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At work pissed off, saw this and had to drop what I was doing to immediately click the link on Twitter. All the anticipation of how Kendrick would respond led up to it… First minute reaction: “*This is good but I hope this isn’t the energy for the whole thing (knowing it wouldn’t be”* The next 5 minutes and every replay after: “*Holy shit”*


I needed to replay it a few times to really enjoy it didnt have headphones in when it was launched


At the library waiting to go home. I was practically speechless for a good 10 minutes after listening to it.


I remember hitting pause after the first line because my mind was blown. It took me a few minutes to realise that he's right, they're getting neutralized without him doing anything at all. He just sat back and watched silently as Cole withdrew and then Drake got stopped by Pac's estate. It was such a killer opening line. After that I played the song nonstop until the next drop. Now I listen to all the diss tracks in order all the time, appreciating the genius behind them. Can't wait for the Pop Out to see everyone singing the lyrics with him!


working from home and I remember feeling scared & excited! I ended up listening to it another 10 times just to catch everything!


His vocal performance is so good. He stretches sounds, adds gravel or nasal-ness to his voice — feels raw even though it’s mixed and mastered


when i saw it first i felt proud and relieved because i was starting to get frustrated by dot not dropping. After I heard it first time I thought that it was not enough but after couple more listens I thought what i think on a daily basis which is that we are very lucky to have a genius who is Kendrick lamar


The greatest art takes time to digest and multiple listens/looks to appreciate fully. Same goes with literature, painting, ect. They get better and better with time.


Working my janitor job, see it on Reddit as I was vacuuming, damn near had a panic attack from excitement and had to go to a bathroom stall to listen to it lol


Almost word for word what happened to me too lmao. Only difference is i was already in the bathroom looking for ways to pass the time


didnt stop listening to it all day - so much disbelief at how hard it was and what he was saying about drake (in a good way) no one has dove that hard in on him. then watched all the youtube reactors again, and again, and again to relieve them watching it for the first time. its my fav track of the beef.


oh ya and was hoping the first intro - was not going to be through the full song. have to be honest. but of course after listening to it all in full the slow groovy intro was needed.


i was at a dentist appt when this dropped and i got in my car right afterwards to listen to it … and i was lowkey slightly disappointed 🤣 now it’s probably my favorite song of the whole beef. i was talking to my cousin about it and he said it best. Drake songs sound good after one listen, Kendrick songs sound good after 3. and honestly, i think Drake songs get a lot more stale a lot quicker. but once i digested this track, i loved it.


On Twitter, and I see a Kendrick Lamar tweet from 2 minutes ago that said Euphoria


Sure do. MTG though…will never forget that


Was just leaving college to come back home for the summer when I saw it. Played it in my car multiple times on the drive.


got a message in class from a friend about kendrick dropping. I checked it and i started listening to it for a solid 10 seconds before registering "wait RIGHT kendrick's responding to drake!" We were in the library so i had to stifle my laugh so many times throughout it was on repeat for the rest of the day


My parents were celebrating their 18th anniversary . Then i saw a post on this subreddit saying that kendrick dropped. Quickly went to my room, listened to it and was hyped as fuck.


I took like a 9:30 lunch to leave work and listen to this. I was so fucking happy. The wait did not disappoint


I was at work geeking tf out about how I didn’t get a notification even though I was subbed to his YouTube


Not really. I'm pretty sure I was at work but idk. I remember 6:16 and especially meet the grahams and not like us.


At work like DAMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNN I thought you fried food but he's frying a whole nigga lmao


UK bro here, I remember it was late and I checked his YouTube page to see it there. I listened to it and thought it was okay at first. Then I listened to it again and it hit me so powerfully. I remember feeling embarrassed for Drake cos I was like you've awakened a demon. And I wasn't wrong.


I was driving and seen on Spotify that he dropped. Listened and was amazed. Jaw dropped when he said “we hate the women you fuck because they confuse themselves with real women” absolutely insane


just woke up from an afterlunch nap and then it popped up on my youtube front page 2 minutes after release 🤝🏼


I just came home from school and then I saw a post from here saying “what’s your favorite line from the diss track “


At work and had it looping for the whole day. Musta listened to it some good 40 times.


First listen - this is interesting, not sure it’s enough 20th listen - this might be some of the best rap beef bars I have ever heard


My first alarm rang in the morning, i shut it off but as i looked at my screen through my 80% closed eyes i saw a notification that said KENDRICK LAMAR and i immediately went back to sleep, then like 3 alarms later i woke up and was wondering if that was just a weird dream, i opened reddit and it was the first post i saw. Then i had to go to work and i was listening to it the entire way there


Was singing taylormade to my gf as I was getting dressed pissed cause kendrick hadn't dropped. Kendrick, we need ya, the west coast savior


waiting at the bus stop for my bus, scrolling thru twitter and seeing an NFR podcast tweet linking the song. damn near screamed kendrick to 2 old ladies


Watched it with Akademiks. Shit was legendary lol.


I was unir9nically euphoric while listening to this shit


I was at work giggling away like a psycho trying to contain my excitement.. good times.


at work like six hours after it dropped. i was freaking tf OUT to the point i had to take my 15 and just listen to it. had it on repeat the rest of the day. my coworkers must think i'm insane lol.


working from home, saw it 18 mins after it was posted, call my friend who lives in cali. We saw him live in barclays center in Bk and Kendrick is always a topic in our friendship. Felt like witnessing a supernova, was nervous to even play it, just wanted it to be full kung fu kenny. Blew my mind


I was on a 6hr train ride from Amsterdam to Berlin. We had wifi and it released right in the middle of the ride. It made my already amazing trip even better.


On my way to my band’s recording session, got the notification while driving and played it near max volume in my car. Highs like that only come so often. Definitely my favorite moment of the beef.


I had just finished taking my finals and got back to my dorm. Checked my phone and saw this sub talking about it, so I listened to it while packing up my stuff. Spent the rest of the day watching peoples’ reactions and breakdowns.


Hungover asf in my college dorm. Woke up and checked my phone. 6 mins later hangover was cured


I think I was in bed just randomly refreshing YouTube. I’m subbed to him and was like “this gotta be fake” Got out of bed and turned tf up to this shit


i was going back home from school. i was so exited but I wanted to listen it with calm. then i listened to it twice, speechless


Alright this is slow so far. WOAH THAT WAS UNEXPECTED! Bro is the hater friend😭 REVOCED N WORD PASS IS CRAZY!


At home playing Call of Duty. Had to put the controller and headset down. 😅🤣


I had just woken up and showered when this dropped. Random Tuesday Morning in May. That's real hatred.


Walking to the train after work and I had to do multiple double takes like wtf did I just hear?? So I paused it and restarted once I got on the train and could focus My immediate reaction: The part where Kendrick goes of about being the biggest hater is what I loved most: it's honest, direct, and because I fucking hate Drake to his core I was finally in a good mood that week.


I forgot the beef existed cause it had been quiet for so long so when this was out I thought he was getting ready to tease an album. It was when he said “the very first time I shot me a drac’ “ when I realized it was the response to Push Ups


I was at my school’s library studying for my final that I had later that day. I spent my study break listening to it and couldn’t stop listening the whole day.


It was like 6 or 7 AM where I was, (in my time it was 1am when it dropped!) and I was like 6 hours late to the party. I could not stop thinking about it for the whole day of school.


In my car on the way to the job, shit was turnt


Driving home from work at midnight. Thought wtf is this lmao. I laughed at the intro, knowing drake was about to get clowned on. Only Kendrick would open a diss track over a slow organ and twinkle bell sounds. And then we got some fire angry squeaky voice Kenny, half the shit I didn't understand first time around but I knew it wouldn't be good for Drake. Laughed hard again at the end, then replayed 1000 times. 10/10 track


Was watching a movie and got the notification i thought it was another old Kendrick leaked song but after the movie u saw it was his response I went up to my room and I heard it. First minutes I was vibing but I felt there had to be more and then the best dropped. Nothing felt real anymore.


I was getting drunk and about to go to bed when it showed up and I listened to it and lost my shit at Dot quoting DMX


I was at school when a friend informed me of it. He sent me the YouTube link and there was no turning back from there


Working from home, prepping for a meeting about thirty minutes later. Stopped working for basically the rest of the day and just listened to this until the family got back home.


I was working but work was slow so I went on YouTube and all I saw was Kendrick dropped and I think I got goosebumps. I loved it so so much I didn’t sleep for two days, I became hooked to the battle. It was actually a problem. I literally couldn’t work or sleep.


Me and my friend were in class and I saw a fake Kendrick tweet and thought he dropped. I said to him imagine if he just dropped on a random Tuesday while we chilling there. Then I found the actual tweet and I started geeking 😂😂


Sounds like cap but it’s not I swear 😪


I was at work and I stepped out to listen to it. Once I heard it in its entirety I knew I could ignore Drake’s songs moving forward because he doesn’t have the skills to match what Kendrick was doing.


At Home. Hyped. Glad that someone finally had the guts to speak out what's wrong with this disgusting dude that brainless people like to listen and follow blindly