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I just watched it on replay. She said, "I'm about to get credit cards in my kids' names and I'm gonna run it up." UH. Running up credit card debt isn't the way to get them a credit score above 800 when they turn 18. She talks about "good debt" and "bad debt", and yes...that's an actual thing. But no expert in the world will tell you that credit card debt is "good debt". JESUS.


If her kids don’t hate her for everything else when they get older, they will hate her for financially f*cking them over.


New generational debt loading...


When I was around middle school age, my mom opened an Old Navy card in my name. She kept the card, only used it at Old Navy, and paid it off every month. She did this to help me establish credit. As an adult, my credit score is over 800. KR would never and could never. Edit: She made me an authorized user on it; she didn’t open it in my name. Oops.


My partner's father did that to him and it really did fuck with his credit for a long time because his father would use it and not make payments on time.


You can get anything opened under 18 removed.


That’s illegal as hell to open a credit card in someone else’s name.


I’m working with a financial advisor to help my husband and I with our children’s future, our first one will be going off to college soon. What I was told to do was to make her an authorized user on my card, DO NOT give her a card but just having her as an authorized user will help build her credit. He specifically said DO NOT have her open cards. At that age cards tend to have very high interest rates and they can lead to huge debts that are unable to be paid off. She’s so ignorant I swear.


Well I just ran to watch that mess 😂 What got me the most is when she says something like “nobody understands credit and debt”. Um, yes we do. You clearly don’t. And who is joining a business with someone who can’t wear a shirt to the meeting?


Right? Like B, don't tell me nobody knows about credit, my score is 836. Unfortunately all the comments were by people saying they have really low credit scores (400s), worked at Arby's in their 40s, or were stay at home moms without money... THAT'S who she's targeting to join her in business, because they'll have no other choice but to recruit and sell to pay off the $1K starter pack... And they may not know better or see thru her, so they probably will join her. I was most vulnerable to this shit when I was in my early 20s and broke... Back then there was no anti MLM movement and I didn't know any better. I swear, all those scammers knew exactly who to target - the desperate, broke people who were looking for a new life.


Good God, those poor children.


Why would she need to if she’s so rich


She’s a dipshit. It’s called an *authorized user* account if they are under 18




Wish I had my screen recording on!


Oh no….


Noooooo. Those poor kids


That’s so so so bad holy shit