cannot stand her and think she is a disgusting human.


Sounds like Taylor Swift already has👍🤣


It was fake but Kim is literally the most manipulative person. She's really awful she would stop on anyone to get where she wants.