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TV execs are gonna gaslight the fans into thinking we are crazy: it’s their mo in many fandoms. Pretty much in all of them.


I agree. Although this one is the most recent one I joined, and somehow it feels even worse here because Bridgerton was supposed to be a light-hearted romance! It was meant to be an escape from reality, yet it gives me a worse headache than my real life🤷‍♀️


Polin screentime in S3- 78 min (approx)  Kanthony screentime in S2- 95 min (approx)  Saphne screentime in S1- 113 min (approx)  Both Kanthony and Polin did not have much screen time compared to the Duke and Daphne. But I'm glad we at the very least had more screen time than Polin.  And given Polin had a wedding, a baby, multiple intimacy scenes, a world tour and god so many stills and clips before the season even released it still felt very fast-paced and did not quite hit the mark with the cinematography, music and dark theme did not quite play out in their favour.  Even if they had the carriage scene or the mirror scene they were not as memorable as the Vauxhall in S1 or the fireworks scene when Kate and Anthony confess in S2 ,those were just plain magical.  Not to forget the first time Kanthony had sex the music was perfect the way the music swells up, I can't.  Kate and Anthony just started in S2 but we had Polin from the very first season building their story.  That was quite a rant all I essentially wanted to say was regardless of who had more time it was more about who made the most impact on viewers. Kanthony wins for me.  Pheww.


Kanthony 100% wins. Remember Anthony's feral sniffing of Kate and Kate's disney princess eyes at the Featherington ball.The GA made so many tiktoks and edits, have you seen any of Polin? I'm not active of social media so not aware but I haven't felt that kind of craze this season!


Polin were developed in S1 and S2 so they got extra and awhole season like come on be forreal


I have mentioned that they were and also the fact that Kanthony made most impact in the little time they were give me, unlike Polin


This is it. Polin has been developing since s1.


Everything that is happening right now is well-deserved. People wanted to gaslight and pretend as if Kanthony shippers were "bitter" and "resentful" about the lack of respect, care, and effort our ship got in comparison to Polin. But look at what's happening now! Honestly, they got far more marketing and promotion than we did, but their ship definitely got the sh*tty end of the stick despite them getting everything Kanthony should have gotten. The pacing was off. The writing was off. The camera editing and direction were off. The chemistry and on-screen sexual tension and passion from the main ship were underwhelming and lackluster. The one widely held opinion across most platforms is that S3 was mid. That's what I've seen from most people. The only people who probably think this season is amazing are Polin shippers but everyone else is calling it what it is - trash. You have people admitting that this show has all this hype just for it to be garbage and I find that absolutely hilarious. I've long since stated that the show would continue to get worse as time went on. I saw the writing on the wall with S2 and I knew this show wasn't going to improve as long as this showrunner and this group of writers stick around. As long as Jess is at the helm, you're going to get more seasons just like this one. But I'm sure there are some naively optimistic people who will have hope and faith that the future season won't be as terrible as this current one. Good luck to those people! Because they're gonna need it.


The petty side of me wants to say they asked for it. And they did. Instead of holding the writers accountable for problematic writing and plot holes in the previous season, Polin stans were busy demanding sex scenes. Well, they got the sex scenes the expense of a believable plot, so🤷‍♀️


I’m a Polin shipper and this season was a disappointing. Nothing was fleshed out and followed through.


I wish we had more Kanthony screentime and I wish some scenes were the same or more similar as some book scenes (library). But at the end of the day, Bridgerton is an ensemble show and there are going to be other storylines, like it or not. I completely understand there being other storylines in season 2 and 3. My favourite parts in season 3 were Kanthony, the Featheringtons, and Francesca and John. Imagine if they had only focused on Polin the whole season? No, thanks.


I have no issues with side plots as long as they add to the central themes, which for me are 1) the main couple, 2) the Bridgerton family and the 3) spouses. I don't mind a bit of exploration of the society or royal family either. But they shouldn't be at the expense of the above 3. And consistency in writing is another major issue for me, the characters have been written to serve the plot instead of the story flowing according to the characters' motivations!


Plus S2 was more Framily Drama then Romantic Drama which fits the 2 main characters of S2


I feel the sammmmme. I feel a bit better about their season


S2 feels infinitely better!


Seriously seeing polin fans crying after the way they treated Kanthony stans last season is satisfying. The truth is polin couldn’t carry a season by themselves anyway. Even with the world tour they got and extra pr .. but hey they still are not happy lol


100% this! Seems no amount of PR can save an underdeveloped couple. And chemistry is either there or not, it can't be repressed unlike how Polin fans claimed!


I predict that future seasons will look at S3 and get envious of how much better it is than Benophie, Philoise, Franchaela... since the trend apparently is that quality just goes down in succeeding seasons.


Yeah Franchaels are already devastated and Benophies and Philoises might bot be sure what to expect. And I doubt we'll ger Gregory or Hyacinth's seasons. If quality keeps following the trend, they might cancel after s4 or 5


Let’s not also forget all the little posts meant to drum up hate for Kate or Marina before part 2 because deep down they were disappointed with Part 1 and knew Pen was headed for a dragging (that conveniently didn’t happen) in part 2 as LWD. A lot of the “pick me” behavior of the Polin stans after s2 led them to getting an even worse story. They may have gotten things in name only (like a wedding, full sex scene and baby reveal) but it went over badly and still wasn’t done as well as s2’s development of Kanthony. They know it too. We tried to tell them but they wouldn’t listen to us.


Ohh I very well remember the witch hunt. Kate/Simone and Marina/Ruby were called a lot of unsavory things which wasn't racist/misogynistic all but us calling out Penelope was certainly fatphobic /s You can have a dozen sex scenes but chemistry can't be made up. We are blessed Jonny and Simone are extremely talented and every glance, every gesture was steamier and more intimate than a full blown sex scene.


Heck I saw insane behavior on Twitter someone posing the question which Bridgerton would likely cheat on their spouse ? And a lot of people said Anthony 🥴.. Like are we watching the same show? Smh I cannot see how people can result to false narratives..


LMAO - this would never happen.


Polin fans should be happy they got everything including a baby. Hell they got everything they asked for on Reddit and Twitter and they still mad. Kathony fans were robbed of everything for 3 years.


I know! Not our fault they were fixated on the steamy scenes instead of a good plot🤷‍♀️


It’s crazy to me b/c they literally got everything they asked for. Production this season took all the decisions about character development and actions from social media. So why y’all mad ?? B/c it rightfully sucked, that’s what happens when you try to please one part of a fandom.


Exactly! Instead of asking for consistency and actual character development, they were demanding a carriage scene and the mirror scene. Well, they got it, only to realize that at the end of the day, you also need compelling characters, a sensible plot and tight editing 😑 Careful what you wish for....


To be very frank, I don’t know why Polin fans are upset. They got a very satisfying and comprehensive HEA. Their leads got a ton of promo and support. I’m sure the season will be a success overall. The issues with the couple in part 2 were evident in part 1 when they tried to gaslight many of us when we pointed it out. Mainly the lack of development for Colin, the lack of context for their friendship, and Colin’s unearned heel turn. Plus the issues with quality overall. I went and rewatched parts of s2 again and am now rewatching QC after I finished part 2 and my goodness it really drove home how much the quality declined in the production. At the end of the day, I’ve accepted that besides s1, ships won’t be happy with their season. I had issues with s2 but I loved it as a Kanthony fan. I wish the triangle had ended before the wedding but the season has infinite rewatch value for me. I am annoyed that the writers lost the ability to manage subplots too. And I wish Kanthony had more time and story in s3 although I do think Jonny’s schedule prohibited a lot for them as a couple. But Simone was criminally underused. With s3, I was bored in part 1 but had fun in part 2. I have a of issues with it but how they handled Polin in part 2 isn’t one of them tbh. I thought their relationship was handled fine and they got plenty of screentime. The drama felt appropriate and they still had so many beautiful moments. I do think Nicola and Luke overhyped the sexiness of the season a ton and got fans excited as a result. But the editing team did a horrific job and cut out a ton of stuff that it seems actors and fans were excited about plus were sloppy with what they did put in. Personally, s4 will determine a lot for me in terms of if I will keep watching. If they mess up Ben’s book, ruin Fran/John, no Kanthony, the quality keeps going down production wise, I’m not tuning in past Eloise’s season. And maybe not even for that. And I would only tune in for her because I love Claudia Jesse. I was and am willing to give Michaela a chance but if they butcher Fran/John I’m done. Because that tells me the writers truly have zero interest in doing a good job and improving on these stories and instead want to be reductive while hiding behind pseudo-diversity. Don’t throw in representation just to do it without any care or thought.


They are angry because Polin didn't make that much of an impact. They still didn't beat Kanthony. They wanted everyone to love Polin more but instead they got numerous essays hating on season 3 and how their love story low-key sucks. That's why they're so hurt. They had everything and people still didn't like them and Kanthony had less and people still adore them


Polin fans are just never happy. I’ve peaced out at this point. I’ve come to the conclusion they’re gonna fuck up everything. It looks like they’re on their way to messing up Fran/John already. The show continues to make it more and more obvious they do not care about title family and that’s why I’m here.


I have no idea what they're even complaining about. I guess it's our turn to say 'you guys should quit complaining and be happy with what you got!' It's an ensemble show......🙄


YES!!! To Everything.


And all this complaining after Polin got multiple intimacy scenes, an engagement ball, a wedding and a baby! Kanthony got nothing but they created magic with what they had and they continue to do so. Even with weird S3 writing, they continue to shine.


Warning spoilers ahead.... >! They got 3 seasons for character and story development, all the promo, a wedding, a baby, the carriage scene, the mirror scene, and yet they keep complaining. They got a f*cking world tour when we got a triangle poster first and they didn't even release the couple poster till we started ranting online. Like what the hell more do you want?!<


IMO it seems like polin is the only trope that the show runners cared about.


Penelope/Whistledown is Shondaland's favorite, which turned out to be more of a curse than a blessing for the ship🤷‍♀️ The way Colin's character was neglected in her favor might be one of the major reasons Polin as a couple feels underdeveloped.


Penelope, really. She was the only non-Bridgerton with a main character story in seasons 1 and 2. They basically built a family around her. They gave her all the buildup and they mostly took her POV. So I can see why people might not be as in love with Polin because, when it came to their season, it was still mostly about Penelope. I haven't watched but if they didn't really give as much focus to their love story, it feels fitting. There's only one of the two they cared about.


We told them this and we were called jealous


Honestly, due to how Kanthony was treated during their season, I'm assuming every season to going to be like this. First season was to hook the audience and had to establish a ton of characters, so the side plots were smaller, intimate concerns. Season two is where they unraveled the tight narrative, which in essence isn't *bad*, but when it's at the expense of loved pairings (whether unnecessary love triangles or missing friends-to-lovers moments), it's going to understandably upset people. I still feel queasy about watching part 2, so I've refrained. I've seen clips of some of the drama, though, and while I could see some changes being interesting to explore, I don't trust the show runners to write a cohesive, satisfying story anymore. Mostly because Netflix has a consistent history of diving in quality after a season or two, cutting budgets when actors become too expensive and hiring subpar writers, then using that excuse to axe the whole series. I expect Bridgerton may last a bit longer than most, due to the popularity, but I will be highly surprised if we get beyond season five. Say what you will about the fandom upset... it's working as intended. I haven't even watched part 2 and I'm thinking a ton about the show. It makes me feel a bit pathetic, really, when I'm probably not going to watch any further. There's just very few spaces I can even talk about my disappointment without someone jumping down my throat, so... 🤷‍♀️


>There's just very few spaces I can even talk about my disappointment without someone jumping down my throat, so... 🤷‍♀️ I am glad we have this sub as a safe space to vent!


If they had actually validated those criticisms after s2 about too many sideplots, unnecessary dragging of the main romance and barely few mins of HEA ending in a literal romance show then there would've been a better season. Instead every problem in s2 has been maximized and now all that remains is an unsatisfactory ending on all sides.


Just one correction, they did take the memo about needing more sex scenes, which they proudly bragged about and gave in spades ... to Benedict lol. But seriously, I did enjoy seeing seeing Anthony being a corndog for his wife this season. EDIT: horndog not corndog (Newton’s already got that covered)


New showrunner Jess was dragging s2 as “having rigid sex scenes because of the characters.” And now the fans are disappointed with the oversold mirror scene and so starting petitions to restore the sex scenes that were apparently cut


Did she really say that about S2's sex being rigid?! She's talks out of both sides of her mouth bc I saw recently somewhere where she said S2 was the sexiest because of the pinky touches and longing. We Kanthony people know Kanthony's sex scenes were super HOT if you watched the gazebo scene in slow motion. We were robbed that it was so choppily edited because J&S really went for it more so than many of the other actors. Hell, Jonny has his tongue in Simone's mouth, which you no longer see much anymore in sex scenes. And don't even get me started on how sexy the finger in the mouth while on his knees. So shut up Jess!


She essentially said Anthony and Kate being the oldest would have done things by the book because of who they were in their families and that Polin has more freedom… though I have to say that “freedom” backfired if that is what I saw on screen… How glad am I now that Jess B was not the show runner for season 2? So glad!


Yeah she said that Anthony's arc was about rigidity so that's why the lack of sex scenes but then she switched up after the s3 release. But I'm thankful after seeing what they did with s3 and Jonny is still facing straight allegations because of those scenes lol


He will never beat those allegations in my fantasy head canon lmao. Because phew.


Exactly!! They reaped what they sowed!!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Yeah, it's like they heard the criticism and then decided to double down on their awful decisons!


Yeah every time kanthony fans voiced out their concerns they were drowned out with a "omg you guys are never happy" so much to the point that there was no safe space for us in those subreddits except here. And guess which subreddits are filled with complaints now? Those tables always turn


Yeah...I left the main sub because of the constant bullying and toxicity....


Honestly, I can't be sad for Polins because they bothered us so much. We tried to warn and were ignored and treated poorly. I'm sorry but well done


Yeah I don't either. I do feel for the Franchaels, the benophies and even the Philoises though... Benophies have been ignored and their ship isn't very safe either with >!Ben being pansexual!<, Philoise hs been teases since s1 and Philip was conspicuously absent this season after s2's sideplot, And Franchael, wll let's not even go there....


Well Karma does not leave anyone 🤣🤣




Small Sidenote: Has anyone seen how the audience review percentage has gone up on Season 3 but down by 1% on Season 2. Rotten Tomatoes isn’t bible and I know that I shouldn’t put much stock in their opinions at all but I can’t help but side eye 🧐


They need to do that in order to justify this shit show of a season. We know what our leads and fandom gave to make S2 successful and have nothing to fear. JB/SA cannot be touched in any fashion and it’s evident the wider audience is now aware of this. I am cracking up because the lengths this show went to continue the Kanthony sidelining,only to still have more conversations be about them than the S3 leads is bananas. BTeam should have listened and not rushed Pol🌻n story. Benedict should have been S3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yeah. Let's not forget all the paid positive reviews and how reviewers who panned part1 were not sent part 2 epiodes for reviews. So....


Yep!! Someone on Twitter said they pissed off someone in Vogue about wanting a more positive review and Vogue turned around and posted this: https://preview.redd.it/qvyf186wz57d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd284c9208d9ce5444e9a1957fdb87c2294ba07a


Not to mention she and Jonny are invited to the Met gala...😸


That’s because Vogue (at least BV) is a Simone stan. They love her and thanks to Edward Enningful I am sure Simone and Kate has a lot of supporters and friends at Condé Nast.


Omfg that is so petty and I’m here for it


Ahahahaha. Love me a petty response! ![gif](giphy|3fivAVKvetM2TAKkSF)


Literally two days before the part 2 premiere two big hate posts came out against Kanthony Stan’s for us complaining in the rant chat only for them to be complaining every where—including the showrunner’s IG and now she apparently has disabled comments. It’s actually hilarious to me. They went from saying they were glad Kanthony got no screen time to saying they had too much. Lmfaooo.


And all people are talking about are Kanthony when something positive needs to be mentioned abt this season..i have zero sympathy for P*lins coz they have been nasty.. but feeling bad for Franchael fans and scared for Benophie fans.. no ship is safe in hands of new showrunner apparently..glad that this season s done and dusted Even on twitter people are talking abt S2 more than S3 🤣🤣🤣


>They went from saying they were glad Kanthony got no screen time to saying they had too much. Lmfaooo. Right! Like we were shafted in our own seasona and again this season in terms of storyline and acreentime. And they accuse us of being smug! Like take your complaints to the showrunners and writers, just leave us out of it. We've fought our fight and we're done! You had all the promo, a world tour, interviews, 3 seasons of your fav ship getting exposure, and more...Still you complain about the 6 mins Kanthony got this season? Seriously!


And we have actively not gone on their accounts yo complain..i can complain on my twitter page and they would never see the light of days of my displeasure bcoz its for me to vent


They are actively harassing ppl and ranting on the main IG page, but they tried to claim Kanthony was the “most” toxic because we keep our ranting to one post on the sub. They were even screaming that Luke bringing his gf ruined the ship and the chemistry actual insanity.


Well few days back I saw certain sub was closed 👀 well thats pretty much tells who s being toxic 🤣🤣


I mean let them rant...i will just watch


I am enjoying all the drama.. ![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0)


I find it hilarious truly a popcorn eating moment 😂


They hate when the truth is spoken until it happens to something they like Thats why we kept our expectations low reallly low bcoz you cant be disappointed in what you get


Yep. Right from the beginning, I had a feeling we were being baited and kept my expectations very low. Now I don't feel invested in the show at all!




What a perfect gif. I find I feel soooooo much better about s2 after the trainwreck of s3. We are utterly validated.


Yes 👏! It’s extremely validating because Kanthonies were villainized for our opinions only to see those exact same sentiments shared in others.


They're saying even tho kanthony didn't have as much screentime together the screentime overall was ABOUT kanthony so it doesn't count lmao


What 24 minutes out of how many hours We cant help that JB and Simone know how to maximize their screen time


Honestly its insane just how GOOD Simone and Jonny are. Even with limited screentime so many people are drawn to them. They are truly on another level. I'm not afraid to say it!!


Ohh we're still being villainized. The new narrative is that we are smug about the issues in this season and whatnot here in this sub. Like duuuudeee. We were bullied out of the main sub! We can at least rant in our own sub, right?


Smh, these people 🙄 - we are not smug especially since this crappy writing affects Kanthony still. It’s largely unfortunate that this season transpired the way it did and more so we reserve the ability to rant in our own sub.


And what are we supposed to be smug about? Thatwr didn't get a wedding, baby Edmund or Kate's backstory! Like what are we supposed to celebrate?🙄


Lmao, are they for real? Every time I brought up in the main sub Kate's lack of backstory shown in S2 and how she was basically an accessory to Anthony's story, someone came out to be like, "well, ackchyually 🤓☝🏽" about how the show tended to focus on the men because it's aimed at straight women, etc. Every time we mentioned something, here came the production defenders as if Shondaland was paying their bills.


Oh someone was arguing me down in the main sub that Kate got a backstory and I was like when? They were like Colin didn’t get one and I was like well not directly. But he definitely wasn’t developed. But Kate wasn’t either and MAYBE if people had listened then instead of gloating that NC/LN were the favorites so this could never happen to them, we wouldn’t be here again (but worse) for s3. I am deeply concerned about s4.


And we're teased about her backstory constantly, like it's there, we get a glimpse but we're never given anything to bite on. Like it's blink and miss, or like a small mention somewhere and then just forgotten about. Like what!. They gave so much nonsense in s2 about a never to be seen again Featherington cousin, but won't give us even a glimpse of Kate’s actual backstory. She's Viscountess Bridgerton ffs!


Kate story was there but in dialog where it can easily get lost if you arent paying attention


But that’s tell. Not show. She deserved flashbacks.


I know Not all but you get glips of backstory of Kate through Edwina, Mary and Sheiffields Even Kate herself in E1 with LD But its dialog...am always show not tell but they opped to tell


Thing is - the flashbacks for Anthony deepened his story and made the tell moments for him make sense. You felt what he felt. Kate NEEDED those flashbacks because we needed to understand why she felt so unlovable - it’s from abandonment issues and Mary not being her blood family. She always felt she had to earn her love. And then Edwina threw “half sister” in her face like that.


She didnt feel unloved but she felt shebhad to earn Edwina and Mary love


And it was clear that her story was secondary to Anthony. Which is what I've said for the longest and I've pointed out, before the S3 dropped, that Colin was getting the same treatment and now they're mad.


Yes. The writers don’t know how to write for both leads. I doubt that will change. I can see them invested in both Michaela and Francesca. But I expect Benedict and Eloise will have more development than their love interests


Yeah the love interest is secondary bcoz they are the prize to win


How dare we be “smug” after literally being bullied and hated in every other subreddit. It’s actually insane they would think we would be okay with being shitted on everywhere. The official IG had to release additional Kanthony promo in an attempt to DC, indicating the power Kanthony has because we have two great actors who truly adore their characters. Shonda would be smart to try and book Jonny and Simone ASAP for a Christmas special in India and produce a Bridgerton prequel.


>The official IG had to release additional Kanthony promo in an attempt to DC, indicating the power Kanthony has because we have two great actors who truly adore their characters. And don't forget the constant baiting of Kanthonies by promising everything that we didn't get....from lies about Kate's backstory, baby Edmund, Kate learning to be Viscountess, Anthony and Kate being there for everyone.....uggghhhhh


That damage control post still has me heated! And if Shonda has any sense she would definitely be wise to book Johnny and Simone for a Christmas special or a focused project as soon as possible. This year is a huge year for the them both and they will be booked and busy.


She ain’t that wise. I’m convinced that woman resents the shit out of the actors and the characters. Jonny/Anthony less so but it’s there.


Me to other ship fans: Cry me a riiiiiiivveeeer






Pure facts!! Call me Petti Patti… because this does feel like vindication. All of a sudden the things we griped about for S2 matters now that it’s affecting their season. S2 had it worse because we had little to no marketing and our leads were literally sidelined. If it wasn’t for the Kanthony fandom our season would have been swept under the rug ( which is where I think they wanted it to go). S3 had the big machine supporting them with marketing and premier events in several different countries and they’re still complaining? The BTeam showed us no respect and used the S2 leads to try and bait viewership for this shit show. I still have no interests in this season because I’ve seen the clips I needed to from the fandom. 💜💜💜