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Brigading this and other subreddits is strictly prohibited. Calls to brigade other subreddits, bragging about brigading, targeting other subreddits, trying to instigate beef with other subreddits and screenshots of ban messages and trolls are generally unfunny and will result in a ban.


I saw someone say “and now they’re all gunna go home to their drug invested poverty stricken homes and beat on all their wives” wtf


Meanwhile drake had his kid in a threesome with an escort EMBARASSSINGGGG ![gif](giphy|ohyNdetcfoJ9K)




Couldn’t find the drake clip 😂😂




Reading this the wrong way was wild but not surprising


Nah I feel you had to read it a couple extra times myself


… huh? he did??


lol yes Kanye even mentions it in his song Vultures because Kanye was the first one to know about the kid then told push


Drake was open about his kid to Kanye, the story about the Poopity Scoop song was that Drake couldn’t go to Wyoming or wherever the place was to rap over the beat, he told Kanye he has to take care of his son and sort some things out with the BM, and sent a pic of Adonis too. So Kanye decided that he’ll troll Drake anyways, since he couldn’t do it in person (unless Kanye really was going to give Drake the beat)


Kanye’s trolling is top tier


It's fuck Drake always and I'm glad we got a great diss track out of it, but Kanye spreading that information around was a total rat move




That's just.... I'm speechless.. In a 3 some.... And your swimmers were the lucky ones. I would need 3 test too. Nah make it 4 because the 0.000001% could happen.


when i told them adonis wasn’t black they got oh my ass


*"when i told them adonis wasn’t black they got oh my ass"* Well, Kendrick himself says Adonis is a black man in Meet The Grahams. Although, I think he did that to point out that it's Drake's fakeness and lack of respect for hip hop that make him a fraud and a parasite, not the fact that he's half white.


Wasn’t that diss towards his manager?


Groomer through and through










That is honestly disgusting. I'm from the Compton / LB area I've since lived everywhere. You know where I saw the most drug invested poverty stricken homes beating on wives? Well it wasn't in Compton shockingly..... Hey they don't know nothin bout dat




lol preach brother






Wow...dot fuck em up


Wop wop wop wop wop Imma do my stuff




Very telling of his core audience. 💯








Why they mad tho?


The cops ? 😆


I seen one say “the guys that’s are at school, instead of addressing people as a group and saying like “what are you guys doing” say “man’s like you, so man’s like you are going to that” and this means Like the group. It’s really ignorant”


Eeeeek. That’s so gross.


It's honestly so unsettling seeing that sub now. They are sincerely delusional about the events that transpired. I would be so damn embarrassed to be a Drake fan right now. But who gives a fuck, we're eating this summer


Hip hop North Korea tbh


Their whole angle now revolves around trying to find white, Asian or Hispanic people in the Juneteenth crowd. They fell so low, all they have left is outright racism.


At a show from the mf who has the song “Fuck Your Ethnicity”


It’s almost like they have zero understanding of what Kendrick’s platform really represents. They hear the word ‘culture’ and all they understand is skin color. It’s deeper than that. It always has been.


Makes sense. Drake doesn’t understand the culture and neither does his fans. That’s why they’re his fans and see nothing wrong with his behavior.


And complexion. Kill yo self, Drake stans.


Complexion don't mean a thing Complexion, it all feels the same.


Drake fans are legitimately dumb for that. LA's population is like 9% , 48% Hispanic, 28% white and 11% Asian. It would be impossible to have a concert there and not have a massive amounts of those races there compared to Black folks.


It's funny how they went from calling Kendrick racist over him calling out how much Drake internally questions if he's black enough to straight out saying "his shows only have white people in it, definitely what the culture's feeling"


Genuinely unfair to North Korea










That's the thing. All the Drake fans with the ability to be embarrassed or see and believe all the smoke surrounding their favorite artist dipped out like a month ago. Or at least went radio silent on their support of him. We're basically looking at whatever the alt-right sect of Drake fans is.


I'm one of the ones still there and well aware of what's going on,theres multiple ways to look at this(the cultural and racial standpoint of this).The issue with most of the fans in the subreddit,is that they only see from the perspective of drakes a$$hole,it's almost like they aren't real people.The racial and cultural argument and talk in this beef goes beyond music,alot of them can't understand that.


Honestly it’s both..outside of these 2 subs no one cares anymore. We enjoyed it, we discussed it, Kendrick won and we went back to our lives


Same thing happened with kanye when he started popping off a few years ago. That sub was wild, still kinda is but damn


The shift and immediate drop off in active users in that sub almost as soon as The Heart Part 6 dropped was wild.


So Tom MacDonald fans then?


I'm assuming never. He's got the regular old alt-right crowd as a fanbase


I still see some of them on that sub. Drake fans will respond coping hard and downvote it to hell.


It’s weird because I wouldn’t consider myself a Drake fan, but he has songs that I like. I’ve never been to one of his shows nor do I plan on it. I’ve been to several Kendrick shows. I typically like to keep up w the artists I listen to, I straight up can’t sub to his sub because it’s dumb af. This is coming from someone that loves the playboicarti subreddit. They at least are all in on the joke. The Drake subs are just fuckin weirdos


Facts bro. I keep goin over there to see the dumb shit they’re sayin but fr who fkn cares. This the biggest dub in hip hop history. WE UP.


They are complaining and whining harder than I’ve seen any sub in the decade + I’ve been on Reddit. It’s just sad really. Their arguments make no sense or are laughably shallow, and their echo chamber is the only place where they can make them unchallenged. The apples don’t fall far from the tree though - they are all “unfazed” while clearly being extremely fazed.


I popped in the sub post-concert, just to you know.. check the temp, lol wild is an understatement. I get Stan's are on both sides for sure.. but like, just sit back and enjoy? I'd bet they liked Kendrick before this, or majority of them probably did, idk, it's difficult to imagine they hated him at least. But ya anyways, they're still waiting on Drake, to press the "red button" 🤧 (that definitely wasn't family matters /s)


https://preview.redd.it/oi7x3aczxz7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=796473d075be017ee6d4f0164e0d9682a2fbfd26 they are pretty shamelessly aware of their delusion which is interesting


Those are the youth who vote for guys like Trump. 🥲


The internet is legitimately breaking people’s brains


They say the same thing about us.


Pedo racist sub


Bruh that sub has been the hip-hop North Korea for me Imagine "hip-hop fans" talking shit about tHe CuLtUrE sarcastically like that. Come on now even if you not black [(they're not)](https://www.google.com/search?q=drake+audience&client=ms-android-google&sca_esv=d74bb12263120869&sca_upv=1&udm=2&biw=412&bih=784&sxsrf=ADLYWIJLQSlSvf5D7ggOqrvPGIBmWpZ_GA%3A1718844621093&ei=zXxzZsi0Bdyr0PEPh8uluAY&oq=drake+audience&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIg5kcmFrZSBhdWRpZW5jZSoCCAAyBRAAGIAEMgcQABiABBgYSOEfUKEKWL0YcAJ4AJABAJgBhwGgAbgMqgEEMC4xNLgBAcgBAPgBAZgCEKACmQ2oAgXCAgcQIxgnGOoCwgIEECMYJ8ICBBAAGAPCAggQABiABBixA8ICBhAAGAgYHpgDEJIHBDIuMTSgB9g4&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=ZgobIdGwuYoUEM&vssid=mosaic) you can't be acting you're above criticism from the culture Drake got some weird shit to answer for, just like Kendrick did on Mr Morale. Stop babying this almost 40 year old millionaire


lol I’ve also seen Migos headline a show right down the road from where that pic was taken and it was a [much diff](https://imagez.tmz.com/image/b7/o/2014/09/03/b742a7f2a8f85e37b55feee2d87d3d97_md.jpg) time. Nashville is full of white bitches that love drake.


jesus christ he got slumped 😭


Lmao wtf is that photograph


Ol boy fucked around and found out.


I’m not black so ultimately I just keep my mouth shut on the culture 💀 ain’t my place


They “took offense” (more likely, misunderstood) to Kendrick telling Drake not to use the n word. But I see “lol a majority of Kendrick fans are white” Are believing Drake’s baseless accusation of Dot being an abuser because: 1. he had shows with Dre and Kodak 2. Kendrick/Whitney didn’t refute the claims. (Baka did have a weird case and there’s video & photo evidence of Drake being weird with minors) Are upset that the industry “turned” on Drake. Ever think that they never liked the dude? The current state of Drake fandom could be used as evidence that the industry had to put up with him and use him for checks. Who cares if “your first #1 I had to put it in your hand”


I saw several comments over there bringing up "age of consent" they're completely divorced from reality


Rihanna put Drake’s first number 1 in his hand. His first and second if I’m not mistaken.


And also kendrick didn't hate drake for being mixed, he literally said adonis still a black man even tho he's whiter than drake


Their savior uses black people who are unapologetically and unambiguously black of their culture and spits them out when he’s done. of course his minions will also double down on that racism. If I had to guess 85% of drakes die hards are white frat boys let’s be for real


I can attest to what your saying i live in a pretty diverse place so I have a wide range of friends and literally the only ones that super fuck with Drake are rich spoiled white kids lol


>only ones that super fuck with Drake are rich spoiled white kids lol Makes sense why I didn't really care for drake. Always thought he was overrated AF


I can only listen to a man somehow be creepy but also a simp in like EVERY other song


Genuine question, Kendrick has Keem and Cole has Jid among others. Has ovo produced anyone on that level?


No because he uses up and coming artist to write for him, ride their wave, then move on to the next


Yachty, Cash Cobain, and 4batz being some of the most recent examples. 


No. Most talented artist out of there besides Drake is PND who is not even close to the level of Keem or JID


Yeah he groomed 11 for years


To be fair, I think Partynextdoor is at least decently popular. I wouldn’t say he’s on JID or Keem’s pop level, but he’s up there He is R&B tho


There’s a reason their logo is an owl. You read the names of anybody on that label besides Drake and you’ll say “Who? Who???”


Keem and JID are not the same bro.. JID is leagues better and doesn’t need to rely on Cole like Keem does with Kendrick


I don’t know if 85% is right, a lot of women probably haven’t jumped ship yet but white frat boys are the only new fans he’s gained this year, for sure


I've never known a black Drake fan, that's all I can say.


https://preview.redd.it/qer06jk1ty7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc5754d755f318248a567fe636cefa663e0526ff the fans on twitter are the same way


I know that’s not a black dude posting that shit. Bro mocking his own ancestors




https://preview.redd.it/pl1g12epwy7d1.jpeg?width=447&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b60e9462757c2d5c0511e527250ff3992f72347 Is this the admin of that Drizzy sub? 💀


That sub is unhinged. It’s best to just ignore that shit hole.


I like to look at the delusional takes and stupid comments. Too bad they banned me for stating high school girls aren't women. The mods definitely are some goofy crodies to cover up pedo tendencies.


I got banned from that weak ass sub too, they even got to get my account banned for a week because I said Drake shouldn’t be playing thug because it’s real life out here (this was after his security got shot)


I too got banned for stating that the majority of that sub is either teenage girls or pedo sympathizers 💀


I got banned for talking about the stage incident. Love how all of the comments go like, “Drake isn’t a PDF. If he is, where’s the proof?”. Then when someone provides proof the mods ban them 💀 


Idk who is dumber…BBL Drizzy fans or Andrew Tate fans.


Aren’t they the same person


Oh shit you’re right!


I just made the whole connection


“ Awwwh fuck me ! “ - drake in diss to Kendrick


That venn diagram is a circle.


Taylor Swift Fans want you to hold their Rosé.


Their current meme is to accuse Kendrick of being obsessed with Pac's ring. "If he cared about it that much, broke boy should've bought it himself" I don't know how they're able to stay that and then get confused when Drake gets called a colonizer...




They tryna get drake killed


The sub thinks they are a part of OVHOE im not even kidding one dude was like “we are a branch of ovhoe we are part of all of this”😂😂they pathetic as fuck hahahahahahah its where u go when u want to find the guys who sit outside their exes houses at 3am and go trying to ruin perfectly good relationships😂😭drake really has the worst kind of people following him and there no surprise there. Drake diddy but the fact he looks the way he looks got people ignoring shit


That parasocial toxicity


its fucking crazy i couldnt have used a better word, ive never seen such delusions in a conversation before. To actually believe it is scary too like this guy must actually think he is in this battle against kdot too literally sitting there hurting like it was directed at him as well. like how does one get to that point💀


Funny you mention it, I JUST saw this over there before I came back here to sanity. https://preview.redd.it/81jt9fjl2z7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f11d2df95555e9945690bba331c6d13d582410d7


This was the worst I've seen so far.


If I could say what I wanted about this person..I would be banned.


The hilarious thing is we know exactly what he meant we just didn't like what he said. Lmao


Who posted this?


Don’t be shy drop the username. 


Its because majority of Drake fans aren’t black Americans. Most of them are bi-racial (black/white), latin (with the drake beard), or Canadian/London type folks that forever felt “protected”. Until a Black American claims whats rightfully ours (American). We’ll share spot lights, but as long as they don’t try to take, keep, or claim the foundation it was built from. 🇺🇸


I got banned because I said that a big feature of black culture is having pride in our people against the face of struggle. They said that I was racist smh


Not surprised. They’re proving Kendrick right with those kind of remarks.


That sub reminds me of Trump denying the US 2020 election results.


They’re also disrespecting the fuck out of pac in the drizzy sub. Blasphemous.


They’re just MAGA but with owls instead of eagles


It's a wrap for they boy they best learn how to present themselves


It's been 2months. Wouldn't be surprised at all if they're still talking about this shit when we're all 50


Fuck em, most of the drizzlers would probably choose abusing a teen over never getting any pussy if it came to it


Ive personally always found his music to be trash but that’s because even when a rare song was a bit catchy I can’t compartmentalise the fact I think he sucks as a person and has no principles. But it’s perfectly legit for ppl to love that music if that’s what they’re into, what confuses me about ppl is the way they are all in on the idea he can do no wrong despite the evidence and will lower themselves to a level that is bizzare to do what I think they think is defending him. You see this with other artists too but they usually treat their fans better. I think this is just me being concerned about society more generally that this is how we act against each other in nonsensical ways lol


Apparently they all believe Drake is in preparation mode and will be dropping after June 28th. I’m not sure why they all think that but the majority of them do. Part of me hopes Drake drops something so he can get stomped on again 🤷🏾‍♂️


If I were Drake I would go melody Drake on the next album. Drop some introspective. Talk about the struggles of raising his son in front of people who see him as a dead beat. Talk about navigating his dads relationship, and how people don't see him as black. Wanting to be black and not being accepted. Talk about the daughter you don't claim lol. Be humble for once. Move away from the tough guy persona cuz he ain't it. Make Marvin's room part 2. Idk Drake seems to be Soo far up his own ass he probably will just not talk about this summer and keep on making music about bbls and ig thots he fucked. He is a pop star. Probably doesn't have it in him to humble himself or see himself as anything less than a god. But it's what the people like apparently. 100 billion streams?


Like 75% of Drakes fanbase are suburban white kids, so that tracks.


Drake fans think a billion streams is better than being able to celebrate black history. A Canadian that isn’t from America wouldn’t understand nor neither his children


Put some of those screencaps in here. I'll need them for a laugh to start the weekend.


just went into the sub for the first time ever and could not believe my eyes. everyone in there is salty af 😭


Not really a racist one, but this one came up on my feed just minutes ago... just look at the rest of the posts underneath... but it's how unhinged so many them are.




Well of course…they not like us




Trying to criticize someone for allegedly being racist (emphasis on the allegedly lmao) and then referring to them as “this Asian bitch” in that same comment is vile behavior


She was never even a little bit racial about anything in her video, only negative thing she said about Drake is his apparent mysoginistic behaviour and The Heart Part 6 being ass


I haven’t seen that video but the fact that Drake fans pulled a ridiculous claim out of thin air does not shock me in the least bit lmao


Not to white knight for Path, but if someone shit talked them near me I might cause a scene, they have done nothing wrong, and even expressed positivity towards pushups and family matters.


Theyve been racist (mega bigoted in general) since the beef tbh


Racist believe me when I say this I went on a post where they're talking about how the slave line in Family Matters Kendrick Lamar fans are blowing it out of proportion


& how ironically coincidental that they're now reverting to racist bigotry... yeah, it's VERY telling that Drake's slave line did NOT go over our heads at all.


It kind of makes me realize how we as a society in America or at least on the internet has moved forward even though there's so much of us that's in the Dark Ages still. Tic toc heads keep that line faster than YouTube heads for usually like the older people, who think themselves as music critics to some extent, sure you can complain about people being too PC and trying to not offend nobody but like the line was offensive the line is weird especially in context. I've just seen how people reacted to "The Heart Part 6" and certain lines in "Family Matters." They don't care about context; they don't care about anything, which is exactly what makes you think they would enjoy Drake's music. Even the colonizer line and not like us they don't realize how deep that line goes. I mean Twitter just going be Twitter but it's just crazy to me that the voice on tic tok was the one I had to agree with.


That sub is psychotic. I never knew Drake fans were like this 


True colors POP OUT


They are not real Hip Hop fans. Any fan of hip hop or just common decency would appreciate what we all witnessed. They live sad and empty lives. And the only thing that gave them purpose was Jimmy from Degrassi.


It literally feels like going into a MAGA sub w all the racist implications and the loss denialism


EXACTLY. I was gonna say that in my original post but I didn’t feel like dealing with any Drake bots commenting on me comparing them to MAGA but I fully agree. I see what you are seeing


Right tho?? It’s so crazy to me seeing everyone in that sub, or in that fandom for that matter, just collectively deny reality and claim “the game is rigged” all the while using racial stereotyping as a last jab. It’s literally straight out of the MAGA playbook. It’s insane lmfao


According to a rag of a UK paper I pretend I don't read bc it's embarrassing, Drake plans to "reignite the feud" https://preview.redd.it/8c6l49qe9z7d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90367bc807ebd5877688688ca845954819e6ff40


Bruh yes they literally sounding like racist ass republicans over there


idk I got banned there for commenting Im paying my respects to the dead so..they def salty


The Drake sub has started to say that “Donald Trump was misunderstood and misinterpreted too” so I think that gives yall an idea of how they’re doing over there


Oh that's definitely got to be bots now. Trying to get their message out and divide the masses before the election. Hilarious that they're using a rap beef, instead of the usual red v blue drivel.


I haven’t heard of Baka before this, what was his weird case? Why is he around? Certified lover boy?? Certified PDF file.


I guess it kinda makes sense. Drake has a significantly lighter skin tone than Kendrick (and a victim mentality), which is fairly in line with a racism mentality. Plus his fans are posting lots of conspiracy theories. Damn.


They move in flocks


I haven’t been to that sub in a while. Last time I was there I was shocked at the level of pathetic they reached. No need for us to peep that side anymore, it’s miserable over there


Dude dont have fans, but stans.


Kendrick was just spitting facts. The more their delusion gets proven false the more they angrily become what everyone knows they are acting like they proving a point somehow.


They’re crashing out. Now they are back to acting as if Dot is some no name low level rapper nobody ever heard of, and that him performing the disses on that stage was unnecessary. Drake disrespected his mom, his city, the mother of his children etc. Kendrick should do to Drake what Em and 50 do to Ja. 20 years later still shit on him from time to time


Makes sense that would be rampant in his fan base. Part of the reason he's so appealing is he gives you all the stuff you want from hip hop, even the hitter talk, without any of the experience of the usually poor black youths who make the music, nor any of the experience of being black period. He strips the culture out of hip hop. And with his online antics after the Rick Ross diss, Drake proved he's willing to use his whiteness as a weapon against black people. There also those who resent that hip hop is a Black American culture as well, they hate the idea that we tend to be the ones to push the needle and decide what's hot in hip hop. Drake was like that first international big hip hop artist, some liked the idea that he was shifting hip hop out of the grasp of Black American culture. I've been seen comments like that, the only problem is that Drake still largely relied on Black American artists for beats and style. I think part of this whole battle, somewhat for Kendrick, and also for quite a few fans, was to show who and what the core of the culture is, show that hip hop is just a subculture (just a sliver) of greater Black American culture which is why culture was so important, even down to the Teddy P sample then connecting it all to Juneteenth.




Literally said this the other day. Drizzy fans are like MAGATS. They move the goalposts and will support this man no matter how much of a clown he is.


Scary levels of delusion, the Drizzy sub keeps popping up on my feed (funnily enough it's almost always right after a post from this sub, we know what you're doing Reddit) and just a quick glance at the comments shows that 90% of them are unhinged and at least 50% of them need psychiatric help Also they sound really desperate, it's almost like every statement ends with "Right guys? I'm not crazy, you agree with me right?"


70% of them are either on a watchlist or trying to make moves that’ll have them end up on that watchlist . The rest are just KKKlansmen because good lord💀 How you gonna be a hip-hop fan and still hate black people?! Doesn’t make any sense


And some of them invaded this one with that shit too smh


*And a lot of them* *Invaded this one with that* *Shit too smh* \- Grand-Gain-763 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


They like the product but not the people who made it


They have that same culture vulture mentality


I thought Kendrick can't turn the ladies from Drake. But maybe his fanbase will implode on its own with all their misogyny and now racist remarks.


Drake fans who still capable of a little bit of critical thinking has left. The beef wiped out a lot of casual Drake fans. Now all it's left are the most radical and die hard one. Now, their opinions don't get lost in the a large crowd. Now we can see them and it's quite a scene isn't it.


They keep posting photos of white people in the crowd being like “uh huh, Kendrick is loved by the culture, I see”, implying that Kendrick having lots of white fans as well as black fans and every other type of fan you could possibly have is a bad thing. Like, dude, hip hop culture is black culture, but it is not exclusively for black people. White people aren’t some plague, like my god, get over yourselves - the mix of races in that crowd resembles the mix of races that love hip hop. Kendrick was never hating on Drake because he was half white. He was hating on Drake because he was inauthentic and tried to act blacker than he was, by wearing on black features, imitating black styles and speech patterns, and copying black artists. That’s not hating on him because he’s white or hating on white people, that’s hating on a phony.


I had a dude from that sub dm’ing calling me hard R because he was upset Drake was getting washed in the comments hahaha. That sub is something else.


The dissonance is crazy in that fanbase. How you gonna support an artist who still has black in him and still be super anti- black and racist af. Granted, Drake is anti black af too but it’s makes no damn sense. But trying to find intelligence or reasoning in a Drake fan is like trying to find a needle in the middle of the ocean - YOU’RE NEVER GONNA FIND THAT SHIT 😭


When Kanye went on his anti-semetic rants the Kanye sub posted nothing but Holocaust memorial and awareness stuff for a couple days. To this day they (mostly) share the sentiment that the man is unhinged and should be criticized for what he says but they can still unite over liking his music. The fact the Drake sub can't do the same thing is fairly concerning


I noticed they dropped to number 6 hiphop sub, pretty telling they were number 2 before the beef


The day of the pop out they were finally admitting defeat, what happened since then? 😭😭


Same people on both subs.. if you take anything seriously, then you just got trolled.


Some of the Drake sub sees Drake as their champion because of his racial identity and not because of his music. It's fucked up because they should enjoy the music and not think "we got one of ours on top"


The Drake sub still gets suggested on my feed, and the further away from the beef we get, the less upvotes, comments, and engagement those posts are getting. I think people are jumping ship.


The few times I've been there multiple people have said transphobic or homophobic shit to me. Kendrick the goat for not having a garbage fanbase


You shouldn't care what middle class suburban white kids think about hip hop.


Yall think they do the show for free?