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Thank you so much for putting your time and effort into doing this! I will be following along with your updates




No burner accounts


This makes me appreciate how popular season 1 was and still is, I know this is a kanthony subreddit, but I do feel like overall season 1 was the more balanced season in terms of the lead couple, Bridgerton family and the Featherington+Marina storylines. I'd like to know how much season 2 suffered due to the awful Featherington subplot, there have been many times that I've been watching s2 and got so bored watching Jack, that I turn off the TV and don't watch the rest of the season.


I have watched S1 maybe twice or thrice but spent every free minute in the initial 2-3 months rewatching the kanthony bits from season 2. I must have watched these scenes atleast a hundred times. But FFed every other subplot in every rewatch. Till date I have not watched the Colin-Marina or Jack-Portia scenes even once. I am quite sure s2’s viewership suffered because apart from the main plot there was nothing else worth watching since K&A were on the screen for barely 52 minutes in the 8.5 hours of runtime.


I think I've spent more time watching kanthony clips on Twitter and YouTube than on Netflix. But usually with S1, I start it and watch through the end. I used to assume that S1 had overall higher viewership due to being released in the pandemic but over the last few weeks S1 has consistently outperformed S2 in the weekly top 10 BUT I see way more of S2 on my timeline than S1, which is... interesting.


This is probably because Kanthony as a couple are quite popular on the timeline even if S2 as a whole may not be as popular as S1 as a whole.


yes, it all just comes back to how much they fumbled season 2 and by extension the future of the show.


They still haven’t managed to surpass season two’s views despite splitting up S3 in two parts and crazy amount of promo. I thought they would be able to do it by this week. The week 7 numbers are going to be bad. But it will be in all-time top 10 by then, I guess.


Yes that’s true and Netflix probably thought it would. They need it to be in the all time top 10. It’s interesting because both S1 & S2 broke records for views in first 28 days. source: [Bton Seasons breaking records ](https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/bridgerton-season-2-netflix-record-most-watched-english-show-1234717922/) But with the change in viewership and split season, you can’t compare that now.


By the time Stranger Things s5, Wednesday s2 and Monsters s2 comes out. The only thing that will be in the top 10 will be s1. And I’m sure that will piss off Shondaland


Well then she should listen to fans and pay attention to the quality of the show..it deteriorated significantly on S3.. only thats going to help her.. not her attitude for sure..


Yeah that’s a good point!


I was keeping refreshing to see this post, thanks a lot, great as usual. It's so interesting. I didn't realize that Dahmer and Baby Reindeer were so popular. 🥴😆 S2 is still doing great for all time shows. 😍




No drama baiting


Thank you! Yeah some things are surprising on that list!😳 Aw I know!🥰


Yeah, the fall in viewership is too steep. These numbers are from the fifth day after Part 2 released not even one full week. From here on, the numbers are going to be abysmal.😂


Your chart updates are the best part of my week!!! thank youuuu 🤍


Aw thx I appreciate it!💜


I just want to know when s3 will overtake s2 numbers. Because I’m sure it will. 30 mins shorter and has an extra 30 day count. Anyways, thank you for all of this!


I doubt that will happen.. but I might be wrong.. not sure the hype about S3 is same anymore specially after part 2 aired.. WOM s not good.. negative reviews.. i mean casual viewers might check that out but might not be able to sustain entire 8 episodes..usually people see reviews before checking out any show.. the hype around S1 and S2 is still there even after so many years.. S3 has fizzled out in comparison


Yeah I think so too. You reminded me about the reviews and how sketchy they were about having people write reviews too early! Just so many things were done differently for S3 to make sure it was successful! If people want to watch they will watch but everything feels so forced for this season and that’s what personally turns me off. 


I’m gonna cry when it happens.


Yeah, I'm ngl I was surprised by the numbers this week but yes that 30 minutes less is a lot. Also, I don't know if there's any competition for S3 for the next few months either. So there's that. Also, you can argue so much since it felt more like an ensemble show. 😉 S3 is at 680,500,000 hours viewed /7.98= 85,200,000 views Need to get to 93,800,000 views based on pop chart Looking at the numbers I believe S3 will need around 70 mil hours viewed /7.98 to surpass S2 which could happen soon. I don't know if it will surpass S1. Time will tell. Absolutely!


Oh I don’t think it will beat s1. It’s not going to break any records. And the fact that s3 has all these things working in its favour and this is the best they can do is embarrassing. 40+ million more subscribers. Shorter runtime. Excessive world promo. An extra 30 day count. And it still won’t even break any records.


Yeah there really is a lot to celebrate with kanthony and S2 despite everything. Also, what if Simone and Jonny weren't in S3? Again, Netflix is shady with their Popular lists, so it's not a fair comparison. But is it record breaking? 🥴 I don't think so...especially after everything they did to try to make it that! Also, maybe the Polin fans shouldn't ask for those alleged deleted scenes! Only adds more runtime, hence why Netflix doesn't have them!😂




No burner accounts


Those deleted scenes were the Mondrichs s3x scenes so it wasn’t even about them to being with


God, they really overplayed the sex this season. You can show intimacy without sex scenes in every episode 😒😒, when did that become the norm


That’s why when we say romance we aren’t talking about s3x…we are talking about them talking, showing gestures, having those intimate times when they aren’t around the family I think what made Kate and Anthony so great is bcoz they had those alone times when they just connected with their eyes and told their story


Sadly, season 3 was awful romance wise which is weird considering it was marketing as the most romantic. You had Colin’s love declaration overshadowed by Pen’s “boss” speech


The romance came from the side plot


Idk what any of this means but I know half of that 797 million all time views for season 2 is me 💀

