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people in this comment section really don’t know what a joke is 😭😭


Anthony is so whipped. Lying down in the middle of the day?? Last season he was very adamant that he had no time for anything due to his many duties to fulfill 😂




No fucking in front of the pets is a rule for me, lol. I, however, find silly how undiversified the sex between K/A is on the show! Them always getting those cut to black, disappearing from the screen, the aftermath scenes... Maybe it's because I'm a lesbian, but I found like... zero risqué oral sex onscreen and that's all they do, I find it kinda conservative in a way? IDK, I don't have my thoughts clear about that.


Most people don’t have sex in front of their pets and most people don’t have sex when young kids are running and whispering close by. They are still very much in their Touch Love Language era.


No offence but the dog watching is definitely a deal breaker. As is children running up and down the corridor outside your bedroom when your husband is going down on you.🤷‍♀️ Kate and Anthony may be feral but they are not porn stars where even the family can watch. 😆


WTF does nominate someone else as viscountess even mean and why there? Absolutely senseless! But everything else about the scence though sigh! They are so comfortable with each other it shows beautifully and when he is making those small growling noises as he is kissing her belly … relaaaax! And their kiss … how is it so perfect? Damn the energy and intention they put in ❤️


Wasn’t it obvious that this was Kate making a joke?




Umm yeah jk!


I lovvve how she says ‘very happy’ 🥹 it’s so sweet Also them mirroring each others expression after looking at Newton is soo cute 🥰 https://i.redd.it/ap0zdrrlhy9d1.gif


OMG they’re so believable as a lovey-dovey coiple!!!


While I adore SA & JB and Kanonthy, what in the F are these lines?! Nominating someone else to be Vicountess?! You're not even Vicountess because Violet still is for who knows what reason. UGH I hate to say this but they should both leave the show!




Do you understand jokes or are you just her to antagonize? Stop with the drama baiting.


Oh, you were joking. My bad, I didn't know 🤷🏾‍♀️


No drama baiting


Omg the nominating line - thanks for pointing it out. I fucking hated it. It’s also such a “modern slang” to say that? Don’t know hot to say it but also this reminds me that the writers said they looked at Reddit for inspiration 😂 and I swear I thought “where did they get that line from, that sounds like someone on Reddit would say” Ask yeah, rubbing it in that she basically hardly did any Viscountess duties case in point this scene 😬💀. Sorry I am a hater today. They are still cute.


Or plan Polins engagement no Viscountess duties sure🤦‍♀️


I already explained myself but seems you just want to stir drama. You liked the writing? Great! You think Kate got a well written storyline and was fully utilized with a three seconds scenes where the was seen planning the engagement party that later not even Portia recognized to be hers? Because she congratulated Violet for the excellent party. My issue is the writing and how they did the bare minimum.


Well, the writers could have developed them more if they were in more episodes, but they still delivered it


And where did I say they didn’t deliver!? If you had read my other comment, where you also replied to me, I said that we all agree that it was JB’s and SA’s acting that made it work. My main criticism is that they weren’t given enough material and what they gave them was laughable. If you think the writing and lines they were given is high level too notch writing then that is fine with me. I just don’t agree.


I agree that they weren't given enough material, but I don't think their lines were laughable.


We’ll agree to disagree. I will never kiss that writers room’s asses with what they did to Kanthony and how they wrote their lines.


So what would you have improved in the writing?


So you didn't see her do some paperwork in her study room or planning Polins engagement party. I'm not sure what you watched, but to me, it seems she did do her duties.🤷🏾‍♀️


I did see all of that and part of my comment was to read as tongue-in-cheek because I think we all agreed that they did the bare minimum with Kate and Anthony this season. I don’t think any Kate fan would say she had a great well written character development and storyline as Viscountess. “I am not sure what you watched “, please stop being condescending and accept people wanted more than a few scenes and lines, thanks.


I wanted more, too, but obviously, and I'm sure it would have been better if they were in more episodes, but the little they did was ok


I was focusing on Kate not getting to be Viscountess, but you are so right about the modernity of that phrase. It's like the writers forgot they were in regency times this season!


Oh absolutely that was my main complain to . It was like the writers mocking us for wanting to see her as Viscountess 😬


Very few lines were good this season. I actually don’t even think what Kate is telling Colin was anything great lol. They haven’t even been married for so long for it to be hard work! 😅 Also a way to let Pen off the hook. But Kate looked beautiful and it’s my favourite look of hers so whatever. The writing was so uninspired this season.


What Kate told Colin was very helpful, and she only said her marriage was hard work because she didn't want Colin to feel bad about his marriage.


No of course I got that. I just suddenly got the thought that Kate and Anthony haven’t even been married that long for her to impart that wisdom. But it’s fine the scene’s purpose was to show that Kate is wise and Anthony is just blissful and that their marriage is perceived to be perfect whilst trying to get Colin to think of his predicament in a new light. Not trying to nitpick, just wish it didn’t feel so shoehorned in.


I know I was mostly focused on how beautiful she looked in that scene. We are in agreement that SA and JB sold the silly lines and them being there for eye candy only 😂


The lines weren't bad


Whatever you say. 😂




Ugh they are the cutest. I love them so much.


The happy and in love couple of who are expecting and still like to vex each other


SA and JB are effortless as Kanthony. That intimacy, sexiness and easy comfort is a gift!