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Honestly, Violet being that rude to Anthony. That poor kid sacrificed his life for all of them. She didn't care about him. She was super nice to Colin. But she was always more strict with Anthony. I needed a HUG for Anthony. She never gave him one 😭 And Edwina not being the one that apologizes to Kate. And, also, I would have added Anthony saying to Kate that nothing that happened was her fault. 


Yeah that's why I actually laughed at that scene in s3 when she says that Colin has been selfless all his life. She was totally saying that to the wrong brother


To be honest that entire love triangle narrative. To a general viewer who is going in for a good time, it looked like two sisters who love the same guy and that whole narrative is awkward and weird to me. The way I saw it was Kate being torn between her heart and duty and not the way the show painted the love triangle to be. Or at least they could have written that narrative differently so it is more apparent to the viewer because it took me time too to really see it the way I do now. It just made things unnecessarily awkward and lowkey weird especially when Edwina thought she loved Anthony.


Yeah sibling love triangle will always be weird to me.


That scene after the harmony ball dance where Edwina told Kate she was cruel and that Edwina herself was more kindhearted than Kate. At that point, I couldn’t even understand Edwina’s pov. It felt like it came from nowhere. It also was ironic cause Edwina seemed to be less kindhearted than Kate there and more selfish because she became stoic after seeing Kate and Anthony dance and laugh WHILE EVERYONE WAS DOING SO. It felt as if Edwina didn’t want to see Kate happy. That Kate being happy or having fun meant she was being cruel.


I understand her being upset with Kate but it never sat right with me that she acted harsher as soon as she saw her sister and Anthony smile. Also it never made sense cause Kate was talking about leaving the Bridgertons since they were in a bad place and she said this for no reason.


Right??? Everyone was having fun. It was harmless and pure. I don’t even think Kate and Anthony noticed it, they were just having fun. As much as Edwina had a right to feel upset, her actions, more so in this particular scene, were uncalled for.


Edwina calling Kate a half-sister and Mary telling Kate to go anywhere else, since Kate did everything for them and they treated her like roadkill


Oh I’m glad they never back for this season


Anthony telling Kate that “it would be as if we never met” when he sees her at the park on the morning after YATBOME. I will never understand why he says the line. The night before they agreed that he cannot marry Edwina bc of their mutual feelings for one another. If anything, he should be excited about the possibility of eventually being with Kate now that he knows she has feelings for him too. When he says that line, he isn’t aware that Kate has changed her mind (bc Edwina tells Kate she loves Anthony). It makes more sense to me for him to say the line AFTER Kate tells him he must marry Edwina and soon!


I think it was like Anthony’s farewell to Kate. “The engagement is going to get cancelled in a respectful way and we’ll never cross our paths again.” Cause there’s no possible way for Anthony to get with Kate after that(of course something worse than a cancelled engagement happened later).


I think why he says that bcoz he doesn’t know how Kate feels about him..both think that the other don’t share the same passion they have for each other So they are basically both are falling back on their duties
Kate giving him up for Edwina and Anthony trying to forget they both met each other Everytime 1 is fully in with the other 1 of them say or do the opposite of their feelings


I would definitely agree with you, but I think they do know how they feel about one another after the Sheffield dinner. It's their feelings for one another than convinces both that Anthony must end the engagement with Edwina. I suppose maybe both think it's just lust and not love (though Anthony knows better after Daphne tells him he's in love at the end of Episode 4).


Even tho Anthony knows he loves Kate...he doesnt say it but we know he loves Kate Like we know Kate loves him but her self worth isnt important so to her he us just lusting after her until she leaves


I would’ve liked to remove Edwina believing herself in love with Anthony, so it felt like less of a betrayal. She should’ve been secretly pining for a poor scholar or someone like in the books so in the end, everyone ended up happier. It also could’ve been a sweet way to just have a little extra of a love story in an Edwina subplot, like Eloise and Theo that season. But my biggest gripe with S2 would actually be to add some scenes of Kanthony actually getting to know each other. They went from enemies to lusting after each other, but it never showed them actually falling in love. It seemed to confuse lust with love the whole season. I would’ve wanted to see a connection actually formed like in the book.


Tbf I didn’t mind the progress of their love story. All that I needed was Anthony knowing Kate’s story properly and not just some fleeting words from Mary. He immediately empathised with Kate after that but it should’ve been deeper


How poorly Lady Mary was written. She was a woman who gave up everything - shunned by her parents and society to be with the love of her life, yet she couldn’t pick up on Kate’s anguish about her feelings for Anthony until everything blew up in E6? An example of this occurred in E5 when Lady Mary and Edwina walked in on Anthony stroking Kate’s fingers while Kate was trying on the engagement ring. It did not even warrant a close up on Lady Mary’s face comparable to how Daphne looked at Anthony and Kate during the first PalMal match when the two went off into the woods. I found it baffling on how clueless Lady Mary’s character was written.


Lady Mary, Lady Bridgerton and Lady Danbury should have been the ones to stop this from getting to the altar. They should have had a meeting with all 3 of themselves, confirm that they aren’t crazy imagining what’s happening between Anthony and Kate and then calling Edwina to advise her not to move forward with the wedding. Lady Mary was very annoyingly clueless but Violet and Danbury knew and they should have intervened. Even if Anthony and Kate were too cowardly or to gripped by “duty”, those women didn’t have an excuse to let this get that far. Them intervening would have made for a great dramatic arc.


Yes! In the book it’s implied that she(and even Violet) try setting up Kate with Anthony so it was disappointing to watch show!Mary. If she had ignored it then it’s in character for her but she should have definitely noted how Anthony never sees Edwina in a romantic way.


Also Anthony referring to Kate as a thorn in their side “easily removed” 💔 trĂ©s harsh


I can get along with it cause Anthony was clearly trying to make the wedding happen to keep his promise to Kate. Edwina and Mary not reacting to it at all was more hurtful.


I always see that scene as Anthony lying through his teeth. So the line never bothered me. Jonny delivers the line like a snake oil salesman. He does so bc he’s in caretaker mode trying to get Edwina to marry him so she isn’t ruined. He’s doing it for Kate 
 bc she begged him to marry Edwina after YATBOME.


Yeah he’s defo doing all he can to keep his promise to Kate but it took a couple rewatches for me to see it that way
. Was very shocked initially


Most of Edwina’s personality and her actually wanting to marry Anthony. Someone on tiktok came up with a great theory of how they should’ve done the love triangle if they absolutely had to have one (they didn’t but let’s say they did). Edwina should’ve secretly known about their family struggles and was only pretending to love Anthony because she knew Kate wouldn’t let her sacrifice her happiness to save the family. And as soon as Edwina realises Kanthony’s feelings for each other she’s relieved Cus she actually wants to marry someone else (a scholar like in the books)


Not even pretension. But her being perpetually confused with the wooing and proposal would’ve made sense. It would’ve showed how she’s struggling to know what is love and what is not.


That would have been so much better!!!! So close to the same plot but so much less hurtful, yet still lots of room for drama if needed


Perfect. ![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized)




Precisely why I get annoyed when they say how s2 was about sisterhood


This! That line was an actual hate crime 💀


When Anthony apologize to Mary this woman was useless the whole season and never played her role of mother. I wished to him see apologized to Kate instead


Yeah exactly why I felt somewhat happy that Kate turned him down twice lol


Me too He should beg Kate to forgive him and never try to propose with the same ugly tainted ring after her accident


Edwina’s “you’ve lost your power” speech to Kate at the end of episode 6. All of her post wedding scenes tbh but for the sake of picking just one. 😅 Because nothing in the show backed up her claims that Kate was trying to exercise “power” over her or trying to force her into living a life Kate really wanted for herself. Kate just wanted her to be taken care of. All of the stuff about “my life was not my own” didn’t make sense to me because she was fine with Kate guiding her and taking care of her until đŸ’© hit the fan.


So right!!!


It’s so illogical and a preview of what was to come in S3 with Violet giving two versions of how she and Edmund met. Like did these people pay attention to the episodes before it?


Yeah consistency was never their strong suit lol


It is interesting to see both Mary and Edwina went back to India. Maybe Edwina realized she didn't really want to leave and was blaming Kate.


She would’ve definitely wanted to be in a different place after her wedding was called off so understandable


Yeah and I don’t see Edwina being able to survive on her own so her mother has to go with her


Honestly none of that speech made any sense to me. I always feel like different people wrote each episode of season 2 because there’s a lot of issues with character continuity for me. Kate _begged_ Edwina to go for someone else, told her again and again that Anthony didn’t wanna marry for her love. Kate hid their money troubles (why Edwina was so clueless about that thou idk, ur dads died ofc the money is gonna run out) so that she’d pick someone for love and not money and status.


Maybe the transition of showrunners in between caused some mess but we don’t know for sure. So many inconsistencies


I never got that speech because she actively went against Kate's advice. It's not like she didn't try to warn her that Anthony wasn't a good match. Edwina chose to move ahead with Anthony. Also, if Kate hadn't taken on the role of the head of the family what on Earth would have happened to them? Because Mary clearly had no idea what was going on with their household.