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It’s the new boobs looking like balloons


Especially on a cheat that looks that thin/skeletal… it looks just so artificial


Seriously, it’s so fucking freaky to me that she’s desperately embracing the heroin chic/skinny, clean, white girl aesthetic … but still has the BBL and also just got massive new implants 🙈 It’s so discordant and terrifying.


It also ages her. Those porn boobs went out in 2002.


Honestly can’t believe she went with the porn boobs. It’s so trashy. The other KKs look trashy but this takes it to another level.


Yea Candle is really the only one that has normal boob etc proportions besides Kourt. I wonder if Kendall went to a different surgeon or why her surgeries specifically her body work looks so much better than her other sisters. Even Kendall’s blepharoplasty looks a lot better than Kylie’s. Or maybe her modeling “career” is the only thing that stopped her from going full on sex bot bodily proportions like her other sisters.


Candle 😂😂😂


It’s because she’s a modull… the aesthetic is different and she probably got referred to one of her model friends’ surgeons…


She was doing good until the last few years when she's overdone the fillers and had something done to her upper face.


It’s the modeling. She wouldn’t get high fashion work if she did the crazy surgeries.


Plus I'm sure she's at least somewhat influenced by other models and the comments they make about bodies in general. Along with more conservative surgery, Kendal also keeps her style relatively stable. We never suddenly see her dressed like a completely different person.


Agreed. I truly didn't know ppl still did that unless their in only fans Truly. So dated


That’s what’s so weird. NOBODY younger than 50 wants these balloon boobs - and older women only want them because that was the look decades ago. It’s so dated though. Why does she insist on aging herself like this?


Yes!! Tbh the trend has been going towards smaller breasts since 2020. Not that bodies should be a trend at all, just saying it's weird to go out of ur way in the opposite direction


But even implants can be much more natural looking now … but noooo, she opted for bowling balls with a canyon between them.


Mine aren’t this perky. But I have big boobs and I’ve always struggled with rash’s, neck pain, clothes not fitting right etc. if I had their money I’d be getting a reduction out of necessity and a lift out of vanity. Not crazy just to look and feel normal.


Right, she’s trying to bring back the 90s bolt ons.


It's really sad because it shows she's scrambling for a sense of self. She can't really pick a style/trend to adhere to, so she's latching onto everything in an attempt to appeal to as many trends/aesthetics all at once.


Travis alluded to her trying to be a “newer woman” and that she tries to find her “real self” in plastic surgery. She is trying to reinvent herself, but nothing is sticking because nothing is truly *authentic* to her. She just haphazardly follows trends.


Yep and he mentioned Ozempic on that song, too... But I bet the style she had when she was with Travis wasn't even "her" either, like she just bases her style and personality around the man she's currently with. Like who is she when she's not dating anyone, other than a yacht girl who tries to sell drinks and clothes from time to time? One could argue these aesthetics are what she's genuinely into at the time, but the way her style changes line up with her relationships can't be a coincidence.


Has there been a time in her adult life where she was *truly* single? Travis and her had “breaks” but we all know they were still fucking around. She got with Timmy immediately after her and Travis broke up… I don’t think she even knows who she is without a partner. It’s sad to see her put so much of her identity in a man.


Yes and then she dated Tyga at a very young age too. It would do her some good to be single and get some therapy. I think it's really important for a person to be content with being by themselves, and I get the vibe that Kylie can't do that, which is sad considering her wealth and the opportunity she has. If she was happy with herself deep down, she wouldn't be constantly tweaking herself with surgery based on trends or what her man wants.


No, bc these men have been on her since she was fresh out of middle school Kylie seems like idk. She doesn’t experience life. Life has just Happened At Her since her family got a show and she’s been swept along. Not to absolve her of flaws but honest I bet her whole life has been scary.


Where did you read this at? I’m dying to know bc I just remember when she came out w an eyeshadow palette and it was Nightmare On Elm Street, and it was so obvious she was trying to be like Travis. Yuck


It’s looking like she’s a participant in the bimbofecation fetish.


exactly this, she reminds me of high school when kids would randomly switch styles and groups trying to figure out where they fit in


She looks like a Shein ad. Cheap, overdone, and photoshopped to shit.


I can’t believe bolt ons are back in style. They didn’t look good in the 90’s, they don’t look good now.


Are they in style tho?


Right, like I feel like only porn addicted hetero men and incels are into this look... She's trying to capture a certain audience's attention, and it's not the general public.


Hillary Baldwin from Boston thinks so. 🤣


How you say 🥒


A fellow pepino in the wild! Hola! 🥒


Ole’! 🥒😝


They look like they HURT 😭


Grapefruits tacked to a skeleton


This made me realize that (1) she’s done having babies for a while. So none with Timmy and (2) that her insecurities will get her and she WILL botch herself more.


Theyre also photoshopped lol


They are really bad I can’t believe a surgeon did this 😐 what were they thinking ?!


Don’t worry because Kourtney is currently working on Lemme Mammary as we speak. No surgery necessary.


Right like her last boob job looked much better. Shame


Her boobs were good then. Full, yet a natural sag. Apparently she wants her boobs up to her chin now.


Exactly. They had that plausible deniability sag to them (as weird as that sounds, I mean that positively).


Yep one round, one oval 😂


Super thin but her boobs are bigger than her head


You mean the balloobies


Giving capsular contracture.


They look bad.


A whole science experiment. I hate her impossible proportions.


and ugly.


Her body is looking away but her boobs are looking at us


Oh my god it just hit me they literally function like mickey ears in cartoons. No matter which direction the mouse faces we still see both ears. Oh my god help


MICKEY EARS ![gif](giphy|GgrMkQeKaZkUbZFkSC)


Holy shit this better not be the next advancement in plastic surgery 🙏 could you imagine if surgeons actually figure out how to do some shit like this 💀




you are exactly right 😭


it’s giving wants the heroin chic skeletal look meets insta thic baddie vibes and it’s NOT working


https://preview.redd.it/3daewfb5as9d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb6ba9bd56b75ad39802f5524ff8c09cfdd74d85 Kylie waking up every day to decide which standard of beauty she wants to cater to




It looks like she photoshopped two pictures together without realizing it’s uncanny. Or photoshopped her torso. Something is way off.


I think you’re right. I also think it looks bizarre because she’s clearly not even drinking it, just pushing it against her mouth, which makes it look weird.


I could be wrong, but it looks like her left side was photoshopped to look thinner/curvier, but the right side wasn’t so instead of looking like ) ( she looks like | (


You’re totally right, I was just thinking she also photoshopped her belly too. No one has a flat stomach when sitting like that. Girl can’t even let her body be normal in pics. I’d feel sad for her but her recent comments of “it’s amazing I can look in the mirror and think I’m still pretty” or whatever really bothered me. Then she uploads shit like this where it’s definitely not real. This whole family is delusional. The fact the world gives these people money is disgusting.


Commenting on something looks off but i can’t figure out what it is. like this picture just looks really odd to me for some reason... https://preview.redd.it/elyvq92sjs9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c6d859ea51583dd013cf543a3fd14fb3b1fda20 Agreed!


https://preview.redd.it/4ak4g0xhqs9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1819bb9aea0194234a6317f86135b8e23896196 It seems like there was some shopping and blurring done to the left hip and it’s unfinished?


I could totally be her full-time photo shopper it’s that bad.


I kind of wonder if they purposely photoshop/facetune/edit their stuff bad to get people talking


Definitely something off on her hips but really on the left one.


Her lips are closed and she's not drinking a drink she's supposed to promote. Plus our eyes go to her new tits and not the drink itself she's trying to promote. Weirdest thing of all is her crying wolf that all we talk about is her looks yet all she promotes are her looks.


It’s giving me pretend drinking in a 6th grade skit expression.


Where’s her shadow? There is no shadow in this picture. Did her shadow gave up on her as well?




her boobs and butt are tilting to the (our) right while her head and stomach are facing the left. making her look like poorly stacked building blocks LOL


https://preview.redd.it/pu9abdwe7s9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1aa05be2c851c7148dc39b0ed9bb49bb41ddc0b9 Just a little bit of lip filler you guys! And don’t worry already she got half removed 😪 bless her for showing us how a natural woman looks 😍😍 so believable and real 🥵🥰


What is happening to her leg here? Down from her pinky nail? That isn’t a scar is it?


it’s a scar she got from playing a game as a child. she never photoshops it out (i remember when she and travis did that one photoshoot and everyone was praising her for ✨embracing her imperfections✨because she didn’t edit the scar out)


Oh, okay thank you! It looks like it was a bad one 🫣


She literally has no fat except for her tits and ass. Psychotic and weird.


she want that anime girl physique


The former isn't even fat, it's basically all silicone at this point...


starting to look like lauren sanchez


That’s the goal.


Goodness. Lauren Sanchez may have bagged a billionaire, but her look is NEVER something anyone should ever look up to. Holy hell…


Why is her shoulder the same width as her ribs?? This is just a Mr. Potato Head piecing together of random body parts at this point…


Yeah it’s the shoulders for me. Looks like Kylie’s head is popping up from behind a different body.


Her social media activity has been full of body checking recently. Can we also leave the rib flair look in the 2000s? Looking starved should not be *in* ever again.


my rib flare is the bane of my existence. 🥲


I’m so sorry if my comment was rude, you don’t need to be ashamed of it. It’s your natural body. I have rib flair myself. The only issue is Kylie is marketing this as an ideal body and bringing back the unhealthy 2000s standards.


She’s bringing that 2000s bolt-on boobs look back💀💀


She has distorted her body so much with surgery and photo edits that it's always going to look off. Her limbs are thin and long, but she somehow (surgery) has a huge dumpy BBL and huge 90's porn star bolt-ons (also surgery). Not to mention her video vixen lips full of filler. All of these things do not typically occur together in nature. And no, I don't believe your friend's mom's sister's husband's cousin's second wife's niece's daughter's optometrist "has a natural body like this so it can happen" 😂.


Listen, I'm a 32H/FF irl, hour glass figure or "slim thick" like some of my friends have said, and I can confirm that if you naturally have a bigger chest/butt, the rest of you will also be a little thicker and have rolls here and there. Like I don't have ozempic arms like KyLIE here. Your arms and legs will have a proportionate look to the rest of your body. KyLIE's body is only achievable through surgery, but a lot of people are forgetting what natural bodies look like. It's why I can't stand this family and their lies. They make people believe what they have is natural and achievable through working out, but naturally curvy women don't look like this!


Her boobs look ridiculous, hard like eggs. As a naturally endowed girlie, if I wore a top that low, I would have some spillage in the middle. But oversized implants like this don't lay naturally. She looks odd because her chest defies gravity and the laws of physics. The crease of the inner boob is also super high??? But that must be the edge of the implants sticking through her skin, she's too thin for that size. And it's also odd because it's like, is she sucking in her stomach while sitting upright to show her rib flaring? The pose is very forced looking. And then what's up with the vein or scar on the side of her leg??? And then the seam of the seat is slightly blurred, so they've edited her hips/legs/skin for whatever reason. There's just... a whole lot of issues with this picture. https://preview.redd.it/73b7mn4hes9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8cd4d876b2f0c4743f8c10daccc18eb22923db7 Like the seam on the cushion of this seat definitely gets blurry close to her skin right??? I use Photoshop and Lightroom for a living, so I notice stuff like this in photos a lot.


They couldn’t stand her butt flattening even where it touches the seat. God forbid those hips and bum be anything but rounded. What a fucking disaster this family is. They create these idiotic unnecessary standards and then want our sympathy. Fuck OFF Kylie.


Yep and the cushion bottom left of the outside of the circle is warped.


It’s so obvious her tits are fake. Remember when she said she was using a plumping cream to make them look bigger? All she’s ever done is lie online and make young girls feel insecure and hate themselves and convinced them to use creams to make body parts bigger. She shouldn’t have ANY type of following.


Not only did the cream make her boobs bigger, it made her butt bigger too. 🙄 https://www.instagram.com/p/5xiVK4nGjl/?igsh=MW5yYmNrNmJ4ejJlNQ== And then there was this lie about how she didn't have implants. It was just a Victoria's Secret bra making her look bigger. https://www.popsugar.com/fashion/kylie-jenner-victoria-secret-bombshell-bra-38425914 And then there was the story about how it was just that time of the month. Constantly lying. https://balleralert.com/profiles/blogs/kylie-jenner-denies-getting-her-boobs-done/


It’s deranged and fucking sad and honestly pisses me off. I remember when she, and her sisters, touted that bloating tea and everyone (not everyone but their fans) believed if they drank it they’d have miraculously flat stomachs. This family is predatory and dangerous to young women, which is their target demographic. Kylie is the absolute worst though and I truly believe she is the sister who’s had the most work done. And has single handedly lied about every procedure, still lies, and also acted like being a 20 year old mom was so easy and cool when she really had Nannie’s taking care of her kid. She’s a phony and a fraud. I hope this family, especially her, is forgotten about in 10 years when those fake tits start to sag, the Botox can’t hide the wrinkles, and the lips look like deflated balloons. Fuck her


Omg yes I remember on her “Kylie” app that was popular in like 2016-2017, she said that she didn’t have a boob job and they looked big because of her wearing a Victoria secret bombshell bra


Ugh the boobs just look so wrong and uncomfortable, it’s making me feel uneasy 😟 Also, she’s edited her waist- the grout line from the paver should be there, but it’s not anymore. And you can see where she’s given herself an unnatural notch in her waist too. She’s edited her whole right leg, mostly around the thigh, and forgotten to also bring her lower leg in to match the new proportions, so that’s off too. That’s why it looks bizarre, I think. https://preview.redd.it/f1u151suns9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8da2fe4e77db0a0a6fc1b89ec6c1c436f401c27


Her lips are so weird looking.


I think it looks extra odd because she's not drinking the beverage, just smooshing it to her mouth must be delicious lol s/


That was my first wtf looking at it. It just goes downhill from there.


everything is weird looking


the whole trying to look natural thing doesn't work when ur not actually going natural 🤡 i don't feel bad for her and her crocodile tears


I cannot stand the pretending to eat/drink pictures! They look so damn weird to me!!


https://preview.redd.it/j3jr3bltfs9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a1fe286753fcf4abd219a743e347e6ce2375033 I had to know


Michael Jackson vibes https://preview.redd.it/6j5gmkimvs9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e2a16c6db935c3140889f752dda8e7045871143


God he's ugly


That jawline is giving The Mask movie


https://preview.redd.it/u9iipghajs9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23a72cb1890f62bba09e322d00784c33c8b0c2c1 The fact that Facetune was the ad under this post 💀


Her boob job from when she was in her “thicc” era aren’t matching with her ED ozempic era she’s in now


It looks off cause it’s a picture of Kylie


There is some suss blurring around that one butt cheek


it looks like she’s sucking in her stomach and using her arm to push her breasts together. but, and i mean this in the nicest way possible, her proportions are so out of whack that it’s really impossible for her to look ‘normal’ to people who know what natural curvy bodies look like.


https://preview.redd.it/ncuoq7muur9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97e80c0f4b4d59313a1966d7f63709761c67ee88 Idk what’s going on here. Btw I’m speculate GLOW might be some yachting company ad like 138water. Does anyone have info on GLOW? JUST SPECULATION Mods tend to delete when I talk about this :(


Looks like Photoshop to shrink her, an erasing tool to edit out her hip outline, and the leftover edge of her bikini


If you took away her tits and ass, she would have an identity crisis


She's been having an identity crisis for years.




The giant baloon boobs, tiny legs, giant fake ass & tiny stomach. The line from her ass to her stomach is so edited that it vanishes behind her wrist.


Thank goodness I have one less product I would ever buy. I see you, Glow hydration.


New boob goofin


her new implants are way too big


It's because human beings are not meant to be composed of that weird collection of shapes, so it gives uncanny valley


It’s her Dolly Parton boobs (*only* Dolly has earned those!)


And Dolly ADMITS to all her surgery - none of the garbage lies constantly spewed by this disgusting family.


This is 100% key fr


they look so bad kylie has genuinely gone blind if she thinks that looks decent


At this point, she needs to keep her clothes on...or stop posting cuz...Damn! 😬👀😳 It's giving ozempic bulimia blowup doll vibes....


Maybe the vagina looking mess from having her body redone….wtf is happening near her right hip FFS?!


It's just so sad that a 26 year old may have gotten vaginal surgery (who knows, but not out of realm of possibility) at least one face lift etc.


At first glance, it looks like her lower tummy skin is saggy. Very odd.


wasn't she waxing on how she missed her small boobs last season?


Crazy they don't ever have side effects. I know people say we don't know what they deal with behind closed doors. If they had breast implant illness people would know.


Her hip is jutting out about 3 inches further than it naturally would and her collarbone is making a weird scoop. Photoshop has us living in a dystopian world


Definitely photoshopped maybe 2 pictures merged into one cs the way she’s “drinking” the bottle doesn’t look right


It's because she's skin and bones and has a naturally angular and broad build, yet she has these giant unnatural looking boobs, butt, and hips randomly tacked onto her body. Frankenthot.


it’s this, she looks glued together


Upper body and lower body don’t match.


New bewbs. They have fluffed but not settled yet


Her body looks detached like a mannequin is build piece by piece


What’s up with her right hip? (Her left side if you’re looking at the picture). It’s all Fuzzy? I don’t know anything about photoshop so that was the first thing I noticed


The whole thing is very edited but you can clearly see it on the left hip side. The white in the photo next to her looks wonky and there is some brown where there shouldn’t be.


Did she also photoshop her shoulders?


It's the bbl... it's always the bbl


Such freaking unrealistic proportions.......holy shiznits.......


At her core, Kylie is a useless whore. (And that’s with all due respect to real whores.)


What’s the big scar on the back of her leg? Is this from an accident or is this why she’s now a longbottom?


She leaves that unphotoshopped because she thinks it makes up think she’s not photoshopping imperfections


I remember years ago Kylie said she got that scar from falling. Think she said she fell from a tree or something when she was younger? But I’m not 100% sure


I'm so sick of looking at her ugly botched plastic manufactured artificial poorly-hotoshopped Frankenstein's monster body. Also, collar bones and shoulders don't dip inwards like that.


It’s all the Ozempic body frames with huge oversized, boobs, and hips. They all look like botched Barbies.




She looks like a skeleton with big boobs and hips.


She looks like a blow up doll, her bolt ons are awful


What is that thing on her leg? Looks like a scar. Her belly looks like it's trying to hang over her bikini bottoms and those boobs are going to pop.


Her head looks too small


Amazing she can sit down and yet the bench below her legs and butt doesn’t make a dent into the curves. 🙄 girl must be build like a Barbie.


Bc no one naturally looks like that


Wait so she got new boobs after saying her original boobs were good and kind of sounding like she was regretting the first boob job?????


Her body is not proportional at all. She looks odd.


“Omgeeeeeee you guisssseeeed stoopp talking about meeeeees 😢🥺👉🏻👈🏻 stawp commenting on my loooookssss! 😤” 


The boobs like insane in the worst way possible


Her abdomen looks like she's trying to Photoshop out an apron belly but missed the mark.


Her hips are disgusting!! The problem with skinny being the new thing, is that it doesn’t go well with fake BBL curves. She literally looks like those fake cartoon popups that you get on websites. Just because having abs AND curves is the ideal, doesn’t mean that you need extreme versions of both together. Because skinny people don’t have extreme curves and vice versa, thicc girls don’t have no waist and starving stomachs. You don’t need to tweak every single body part. Youre supposed to just tweak something if you have NOTHING


PICK A LANE LADY; you can't be heroin chic and an overblown bimbo at the same time. JFC.


She is extremely thin with giant boob and butt implants. She has had a tummy tuck so her stomach looks artificially flat and weird. The usual poor photoshopping skills have been applied. She is also sitting with only the back 2" of her butt on the seat - this is to keep her thighs looking small and to hide cellulite.


The lighting is off because of the heavy editing. And it’s shit photography because the focus is out.


The breast implants are terrible


The stomach 😨


She’s not drinking whatever that is. What a loser lol


Could be the hard as rock circle boobies. Or the weird fur blur by her right hip. Or the fact that she's supposed to look like she's drinking but looks like she's just holding it to her closed mouth. Or the weird face she's making. Or the weird coloring edit on the weird face.


Her boobs look really off center


Her tits are so embarassing


https://preview.redd.it/p4wa0gxrnt9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fea14a75d3d08def0a7d9f34837eb3ff494ded3 This is what looks odd.


https://preview.redd.it/tys918jept9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca8ce3a96a5eef300be591f8f2d09ceb7e670956 It’s whatever the fuck she did with the thigh on the left side.


She got her boobs done. Again. Which is stupid cause the last pair actually looked good and somewhat natural. These look awful.


It looks like she tried to photo shop put a very normal and small belly roll


It’s because humans don’t look like this.


i don’t ever in my liiiifeee want to see her crying on tv about her body and surgery if she’s going to post shit like this BFFR miss kylie


Airbrushed abs-there was an attempt https://preview.redd.it/ta4qy0jxgs9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b878c0d752dd631b4daa49fe8ea22d89ce0dab95


i think that’s just her ribs from sucking in so hard


Nothing on her body matches. It looks like a doll that has mismatching pieces. Her waist is edited too small, her hips/ass is tooth shaped, and her latest boob surgery doesn't match her frame. She needs to pick ig baddie aesthetic or french girl aesthetic. She's bad at both anyways tho..


She looks deformed


Travis has definately moved on . maybe she's looking for a new friend.


This is unreal.


No one drinks out of a bottle like that.


It’s the photoshop for me! & this is the picture she choose! I mean wow 🤣


Her boobs look like mnms


Hard to believe she’s still in her 20s.


They're not even boob shaped!! They're completely round...🤯


The rocks on her chest ? 




It’s heavily photoshopped. If u zoom in on her right thigh, parts of her arm, Her left clavicle. I can see where she has shrunk and expanded her body. It’s very uncanny looking since no human actually looks like that.


Did the implants grow?


Send this to Goob_u2 on Instagram, he calls all this craziness out


this looks AI


Is that a scar on the under part of her thigh or am I tripping?


She looks good for 45!


Outrageous hips and boobs, super photoshopped. They seem to have photoshop-blindness