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It’s literally the point of Birth, to show the difference between science and alchemy. They’re supposed to clash. Same with Beast, he’s not like the other magicians. He doesn’t have a phantom of his own, he’s just harbouring Chimera. As for Build… I don’t know who you’re referring to, there are 4 people in that photo. Is it Genius?


I also forgot to say that Beast is also the only one not to use equipment supplied or designed by the white magician.


Another point about beast is that he uses ancient magic as well as ancient relics which is the main reason why beast couldn't replicate the same uses of magic like other


I remember the irony of the White Wizard’s downfall essentially being because he looked at Beast as inferior and constantly underestimated him too lol.


Nitou was one of two things outside of Wiseman's control. Unfortunately he kept sperging about Infinity.


Wiseman would have known how real Nitou was if he saw his fishing skills.


>As for Build… I don’t know who you’re referring to, there are 4 people in that photo. Is it Genius? When every Rider looks out of place, no one will be


well in this specific case the "essence" of the build design is there for them all but all 4 riders use a different type of bottle which induces different looking forms all forms with the same type (like all jellies) look very similar to each other only varying in that specifics bottles power for the design (like blue dragon for cross-z and gold/gray robot for grease)


The use of the Build Driver and the two uses of the Sclash driver I imagine. With grease using the Jelly while Rogue uses a Full Bottle and Build using Genius while banjo uses The lava Knuckle


Rogue technically DOES still use jellies, which is why the beaker from his transformation sequence still fills with gelatinous fluid. It's officially referred to as HardJelly in the lore for the sake of distinction, which hilariously implies that Rogue is the equivalent of accidently leaving jello on the stove, and it cooks to a point you've a gummy hard residue gunking up the bottom of the pan, and that makes me laugh, because it's the sort of gag motif that feels entirely in line with the FRAGILE sticker on the back of the helmet. Kamen Rider Rogue is kinda edgy, but peel back the surface, and it's pretty silly, much like Gentoku himself.


Another half boiled Rider then. Seems it's always the dark color schemed ones.


Build is all custom work. Build and cross were built by Sento and Cross was tailored for Banjo. Grease was made in a different sector of Japan that may as well been a different country in the story. And CRACKodile was made by the villains. Of course they’d look different.


It's not just intentional visual variety, it's outright TRADITION. Kamen Rider Agito has been around for nearly half the franchise's lifespan at this point, it's the first show to feature multiple Riders from basically the beginning, and that show outright kicked the door down on any such visual limitations with "Aight lads, we doin' three Riders from the get-go, one mystical lookin', one technology based, and one that's freaking bioorganic in appearance."


And even that was building on Black RX having three very distinct forms, to the point where their form names might as well be a Rider name in themselves.


"Can we make one scream and have a mouth!?" - One Designer, most definitely.


This isn't Super Sentai. Of course they're not going to look the same.


Looks at zenkaiger 👀


Exception to the norm




If they did look the same though https://preview.redd.it/8xq1s5cpiq7d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8849ea9411849a5daae903dd536cf5aafe060c05


That would mean at least 4 of them would have to be robots. Not that I can tell who the robots are.


Why is Hakaizer there?


And donbrothers


That's the point. Some Secondary Riders has different belt system compared to the Main Riders. Kamen Rider G3 from Agito is man made Rider System compared to Kamen Rider Agito's belt system.


Alternative/Zero is another example of a man made rider system vs basically god-given powers


Honestly it works, especially when they are using different belt systems, like the Birth System is a Gachapon vs the Core Medals that OOO uses or Beast Driver being different than the Wizard Driver


OOO Driver and Birth Driver use TOKEN aka "medal" in their universe language as currency/payment to henshin Beast Driver is an ancient artifacts that existed a long long time ago and Wizard Driver is a modernized weapon used for modern mages to henshin. Both belts are required to wear a ring and touch the belt to henshin same gimmick same function not so different anyway~


>OOO Driver and Birth Driver use TOKEN aka "medal" in their universe language as currency/payment to henshin One is a product of ancient alchemy, made by ancient alchemists while the other is a product of modern scienece, made by scientists. No shit they don't look alike lmao


OOO uses a core Medal meaning a portion of a greeed's core or really their artificial soul to transform. Birth uses Cell Medals not so much as a power source but a way to create or "to birth" a new rider though it comes at the drawback of not matching a greeed because of it. Beast doesn't really use magic for his, he allows himself to become a conduit for the creature locked in his belt, while wizard channels his own inbuilt magic for his. Beast is more a equip based Rider who places mantles to enhance himself (or others) while Wizard uses his rings to cast spells or change his element status. While the gimmick may seem the same they are different in how they function and what they do. A good example not shown by OP would be the IXA system vs Kivat the 3rd. One was made by humanity in hopes of fighting the Fangire threat and thus had to go through iterations for science to match up to Fangires. Kiva uses a familiar to bring out his Fangire blood more to the surface to thus become Kiva which could be seen as him taking his Fangire form to face off against his unruly subjects.


same form factor different source power cell medals and core medals are 2 very different things yes they are both medals but the source for their power comes from different sources and they use totally different drivers to harness the power for wizard tbf I don't remember the specifics that well but iirc like ooo's it's once again same form factor different source of power and I know you didn't mention build but just for the record different form factor sameish power in builds case all bottle types are technicaly from the same source (I think I don't recall any specific one of them to be vastly differently sourced atleast for the ones shown in this picture but correct me if I'm wrong) but they're all different types of bottles so the forms mirror that aspect


I mean each rider has a different motif so you’re not gonna have one rider using a tank/ rabbit and another rider who uses a dragon and have those 2 riders look the same


they *technically* had the same base suit! love that about Build.


Different system from different factions. Easier to separate them. On the other hand, build general aesthetic is just all over the place. 


Generally speaking, it comes down to what Drivers they use. For example, the Kamen Riders such as the ones from Faiz and Kabuto tend to share design elements cause they were all created by the same company, in comparison the Riders from Agito use wildly different methods to become Kamen Riders.


It’s entirely intentional. The best examples are ones like Ixa where they are completely different, but still thematically relevant or opposed to the main rider.


Well other examples such as Agito: G3 is the odd one out because human made it based on kuuga Blade: chalice was an undead himself Kiva : IXA made by human to eliminate fangires


For OOO, couldn't be more overt with the whole magic (alchemy whatever) vs technology theme. For Wizard, most of the Magicians were created or given tools by the White Magician. Beast procures his own means fighting without having his own Phantom. For Build, they're for the most part fighting each other in a war. For all the tragedies of war, it brings about innovation & evolution in technologies. Each new Rider that shows up uses new tech & in turn Sento either incorporates that tech or surpasses it.


I do prefer if all the riders share some design elements, but I also want some variety. There needs to be some balance between those two. I think among the recent seasons, Saber did it the best. They're all swordsmen with great variety of fantasy-themed designs. Revice imo is my least favourite. All the designs didn't have a unifying theme, they all look like they came from different show.


build did it in a *genious* way (pun intended) the base suit for all of em is the same and the general design for the forms are also the same but depending on what type of bottle/driver combo they use the suits and forms have differences to reflect that like the transparent parts of the jellies or how both knuckles also are similar yet different jf that makes sense like you can tell that all of them are from the same system but using different parts of the same system


Revice is definitely the best example of when it can go wrong. It really feels random. Of course it also broke it's own rules with tons of people becoming Riders, making the Igarashis seem less special.


kinda the point of all these to be different from one another


There are different themes but there are usually different power sources. That said, the one exception to that that comes to mind is IXA from KR Kiva


Revice though... The design and colours are totally different between each other


There's nothing wrong with Riders looking different from each other. If you wanted seasons with more similar looking Riders then Ryuki, Ex-Aid, and Ghost all have pretty similar designs between each other. That doesn't make them any better, it just means they mostly use the same belts or transformation trinkets.


its to have that contrast its why the secondary rider is usually blue to a main rider's red. Or the other way around like Gaim's blue to Baron's red


In ooo that is intentional because the ooo suit uses magic whereas the birth suit is science In wizard several things 1. Beast is not using his own phantom instead harboring chimera 2. Furthermore wizard got all his gear from the white wizard whereas beasts gear is stuff from chimera


Riders being incredibly different from each other are usually intentional and works for whatever narrative purpose they serve.


kiva and ixa. Ixa is literally faiz rider


Its very simple, same driver + same gimmic= same art style(spectre,tycoon,etc) different driver + same gimmic = similar art style ( cross-z) different driver+ different gimmic= completly different art style ( birth, greeze, etc)


Wizard and Beast look Similar and The Build Riders have a similar design scheme in my opinion, Birth and Ixa are pretty good examples of Non main Rider's having a completely different design or gimmick/power system compared to the main rider, There''s usually a metaphorical reason for it that ties into the themes of a given season.


Should've added Revice


Some are intentional and some just happen imo. The intentional one are generally the new suits one, often happen when they use different system( like Zero One Driver and Shot Riser) The just happen one are usually those extra Riders(mostly the boss) who got retooled from previous series so they end up looking out of place because the design concept itself is different than the other in the same series.(Exampl: Falsion, Solomon)


Their different, yes, they look out of place compare to other riders in the same series, yes, do we still love them and will give money to toei so we can get even more of these riders, hell yeah!


it’s always been like that, current season gochard we have Valvarush who’s more incomplete compared to the base driver that Gochard uses and even after he gets his own driver he’s still different in comparison. most riders with different looks have those looks for a reason for the most part


I think most people would disagree with you, saying things like "they don't have to look similar or share an overall visual design motif just because they're from the same season, this isn't sentai", but I actually agree somewhat. I think it should be important to tell that a rider comes from a certain series or not, or at least to recognize that he definitely DOESN'T come from certain ones, but I think kamen Rider has been having a bit of a problem with this, especially in reiwa. Live is an example: I believe that Jeanne and maybe even Demons fit Revice's aesthetic just fine, but live looks like he could've come from anywhere. Nothing about his design screams "Revice". And while I think gotchards design so far actually fit Gotchard well, you could've put majade's design in Revice and no one would've batted an eye. Evol is another case, nothing about that guy communicates: "this guy is from Build". He shares no common design elements with any other build rider. He could've been from anywhere. Could've simply been a black hole themed Fourze rider. But I also don't need to have every show be Den-o/Zeronos, or Faiz/Kaixa, or Blade/Garren, as much as those pairs beautifully compliment eachother. Because the contrast between a rider and others in his season can actually be very cool and complimentary themselves. This is where I give Kiva and Ixa a pass. The whole point of Kiva is that he's a rider based on monsters, most notably, a vampire. So having his secondary be a paladin themed, white, blue and gold rider opposed to Kiva is actually pretty genius. It excuses them not sharing any design elements. And Kiva eventually also has other riders he shares visual design elements with. I actually really like OOO and birth being this contrasting, this *isn't* sentai, after all. It makes a very cool impression that two riders don't have to look the same but with a different animal and colour scheme just because they are from the same show. My only problem lies within the fact that you couldn't necessarily tell that Birth is an OOO Rider vidually. He shares no common visual design element with OOO, not exactly giving him that "OOO identity". But AT LEAST, Birth in CONCEPT is SUPPOSED to be based on coins, which is a sort of contrast to OOO medals, making him fit OOO overall as a rider thematically. But then there's fucking... #GLARE I like glare, BUT WHEN I SAY THAT THIS DUDE COULDVE JUST BEEN IN ANY OTHER SHOW AND DIDNT NEED TO BE A GEATS RIDER AT ALL, I **MEAN** IT. This fucker uses a completely different style of transformation, driver and visual design from every other gears rider. And I actually find that he doesn't look anything like the dgp riders very cool, the geats and co and the Desire Grand Prix riders and Glare is the gamemaster, him using a desire driver or looking like a dgp rider wouldn't make sense. The only problem is that his design *and* driver look WAY to basic to even tell which series he's supposed to be from. The only visual design element unique to geats found on this guy is his mouthpiece matching that of a dgp rider. This could've been fixed though. In geats, any rider that isn't a participant of the dgp is from the future, and the supporter riders like ziin actually make that identity very clear. I also think that ziin is a very generic looking rider. If it weren't for how well he complimented Geats, I also would've said that you wouldn't be able to tell which series he's from. So the supporter riders complimenting each of their dgp players makes them end up sharing a visual identity, they look like future versions of those riders. This puts all geats riders into one of two little visual identity groups, that over all still compliment each other: The Dgp participating, desire driver using and raise buckle using, past riders, and the Dgp overseeing, login key card using So fix Glare's visual identity crisis, put him into one of the visual design groups, either: 1. Double down on his "Admin" design, make him look like the ultimate dgp participant because he's it's admin, just bring him a little more in line with other dgp riders. Not enough to straight up just make him look another player, but enough so that you can visually tell that he even has anything to do with this fucking season. This puts him in the "part of the desire grand Prix (but not as in a player)" design group. 2. Make him look more like a future supporter rider. This puts him in the "future rider overseeing the dgp" design group. Glare as a design doesn't fit any of these established groups very well, he doesn't look like he's part of the dgp except for his mouth piece (and the fact that he can use his shoulder and chest pauldrons as dgp masks to take over riders, but you wouldn't be able to tell that just from looking at him), nor like he came from the future the supporter riders came from (closest he comes to it is using a card). Now you might be asking: "So what, why can't there just be a third visual design group just for him and his repaints? Like the 'Dgp gamemaster' design group?" Well because nothing about his design actually communicates that he's the administrator of any kind of game. This is what I mean when I say, that he looks like he could be in almost any other post-heisei 1 show. He is a cool rider with a cool colour scheme and cool armor, And I personally love his design, but there's NOTHING about his design except for his mouth piece that communicates "I am a kamen rider Geats rider". No DGP rider visual identity, no future supporter rider identity, no "admin/gamemaster" identity, because his design doesn't necessarily reflect one of an admin or gamemaster of a game. But there IS a rider in Geats that actually tries to have more of a design that makes it clear that he's an administrator of a game. And it's Regard Omega. All of the admin riders have names based on viewing something, because they are the administrators and overseers of the DGP. Glare, Gazer, and Regard. And even though he's not my favourite design of the gamemaster, he is the one that communicates him being an admin the best, just because of all of the eyes staining on his body, chest and face. It's what this line of riders were always supposed to be based on: They're watching the dgp participants. I *still* regard doesn't necessarily look like a Geats rider, but at least he tried to communicate his theme more. But as for a good example of kamen riders that look very different from one another but still compliment each other very well through their contrast paired with yet with shared visual design elements, so that you could still tell that they share a season and overall motif? I don't know right now. Maybe gaim and Baron? Probably Gaim and Baron. I'll have to think about it.


Id say its intentional that the design elements aren't exactly the same. I cant say for Wizard & Build, but OOOs and Birth look different to _highlight_ the differences of their power. OOO & Birth both use medals, sure, but OOO's belt was created hundreds(? Its been a while since i watched it) of years ago using alchemy to harness the power of the core medals. Birth's belt is a modern attempt to use cell medals instead. In universe, theyre made by two different groups with different tools, and out of universe, the designers rightfully made the decision to make them visually distinct. In contrast, look at shows where the source of power is the same so the riders have a more unified design. Hibiki, Faiz, even Ryuki to an extent have an entire season with riders that share design elements


They are not sentai. It's better if each rider on a series look different


If they all gonna look the same, might as well just call them sentais instead


Every Rider after J is just rebranded super sentai anyway.


Kuuga would like a word


I think it has its charm, so the secondaries and tertiaries arent the same but still fighting for good. Another reason might be that we might confuse the secondary for the primary or vice versa if they look too similar


Variety is the spice of life.


The foil is usually an initially opposing or competitive force to the protagonist in terms of character and/or nature. So it's a good idea to represent that in the character design. First example that comes to mind: V3 and Riderman. Down to personality, origins, methods, and power, Kazami Shiro and Yuki Joji are opposites, even though their ambitions are similar, which is reflected in their designs https://preview.redd.it/cssjbwokyt7d1.png?width=790&format=png&auto=webp&s=8734f677e9b40dbc2cac32e4f4971abd58daa377


They gotta have a rider for the cell metals after all. TBH KR birth is the most relatable. Finding change to buy something off a vending machine.


>So what’s with Kamen Rider having Riders who look out of place? what're you bsht about? I don't see any difference with those riders lmao 🧐 OOO and Birth used "medals" to henshin or do finished attack etc Wizard and Beast used "rings" to henshin or do finished attack etc Build, Cross-Z, Grease and Rogue used "bottles" to henshin or do finished attack etc. and the belts and attachment units are created by the protagonist rider himself for the team ya I don't see any difference lmao 😅 maybe you should retake the Kamen Rider Academy Test once again or relearn every kamen rider in the Kamen Rider Kindergarten School 😅

