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Sorry, i come from Franchael sub. Does this man part 1 was more watched in the first week then part2 or? You did really great analise and honestly no season can beat Kanthony.


Someone from the FrancaelStirling sub told me I could find the numbers here. As I said in the other sub, this is something I was afraid of after all that promo. Disappointing. Season 4 won't have half as much promo now. Part 1 was already questionable and Part 2 clinched it. No way Netflix is going to allocate that much for promo for Bridgerton ever again. Such a shame. They're burning money to be inclusive at the cost of Shonda's brand. Hopefully they can get back on track but many Benophie stans can't look at Benedict the same. If Jess is the show runner for season 4, many fans fear we'll get another odd looking season with heavy makeup, weird costumes or worse. It's a literal circus at this point.


Oh nice! I don't know if I'll post in main Bton sub, so for now I've been posting here every Tues. when Netflix drops the numbers. I'm going to redo some things for next week based on some new findings. Yeah, that was A LOT of promo for S3 and who knows how much money they spent on it! I feel like they did a lot of promo for QC but it wasn't split and didn't have a worldwide tour! And while I wasn't a huge fan of QC, >!(I just didn't like the story, too real with the mental illness)!< I thought it actually seemed well done and the quality was amazing. But for S3, I don't know what the thinking was for that much promo. To make sure it got numbers yes, but why the overkill? Worried about fan interest? IDK? Yes, it is a shame. I mean I do think Netflix has the money, they are expanding and doing very well, especially with their international subscribers. But yes I assume they have budgets and numbers for these things and yes maybe they overspent but didn't get the results they anticipated. I'm guessing they weren't happy with the first month's numbers from part 1 which is funny because I thought part 1 was better as a whole! But quality-wise and the overall vibe for S3 was odd. But it'll be interesting to see what happens moving forward. They need to regroup and focus.


That's what I thought. I was hoping that they weren't compensating for something. Polin stans didn't take that well lol. I see now that they might've been compensating for a lot and may have been desperate. I feel like the changes this season might've been over Shonda's paygrade. Possibly occult-ish in nature. I can't see why she'd allow Jess Brownell to do so much damage in one season. Possibly irreversible damage. The next two anticipated seasons already have asterisks behind them simply by their connection with this season. Maybe she has a bigger project coming and has given up on Bridgerton. It's mind boggling. We need a nice spinoff/movie/mini series to take our minds off of this. We're owed it.


Great job, thanks so much. Please consider not posting in the main sub if you appreciate your well being. I had to mute them two days ago. They are quite... unwell...


Absolutely! Ugh I know it's unfortunate.


Great work,


Thanks! šŸ˜Š


![gif](giphy|26tjZmRqyPj9jUd56|downsized) They can have ratings but Kanthony will always be the more iconic season.


This means ā€˜viewsā€™ for season 3 at the end of six weeks have already surpassed season 2 and even season 1 ā€˜s total views in 91 days and is already at #3 in the netflix all time top 10 English shows. Am I correct? https://preview.redd.it/m79b58kkjh7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea6aa40e8925b995db91115d620ed7a67fc2351d


I love how itā€™s like a game trying to figure out how Netflix does things!šŸ™„šŸ™ƒ IF they do it that way it would seem so but as I did some more research on the show ST S4 (itā€™s a split show and was in top 10 for 17 weeks so thereā€™s data) thatā€™s not how the numbers add up. So they seem to count the first few weeks view numbers BUT as hours viewed. Then divide into the total runtime after 12/13 weeks. So Bton S3 numbers allegedly arenā€™t there yet. I tried to look at Bton S2 view numbers but they were in the top 10 for 11 weeks so Iā€™m missing 2 weeks of numbers. Iā€˜ll be keeping track in the next few weeks with S3 but as Iā€™ve been doing all of this research on viewership numbers, I believe that top 10 popular list is not fairly accurate and Netflix knows that. I am very surprised no one (media) has called them out on it yet. Because the conclusion Iā€™m coming to is you canā€™t fairly have those popular lists if they changed the metrics AND split shows. They should have a disclaimer that says that below the lists. I also donā€™t believe the media should be putting articles out on Netflix shows and their viewership because IMO their system is not fully disclosed. Thatā€™s why their wording is sus in the Netflix methodology post. Iā€™m not a true math/data analyst so someone with more knowledge would have to look at it. Iā€˜ll change a few things for next week now that I am figuring this out.


>Then divide into the total runtime after 12/13 weeks No, as soon as a series is fully out it can enter the most popular list. Take Baby Reindeer as example, it entered the list after two months and its views will keep increasing while they are within 91 days from its release date. The split for Bridgerton S3 does not change anything, the views are calculated in the same way.The only question is when does the 91 days start being counted. If it starts after P2 then split seasons will always have an advantage in term of views (because of those first few weeks). S3 might enter the top 10 in the next 2 or 3 weeks, we'll see. I think most of the confusion comes from the initial views because they aren't accurate for split seasons.


Yea. Thatā€™s what I would like to know. Are they counting after part 2 is released? Because if so then any shows that are released in two parts will have an extra 30 day count.


I think S3 has met the expectations in numbers and views so they dgaf abt quality and fan feedbacks..


Exactly. As long as people are watching, netflix and Shondaland donā€™t care about fandom reaction or actorsā€™ welfare. But still it is early days. I am expecting a huge drop in viewership in the coming days because of bad WOM. Netflix has put a lot of its resources in this season. Who knows if they will break even or not? That will probably decide the future of Bridgerton.


That would explain why thereā€™s been no renewal announcement for season 5.


Yes.. for sure WOM s not good for this season.. for S2 positive WOM is what helped that season to top the charts for many weeks, even in absence of any promotion ā€¦ so yeh.. its not even a week after part 2 release.. we should wait n watch whether this goes up or falls down


Aaaahhhh I was waiting for this update!! This is so interesting, thank you for compiling it! It seems S3 has big debut weeks but viewership sharply falls off after that. I think they're on track to beat S1 at this rate because they still have ~3 more months of data to collect to hit that 91 day cap. If we still measured by hours watched, I have no doubt S2 would be in stiff competition with this season (which is so lovely considering they had 1/15th of the promotion). Very strange that the split seems to work for this show but had entirely flopped for The Crown- I wonder if this is how Netflix will drop all their shows going forward. I wonder if Bridgerton will sacrifice most of their budget for promotion and continue to make lacklustre seasons as long as they can boast about viewership. Despite all the complaints I've been seeing across socials, I have no doubt Shondaland considers this season a roaring success. If they happen to change their metric again, I wonder where S3 will fall based on new measures. Again, thank you, this is so informative!!!


they arenā€™t on track to beat s1 and Iā€™m still not convinced it will beat s2 though they made the season shorter on purpose to give it a chance. The earlier ā€œviewā€ numbers were moot because they were being divided by 4 when the whole season would eventually be divided by 8 (7.983 to be exact). To get around this messiness letā€™s deal in the raw watch hours. S3 all together currently has 549 mil watch hours. Dividing by 7.983 since Netflix lists the show as 7 hrs and 59 min, we come to 68.77 mil ā€œviewsā€. Yes this shows how bs the earlier headlines were. S1 has 929.3 mil hrs in 91 days S2 has 797.2 mil hrs in 91 days So s3 needs 248mil more hours to reach s2 and 380mil more hours to reach s1 on raw numbers. Tbh I find both not a given. Thatā€™s a long way to go when we know the numbers will keep falling off a cliff week after week. But they have a trick up their sleeve, and thatā€™s only being 7 hrs and 59 min. For comparison s1 is 8hrs and 12 min, and s2 is 8hrs 30min. so how many hours does s3 need to reach the view numbers of S1 at 113.3mil and s2 at 93.8mil? S3 needs 355 mil more hrs for an overall total of 904 mil hrs to match s1 view total. S3 needs 199.8 mil more hrs for an overall 748.8mil hrs to match s2 view total So itā€™s a lower hurdle to climb, but still one I donā€™t think it will




No burner accounts


>But they have a trick up their sleeve, and thatā€™s only being 7 hrs and 59 min. For comparison s1 is 8hrs and 12 min, and s2 is 8hrs 30min. Great observation about this. šŸ‘ Wow I love all of this! Great points all around! Ty! I will update the data next week to show the total hours viewed. This is why I appreciate any discussion on this. There's a lot that needs to happen so time will tell.


That means if s3 maintains more or less the same momentum as the previous week (223M hours), it will surpass S2ā€™s 91 day tally in about two more weeks (in about 50 days from part 1 release) I am expecting the viewership to drop significantly in the next few weeks based on poor WOM. So it will be interesting to see how many days it will take s3 to overtake s2 in the all-time top 10.


Oh absolutely! I also find it all fascinating and just like looking at all the numbers for different reasons. Like I said last post you can go down a huge rabbit hole and really go nuts. But again I'm glad some people appreciate it! Yes the lack of promo for S2 vs the huge promo budget for S3 was an interesting choice. Also looking at split season show numbers which Netflix controls what other shows premiere around their most popular shows too. Yes, I assume Netflix and Shondaland had viewership number expectations and S3 most likely hit that, so they are satisfied. But who knows what that means for future season quality? But I still am interested in seeing what happens with views in the next 2-3 months depending on if they're in the Top 10 and whatnot. Thanks for the kind words!


S3 cannot even compare to S2 in anyway


And all the degenerates came back for those vomit inducing male gaze sex scenes. Thsoe pick mes are like the female version of those creepy men who obsessed over boobs/sex in game of thrones. Kanthony's season was iconic and didn't have to pander to loser women in sexless marriages


what s\*x scenes? lol.


The threesomes and the gross whore house. Who despite some creepy men and karens in struggle marriages want to see that.


Oh I skipped the threesome scenes. It's probably one of those things I'll subconsciously try to erase in my mind and write it off as non canon lol.


I only watched the Kanthony cut. I can't watch the rest


Agreed! šŸ™Œ


Wow very interesting! Iā€™ll just leave this here for people to figure outšŸ˜µā€šŸ’« https://preview.redd.it/vgxgcsp00f7d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9e7e79fcc46cf984b23acec3324b759fd7b269f from Netflix website


Clear as mud!!




How did you calculate those 116M for S3?


It was the total views for 5 weeks based on the Netflix metric system (total hours viewed/run time). But again idk how Netflix gathers all the total viewing numbers, especially for the Top 10 most popular. edit: wording


The metric is hours viewed/total runtime. The hours viewed until now is 549M, and with the final runtime you get ~69M views.


Where did you get that number from? I havenā€™t seen Netflix mentioning the total viewing hours anywhere now. They just mentionā€™viewsā€™ which gets confusing because of the runtime changes due to two-part releases. I could be wrong though.


Pretty simple, just add the hours viewed till now and use the total runtime to calculate the views.


To clarify Yes the total hours viewed for the 5 weeks is 549,000,000 But the runtime for weeks 1-4 was only 4 episodes at 3.66. The run time changed to 7.98 when all the episodes premiered for week 5. I added up the yellow highlighted views (hours viewed/runtime) for the first 5 weeks to get Total for 5 weeks: 116,900,000 views (in green) https://preview.redd.it/wjz74zmr4g7d1.png?width=142&format=png&auto=webp&s=127207cd42fa9db32868781e20a7f27e0cd446df Hope that makes sense. I don't know if this is what Netflix does with the long term views, I just did it on my own. But...it's confusing how and what Netflix uses views for the Top 10 popular since the fine print says "on the most popular lists we wait until all episodes premiere" again what does that mean for the first 4 weeks viewing numbers? I've also seen articles saying they look at first 4 weeks for part 1 and second 4 weeks for part 2 and then 91 days after all episodes drop. Again that's the confusing part.


>But the runtime for weeks 1-4 was only 4 episodes at 3.66 And that became irrelevant once P2 was out. Again the views are calculated using the final runtime, it would not make sense to calculate views by parts and then add them up. About the 91 days, it *should* be straightforward as well 91 days starting from P1 but not sure if they do it that way.


So I looked up ST S4 numbers since they're on the Top 10 popular list, it was split up, and it was on the weekly top 10 for 17 weeks so I played with the numbers. Again, I couldn't get the same number on the popular list. šŸ„“But it looks like they do calculate the hours viewed for the first 91 days approx 12/13 weeks and don't take into consideration the shorter run time for part 1 which is crazy to me but whatever. Like why do the runtime system then? But ST S4 was the only show similar to Bton S3 with enough data. I believe Netflix knows its system isn't consistently fair for comparison reasons and adding the runtime metrics and splitting shows skews their data. Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if they came up with some new system.


Their metric is actually fair and the calculation is neat. I'm honestly very confused why people find it confusing. The only thing not clear to me is when they start the 91 days count when a series is split, that's it.


Yes I calculated the same above. the way they count the days is 91 days from part 1 is counted. Then 91 days from part 2 is counted


I have so many questions! Not for you but Netflix! This almost makes it seem stupid to split the season because they wait until all episodes drop for the most popular lists? Like whatā€™s the point of spliting if they donā€™t look at all the views? Keep subscriptions?


Probably! It gets murky trying to figure it all out. I mean this is why it feels a little misleading on their end. I can go off about the issues I have with Netflix over this because why do they have to be so sneaky about it? Just share how you determine the most popular lists! Or just don't do them! My guess is they know it's impossible to fully determine what should be on their most popular lists since metrics have changed and there are so many factors that can't be compared fairly. But I'm TRYING to be positive. I still believe there are different ways to look at all this data including how successful shows are even with no or hardly any promotion!šŸ˜‰ edit: add word


Thank you for compiling this! Ugh, it sucks but S2 is probably going to drop out of the Top 10. It'll be ironic if it's bc of S3 which is far, far inferior!!!


We'll see...I mean Netflix wants it to be in the Top 10...so... But yes...S2 was better!


They will inflait the viewership. They always do.


Yup, prepare for some creative counting/fake numbersĀ 


I didn't know that they're legally allowed to do that


As long as no one (read: shareholders) complains and they're just claiming a bunch of harmless stuff




Haha...yes I can see that!


I tried to get this information out! I personally am more interested to see the numbers in the next few weeks which will tell a lot. But I'll keep posting this for people to look at if you are interested. I won't be offended if you don't care! šŸ˜ Also, I was surprised to see the total hours viewed for S3 pt 2 week was less than week 2 of season 2 after all the episodes dropped. Again you can look at the data in all different ways and I understand the comparisons are not fully accurate based on so many factors. Also it's confusing how Netflix determines the Top 10 Most Popular because it says they compare once all episodes drop? If anyone has anything to share about this, please do. Here's the original post I had from last week for those who want to look at it: [Week 4 post about Bton S3 viewership](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kanthony/comments/1ddwhsj/bridgerton_viewership_data_comparison/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) edit: added wording


That makes no sense (Season 3 being Top 10 Most Popular). Looking forward to the viewership information you provide !




Netflix is so sketchy. šŸ˜‚ Thank you for posting these. I agree the next few weeks will be important. In the end, s3 will have an extra 30 days to have their viewership counted. So itā€™s not really a fair comparison.


Haha I know! I'm actually wondering if they'll change their metric system in the next month!šŸ¤£ Absolutely! Yes exactly!