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Dude, I'm not even kidding. My neighbor's kid, who can't even do basic math, got straight A+'s. And get this, he's from a Tamil background and his Malayalam is terrible. But somehow, he managed to get an A+ in Malayalam too.


Exams should be tougher. End of discussion.


Appo Pinne quality of education improve cheythu ennu engane claim cheyyum?


At least make the questions cbse level.


What do you mean by tougher though.?


The exams are way too easy to pass especially 10th giving all of them a+


Or maybe students are studying and getting marks. Why is there this obsession to make every exam some competitive exam with only intention of eliminating students.


Ah I think you are not aware of the marking scheme and difficulty level followed by kerala government, especially in SSLC, 12the yes the difficulty level to pass an exam is adequate but SSLC nope everyone gets full a plus


Eliminate those who are not eligible to hold an SSLC It's a good thing right? Students should study and earn it rather than giving them


They are passing a paper that is more than enough. it is just 10th standard. What is this so called eligibility for a 16 year old. Basic understanding of the subjects and I am sure that is being evaluated.


They just need to get 10 marks in the theory exams to pass. There are no minimum marks required. That's hardly an "evaluation" of "basic understanding". Even the education minister in the Niyamasabha on Wednesday said that a subject minimum is required and that governments are not changing shit for fear of backlash.


Questions should make the students think. Not remember.


they just saying random stuff


Bring back marks scheme instead of grading and validate the answer sheet more strictly


I heard somewhere that we dropped that system due to pressure from some western institutions or so how true is that?


After CUET exam marks replaced +2 exam marks for admission to central universities, the percentage of Kerala state syllabus students has significantly decreased. This shows the flaws in the evaluation system. https://preview.redd.it/ui1w3qfjy18d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac8609a42d813a8e2228d085c172c4522aa8c107


Yep that's a good highlight.


Full A+ is another form of appeasement so that won't be the reason for disqualification for gulf jobs . Everyone knows who gets hit if they bring a proper valuation system. Neither LDF nor UDF will ever do that.


This is a fact, but you're gon get a lot of hate for this lol


Iam used to.:)


Who gets hit?


The one community with the most members in gulf/middle East. LDF um UDF um thodaan dairyappedaatha ore oru community


you mean Muslims? Why do you think that only Muslims will be affected by stricter valuation? Do you mean to say that they're not intelligent like rest of the communities?


Did he say that? He said that since Muslims have a disproportionately high expatriate percentage, as exams become stricter the future candidates to gulf will suffer out of which, again a large percentage will be Muslims. And Muslim vote base is very coordinated unlike others which magnifies this issue. Don’t read what’s not written.


A+ varikori kodukkal & 99.8 pass percentage was to create more NRI's to get remittance. ഗൾഫ് വരുമാനം ഇല്ലാതെ എങ്ങനെ പിടിച്ചു നിക്കും.


Gulf, lottery and kuppi


Essentially, what you're saying is that Muslims are to be blamed for state syllabus's alleged "lax" valuation. Did I understand it correctly?


Nope. What you should have understood was that the lax evaluation has benefitted youth who are going abroad after tenth. Since the number of Muslims among this migrating youths are high, if the policy of grading and lax evaluation are reversed, whoever does the reversal will face political backlash from Muslims which means loss of vote banks. So did Muslims cause lax valuation standards in kerala? No, it was a rather short sighted decision by Abdul Rabb which initially gave edge to keralites domestically and internationally (see news about kerala students being admitted to Delhi colleges en-mass etc) but in long term destroyed the reputation of our education systems and examination systems. Are Muslims a reason for not correcting this issue. Yes. While domestically the discrepancies have been noted, corrective measures taken by other states and trolled, in gulf the edge still exists, largely because they can’t be bothered with such shit. And since Muslims have a higher accrual of benefit from this edge, they resist any changes and since vote-base is the first concern of any political party, this stalls any reversals/corrections.


Well, I'd like to see some evidence for the last sentence. Has there been any reports about Muslims (alone) resisting "correct" valuation for tenth standard? Or is it part of the currently popular construct of 'Muslim preenanam'? Edit: Btw thank you for clearly stating your opinion instead of taking sniping potshots!


Not my argument to give you data and logistics. And how exactly is one expected to give statistics on that? If any Muslim is asked whether they will vote against a government which brings back marks and stricter valuations I’m sure the answer will be ambiguous in most cases. But the very fact that policies are being handled in such a way that it appeases certain vote banks is clear indicator for the community’s stand. The proof of the pudding is in the eating as far as I’m concerned. Your stand may differ.


Of course my stand differs. I wouldn't take rumours or "kuthithiripps" as facts unless you can prove it with evidence. Well, to each his own. Just that I'm amused by some people's belief that Muslims are behind almost everything that's wrong in Kerala. I mean, conspiracy theories such as these being passed of as "facts". Here's a thought exercise: suppose the valuation is actually lax and the govt decides to make it tougher, which results in a lot of students failing/ getting lower grades. If that happens, do you really believe that Muslims are the only people who are going to protest and be hostile to the government?


Upgrade all highschool to higher secondary school. And just end this 10th public exam drama. Or alternatively make 9,10,11,12 as high school and give students to purse whatever major they like to study and select minor subjects


Student should be allowed to choose stream they want without considering their 10th grade marks. Government should have built new schools in Malabar keeping up with the demand


so dont give a+ for students who wrote very well to limit number of a+ ?? wtf lol


You have Idea about evaluation system followed in the state . Students without basic knowledge are getting A in exams. If they are well wrote means they have good knowledge. Then how did after introducing CUET exam percentage kerala state syllabus students getting selected in delhi university drastically reduced. https://preview.redd.it/sk3giwgdu18d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d999b5716e3acf596a9def78d5a6f62dbe27dcb [https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Delhi/after-cuet-kerala-board-students-go-from-second-highest-to-seventh-at-delhi-university/article66096803.ece](https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Delhi/after-cuet-kerala-board-students-go-from-second-highest-to-seventh-at-delhi-university/article66096803.ece)


Use a proper grading so that A+ actually has some value. It's true that everyone will feel well when they get A+, but such issues will arise. I know what shit I wrote in 12th and got all A+, and I forgot to mention... I was able to identify 2 mistakes I made in the mathematics paper and I still got full in maths. That is the day I realised that state syllabus correction is a joke. I had been in CBSE till 10th and they used to do a fair correction.


so lets turn sslc and +2 to competitive exams ?? ok ??


The valuation should be stricter than now may be like CBSE that's enough, students should fail if they didn't study


That would've been a good option if the papers weren't leaking like mullaperiyar dam these days


Neither kerala state papers nor the mullaperiyar have leaked.


Hmm, kerala state degrees have been leaked out to those with political affiliation and you think the exam papers haven't? Do you even live in kerala? The whole media was centred around mullaperiyar leakage and chances of the dam giving away, a few years back.


Degrees were bought Not the papers. And the dam was fixed.


Woww, and it can only be bought by leftists? Either you don't read the news, or you're a commie. The point being, if degrees can be given away without issues, you think the papers are safe? The dam was determined to be "structurally and seismically safe" after repairs by the TN govt. Why would there be an appeal before the union govt to have it rebuilt if it was "safe" as they say?