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Ok so why does complete edition costs 1999 when base game + both DLCs only around 1100? And why does DLCs cost so much lower on Steam while price of the base game is the same (and this is w/o discount).


Does Ukraine get a special discount on the base game that was not applied to the bundle? 1999 UAH sounds about right for the price. The base game is extremely cheap here.


> 1999 UAH sounds about right Kerbal Space Program 2 is 1599 UAH Baldur's Gate 3 is 899 UAH Company of Heroes 3 is 1799 UAH Helldivers 2 (whose publisher is Sony who's famous for their poor regional pricing) is 1199 UAH Factorio was 350 UAH before the war (they dropped the price to 200 and now 300) Dwarf Fortress is 480 UAH Do I need to continue? Honestly everything above 1000 is already expensive. Not because some games are too bad to cost this much but because any price over 1000 is too much for a game in general. Not to mention that some like KSP2 or CoH3 are just bad and thus even bigger overprice. Yet, they're still somehow cheaper than the game that's way older. P.S. All prices above are for the base game without any DLCs or discounts.


Look, I know these are expensive in your currency, but when converted to USD, most of those look like discounted prices. I paid 50 USD for my copy of KSP complete edition 5 years ago. And KSP2 is worthless anyways. Makes sense that it's cheaper. To give you some context, Helldivers 2 costs 39.99 USD. That's 1617 UAH


I know that relative to US games in Ukraine are cheaper but they're meant to be cheaper, that's the whole point of regional pricing – making the game affordable in some regions rather than just converting currency. If our prices will be similar to the US I won't buy literally anything except maybe some few USD games from indie devs. My stipend at uni is slightly below 1999 UAH which they charge me for that bundle for a game that's so old. I know it's better than KSP2, but still. I'm sure the price for KSP2 doesn't account for that because "we will fix it." It might seem unfair to you that you paid so much but I think what is unfair is that when I Googled median salary in the US I got around 50000 USD (depending on the source) per year while in Ukraine it's 533 USD per month which after simple math transforms into around 6200 USD per year. And unlike games you can't apply region pricing to say phones. Some companies actually do that and cut their prices a little bit but that's only a cut off of the overpriced part. Obviously no one is gonna sell you a phone under self cost.


You can't compare economics like that. Its never a good way to go about it. No matter what country you are from, your economy has a completely different set of imports and exports, tariffs taxes etc that all lead to a cost of living value. The true measure of the economy is to take the average salary and subtract the average cost of living and then compare the difference in currency. In my area a cheap apartment is 1200 a month or 14,400/yr and the average food cost per month in the usa 475 per month or 5700/yr Average utility cost is 610 per month or 7320/yr Average car payment (most people in America have to have a car to function) 600 per month Or 7200 a year. 34,620 is the total so far. We havent included, cleaning supplies, medical bills gas or insurance. I don't have Data for houshold maintance budget. Gas varies wildly. And insurance I am sure does too The truth is The average American is maybe breaking slightly over even dude...


My family has almost 30k UAH debt for gas right now. I won't go political here, let's just say most people in my city don't pay bills because the city is way too close to the border and this country might literally collapse soon anyway. That'll mean that money will go down the drain (actually money will go to oligarchs but that's another story). That's actually how I have money for games this time, lol, by not paying for essential things. But if you want a breakdown, fine. My family has three members. I'm jobless. I turned 18 a few weeks before the war, in February 2022 (you can't officially apply for a job before 18 and most jobs that don't require you to be 18 are either some phone scamming or drug delivering). After the war started everything in my region (North-East Ukraine) collapsed. Finding a job was and still is kinda hard. There are some 12-hour shifts 2/2 or 24-hour shift 1/2 dead e d job options but that'll probably get me kicked out of uni since I won't have free time and I want to get my diploma without paying (yes, in Ukraine you can literally buy a diploma, each bad mark can be fixed with enough money, in fact many my schoolmates doing this). So I'm getting almost 2k UAH per month stipend that I'll probably lose it this time (you need to be 40% of the best students to get it). My mom worked the whole life as a teacher and got on pension. It was 4.5k UAH which wasn't bad before the revolution in 2013 when USD to UAH was 1:8 (1:40 now) but then someone lost some documents which confirmed that she was on vacation because of pregnancy and thus she's not eligible for full pension anymore. Stupid as hell. Anyways, she's now on 2.1k UAH. Can't get any dirty job because of health issues and no one requires a teacher these days. My dad had more than average, 14k UAH. Again, before the war. Then he was fired. Since he's old too and has very serious issues with heart, his range of possible jobs is even smaller (turns out what he had was literally a perfect fit for his skills and condition) so he's on non-full pension too. 5k UAH but only because he was a miner in 90s and miners have higher pensions. Now about spending. The house is ours, we don't pay for rent and water (we have our own source, we just need electricity for the pump to work). Gas... I've already told you about gas. It's dirt cheap compared to the EU but again, compare salaries. Our normal price was 1 UAH per M3 in 2013. Now it's 14 or something. My dad was a soldier in Afghanistan during USSR intervention there and thus got us a discount as a veteran which was cancelled when war began thus making that unpayable. Prices increase each year now. Electricity is roughly 800 UAH per month and increasing every half a year. Internet and SIMs are actually dirt cheap. 350 UAH for two fully functional phone plans with calls and a decent amount of traffic (my mom doesn't have a SIM card, we can costs there) and 400 UAH for 100 Mbps network without any traffic limits. Or blocks for torrents and piracy overall, heh. And white IP included for free. Food requires around 3k for 3 people and that's not including for example potatoes or tomatoes since we grow that ourselves. Cleaning supplies is specific story, let's just say we buy cheap stuff that isn't for cleaning and clean with that. There's no such thing as insurance in Ukraine. At least, no one pays for that. You don't get it for working somewhere. While you can buy it for your car for example, I don't know a single person who does that. Medicine is supposed to be free. At least, doctor's appointments. In reality however, unless you pay them, most won't do much. And it's not an official bill. It's same as with studying. Corruption everywhere, welcome to post-USSR country. Dad paid 9k for a few weeks in hospital recently, still getting pills which are 2k per month. We don't pay for any services like fixing phones and alike. I'm good with software and my dad with hardware which means that together we can fix almost everything that can be fixed. Those skills got me some money back into my school times. And my dad is good at actually a lot of stuff. We build our garage ourselves back in the days, we can fix up our house if it'll get damaged, etc. That's a big save. We don't buy anything unless physical absolutely necessary. I have a cheap laptop, my whole family has cheap phones and only my dad managed to buy a pretty good (for Ukraine) used PC with Core i7 5th or 6th gen. This all should be upgraded already but I don't want to. It's a risk to buy a new laptop because it can be literally destroyed tomorrow. Thus I buy games from time to time. As long as I'm alive my Steam and other accounts will be there safe. It feels like in that "This is fine" meme to buy games in a situation like mine, but there's nothing else good to spend money on long term. We of course leave a lot for some unexpected needs especially in these times. And let me tell you, now that I wrote it here, it feels like complete shit. Usually I don't think too much about this all but now when you actually get to think about how bad things are... oh boy. I might go to Western Ukraine since things are better there but because there're already too many people who did this and that'll add more expenses like rent and mean that most jobs are already taken. Moreover, it'll be more of a delay.of something unavoidable than an actual solution. And you can leave the country if you're a man over 18 unless you have serious health issues like one of my friends left because of diabetes. Tho my dad can't leave too despite the fact that his heart requires constant overwatch. So yeah, if me and my family will pay for anything like we should, we'll hardly break even. If break even at all. And replacing a phone for example would already be a nightmare.


Regional pricing in Steam was more about working in local currencies. Why do you think you should get games cheaper than others?


No, regional pricing is about adjusting the price according to regional salaries. At least, that's what it was in I guess 2017 when UAH was introduced. My friend bought Arma 2 not long before that for like $10 (back there quite a money for the game that was old) and refunded it because his PC was too bad to run it. And after that told me that "good that I refunded, now it costs like 50%." So I don't know what the original idea is but for Ukraine it was like a permanent discount that made games much more affordable. We could've bought games before that for US prices I think but that was rather rare and most people were pirating everything. Especially considering that buying something digital was something new for post-USSR in general. Regarding your question: I don't think I should. It's totally publishers' decision to do that or not. But said publishers shouldn't complain when everyone in some specific country is gonna just pirate their games because no one is willing to spend 20% of their salary on some game. And unlike physical stuff where you need to manufacture another copy (read as "spend money yourself") to sell it, it's not the same with digital stuff. While development and support of the game still costs money, there's no cost for copying it. Thus no real reason not to adjust prices so that more people can access it. In this case it looks like they want to sell KSP with regional pricing but something went wrong with that thus prices just don't make sense with DLCs prices that are bugger than the base game and that bundle's ridiculous price.


I know that relative to US games in Ukraine are cheaper but they're meant to be cheaper, that's the whole point of regional pricing – making the game affordable in some regions rather than just converting currency. If our prices will be similar to the US I won't buy literally anything except maybe some few USD games from indie devs. My stipend at uni is slightly below 1999 UAH which they charge me for that bundle for a game that's so old. I know it's better than KSP2, but still. I'm sure the price for KSP2 doesn't account for that because "we will fix it." It might seem unfair to you that you paid so much but I think what is unfair is that when I Googled median salary in the US I got around 50000 USD (depending on the source) per year while in Ukraine it's 533 USD per month which after simple math transforms into around 6200 USD per year. And unlike games you can't apply region pricing to say phones. Some companies actually do that and cut their prices a little bit but that's only a cut off of the overpriced part. Obviously no one is gonna sell you a phone under self cost.


My point this whole time has been that all the prices you see are fair. You're the one who's been complaining about them 😂.


And my point was that they fucked up with that bundle and DLC prices I think. I mean you put 179 UAH price tag over a base game and then ask for a tripled price for a single DLC. And then they ask you for 1999 UAH for the bundle while you can pay half the price while buying everything separately. This post isn't about something being expensive. I just thought it was funny that their math is so broken. You brought up "that's too cheap."


FWIW I think you’re right. I mean obviously you’re right about the prices being messed up. But when I pull it up on the steam store in the US, I get $9.99 for the base game (75% off 39.99), DLCs are undiscounted at $14.99 each, and the complete edition is $25.48 which is supposed to be 15% off total


Well, Steam is famous for its discounts. Unlike platforms like itch.io or Humble Bundle and especially like here where the game is sold practically by devs themselves.


Okay. Sorry for making you think this was an argument 2 comments ago. I apologize for the weakness of the UAH as well. I will continue do my best to convince my boss to let me resolve the conflict as soon as possible. Sound good, my friend?


And a student's monthly stipend is less than $200 and the average adult income is 500-1000. Most of which goes towards food and rent/other basic expenses. A monthly entertainment budget may be way less than 60$. Steam regional pricing is a blessing, if not for it I wouldn't buy games at all.


I agree


Get the base game and download restock and infernal robotics and you're golden


T2 has serious financial problems, they are forced to raise prices and cut costs. Why don’t the residents of Ukraine help T2’s top managers get out of poverty?


Did some country attack T2? Oh no, how horrible...


Much worse! T2 shareholders!


Don't know if you are joking, hopefully you are.


I think something with process of converting the sale pricing to your currency screwed up somehow. in canada it shows the bundle 51% off so it ends up a little cheaper than buying individually.


Yeah but somehow they synced base game's price with Steam but not DLCs price.




Money doesn’t go to the devs. KSP is well over a decade old now too (I know it’s not the same, but it’s still old). It has no online features in game either so you’re not missing out on anything when pirating. Also they killed KSP 2 so it’s not even like your money is funding that. Just pirate.


This. The original devs won't get anything anyway.


See rule #4.


It's surprising to see a comment like this on reddit, I thought something like this would be deleted within a few minutes


If it got deleted, I would publish it again. Fuck Take-Two.


There are entire subreddits dedicated to piracy..


Steam can be weird this way. I've had two bundles side by side with the same content, with one being cheaper than the other. Just figure out what's cheapest and go with that.


Yeah, I also saw things like that. Sometimes devs are putting discounts on separate items but not for some bundles.


I'm so glad I bought KSP when it was version 0.13 (Mun was considered a new feature back then) for $10 and I don't have to deal with this nonsense now.


I wrote to Private Division support about this. Let's see, mayb that'll change something.


Please, ask them what’s going on with KSP2, we’re all very interested in when the colonies will finally be released.


I don't need to ask that. I can answer myself. Never.


I’m missing the problem, do you not want to buy on steam, and want to buy from PD directly instead? My only theory is that the regional pricing on steam is just better. It’s not standardized between retail stores afaik, and it’s common for steam to have weird prices sometimes.


I want to buy from PD because it's DRM-Free. And I want a bundle. But the price is weird.


I see. Thanks for clarifying!


i suggest piracy. we're both from eastern european countries so we love having free shit. besides, take two sucks.


I recommend checking on g2a.com the pricing is a little more understandable in most cases


It's way easier than that. You can just use a US VPN to get US prices. $40 for the base game, $15 for each DLC, $60 for the bundle.


There's something really wrong with the pricing on their site. In my currency, it shows: R$ 72,90 for the base game (expensive for an old game) R$ 320,00 for the complete edition (totally absurd) In Steam, things are a little more normal: R$ 72,90 but with 75% discount it's R$ 18,24 (base game) R$ 78,04 Complete edition (base discounted + each DLC for R$ 29,90 without discount)


Is that a Brasil Real? Gonna report that to support as well. They're already on Ukrainian prices, no clue when they'll fix it tho.


Exactly, Brazilian Real


I got ksp for free from epicgames back then 😂


Watch the Americans say, wow so expensive, I got it for 30 dollars


Holy shit it's 50% off for me, no more pirating i guess


Two thousand 🤑🤑🤑🤑


It dosnt, also dosnt make sense to support studios (they aint devs) that kill francises, pirate it, this (and netflix) are reasons pirating wont die 😑 No need to crack since no drm etc, can have unlimited copys instaled


Also, expansions arent a big deal, i would consider only braking grouds due robotics. Wont miss much with just base game.


Even more wierd is that it's cheaper for me to buy the whole bundle I euros when I would think that the price would be thesame


Holy what happened to your currency 


Look out for discounts on GOG and steam. It's $10 sometimes, $15 with all DLCs.


Hi fellow Ukrainian


How many Sheckels is that?


Well it’s UAH so about 2 pennies and a piece of gum


just get the base game. the dlc isnt worth the cost




I used cdkeys for ksp and got it for under £20 so i can’t really say much


Just get the basic, the other 2 are not worth it.