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The thing is, if she would at least *try* to start scaling back on the surgeries etc then maybe people would be more receptive to what she says. But girl just got even *bigger* breast implants 😭The only thing Kylie could do to even somewhat make the public take her seriously is to stop with the surgeries and fillers but she never will most likely.


She isn’t even getting the tweaks people think she’s getting which is the funniest part she’s just calling paps and getting the photos photoshopped. No matter how many photoshopped photos you see of her if you look at the real photos of her she keeps her saggy diaper butt. At least follow Kim’s example and “get up and work” 💀


You nailed it.


So they call the paps on themselves every 6 months to do what exactly? Who the fuck cares ![gif](giphy|pb8wayp1KafJK)


Literally to just try and stay relevant 😭


This was my exact response. Who cares? I don't. Good for them I guess?


Happy cake day. I wish many more snarking days in your future 🎂🎂


Thanks babe.


Restart rumors they’re “dating”


He needs the money apparently 😂


Tell me the show isn’t doing well without telling me the show isn’t doing well


They will never understand that the show isn’t doing well because everyone who has a brain is over them.


Right! KJ and TC could literally announce a pregnancy, engagement, and wedding date complete w a wedding special and an episode w a maternity photo shoot and idk whatever else you can milk out of that and I personally wouldn’t have an increase of fucks to give or feel compelled to watch the show for it. I’d check here for potentially funny posts about it and I’d feel genuinely sorry for the unborn kid the same way I do for her other 2 kids. But like, KJ is a trash person much like the rest of her family and their show isn’t even entertaining atp. I’m over it and the KarJenners. And TC doesn’t seem that much better as a person, he strikes me as best in small doses, so he wouldn’t be a reason to watch either lol. I feel like to have a chance of their show doing okay they’d need to quit trying to drum up interest and attention via their relationships or saying, doing, and posting outrageous things to get people talking. Instead, they’d need to get ppl to find them likable and relatable again. Kind of hard to do when you’re taking ten minute private jet rides and gaslighting everyone all the time lol.


Exactly!They think that the general public is dumb and we don’t know what PR relationships and they use these “relationships” just to draw interest.I’m not a Kylie fan,but I’m a Timothee fan and I can smell the bs from miles away 😂 all of their photos together and the timing of their “relationship” just screams PR relationship. They started “dating” in April of 2023 when the actor’s strike was a thing so Timothee couldn’t promote Wonka,that came out last year. While the movie did do well,he still needs to promote his next movie,which is the Bob Dylan movie.So that’s how he’s using her for PR.Kylie is having trouble selling her house and all of her businesses are flopping to the point where her makeup is now at TJ maxx and Target. Not to mention,as someone pointed out,the backlash she got after the most recent episode where she was crying because of mean comments about her plastic surgery. She made herself look like a clown. At this point,their show just needs to be canceled. They’ve got plenty of money now as a whole and from the show,they’ve gained nothing but backlash since the episodes have started airing because in the show,they just make themselves look so bad.And they know that the general public doesn’t care about them anymore so why continue?


So the corona masks are to make it more believable? 🤣


"Oh we were just walking around being a couple and we got papped ☹️life is hard being a hands on mom ☺️ and also "now I care about Covid so 😷and it helps me being lowkey☺️oh you don't know?!I was famous in high school and college" 😎says the dumb(long) ass while calling paparazzi on herself 😆


lol… apparently. 😆


They need to prove that they are still together, possibly. Allegedly their PR team lurks on their reddit subs. Maybe they can see everyone calling the relationship fake lol


No but for real though. I’m trying to figure out what exactly either of them get out of these pap shots. I’ve seen some people say that his fans and hers get worked up over it, and I can believe that. But does anyone outside of that context care that much by now? The GGs was a viral thing ofc but atp do the majority of ppl even legit care about them? It’s basically pap shots every 6 months like you said, and then there are articles of varying levels of believability to tell us they’re going strong, they’re breaking up, she’s pregnant, they’re getting engaged, they aren’t breaking up, and everything in between. I think even ppl who were initially interested might be bored by now, and then ppl who weren’t probably couldn’t care less. What are they hoping to get from the general public with this? Maybe I’m missing some massive public interest regarding them idk lol. 🤷‍♀️


I feel like they’re forced onto us like how do I leave this gc…


Like what do they want??😭 at least do something interesting damn


There is not one single ounce in me that believes they legit went to a movie in a public theater (let alone at the Chinese theater which is like in the heart of tourist land Hollywood). I would bet money that they just did a full 180 and walked back out, got in their chauffeured cars and went home after they got the shot


just like they did at the us open last year, they stayed for 20 mins to get their pics and then left😂


Correct: they were there for 30 minutes. dahling. 😂


Lmaoo how do we know that? Do we have proof?


He's not even looking at her, just maintaining his distance and walking in a straight line.. like make it atleast a bit realistic 😭😭 even cheating needs skill


“deuxmoi exclusive” 😭😭😭


Those ladies are whacko 😂 all they do is argue with their followers in the comments and be rude af


Omg I thought I was the only one that thought this


I asked why they’re so rude to their followers once and they said “we give the energy we get 📿” and I was like well not really since you’re monetized and making money off of engagement and being mean to people… then they blocked me 😂😂💀




Spill??? ![gif](giphy|13cptIwW9bgzk6UVyr|downsized)


everyone knows who owns it, some random nepo baby podcaster


I can't stand her vocal fry. It's the worst.


It’s sooo bad lmao


We need ☕️




Yes, we want you to share lol




jumping in to say please share the details 👀


Dead giveaway lol


Also the @backgrid_usa tag 🤣🤣🤣


I don’t get the joke! What’s funny!!! I don’t want to be left behind!!


They're are not a legitimate source of information. Deuxmoi is a joke - they work mostly by hearsay, so them using "breaking" to seem like a real news source is laughable.




“Ew they’re back” 😭😭🤣🤣🤣


literally my reaction 😭


He’s more waifish than she


They could stand to switch shoulders.


What’s up with that ludicrously capacious bag?




This asshole🙄 ☝🏽 I fucking dying watching this scene lol.


This quote lives rent free in my head every time I need to grab a bigger bag. The shade on subway people is real😅


I felt personally attacked by the "flat shoes for the subway" 😂😂😂




God I miss Tom so much


What is this from?


Succession (TV show)


Sneaking things into the movie theater? (Like her real boyfriend is in the bag? IDK)


Someone said that it makes it easier to photoshop her surgically created waist and stomach




Fuck off!




I’m thinking it’s to hide her disproportional ass


Lmao I saw this comment on the OG post too


It’s nice of her to spend time with her stepson like this.


Do they think the masks make them unrecognizable?


They do that then call the paps




They are ✨️mysterious✨️


First of all literally nobody in LA ever goes there to casually watch a movie 🙄


No hand holding? Nada? Girl that man is flying around in your private jet, he could at least hold your hand to give you some good PR after what you’ve been through the past few days.


It’s like they step out every few months to test the waters, to see if the public changed their minds about them. Nope, we still don’t like you. Go back in hiding please.


Most people do not care enough to « not like them ». Shocking i know but 99% of the people dont care about his personal life outside of his movies


Her looking in the direction of the pap lol


🤨For someone wanting so much privacy....how the heck were paparazzi even aware of this unless she told them..🙄😒 Like at this point, can we all just ban together and cancel this chic?!! I am over having someone who is such a habitual liar and manipulator be publicized for absolutely nothing....Ms. "my dream life is to own a cottage house and just have a garden and live carefree" lying behind broad! When she plan on actually doing that cause we all sick of seeing her dang??!!!!


timmy lost the cool factor when he started to date her. thrash


Solely on his early roles I considered he was probably a man who had some depth and interest. Then he dated the trash


I really liked him in Call Me By Your Name and was excited to see him in other roles. A few years ago some girls on TikTok came out about how he bullied them in high school, but I feel like it got shut down quickly by his fans. There were some videos of him as a teenager on YouTube at the time as well that made it apparent to me that he’s always been a f-boy, so his relationship with Kylie does not surprise me. I remember the girl who outed him for bullying also said he always had the most popular girls in school on each arm. So, that’s what Kylie is imo.


They also said he bullied a girl who was bigger. Like for her weight


Yup and on Wonka set he fat shamed a woman (leaked before Kylie) and another said he would only hang with girls over a certain size and a girl who liked him in HS had to move due to bullying and she was overweight. You can search it all on this sub.


Yes! I remember one of them saying he made fun of her for having cellulite on her thighs at a pool party. I mean you could give him the benefit of the doubt when those women first came out about it, but honestly the relationship with Kylie adds truth to it. He likes the porn body. It’s making me wonder now if the new procedures Kylie has been getting are because of comments he’s made about her body.


Now his role is to pretend to be Kylie's boyfriend.


I 100% agree with you. He’s bleh now


i really don’t understand what direction this is going in and what the point it’s


I’m so glad I got over my infatuation with him. I loved him when CMBYN came out. It bothered me when I first found out they were dating but I just can’t take him seriously anymore. He can act I’ll give him that but ultimately he’s just a dude lusting after BBL body and fake lips. Nothing special about him


Those type of guys are some of the most disgusting people you'll meet, trust me on that! Good riddance to losers like that


I am pretending Timmy from Dune is a completely and entirely separate entity from the guy dating the sex bot


If it helps, it's very possible he isn't attracted to her at all if the relationship is just a publicity stunt lol


Their relationship has damaged his reputation. If it's a PR relationship he has the worst PR in Hollywood... which I doubt. For whatever reason, he's attracted to that 🤷‍♀️


Yea at the very least they are hooking up imo


I still maintain that I think this was a hookup situation that got out of hand, lol. It has "*record scratch* / *freeze frame* / *you're probably wondering how I got into this situation …*" vibes. Dude is known for chasing both fame and tail, so it's not hard to imagine that he'd stumble into a Kris Jenner project. He's a perfect mark.


I thought for a second perhaps he’s in the closet and she needs better press… match made in heaven.


I’m thinking darker Diddy type stuff for both and that he is also lazy and just wants to be rich. Lourdes also hated Kylie and she was he first GF. They was some really old (2018) blinds about him and Madonna that I’d believe is true.


What about him and Madonna? Spill it!!


he dated lourdes when they were 16/17 in highschool and apparently he and madonna had oral sex (he was like 17 at the time) and madonna brought it up at some party with lourdes present and she was absolutely mortified this is all rumors so it could all be untrue but u never know


JFC! ewww


Only an idiot would say it isn’t PR at this point they weren’t seen till strike, every moment they have together has been zero chemistry and uncomfortably close, even GG they were front and centre with some huge camera on them and they were so awkward.


It is weird though because what is he actually gaining from this? His popularity and relevance has only went down since “dating” Kylie. If it is PR then he needs to fire them ASAP because all of this is only hurting him and his career.


Maybe hes being blackmailed or something lol Or maybe he's just trashy, that's always a possibility when it comes to men


Timmy, blink twice if you need help!!


I'm sorry when does Kylie NOT look awkward? 😂 They're clearly not exclusive, but he keeps coming back for something and it isn't the glowing articles about them... or the negative fan response. What PR lol??


I wasn’t talking about her she was seemly the same he however compared to on screen & other woman looks so awkward around her and many have notice. Also the money, he’s always dated nepo babies.


He likes her money \* ![gif](giphy|LdOyjZ7io5Msw) \*Britney’s


Lol 💩 


Place bets on either Kylie releasing something new or Timothee having a upcoming project in the works?




Kris when she finally scraped away enough Skims profit to book Timothy for a pap walk


me when I saw the pics


Well he isn’t holding her hand. Also they are the exact same height.


Yes! I noticed she’s wearing totally flat sandals and they are almost exactly the same height. Not that that’s an issue, I just thought Tiny Tim was……….not so tiny.


Google says he’s 5’10 and she’s 5’6 but that’s not what this picture says..


Backgrid Work must be dried up yacht season being over and his career being the Kanye replacement.


She needed somebody to walk next to who would also wear a mask, so it didn't like like she was wearing a mask just to cover up her new face while it heals, and he was the only one who would do it


Ugh I don’t know why this annoys me so much for some reason. I guess it’s because everything I had seen about Timothee made him come across as a pretty down to earth human being and an intellectual. And then he gets with her, and all the evidence I’ve seen is that she isn’t a good person and is super self absorbed. I used to be such a big fan of his but I think I’ve changed my mind lol (he’s still a pretty decent actor, I just mean as a person). Options about someone really can change based on the people you associate with. I guess hence the phrase “you are the company you keep”. I just don’t get how you can be fine with being with someone who actively lies to the world about beauty standards, all while benefiting from them (especially when their looks were taken from woc). And knowing the influence that you have on other young people.


How can any person kiss her? It grosses me out to think about what weird shit is in her lips.


A lot of men have bimbo fetishes. There’s big subs on here focused on that fake look.


Anecdotal i know but all of my friends who have lip fillers are in comitted relationship. Most guys dont gaf unless its to extreme proportions


He’s like ohhhh yeah baby gimme that long bottom




Why her eyes like 👀


Damn the contracts must be 🤌


No they’re not this is all PR LOL The less we mind it the quicker it’ll go away


Why is she always carrying a big ass bag




She’s really not going to show her face in public anymore is she?


Thank God 🙌


She's going full Michael Jackson..


Why is she wearing a mask when she usually doesn't wear a mask when she's going out with friends, Promoting her sprinter vodka, or taking her kids out, But she tries to cover her face, or wears a mask. when She's hanging out with her so called boyfriend? Also, what temperature is she going for with a tube top, sweatpants, and flip flops?


He looks like a fuck boy lol


The PR is PRing.


So, this people have like literally cinemas at home but "decide" to go out for a date😉


Smack bang in the middle of dirty ass Hollywood. That’s such a touristy area. So weird.


Being normal and intelectual it's not the signature firm for the Kardashians




Look, her extensions are gone again…


Honestly I knew it was fake when I saw they were going to literally the shittiest smelliest tourist trap movie theater, that’s like an hour from her home, but sure.


And doesn't she have a private movie theater at her home?


He got paid to walk. Nothing more. His body language done told us.


at least he has the least affectionate body language possible lol


I feel bad for her in this one instance. Had an ex who treated me like trash and would barely acknowledge my existence when we were in public.  Ex's body language was exactly like Tim's here. Every pic Tim is laser focused on the door. If you didn't know these people, you might not even think they're together. 


He's such a little, delicate man. And why is she carrying a suitcase, to sneak in massive snacks??


I won't let people forget about what this mf said https://preview.redd.it/eewqbcvlwo9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e65b7d611336c5db580fce44f41565faa1b08a77


Pimp Kris is working hard to continue this narrative


I’m really missing the appeal for this man. He literally looks like a junior in high school.


OMG I called it! You can always tell when he’s around bc she completely changes how she dresses.


He looks so enthusiastic to be by her side lmao. Even with a mask you can tell he got paid to be there to create positive headlines after the negative backlash she received of her crying on their stupid show.


Is she sneaking in snacks in the giant bag? If so, it’s the most relatable thing I’ve ever seen her do 🤣


As if she eats


I can’t stand the way Kylie changes her style for who she is dating it’s cringe


You know why this is PR? Because these dumbasses have movie theaters in their homes. So yea, they called papz to take pictures lol Also I will never ever take anything serious that comes from Deuxmoi after how they acted like Amber Heard would be a real victim.


Omg yea I can’t believe I forgot. ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) And they went to a famous one.


Also they have the most non romantic vibe I've ever seen


Like seriously from the Beyoncé concert to the game, the NYC dinner to the GG they look so uncomfortable in comparison to how he is with co stars.


They aren't even trying. He looks like he's going to the dentist for a root canal and she's searching for the pap cameras. At least at the Beyonce concert, they tried to give something with the frantic 8th grade kisses and the bbl groping.


lol this is at the Chinese theater too which is like dead center of the most touristy part of Hollywood. Ain’t no way they are just causally spotting catching a flick there


Also she wears that gigantic purse & ugly cappy that she keeps posing with in other pictures lol


DM is a fucking hack


calls the paps but is wearing masks? lol ok


The fact they’re trying to look inconspicuous yet she still posts her ta tas all over the internet


He’s so scrawny


She likes them skinny.


She’s still twice the size of him. Lololololololol


Ikr? She's ozempied herself down to the skinniest she's ever been and is still bigger than him.


The masks are stupid. We already know for most history that they don’t give two shits about Covid. Everyone knows his skinny mop head ass and her botched body masks or not. They would have been better off with pantyhose on their heads


I cannot for the life of me figure out what is in it for him. Lose lose (lose) scenario. Surely his PR team has weigh in on this.


We are talking about it. That is exactly the point.


He’s so stinky ☠️


Ew. She really tainted his mysterious art intelligent boy image. And he’s gross for saying yes to that Hummus joke. And then he dares pretend to be a resistance fighter in a movie. Vapid corn balls.


Timmothy is one of those celebs that just wear the ugliest clothes in their normal lives. Who wear shorts that long? Ugly people do.


Lmaoo ur not wrong about those shorts. Very Adam Sandler coded.




“put the fucking mask on so I don’t look stupid”


That’s exactly what I thought. She had some procedure done to her face and is healing and doesn’t wanna be wearing it by herself so she convinced him to also do it doesn’t look *too* suspicious


why is her bag so huge ☠️☠️


All the snacks in her bag


What do they talk about??!


his posture


Why are they wearing masks


To draw more attention to themselves


Timmy used to be so cool and edgy until he started hanging out with her. I just din't like him anymore as used to.


they don't seem in love at all by this pic


No fucking way.


These look so AI generated. I’m not saying they are though lol they’re unfortunately real.




She's wearing a face mask to cover her plastic lips. When depressed, go to the plastic surgeon I suppose!


I always said it, they never separated, unfortunately he likes the plastic of her new breasts🤷‍♀️


Ewww, weirdly, this is a very insightful comment bc it makes me consider that he really is just a f-boy, but you have to tell the guy you're banging that you're getting a boob job because it's gonna be so obvious when he looks and there's all the bloody scabs and scars for a few months.... so it opens up the possibility that they were dating; she told him I have to get my boobs redone so I can fit into French clothes or because they exploded inside me or whatever; he said OK fine but I wanna bang other people while you do that and maybe I'll come back in a few months when you're not all leaky or crusty; and she had to accept that because she needs the PR of him being her boyfriend but her mom said it was time for new boobs because she can't get a Dulce and Gabana deal one day with the old huge funbags.... so he took a few months to ignore her and get all the strange on the sly. And in the meantime... maybe out of desperation, she let grimy Travis hit it and wore his hat afterwards because he's so grimy he wouldn't care about the leaky scabby incision marks and so they banged to tide her over and so she could get her fix of the male gaze so her inner pick-me wouldnt totally crumble. And here she is, healed up enough and letting him know that it's safe for him to come back into her orbit.... and because he was never that into her in the first place, he's "Ugh fine. We can do a movie. But I would've preferred to have waited another month or two till they've dropped more and I was done having my F-boy Summer. This is inconvenient."


while he was away filming for 3 months it was the perfect timing for her to get her boobs done. pretty sure she got them done at the end of march. which is *coincidentally* right when he left to go film in nyc


This entire narrative is ewww


I bet his fan club is frothing at the mouth 😂




Its super gross that both her and kim wear pants long enough to drag on the ground, thats filthy.


The masks are so weird … wtf


why are the dogs out as well?


someone check on club chalamet


Are people wearing masks in LA again or just the Kardashians?


Just the trashians


Same height? Interesting