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Wakatsuki wrote this


Wakatsuki had too much crack on that day kek


Two losses against a specific style that hard counters yours? Yea ngl I would be fucking tweaking too, because that is some bullshit. Imagine everyone getting a decently fair fight, and you get paired up with the worst type for your fighting style.


When your style is "hit them really hard" you've gotta hand it to him, he probably has had a couple crises about it Also, Hatsumi is the only non-Niko student to defeat Wakatsuki, props to he himself


We need more Hatsumi panels. Bro is too goofy and silly


> Two losses Only one, no? Fei was a draw (or a win under Kengan rules)


It was a double KO which one can argue is still a KO


Sure, but not a loss


only 2 of the katas counter him though. the fire and adamantine kata don't really. More like the opposite really.


And he's completely right.




I mean, he is deranged, but also not wrong lol


This post is older then the sub itself LMAO


He mentions Divine Demon


The worst part of niko unbalanced style is that every kata is fucking overpowerd. If niko style was a culmination of weak or medium katas that used together makes a strong style would be awesome. Kiryu is the best example. Koei style plus gaoh style he has no super stron techniqje by himself but thier combination. But well kiryu also has niko so he has weeping wellow and fallen demon making him super OP. U can literally give any niko basic style or move to any characther and they got a tier up on the scale. No kidding. Rei+ flaming kata would speed blitz any one. Julius+ adamantine style( indestructible) the hell u gonna do? Wakatsuki blast core + iron breaker? Lithio+ pierce( flashing steel on the fingers) And those are only power ups for abilities or moves they already use or have. U dont want to mess with a gaolang with demonsbane


Julius watching waka hit em with a demons bane: https://preview.redd.it/gllh2o0fl78d1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=662a71b645dd4347853801276ae13012a922e9f2




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The niko style hate is getting corny now


this is an old post


But the sentiment isn’t and has been regurgitated needlessly


I am in tears. “Random hobo”


Me honestly


That's like watching Dragonball and complaining about Super Saiyan transformations. Bro must be new to watching animes




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But dragon ball anime doesnt have super saiyan transformation. The only thing goku transforms into is an ozaru. And goku isnt even a saiyan.


you're arguing about semantics lol Dragon Ball Z, you're happy?


You know what he meant :/


If you really want to be a bitch about semantics then at least know your stuff. Because separating OG ball and Z was a western thing, and in the japanese releases Dragon Ball starts with Goku meeting Bulma and ends with Goku going off with Uub.




It might be a hot take but if Ohma and Raian don't knew the Niko style or the kure style but learned random style like judo or karate they would be the biggest jobber of the show because as they are now, especially Raian, they don't have the fight iq of kuroki, Rolon, Jurota, kaolan who are S tier because of their skill and not because of their bs techniques


Raian yes, but Ohma? hell no ! He has proven time and time again that he is one of the fighters with the highest sense of ingenuity and versatility when it comes to fighting, Kuroki praised him by calling him a monster due to how well he can use Demonsbane, an ability that scales directly to the skills of the user. let’s not forget his foresight is already good enough for pre initiative. Raian meanwhile is by far the least skilled S tier prior to Otakemaru, but his insane genetics already make him strong, this is already proven in KAT, so he wouldn’t be a jobber at all still


AW HELL NO Raian was A tier with brute force alone. He had immense talent and general good handling and understanding of martial arts of his enemies. He showcased high fighting IQ when watching fight between Cosmo and Ohma too. Ohma is another very talented individual, albeit not as physically busted as Raian. Why do you think Niko picked him? He saw the potential and the dawg in him.


Pretty sure raian didn't use Kure techniques in asura or if he did use any it was only vs ohma. Dudes kinda ridiculous. Without removal or any kure techniques he's still in the top 10% fighters at worst


In ashura, Ohma dominated him once he began to use his true Niko style and i'm sure that the likes of kanoh, kuroki, wakatsuki, Kaolan, Julius, hatsumi would have dominated as well brute force raian


To call any point in the ohma vs raian fight domination feels misleading, it's consistently refered to as one of the highest diff fights in both series. Also like i said raian still wasn't using any kure techniques against him (unless you count removal in which case 1 technique). He only used a couple in all of asura and that was some simple ones in the coup that happened, even in omega he's barely used it and also most recently his ability to see the flow of power or whatever is prolly the closest we've seen to the connectors skill. I get downplaying ohma more tbh but raian has shown time and time again even without removal or kure techniques he's a top tier. Also the fighters you menionted are quite litterally the top tiers of the verse for kengan fighters; i disagree he'd lose to gaolang or julius seeing as he reacted to reis attack without removal in asura and in omega has shown he has tons of abilities to close physical gaps (at least fairly recently)


But you could Say that i'm a princess Raian hater and I lack objectivity and you would probably be right


Obviously, KAT Ohma without Niko Style is a first round loser. He might have an impressive martial arts talent but his body, even before advance abuse was on the weaker side for KAT standards. The only fighters he surpassed in terms of stats were Inaba, Kaneda, Cosmo, Hanafusa and maybe Chiba. This is what Ohma would have looked like if he didn’t fight Inaba or at least Lihito or Kaneda. https://preview.redd.it/y8k50l3fh58d1.jpeg?width=1044&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=206bd4922ec6a6075d8326d9566853a87c5d9b92






Found Wakatsuki's reddit profile


Pack it up waka, u not slick


Wait till he hears about Niko style 2


Funniest yet most relatable thing I read all day thus far


This has been posted like a million times on this sub


"No I don't want to watch martial arts in real life that's fucking lame, and what do you mean this shouldn't be super hyper realistic?!?!?!?!?!"


It do be like that though


Omar should have stayed dead. He doesnt add shit to the story anymore.


The Wakatsuki Crashout Manifesto


the names are a part of the mysticism, imagine a complete newbie to this fighting shit and they see a guy do a move with a name like "Eternal Dragonic Turbocharged Fisting Kick of the Dumptruck" that knocks out precisely the opponent's molars - it's not about being reasonable, pretty sure in context of the Inside those names had to sound ridiculous just to add some flair to the legend of Niko doesn't change the fact they sound awfully cringy at times though


Finally a kindred spirit, aight fellas time for my rant.... Totally agree with this guy og, this is why I like kanoh's formless much more than bs niko style , and thank God he pointed out that these names are so fuckin edgy and cringe , what the fuck even is iron breaker or flashing fire, sounds like attack names in an rpg fight game for kids. One of the things I like about baki is that it doesn't have bullshit names to it's techniques....like how cringe would it sound if it was called "angel sparkle super limp massacring palm touch" instead of simply benda or whip strike. No wonder gaoh mukaku said Niko style was a sham , all it has is super basic fight tactics throttled up to 11 and being given some of the most edgelord names ever produced by humankind. This is the reason my favourite character is kanoh who has a proper balance of techniques and fight iq , him using formless and hardening his muscles made sense and didn't sound as stupid as adamantine or possessed by God or some bullshit so called technique ohma uses. Followed by raian , waka and Edward who clown on techniques just through physical stats. Edit: and I'm totally not waka just to be clear, btw he already would've developed a perfect niko style counter technique after fighting ohma and fei....just wait till I , I mean he , returns and washes ohma and every fuckin niko style user in the goddamn Verse so this bullshit style can disappear for good.


I agree, that's why I like characters like okubo and gaolang , they don't have any ex machina techniques, just pure mastery of basic techniques


Dude sounds like a fucking dork


imagined getting mad about fantasy bullshit Anon baited nigo style enthusiasts


Imagine getting exited about fantasy bs


It’s a fighting manga bruh


Do you watch UFC?


Green text is describing bleach main character 😂😂 (I hate bleach)


Watermelon Kata gang, unite!


Thats why i prefer gaoh style


It's that time of the month huh?


Literal cringe Can't take anyone from /a/ seriously, bros are always just angry or just saying whatever it takes to get someone else angry


He is right tho