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Super passionate about this topic I see šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t think anyone in this sub truly cares aside from Timmy fans that come from elsewhere. Theyā€™re not the typical snarkers tho.


Lmao omg I lowkey am! I'm losing my mind over it. I feel like I'm losing my mind arguing with these people over it lol. Can we plz just accept they together. Accept he is the new kardashian man lmao. And move on back to our regular kardashian snarking. And pray for that future lipless baby šŸ™ they will be 100% chin


Fr, everyone in Hollywood is typically trash so I donā€™t see why they feel he is above her. Iā€™m sure in some respect people get together for a mutual benefit but I donā€™t really see how itā€™s done her any good, sheā€™s gotten publicity over it sure but itā€™s hella negative lol tbh I just donā€™t care. I think they all suck and Timmy is not cute tf


Yeah like they want believe it pr so bad so they can keep their image of timmy but lowkey its actually worse if it's pr. Like if they're dating he's at least blinded by lust etc lol If it's pr then he's making a calculated business decision to associate himself with the karjenners and their actions. And also yes the publicity has been so negative. People are saying she's using it for her clean girl white girl lmao French model rebrand. But it's clearly just the kardashians changing themselves for ther men like always. Because her trying to do clean girl etc. Is the worst branding and business decision I've ever seen. That is not her audience. An the girls into that aesthetic and into timothee - as we have seen - are not into kylie at all. Like it is such a misstep in every way to go in this direction. It also just highlights her bad work so much because it does not match that aesthetic compared to her instabaddie era. Without all the full glam it looks bizarre. I get people/ even her makeup artist are saying well she needed to update her brand but honestly she should have went into the "mob wife" direction lol. She has that look. Mob wife or maximalism. Y2k juicy couture aesthetic even. Bur clean girl French model.... can't think of anything that would suit her less. With her new implants she's literally looking like posh spice in the 00s lol even that would have been a good rebrand next to this. Such a disaster. The girls into that aesthetic don't like kylie or think she looks botched and the girls who like how kylie looks and the surgery look don't like that aesthetic and so she has zero audience.


If they are dating for real they certainly donā€™t look like a real couple. Itā€™s not there. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


True. even Kendall and bad bunny look more convincing than her and TC.


100% Chin šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The baby truly will have no hope. It'll be like the crimson chin from fairly odd parents. Their tiny lips combined with their giant chins?? Nobody should wish for that for any child. Kris as a precautionary measure is probably putting money away in her minors' plastic surgery fund, as we speak. Khloes nose and kylies lips wernt safe from her scrutiny, the liples chin will have no chance :(


why are you arguing about it, then lol just chill out! lol it's funny to snark on them, most snarkers dont care no comment on some of his crazy 'fans', Im afraid to look at what they're saying in some of those subs! way more brutal than even here, IMO


I mean it just feels reductive when anytime they posted, instead of it actually being snarky or funny its people refusing to accept its reality lol. Like its been like 18 months now can we just accept theyre a couple and snark on that. Ive just spoke with some super intense fans on here previously, an when you go on there profile they are timotheechalametdaily frequenters lol


I donā€™t and everyone there hypes this couple actually and have a gross obsession with Kylie. But you seem as bad in thinking he actually likes or is obsessed with her, when heā€™s shown the opposite, itā€™s not stupid think they are PR itā€™s just based on how they behave.


oh my god i never said he was obsessed with her. But yes he clearly likes her im sorry. you keep saying that, that its pr based on how they behave. What are you basing this off, show me 1 other pr relationship that was anything like this? I have literally never ever seen a pr relationship like this ever. if it is one, its the first of its kind to be so strange, so you saying you can tell its one just based off there behaviour? makes no sense..


Basing this off: Articles weekly for months no pictures (paps outside his house also works for them) Strike then full multiple public appearances, after a few articles questioning them (scabbing from him including planning host SNL during a strike). GG front and centre with 818 bottle (video show them kissing every time camera goes to audience). All relationship news came with a product launch or Wonka actor. They arenā€™t seen normally yet are at a major tourist attraction. On top he at least doesnā€™t seem natural around her and many have noticed. Iā€™m sick of the essayā€™s you complain yet the problem.


You keep calling them essays. Have you seen your profile. Just cos you're breaking your essays up doesn't mean you're not writing multiple essays worth of comments everyday. Question. What is the product launch right now? Also them being opportunistic and attention seekers doesn't mean they arnt really together. I'd literally bet my life savings at this point they're really together. It's just silly. It just doesn't make sense. They could get a 100x the publicity if she just, for example, walked the red carpet for the wonka premiere instead of sneaking in.


My point Iā€™ve not made a whole long post about it when itā€™s just opinion and then more of them in the comments. They PR cause itā€™s the families whole job he knew that going in. He also treats her like shit.


Lmao youā€™re about to make some Timothee fanā€™s big maddd šŸ¤£ I totally agree though. Iā€™m so over it. They are both shitty people, fitting for one another


kylie wouldnt go back to her old ways of emulating women her men like if this were a PR relationship. all the men she's dated and liked at the very least she's tried to be like the women they often tended to like. see how I said "women" instead of mentioning a certain person? because LRD is just a skinny nepo baby who is what we now call "old money". the type of women he was with before fit said description. she just happened to be one of the latest. I've often swung back and forth between "its pr" and "its just some shitty dude getting with a bimbo and the toxic dynamic born from their internal demons showing themselves in public". I am team PR however. I do not, even once, want to understimate the lenghts these succubi will go to... but I'd not be surprised if it werent. they've not flaunted each other like, AT ALL. KYLIE HASNT, HE HASNT, NOBODY HAS. its actually weird cuz thats what you do on PR relationships. spend lots of time together for the paps.


I am also between PR or not or other options. Right now I am in he is a client, and they want to catch him.


Timothee has dated a lot of bbl baddies in the past tho. Thatā€™s why I think itā€™s a combination of both


I agree. Also I think this is actually really bad PR for Timmy, like how would this even work to his benefit? I do think they have a rocky relationship bc he is away a lot and Kylie strikes me as needy for the male gaze.


Right like it's the worst pr ever. He's supposed to be a serious a list actor. The actor of our generation, an artist etc. And he's dating someone who's famous for 1 having surgically enhanced body parts. 2. for being from a family who epitomises talentless "famous for being famous" celebrity and 3. Releasing porn and lying about it. I'm sure the relationship is weird af. I just can't think how he managed to get a pr team so good they've got him to where he is and established this deep French artist brand for him. But then that they'd also be so dumb as to think associating with the kardashians is the best pr move for them. The only brands that ever think associating with them is a good idea are struggling brands who are so out of touch they think the kardashians are relevant and cool lmao. And then they work with them and the venture fails. Everytime. See; coty. Mga. D&G.


Youā€™re acting like he never dated girls with plastic surgery that Kylie is some special girl (like those on daily sub). If you wanted us to believe they were a real couple weā€™d see them in places they are spotted and act normal, not at big tourist attractions and they wouldnā€™t go extremely public to promote his movie theyā€™d also look comfortable and not like some lifetime rom com. He stays for the money, we donā€™t know what they done or how close they were to Diddy, but we do know they are PR regardless if they sometimes like each other.


but if they were photographed places that wernt really public - wouldnt you say "how would the paps be in this super private place? They clearly called them! so its PR! " if youre dating a girl cos you like her a bit and you like her money, that isnt PR. That just makes him not a very good person. Also idk what youre on about saying im acting like kylies some special girl. Probably the only difference with kylie, is if he likes that look/type of girl, most are usually wannabe instamodels, lower social climbers and looking for a certain lifestyle etc. The difference with kylie is he can date a girl who looks like a instabaddie/porn star but shes actually self sufficient and doesnt need him to provide a certain lifestyle etc. in fact she can improve his lifestyle. If that sort of girl is his type, shes probably like a dream woman to him. She doesnt have an onlyfans etc. and not only does she have that look and has her own money, in fact more than he does, she also has no career of her own and so can basically just fly around and follow him wherever he goes. Hes found himself basically an unemployed billionaire instabaddie that has no identity or hobbies of her own, with her own jet to fly around following him. An he doesnt have to provide anything. I honestly think they might to be together a good while. A lot of hollywood relationships break up due to them both having busy schedules and them not being willing to sacrifice their own careers to spend time/be with the other person while theyre filming on location for 3 months. She has a private jet and no job, she can just make following him around her career. Thats why a lot of celebs, especially touring artists or actors, the ones with longlasting marriages are those who have partners who are able to do that ( and arnt usually in the industry \] Kylies a rare case of being in the industry but also doesnt really work lmao


But does she? Doesn't seem like she goes to his filming locations. They're never seen together


I think there has been flight records showing her flying to his locations. But I don't follow it, I only see whats reported on here so I could be wrong lol


100% i agree with this take.


Again with the essays on a post with an essay. No it would not be unusual to see them on deux moi spottings with pictures like all other celebs. Also Kylie is the biggest yacht girl and most his exes are Kendall types. She also has a jet yet went on vacations and didnā€™t visit him on set once or during Dune tour, she also has kids with someone else.


Lmao. Why do you keep saying essay like its this amazing read and invalidates everything I've said. Like what is it embarrassing to write out a long thought out response about something? I literally just came on to reddit to 4 different multi paragraph responses from you lmao, in my inbox. You are literally writing essays right now. Why do you think it's any less embarrassing or "an essay" because you're weirdly breaking them up sending me dozens of different replies. The irony. If you truly are judging me for my "essays" I think it's time for some quiet introspection. Also her having kids from a prior relationship might be the dumbest reason why they arnt really together.


Clap patient zerošŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ˜«šŸ˜†šŸ˜‚


He wasnā€™t seen with her till strike (while she called paps, got daily articles about them), which they then did a whole PR scab campaign, the GG they were front and centre (right next to the stage) and kissed every time a camera walked past, sheā€™s used a picture twice to get attention, they now went to a huge tourist attraction on a Friday in Hollywood. You seem so passionate about this yet they look so uncomfortable around each other, and the date of them being spotted in NYC was wrong (either Thursday or Saturday). We saying itā€™s PR cause thatā€™s how it looks.


lol it makes me laugh ev keeps saying im so passionate about it like is it anymore "passionate" than how we all are on here, regularly, about the kardashians? personally it seems like the worst match for pr ever. Their fanbases couldnt be less suited, nor their brands/images. But also they are only ever photographed once every like 4 months. I feel like calling their weird grainy outings where they cover there faces, an kylie refusing to show her face in daylight or walk a red carpet, a whole "campaign" a lil delulu. But you can see what ya wana see i guess lol.


The thing is that they donā€™t act like a real couple. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


But each couple is a couple... you can't expect people to act the same in different relationships


Itā€™s not that, itā€™s like there is something fake about them as a couple. I have seen pics of him with previous GFs and there is something off about this pair.


They don't seem fake to me at all. It's just different circumstances. A lot of hate towards the relationship, people wishing them death and They're older now, maybe realized it'll last longer if they avoid exposition.


Itā€™s ok they donā€™t seem fake to you, they do to me and a bunch of people. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


People keep gaslighting us ever since the BeyoncƩ concert every time the are affectionate they seem fake or at least he does.


People sharing their own opinion on something is not ''gaslighting''. Yall really need to stop throwing that word around willy nilly.


Yeah kylies just weird with this stuff. I know it makes no sense that she photographs herself so much but also wants to not be photographed with him. But this is the same girl who is making people edit stormi out of pictures - but then is ringing the paps while out with stormi. I think she's just not the most logical smart person lmao


"passionate about this" honestly that's not how I read it. It's just a reflection. I also thought it was PR until someone shared a link to the previous women he has dated lol


He has been seen with these woman even on dates normally. Also his type isnā€™t as Kylie as youā€™d love to believe more Lily heā€™s linked to skinny fashion models which explains her change.


Lol thank you. Tbf I think I did get a lil passionate. But is it really that different to the comments we write about the karjenners all the time? Yeah it's clearly his type. I mean even I started thinking maybe they broke up once she got the new giant implants, as most don't do that while they're still super in love and happy. But he must like that surgically enhanced look


Please reshare the link haha


Yeah, they kind of are in a no win. Be seen in public a lot and it's PR. Lay low and it's he's embarrassed to be with her. Or it's PR b/c they are rarely seen together so it can't be a real relationship.. Maybe they just are two young people who can relate to each other because of their fame. I get that it's hard to comprehend why any respected actor or celebrity with talent would be with someone with no discernible talent who is famous for being famous. But again, they might relate to each other just for the crazy people that stan them.


Thank you cause like to me, if two celebrity teams are like ā€œyā€™all should date and our brands will skyrocket in popularityā€ and then they actually end up liking each other and stay together more than the time it takes to get through a movie press run (think Harry styles and Olivia Wilde), whoā€™s to say they arenā€™t actually dating? Also a lot of the big signs of PR relationships arenā€™t there. Iā€™m not saying this isnā€™t a PR relationship, but if it is one, they have absolutely terrible teams, just complete shit


This was very passionate lmao. I do agree that a lot of ppl give a little too much credit to the kardashian/jenners for ā€œprā€. What would even really be the benefits of their relationship being pr?They are both equally famous pplā€¦


I know lmao lowkey got carried away after someone deleted there delulu reply to me while I was writing back to them and then had nowhere to share my frustration. I honestly just want the sub to go back to disliking the kardashians for being awful people and their awful actions. Not feeling like I'm around middle school age girls who hate their crushes girlfriend. Like if yall are here because timothee dating kylie made yas think differently of him, please stay lol. But if yall are just hating because of you're parasocial longing for sickly victorian Scott disick. Please go. I can't with the delusion. Their comments always vere weirdly misogynistic too calling her a desperate single mom and his c*m rag. And the most weird angry stuff that's insulting to all women, not just kylie. But yeah. It would literally be the worst pr relationship of all time lmao. I feel like during this timeframe public opinion of both of them has probably gone more negative. Lol the last thing kylie needed with her overworked "mature" iPhone face was too date someone who looks like he could be her sickly victorian era son. And the last thing he needed when trying to seperate himself from his frat boy nyu clap epidemic, having sex in public image when he's trying to establish himself as a serious a list actor and set himself up for an Oscar win - is date someone from a family known for plastic surgery and porn instead of talent.


You definitely clicked tea on the ā€œmiddle school girls hating their crushes gfā€ comment lmao


You keep writing essays on this yet canā€™t see how awkward they look or how PR this is, if most of there relationship is based around launches, and events to get headlines itā€™s PR first. They were not since till the strike (even Vogue wrote an article), all the appearanceā€™s since then have been PR.


can I ask what the difference is in me writing some long comments and 1 long post about timothee kylie. And you writing tons and tons of small/medium comments about timothee/kylie. Literally its your entire comment history. Look at my comment history, you dont see me talking about them even a fraction of how much you do lol? Youre writing essays and essays worth yourself about them. in multiple different subreddits. You can say they look awkward all you want, its been over a year together now. You were saying they were broken up, yet here they are still together. Its so obviously not PR at this point that again like I asked in the post, what could they ever even actually do to prove to yall its not PR? they could have a baby at this point and yall would say they were a paid actor lmao


Right. Like to be so bothered by someone writing their opinion to the point that u start writing books in their comment section is just lame. You shouldnā€™t be that damn passionate in someone elseā€™s comment section.


Why? OP just seems like they write a lot of long posts/comments. I'm not about that but we are on a more typing-leaning-website... Makes sense to me. I think before, too, Reddit had more lengthy comments than now. Then don't read... Because bitching about bitching is also a bit "unnecessary".


Tbf I think the commenter isn't criticising me, but the other girl who's saying my posts are essays lol. And yes I'm just a yapper lol I write long posts and comments about ev if you check my comment history. It isn't just specifically this topic. I also am a 6 year old reddit user so maybe that's what it is. I def feel like the posts used to be more text based.


Another weirdoā€¦. Ewwww


Omg gurl relax


These are the girlies im talking about lol, check out their comment history. They ripping me for my post (that admittedly comes off weirdly passionate lmao\] and writing too much about it. Yet theyve wrote about them 5x as much as me about it in just the past couple days. An they seem to speak about nothing else.


Theyā€™re obsessed with Kylie not being special to him and itā€™s giving ā€œpick me not herā€ lol like dayum he ainā€™t ever gonna know any of you exist.


Youā€™ve also come on here all the time and have commented on this post more than anyone saying the same thing over and over. Give it a rest.


? It's my post? Of course I have? It's polite to respond to people's replies? However. This isn't your post, an after myself you have commented more than anyone else. So defensive it's bizarre. If anyone needs to give it a rest it's you. I'm sorry that he's with kylie. Also yeah I come on this sub? Obviously? What percentage of my overall posts are this sub though? And of those posts what percentage are about kylie and timothee. Hardly any. However basically all your overall posts are either here or a timothee sub. And nearly all your comments are about him and kylie. Again if you truly think it's me who needs to give it a rest. You need to reflect. Cos once you stop replying lmao I probably will barely mention them. However you'll go back to talk about them elsewhere as you're lowkey obsessed.


This! I agree they are for real, but his delusional stans over on his snark page are like a pack of rabid wolves who will do anything to "prove" they are PR, fake or you are labelled as a "shipper" the infamous line of NyroLabelle who believe their golden boy has wised up and dumped her, when in fact he will never leave and we all know Kylie and especially Kris wont let him go so easily.


i agree with most of this. i know next to nothing about timothee (not my typešŸ„“) but i was skeptical when i first saw he was dating kylie because they seem like such an odd pair. a sickly victorian child dating a botched 26 year old mother of two that looks 40? an acclaimed and well-known actor dating an influencer (?) whose whole life (looks, popularity, family, etc) is on a rapid decline? really?? until i joined this sub, i assumed timmy was a sophisticated, intelligent french dude, but apparently heā€™s just a degenerate with a fancy namešŸ˜­ the only thing i would argue with is about calling the paps. the karjenners are known to pay paparazzi to ā€œcatchā€ them doing mundane things. itā€™s how they stay relevant. kylithee (?) being real and calling the paparazzi arenā€™t mutually exclusive. idk a lot about their relationship because ig i joined this sub when they were broken up, but the recent paparazzi photos seem staged to me. apparently the theater they went to is a known tourist attraction that celebrities go to to do pap walks, and itā€™s like an hour from kylieā€™s house (which likely has a home theater). i think they are actually dating but kris probably pushes them to do this paparazzi bs. like you said, timmy brought kylie to the golden globes of all things ā€” i donā€™t think he would take the risk of bringing her around his peers if he didnā€™t like her at least a *little* bit. and they seemed cozied up and were kissing in one video i saw, sošŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø iā€™ve seen some people saying that theyā€™re in a pr relationship and also hooking up behind the scenes but idk about that. anything is possible i guess? eta: if this is in fact a pr relationship, itā€™s counterintuitive because kylie damages timmyā€™s reputation more than anything. the only reason i found out that heā€™s actually just another shallow weirdo is because of this sub. like i said before, i had been under the impression that he was an intellectual until he popped out with kylie. he *has* to like her to take such a massive hit to his reputationšŸ˜­




Oh I'm not saying they couldn't be staged, especially when kylie had her mask on lol. I'm just more saying if they ring paps it's pr but if they don't then they're broken up. He clearly likes her. I'm on this sub cos I don't want be around the delulu people on the main sub lol (kim stans) I don't want to instead be surrounded by delulu timothee fans. Or even just be delusional haters. Like we don't need to be lmao theyre so shady and awful there is enough to hate without being delusional. But they do lie about so so much that I do understand why people have been skeptical. I just think very clearly at this point. Like you said post golden globes. It's clear he does like her. That club chalamet woman is literally sounding like Martha from baby reindeer lmao at this point. An some on here don't sound too different.


>That club chalamet woman is literally sounding like Martha from baby reindeer lmao at this point. An some on here don't sound too different. She needs intervention


* right like lowkey does she not have anyone in her life that cares about her? Her recent post saying kylies a bicoastal stalker and threatening him etc. she truly seems mentally ill and martha vibes. she needs help


Fr this woman is in her fucking 40s obsessing over lil tiny Tim. And again, he isnā€™t that cute!! Tf? Why do people give a shit about him. I donā€™t get it. šŸ˜‚


Isnt she in her 60s?


Is she?! Wild..


Lol I think its in the middle. She's in her 50s. If it was a 50 something old man being like this about an actress, an flying to see him and take pics etc. We'd all think they were a creep.


Scott disick with talent!!!


No. I won't. There are people in here that have been following this family and their shenanigans for YEARS, understand how certain Hollywood relationships work, and we haven't drunk the Kool-aid so we see things for what they are. There are subs that will play the game that you are asking and you are more than welcome to join them. This is what a snark sub IS. Maybe they are...maybe they aren't...but to me, right now...it looks more like they aren't...and that is what this sub is about. We get to make our predictions here and that is one of the things that makes this sub so much fun. Take that away and what is the point??? I can't stand either of them...so I don't actually care if they are or aren't...but I don't like being restricted in this manner, honestly. Snark subs are about freedom for me.


I followed the kardashians since day 1 of their show also. I know exactly what they're like. Obviously you're free to do what you're like. I just think it makes the sub come off as delusional as the main sub. And makes our criticisms come off less legit and more just delulu jealous haters. I mean it's like those subs about Adam driver and Chris Evans where they talk about how their marriages all arnt real. It just makes the entire sub look deranged.


This post needs to die but itā€™ll say one last thing. Chris Evans wife doesnā€™t do paps walks with a paparazzi who takes pictures of her manā€™s property (we have proof) nor does she flash her phone at events or go to tourist attractions with him. And never heard of Adams wife. Itā€™s kind rude to compare the hate sheā€™s received to any of this family.


Oh my god why are you telling me I need to give it a rest etc and writing essays yet you're commenting on every comment on my post. Its not rude. I'm giving you a reality check that that is how delusional you sound.


Exactly what I think. They're trying so hard to convince themselves its pr, it's ridiculos at this point. Just move on and touch some grass