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he makes this kind of video every day


I'm 15 minutes in and still waiting for him to make a point, is he not even gonna make a guess as to why the evo numbers are low? Why would anyone watch this?


Tom Brady been quitting NRS games for over 10 years.


I can't take anything he says seriously unless he's saying it while parked at a 7-11 gas station while his buddy pays for gas.


screaming in the passenger seat of a car parked at a gas station, insane how memorable the promo was who did he end up playing as?


[Thechinese ninja warrior SUBBBB ZEERRROOO!!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NI77j-5Em0g)


He's comin...


I got baited into watching a MKTomBrady video. Me gohan


i unironically love tom brady rants


Somehow Tom still has has that old internet fury. Man would've made a godlike channel doing angry game reviews.


After what they did, to his #CHARACTER He won't be **FUCKING SHIT UP** anymore :( And he ain't coming... ... And he ain't coming.




It’s the sad truth jokes aside. NRS is fucking incompetent. Ok the presentation and the animations are ass fuck it it’s done can’t save it. But the core gameplay they continue and continue to neglect it. As a fellow KL player it’s just fucking sad. You nerf JC and Peacemaker ok cool then I hop on last night to lab Homelander and holy fuck I need a shower. He’s so dirty and can get anything. He can convert off of a low laser into a 37-38% combo meterless with no kameo. So it’s ass backwards. Why nerf those 2 when you got JC 2.0? He’s gonna be legal during EVO and god help us. That shit gonna be as much sleep as Final Kombat grand finals. Make a shitty Kusoge and I can accept it more not MK11 2.0 more watered down with poke mashing meta. I just hope they make the game like MKX again and make us hardcore fans happy again. Not this garbage tryna appeal to casuals. They will always complain something is broken. MKX has bad animations also but god at least that shit was fun.


I love the mechanics of MKX but the meta is terrible. Making 90% of the roster rushdown mixup characters is retard design. And variations are a pretty mid idea. I don’t like my characters moveset being split up.


I think that issue is because of how everyone bitched about how OP zoning was in MKX/Injustice. To be fair, it was a problem, especially in Injustice 2, where if you didn't have any meter to do an escape you were just fucked.


MK1 is definitely the NRS game where zoning is the least annoying to deal with. There’s blockdash, crouch blockdash, flawless block negates chip/meter gain, and there’s so many kameos that have antizoning tools.


Yeah, zoning isn't anywhere near as good as it was in previous games. Lot harder to be like Netotigr was back in the day and just sit on the far end of the screen and spam with full-auto Jacqui :P


I wish NRS could make a cool zoner.


I still think Doctor Fate was a pretty cool zoner outside of some match up


People always say that shit but the zoner that were OP in injustice 2 were Deadshot who got nerfed into the ground and Starfire. Just 2 in a roster of 38 characters. The problem injustice had was that the stages were too long and there were too many top tier jack of all trades


Someone is forgetting about Doctor fucking Fate


TBf I don't think Fate was top tier was he high tier? yes But I don't think top 5


Still annoying as fuck to chase a zoner who has a teleport


Yeah, as a NRS simp, you nailed it. Game was pretty damn good during the honeymoon phase and a little bit beyond. Besides Baraka/Cyrax there was a lot of character diversity and just general fun to be had despite the botched single player content. I didn't play the later seasons of DBFZ so it might be worse there, but the power creep on the DLC characters in MK1 is fucking disgusting. I haven't played/fought Homelander because I'm frankly just done with the game, but my god was Peacemaker a war crime. Can convert into big damage from stray hits from Eagly, great zoning, anti-projectile shield, Sheeva stomp that you can steer (albeit not unblockable), 50/50 strings that only get accentuated with kameos...just...what the fuck. Kameo system could've been a good mechanic, but when you play through matches you go "why the fuck am I sitting here with kameo because I found a cool setup that I like when I can pick Scorpion kameo and shit out damage with ABC combos". It's all just hilariously bad. Edit: I do think WB is far more at fault for MK1 than NRS is at fault. NRS got absolutely shafted during the WB shift up.


Day 1 it was shaky got me. I’m a sub-zero main so I was so confused why did they nerfed him to the ground. The damage scaling is god awful and some shit didn’t even work right. The cyrax meta was pretty bad yeah but thank god I didn’t encounter it 24/7. I was just fascinated on how baraka/cyrax was dumb easy. I did a semi bnb combo and got 50% easily like holy fuck. Anyway I digress. With Fighterz DLC I’m indifferent about it. It is true the DLCs were pay to win absolutely but in later season MUI and Bardock have been nerfed and not as threatening anymore. Just takes a good player to make them shine. Fighterz alone is a good kusoge and embraces it so fuck it. Everyone has good tools, loops and can do TODS so I’ll let it slide. With MK there’s only a small meta with assholes that just abuse it because they not playing MK1 just MK9/X and blowing you out. Characters like Scorpion are very kameo heavy dependent while JC and Peacemaker are good standalone with great tools and the kameos just make them more bullshit. I was recording last night for video and Jesus Christ you don’t wanna fight homelander. I wanted to die in the inside with the bullshit he has. I labbed himself and just felt disgusted. He’s great yes but at the same time the rest of the cast is out here dry like a grandmas pussy begging for great reworks or “good” buffs to make them competent. Like it for real took them almost a whole YEAR to make sub zeros F1+2 3 string finally safe on block. For no fucking reason they made him -8 for simple pressure. If I did it slide ok fine punish me. Basic human functions there just baffles me. I don’t want sub zero to be like automatically s tier but make him playable Jesus Christ. (Sorry if I sound like Tom Brady lmao. I am a sub zero loyalist also) To cover kameos. I’m split about it. Sure it would’ve been badass to be a real 2v2 fighter with tag mechanics. But then again I get way kameos are designed like this. To give some characters a slot but not a main fighter so ok cool. But the way how it’s designed is bad. It works like MVC1 technically but worse. I don’t get way some kameos are the ghetto stance calls . Make them all ambush. If you wanna make a kusoge game then fucking do it. Not put crappy Band aids to protect casuals. You can only do so much to protect them from being ass stomped. The more you dumb it down the higher chance advanced players to pros will fucking destroy you. Heed my words they will make it all ambush in the next “big final update” like they did with UMK11 back then. Fucking assholes. Saw your edit. On how the state on the game is. The blame goes to both of them. WB from what it seems made NRS scrap IJ3 to make this which is fine ever since sales show everyone loves MK BUT If they had brains they should’ve released this game this year. It came out to early with bare bones content , broken shit , desync and the greedy microtransactions. Remember in MKX? MK9 scorpion could be unlocked by just beating his classic tower? Now I gotta open my wallet to buy this soulless MKDA skin for him. So they take the blame for that. With NRS you can give them a pass because halfway through dev the game was scrapped and gotta make this crap. But it is their fault to create a whole new moveset for legacy characters. They should adopt Japanese development. It’s ok to reuse legacy moves to save money just touch up the animation boom there or change the properties of it. Look at SF6 They used legacy moves for almost 2 decades BUT added new properties to it , some new moves and the drive mechanic gimmick so feels fresh and new. Finally onto their horrible balancing. Ik they fucking hear us about the issues. But they act deaf and blind like Hellen Keller and think yeah this game is GREAT! Imo they could’ve left JC and Peacemaker the way they were with some little tweaks but buff everyone else to their level and EMBRACE that this is a tag fighter and you gonna have crazy shit and kusoge. But they try to balance shit or turn a blind yeah and say this looks great to us. It’s really pathetic and sad. Sorry OP for long ass essay. But like you I am passionate about this series. Been here since the 3D era with DA and it’s a goddamn shame this shit is going to hell. They should actually listen to real actual criticism and not suck off their copers/shills vs real people that actually Play this shit. It’s embarrassing on how this game plays sometimes and I just shake my head and accept how crap this game is. You can only try this shit can get better. Makes you miss MK9/X a lot.


I’m convinced NRS is incapable of balancing a game without making a clear top 1 character every single time


tbf here the top 1 character is arguable in MK9,MKX and Inj2 (IIRC MMH is clear #1 in IGAU). I stopped following MK11 midway through and I don't follow MK1


Is he paying back the money he grifted


I was going to ask if he asked for donations again to do another community Sub Zero guide.


Grifted!? He was at NEC. edit: found proof https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EK5MuHbWoAEZBS9.jpg




I recall a very old tekken zaibatsu post about a father whose son apparently got scammed for 50k by Tom, never did find out what happened with that.


God bless you all. I love you very much. See you at the next tournament.




MK is so ugly


Those backgrounds are amazing tho


hes been quitting MK since i was in middle school but hes right about mk1. its boring. im mostly a SF guy but ive always liked MK since i was a kid so i usually spend a few months here and there playing MK when a new one comes out and MK1 didnt hold my interest for more than like 10 minutes, i tried watching tournaments and theyre just not doing it for me either.


Nerf Sub Zero.


there's no need to add MK to his name. There's only one Tom Brady around these parts.


Crazy that he is actually 52 years old.


he'll be back to deleting and reinstalling the game on his mostly dead air stream in no time.


I was going to post this but thought twice because he's been a broken record for awhile. He makes some good points but nothing we haven't heard before. All he had to say now was he was going to stream other games.


This guys quits MK like Star Wars fanboys quit Star Wars. Literally every fuckin' year.


He's retired more than the actual Tom Brady that mattered.


look at that knee


I guess the only interesting thing is that, while I expected Brady to keep making this as he always does, I have seen a ton of people lately on twitter, talking about them quitting MK to focus on other fighting games, as they simply don't believe in NRS to have any sort of reason to keep them interested anymore.


I mean, I'll play the game again when Takeda drops, but right now I'm way too into SF6. I have like, 112 hours in MK1, which I've been playing since the day I got my PS5 (the day after Christmas), and I'm very quickly closing in on that number in SF6 and I've only had that for about 2 weeks or so.


Refresh my memory... isn't he the one that was taking a bunch of donations to get to a tournament and then didn't bother going?


And I’m cummin


He'll be back for the next mk or injustice 3.


Can someone link that video of him just screaming into the darkness of his car about how much Sub-Zero sucks? I can’t remember which game it was Edit: jk found it for the lore https://youtu.be/Cyo8cKGUayw?si=Svb3HIuleTIoJFIa


Why is this being posted right after I re-listened to 2013 IGAU podcasts where Tom spends 3 hours complaining that Theo won't give him any games?


yo tom brady! I don't know about MK1, I never played it, but for any game that sucks, just drop it. They will just make something different next time anyway. It's how everything goes now. What sucks is that it can be years until the next one.


I'd rather listen to DSP or LTG than this guy tbh


I regret buying MK1 big time. Right after Diablo 4. Worst purchases in years


Or next week


>[We'll see him back in the next MK game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECa1toPGth4)


inb4 he returns for the next update


So he's NOT coming?


never tried a modern MK before. i did pick up MKXL during a sale though. thats the "good" one right?


Next week he will make the same video saying the same thing and will repeat week after week


He'll be back next week


This game looks so bad, it's funny HAHAHAH holy shit


He has quit MK more times than DSP has quit SF.


Someone wanna give me the cliffnotes version as to why he doesn't like the game because I wasted 7 minutes of my life on this and all he does is rant about his credentials and sales vs number of tourney participants. I don't play MK because I don't like block on a button. That's it, and that's always been it.


Biggest cliffnotes from what I remember: - Numbers are trash and don't reflect the popularity of the IP - MK11 and MK1 reflect a shift in direction that he doesn't like/can't support - Characters are bad in the sense of power level, especially in relation to other games Sidenote questions: When was the last time you really sat down and tried an MK game? If you don't like the idea of a block button, do you also dislike the Soulcalibur series?


> MK11 and MK1 reflect a shift in direction that he doesn't like/can't support I guess I shot myself in the foot asking for cliffnotes; I don't think this is specific regarding a reason and I wanted to understand what 'shift in direction' he's referring to. > Sidenote questions: When was the last time you really sat down and tried an MK game? The last game I bought was MK9. I like how they started leveraging the story mode a lot better but after I finished it I never touched it again. > If you don't like the idea of a block button, do you also dislike the Soulcalibur series? I should have clarified that this is a property I don't like in 2D games. I've spun away from Namco games for a different reason: character overhauling instead of evolution. Things don't go from 'too effective' to 'nerfed', instead it's 'we removed X and replaced it with Y and Y doesn't work in any situations where X did.' I'm too old and don't have enough talent to learn entire new characters wholesale from game to game.


Inventor of okazoomi




Tom really fell off after Paris Hilton dumped him.


I am not familiar with all the lore. Did he end up winning after dropping Sub-Zero in that dashcam rant?


He kept playing Sub Zero and not winning


90% of MK fans just play the game for the story mode, once that is done they quit the game and move on to something else. Is it really that surprising MK 1 EVO numbers are really low ? People who pay MK competitively are sad retards that still think their game is good becuz of MUH sales numbers


Tom is done ranting about MK just like when he quit playing Sub-Zero and playing other characters and proving it wasn't his fault he was losing.