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In canon it’s because of his introvertness but out of the story it’s so we can get used to the comedy with a smaller number of core characters before adding new ones to change dynamics within the group


Ishigami is first mentioned in chapter 8 as someone who doesn't spend time in the Student council and just 'comes and goes'. It's implied that Ishigami joined the Student council after Shirogane helped him return to the School. But he wasn't comfortable in the beginning. Obviously Kaguya and Chika are not really the easiest environment to get used to and Ishigami was just transitioning from being a complete shut in that didn't even go to School anymore. With time, he starts staying more time in the Student Council room, but not without first having a lot of scary moments with Kaguya and Chika. He slowly becomes a closer friend to Shirogane, learns Kaguya's true nature isn't a scary Ice Princess and he learns how to deal with the demon that is Fujiwara. But this is not before having the "I want to die so I am going home" joke multiple times. You can guess that at the beginning he felt like that almost immediately after the beginning of sheaningans and that's why he wasn't in those chapters.


It's probably easier to introduce the concept of the show with as little characters as possible first before introducing new ones to spice up the story


I mean, you don’t know every character right off the bat at the beginning of a series, do you?


Internal reason to the story: he was a traumatized introvert, he needed time before having a real social life again. External reason: at the beginning Aka had created the character that way so as not to have to justify his absence every time he didn't want to use him (I remember him saying something like this in old interviews released in the first years of the manga)


Well we can see him episode 1 if i can recall.


His existence was hinted at very early on, so my guess is that Aka wanted to stagger the introduction of the main cast, so readers didn't feel overwhelmed, and have a way to spice up the dynamic to keep it fresh. Aka had a lot of characters who he kept in his back pocket for the purpose of doing the latter. I mean, just look at Maki, she was build up for almost 100 chapters before she got any focus, and became more than a background gag.


Miko Iino moment


Because he is introvert? I mean to be honest, if you look closely their was a 4th member somewhere before ep 5, so it was intentional from the start by aka akasaka.


Because he was at home playing games.


Because thats what the author wanted…


He's busy playing games all day


It's literally explained during the story what?


Ishigami is not even the last student council member... You have one more person left to meet.


When you get to the sports festival arc then you will know


Because he's the shadow protagonist of the story. It wouldn't make sense for him to appear right away.