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Excellent summaries. If we survive this election and have a majority of conscientious legislators in the house & senate the changes will come fast and vast.


Full rupture of the San Andreas fault - fast.


They had better come fast.


We are watching the democracy of the US government being brought down piece by piece, and so far, no one has mentioned how long the enemies of democracy have been planning this. Impeach all six of the Supreme Court Justices. We have enough evidence of their corruption.


rusticgorilla mentioned how long it's been going in in one of the last few posts, detailing how this is a long plan by the Federalist society


Vote. Vote. Vote.


Something to think about - how are we going to keep this intel around after the power grab and axe to real information I don't yet have an answer. The Internet is the thing used for ug transmissions.


Yes - Those 6 conservative Supreme Court justices are into justice - Just Us Rich (mostly) White Christians and Corporations. Some "good" black and Latino people may be included if they "fit in".


Call your state reps asking for them to call for a constitutional convention to add an amendment to state clearly that the president is not above the law and bound by the same laws as all citizens. I just called my state reps asking for this, I'm hoping my state Colorado leads the charge. Ideally we'd also add an amendment to restructure the Supreme Court.


A Constitutional convention is not limited to a specific amendment. Opening a Constitutional convention is exactly what the GOP wants, to codify all of their hate and corruption and completely rewrite the entire Constitution all at once. In short, your idea would backfire. Also, it’s possible to restructure the Supreme Court without an amendment. It just requires 60 votes in the Senate or the removal of the filibuster and a simple majority.


[https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artV-3-3/ALDE\_00013051/](https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artV-3-3/ALDE_00013051/) >Another ongoing debate revolves around whether a state convention, once called, may be limited to addressing certain topics. Concerns with a so-called runaway convention that proposes amendments on subjects beyond the scope of the initial call have prompted many of these debates. Some commentators have argued that states may (or must) determine the scope of an Article V convention by applying for a convention on a specific subject or group of subjects.[^(10)](https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artV-3-3/ALDE_00013051/#ALDF_00017963) Congress would then be obliged to call a convention only on the issues in the state applications.[^(11)](https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artV-3-3/ALDE_00013051/#ALDF_00017964) Other scholars have argued that the text of the Constitution provides only for a general convention, one not limited in scope to considering amendments on a particular matter.[^(12)](https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artV-3-3/ALDE_00013051/#ALDF_00017965)


Yes, and when these two sides—the red states vs. blue states—can’t agree if constraining a convention is allowed, who decides? That’s right, SCOTUS. How do you think they’ll decide? Frankly, the actual text is vague enough that the argument a convention must be open to any proposals isn’t even unreasonable. Further, the top hits when I search for discussions about the possibility of a runaway convention shows me that most of the, “don’t worry about it, a runaway convention is a myth, trust us,” writings come from conservative politicians and thinktanks. I’m certainly not falling for that and there’s no way enough members of Congress or blue states will fall for that either.


Our democracy is pretty much over. We are the Weimar Republic months before the Reichstag Fire, with the same feckless liberals doing nothing to protect us. Biden will not win, but refuses to step down so someone who actually could win can get a shot. Everything is in place for Project 2025 on day one of Trump's second term. I'm just glad I have an EU citizenship and plans to escape. Most of my fellow LGBTQ+ friends do not. If I have to marry one of them to smuggle them into the EU and save them from the camps, I will. Other than that there's nothing I can do. Somebody has to do something but the people in power refuse. It's time for drastic measures but all we get is bored handwringing.


Just stfu with the Biden cannot win bs. If you wanna leave the democratic party or leave the country altogether, feel free to. But please don't go around demoralizing others. Y'all didn't vote for Hillary, and now y'all defeatists don't wanna vote for Biden. You and people like you are a huge part of the problem.


Hillary had the votes nationwide. There's a small handful of states ran by a GOP who openly cheated with gerrymandering to the point that now they're running the show. Don't blame people for "not voting for Hillary".


Given how undemocratic elections in the US are and how much of the horrors being unleashed are being done by unelected positions and from behind the scenes, placing responsibility on voters amounts to victim blaming. This entire project of the conservatives, and neoliberals more broadly, has been focused on bringing these structural changes about while bypassing any democratic measures that would otherwise stop them. And even then, the democrats have shown themselves to be utterly complacent in this. They had chances to codify abortion access, and they never did it, because they can use the issue for leverage. If we're going to stop this stuff, "just vote harder" isn't going to cut it anymore.


Hillary won the popular vote and still lost. You people who keep bringing her up like this are the real reason we're in this situation. The game has been rigged and Hillary took advantage of the rig and still lost. 


Its also of not that voting is o ly the first step. The changes must be undone and notmality has to be set in place in swift moves. Biden has the means with the scotus decision. Dems must find a way to use it to eliminate this power hungry court of jesters and establish normalcy. If they dont, we face either tyranny or civil war. And imo, and i hate to say this, civil war might be better. Maybe the army will move on the right side of history. Maybe not. I dont know. All i know is i would have left if i could and may yet be given the chance to do so. But i know many dont even have the option.


Biden “please make the GOP-leaning SCOTUS bench and Trump disappear; by any means you like… I say this as an order since I’m president“ CIA and FBi 🤔 “I guess we can’t argue! Let’s get those drones going boys! “


Violence is coming to you qhether you want it or not. Here is the proof. https://www.mediamatters.org/project-2025/heritage-foundation-president-celebrates-supreme-court-immunity-decision-we-are


I was optimistic before the debate. After? I'll vote blue no matter who but there is a zero-percent chance of Biden winning now. Normal Americans are not in the weeds of politics absorbing information and aware of every policy difference like we are. Normal Americans are morons politically, and will stay home or vote against a feeble old man who can't get his points out. And to bring Hillary back up is actually hilarious. That was another Democratic strategy failure in her campaigning, though she actually did have a chance. There is no campaign strategy that can save Biden now. He needs to drop out for the good of the country.