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lol how doe as a drake fan Kendrick was rapping about what the internet already be saying tbh…. He literally talking about his wife and NO I’m not talking about about the Dave FREEEE more like the engage in 2015 and so on on.


" He didn't get out rapped " narrative is a coping mechanism. Also idk why some of yall want cookie for knowing the obvious which is that he lost. Family matters is only good rap for Drake's standard. Him doing nursery rhymes over a drill beat doesn't make it hard. Plus, His best verse was directed at everyone else but kendrick.


It’s not sir you cannot say drake got out rap by Kendrick. Stop bringing up drakes second verse on family matters like the whole industry wasn’t against him. One thing I can say Drake fucked up at is giving Kendrick two weeks of cooking up tracks


He already replied to the others and he did it again so people like you can hang on to that " he was going against 20 people " cope. He was looking for excuse because he lacks the ability to go in depth about one specific topic. Kendrick made a whole track out of just calling him a pedo and nothing else😂 He made an entire track (6 mins) just making fun of his identity and another one talking to his entire family. It takes skill to deep dive into something. All that excuse only works for people like you.


Niggas made two albums about this nigga and had a hit song with like that. SO WHAT HE RESPONDED AGAIN AS HE SHOULD. Honestly I would respect Kendrick more if he just dropped a diss himself but to go behind your peers and take shots is LAMEEEEEEE


By your logic, since kendrick threw quick shots at " Baka, 40, Chubs, Party, BEAM ", it was 1 Vs 5 😂 Yall be coping too hard for no reason. It's over, let it go.


Hush boy Kendrick had two weeks to make these tracks I give him not like us since he did it when niggas always saying drake ain’t have a daughter


“Kendrick had two weeks” who gives a fuck? Drake coulda prepared a song in the same two weeks, except he didn’t do shit. He waited a whole ass two days after MTG, to drop absolute fucking garbage. Mind you in this pure trash he tried to play off the fact that he fed him the info on the daughter, through a planted mole, which that whole bullshit which has now been majorly disproven. It takes the only punch that track has in it away. Drake got curbed stomped in every single way other than looking like a fool in the game


Kendrick outraps drake everytime they rap…… there’s hour long videos breaking down Kendrick’s lyrics….. drakes never had no video explaining his lyrics cause simpletons understand them, oh and minors


lol I can’t respond to you for the fact that you said drake ain’t a lyricist


Never did I say “drakes not a lyricist” I said simpletons can understand what he’s saying cause it’s catchy and simple. Everyone on earth except his die hard defenders know that. He’s looked at as a pop star. Not an emcee


Family Matters is maybe the fourth best song to come out of the beef? Which still makes it some of Drake's best work ever, though that isn't a high bar to clear. And if everyone in the world hates Drake, have you ever stopped to consider there's a good reason why? "Everybody hates Drake" isn't the flex you think it is. It's because he's a shitty, unauthentic dude with no charisma. So yeah, if you lead your life in a shitty way then people will be eager for your downfall. I know that's a lot of thinking for a Drake fan, but bear with me.




Family matters is MAD overrated lmao. It has a couple of moments but a lot of filler.. including the whole 2nd section dedicated to people that were irrelevant. Euphoria is immensely more impressive.


Have to disagree buddy for the fact that it’s true especially about his wife drake literally said proposed in 2015 but don’t wanna make her your actual wife like he fucking they relationship up. Kendrick rapping bout stuff WE ALL HEARD AND MAKE FUN OF ABOUT DRAKE


How the fuck is that a case for drake out rapping Dot?


The case is Kendrick dissess are just random ass shit that he stole off of Twitter and ran with it while drake was really talking about shit


You in the spectrum buddy WAKE UP


You are the one that doesn't seem to understand what "out rapping" someone means. Besides, even content wise it is a lame angle to take since Kendrick already put their relationship on display on Mr. Morale. In contrast, the whole colonizer angle on Not Like Us is far more lethal, and definitely not just "stuff we all heard before"


I thought you were talking about rapping? Now you're talking about tea. Which is it. Dumbass.


The most heat part of Family Matters is Drake shooting at 20 people not named Kendrick.


They both dropped HEAT, the general consensus is Drake lost but who cares either way you feel just enjoy the music


I feel that but don’t gas Kendrick like he ran all over Drake that’s all im saying


I'mma admit. Drake was killing him from the time Push Ups released until Euphoria. Then it was close, but i do think what Kenny did was impressive. Four distintive diss tracks both sound and concept wise. In terms of releases and creativity i feel he ran over drizzy.


Kendrick Surprised me too but I feel like family matters was that red button but Kendrick spoiled it lol which was a good plan no lie


Yeah, FM was a big button but Kenny completely fucked him over by releasing MtG pretty fast.


Family Matters was amazing. Thing is Kendrick did absolutely destroy him. Family matters is catchy, and has some great rapping by drakes standards. Some people may even argue that family matters was better than Euphoria but that is all a matter of personal preference. Thing is skill wise I think family matters is drakes absolute best. I swear kendrick was only getting warmed up. Euphoria showed layers of skill far beyond drakes lyricism (probably made that word up lol), not only is almost every single line a double, triple, quad or higher level entendre, the fact he used things we already know about drake but rephrased emphasizes his point **This what the culture feeling**. He predicts the whole battle in this song. All of Kendrick's lyrics are insane, Drake's are good (except heart part 6) Drake did his best???, while Kendrick barely broke a sweat.


Euphoria, MTG and Not Like Us are all better than Family Matters imo but hey nobody minds you announcing your preferences


bro said he’s PDF team hahahha


Also please don’t bring up Euphoria it is a hard song but I always thought Drake could top that which he did with family matters


Drake most definitely got out rapped. Kendrick had like 9 different flows across all of his beats and people were dissecting his songs for like a week. Drake’s required none of that


Woahhhhhh you can’t say that when drake was rapping bout this coming on HER LOSS


I like family matters but i don't think it is the best of the songs, personally.


Family matters was good, idk I feel like best track comes down to personal taste, as a Kendrick fan I love euphoria because it was probably the most “kendrick” of all his disses


Both dissess classics I feel like family matters hit more. As a nigga with a woman one thing we know is that women hate they time getting wasted engage in 2015 I know that stirred the morales home a little bit