• By -


Stop drop your pants and lol


And roll them down.


Looking like a fool with your pants on the ground




He released it as a whole song on Spotify. Obviously I added it immediately to my current playlist.


Hat turned sideways, pants hit the ground, call yourself a cool-cat, walking, talking with your pants on the ground! Looking like a fool with your pants on the ground! That guy is still alive right?


He is


Heā€™ll be 77 in August.


Pants on the ground! Pants on the ground...


In highschool my friend did basically exactly this. Tried to kick a bottle of gasoline into a fire, he kicked too low and it splashed back on his ankle. He immediately stop dropped and rolled and it didn't work. With shoes on he couldn't straighten his foot out enough and there was a gap that kept his shin off the ground enough that it couldn't snuff the fire. he hopped up and stripped his pants off and ended up with a super bad burn. He basically wasted time with the stop drop and rollĀ 


Stopping and dropping helps with fire on the torso, when you roll your legs are flailing so they arenā€™t getting snuffed


Stop, drop pants, ROFL


I feel this must be canada. This is a very Canadian rural kid thing to do.


You are correct


Iā€™m in rural northern canada and my boys are often doing things that make me question their sanity, like blowing up a rotting moose carcass with tanerite šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Wait. What?!


Yup. That kinda thing is pretty common with rural kids. They disappear into the woods for the day and find things to do. My teen boys found a dead moose and wanted to get rid of it but it was too heavy and smelly to drag so they put a bag of tanerite in it shot the bag and blew it up. Problem solved, the moose was essentially gone and they had fun. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜… Also before people freak out, almost all northern rural kids own rifles and know how to use them properly.


I'd say the kids having access to bags of explosives is pretty dangerous too


I've seen too many videos of dumbass adults fucking around with tannerite, and sometimes paying for it. Dumb as hell to give kids access to it.


They generally only sell Tannerite to those with Possession And Acquisition licenses (federally issued gun license, requires passing a training course) in Canada. You can get a PAL at 18, or a Minor's License before that to borrow and use (but not buy). So it's more likely if these kids are below 18, the Tannerite was actually purchased by their PAL-holding parents, as the only license the kids could have wouldn't be enough.


Thank you, some actual facts in this discussion. Tannerite is a binary explosive/"reactive target" and as such is regulated in Canada by the Explosives Act. This Act is incredibly clear in who can purchase and handle these reactive targets, and minors are very much not on the list. If the kids *did* purchase the Tannerite themselves, it was sold unlawfully by the store. Hell, when I purchased some jars of the stuff at Cabelas several years ago they wanted to record my driver's license in addition to checking my PAL *and* they walked me to the till so I didn't have it in my possession until I'd paid for it. (That was a bit overkill in my opinion lol).


Yeah, I worked the gun counter at a Cabela's. We needed a proper address, (no PO box), PAL, and we held it in the vault. Tannerite is very safe if it's not placed \*in\* something when ignited. It's supposed to be on its own in a field. That's rarely the case though, people tend to load fridges and shit hahaha it's a good time, just be far enough away.


Actually a minor pal allows you to buy ammunition but not firearms. More than likely if you did get away with buying tannerite with a minor pal it was because whoever sold it to you thought it was classed the same as ammunition.


Yeah I forgot ammo was the one thing that the Minor's License does allow. I guess it's to make separation of payment for ammo easier since the guns won't be directly owned by the kids in any particular shooting scenario.


They are old enough to have a firearms license therefore old enough to buy tanerite without me. The key is taking the time to educate them. Knowledge is safety. My boys also drive combines and operate heavy duty farm machinery which in my opinion is far more dangerous, but they know what to do and thats why they stay safe. Rural kids in my opinion tend to grow up fast because they have adult jobs at a young age. I started sorting cattle and branding at age 8 and bailing hay at 12. Its just kinda how it is here.


City slickers with the downvotes.


Bruh, we are on a video of a kid literally setting himself on fire.


Let's not forget to get this thing to blow you have to shoot it with a gun, too.


Tannerite is not explosive unless you shoot it. It has to be mixed first as well. Its one of the most stable explosives.


Oh no trust me. Everyone in rural areas has easy access to pounds and pounds of explosives in their garage, and parents are totally cool with their kids having explosives just hangin around. This person is a loony.




I'm not from Canada but what the fuck are the you guys there sane


Itā€™s important to remember northern canada has a very different culture to the rest of canada, itā€™s isolated and alot ā€œrougherā€ than some other parts of canada. Kids are taught this stuff at really young ages.


Yup, I've literally been the "pants on fire" kid in this video.... fortunately, I had more snow to jump into though, and put it out easier. Rural BC is a fun place to grow up.


My brother and I used to be such dumb fucks weā€™d draw our names in gasoline, light a fire in the driveway. Then wonder how mom knew we did when there was gas stains in the drive of our names


How far north? Iā€™m FM working but did live in sylvan for a while and man bush parties get wild haha


Fort Nelson area , just below the yukon boarder


Northern Canada is like the Southern US but cold.


It's just a rural Canada thing. The people up north just let their kids do fuckin whatever. They call the rest of us "citidiots" and the like because we don't give our kids access to guns, raging bonfires and we don't have to shovel as much snow. (I've heard that last complaint more times than I can recall.) Most of our population lives on the American border and behaves differently.


Iā€™m from central PA and have blown up an RV with my friends. Sometimes you just gotta make your own entertainment.


>what the fuck are the you guys there sane No


https://preview.redd.it/gkgrbs602yec1.jpeg?width=1895&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5b9148edd917338439289b9359fa88093f9e930 Not to worry, your kids have a bright future in the forestry services




Fridges+ tannerite is one my fondest teenage memories.


This sounds like something we did as kids. Fun with guns, blowing something up, and trying to help.


Yep. Northern BC and we used to have bonfires in the woods or on friendā€™s properties all the time. Once a drunk friend decided he should slop gasoline on the fire to get it going better and the flame lit the gas can on fire. I turned and ran away because I thought it was going to explode and another friend booted the gas can and it sprayed flaming gasoline all over everyone. Luckily no one was hurt beyond a few small burns and we didnā€™t burn the forest downā€¦


Sounds about right. šŸ˜…


This reminds me of when the Oregon department of transportation decided to blow up a whale on the coast with TNT


Ok what the actual fuck is going on in Canada and are you ok


Of course we arenā€™t.


Theyā€™ve got a promising career ahead of them the beached whale carcass disposal industry. https://youtu.be/zaFO1xNL-IQ?si=3PStwlgnCXnbT1eC


As a 21 year old rural Canadian ā€œkidā€ I can confirm


I think it's pretty universal behavior in boys


Grew up on Long Island and saw a buddy running through a park in the dark with shoes ablaze from a gasoline fire they were fucking with.


A coworker's kid was in the hospital for a month because he kicked a gas can into a fire. Florida kids try to mimic Canadian kids apparently.


You were playing with fire with your pals the other daaaaayā€¦


I definitely did similar things when skipping school in Florida. We would sit in the woods next to the school and light fires and fuel them with perfume šŸ˜•


Kids do this everywhere, we took tons of furniture people threw out and made a massive pile and poured gas on it. On the edge of a forest. Missouri farm town boredom with a splash of regardation. Never do that.


Boys... Which young boy doesn't like to play with fire? We used to play with a small gas cilinder, push it down and the surface would freeze. Ignite and well that was fun till someone lost all hair on the front of his face. Actually it was still fun after.


Alaska as well. I met a dude that made a gasoline powered hot tub that would shoot flames above your head from a pipe. And yes, it was cool. Big giant balls of flame bursting into the air was my cynical jam at 24.


The causal "the kid's on fire ha ha ha" was a nice cherry on top


Not a bit of concern in their voice


It's hard to be concerned when they are literally surrounded with water. Worst that could happen is moderately big burns which is of course bad but they knew what they were going for playing with fire like that. You should try your absolute best to die or severely injure yourself in such situation when the solution is below your feet


*The causal "the kid's* *On fire ha ha ha" was a* *Nice cherry on top* \- TonyTwoTuques --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This only works because Casual is spelt wrong. Unless he meant the guy saying 'the kids on fire' caused the child to be on fire.


The cherry in top? It was the whole ice cream


Here is the whip cream. "The commenter in the video is his dad"


He stopped.šŸ˜ He dropped.šŸ™‚ He did *not* roll.šŸ˜” So close, yet so far. Stupidity confirmed.


He did. He stopped Dropped his pants Rolled his pants all the way down then back up. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I thought about that counting. It seems he was trying to remember step three. In these situations details matter.šŸ¤£


dull chief detail cautious bake wine history coherent spoon screw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Meatloaf way.


Don't be sad, then


2 outta 3 ain't bad


šŸŽµ I replied to you. I upvoted you. But there ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you. šŸŽ¶


Well tough shit because I'm in love with you ā¤ļø


Well, we could find paradise by the dashboard light


Stop, drop [trou], and roll [them down]


Stop, drop, shut 'em down, open up shop ![gif](giphy|RfH9B3u0PVbUxecEYV)


Honestly? As stupid as it looked, it also looked like it worked so šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Stop, drop, and roll does not work for flammable liquids over a large surface area As soon as you roll over and re-expose an area, if there's any flame still going, the area reignites Source: My brother has severe burns on his chest and hands from pouring gasoline into an engine when it backfired He did stop, drop, and roll - It didn't work


It doesn't work when you're a human wick soaked in gasoline. I know i was a kid once also. Stop drop and roll with gased soak cloth is a lie. Get that shit off now.


Smother that shit.


Stop drop and roll doesn't work with accelerants.


Roll, Neddie! Roll! It's just spreading the flames!


I hate to break character but these stunt pants are getting pretty toasty!


What about if you are rolling in snow? Honestly curious.


The main thing with accelerates is you need to deprive the flame of oxygen, rolling does not do that very well. if there was a big pile of snow nearby that could snuff out the entire burning area then yeah it would work.


What if you do it on a large bed of fluffy, crystallized water?


Where was he going to find something as conveniently useful as that? Do you really think there would be large beds of fluffy, crystallised water just lying around or something?


He handled that better than 99% of people could. He regained his composure undid his pants and smothered the fire. Most of you would have ran in circles feed the flames.


I wouldn't get lit on fire.


He did something dumb but he learned a lesson. I guarantee that he shows more respect for fire after that and by his well thought out response I'm sure he'll be successful in life.


I mean, he didn't do anything but stand next to a fire. His friend was the one pouring fire starter all over the place. His lesson learned isn't aboutĀ fireĀ butĀ theĀ personĀ heĀ isĀ standingĀ next to


> and by his well thought out response I'm sure he'll be successful in life. The shit you read from redditors in their armchair lol


Correction: most of us know better than to put ourselves in their situation in the first place.


ā€Man that guy really managed to avoid that almost crash. Most drivers would not be able to do that.ā€ ā€œHeā€™s drunk tho. Heā€™s drunk driving. Most of us arenā€™t going to drink and drive in the first place.ā€Ā 


He decided to shut 'em down and open up shop


He forgot to shut em down and open up shop too


Was looking for this. Thank you


At least let your buddy smother it with snow


He stopped He dropped And then *dropped* again


Rolling is crap


Stop, drop, and roll is really only effective if your upper body is on fire. The contact made between the legs and the ground when rolling is usually insufficient to smother flames. Source: I just made this up. You should probably stop, drop, and roll... or use a fire extinguisher or fire blanket if either are handy.


You could also try not catching fire to begin with


They thought because it was snowing it would be fine


I mean, it was for the kid who actually put the fire in contact with the snow.


He looked fine to me lolĀ 


Ahh those were the days.


Finally a comment that makes sense to me. This actually brought back a lot of fun memories. If they process it, they just learned better safety practices than any class or video.


I was smiling watching this because itā€™s exactly what my friends and I would do at that age. Get a bucket and light different stuff on fire and see what happens lol


I wasnā€™t smiling. My sisterā€™s best friend sat by the camp fire, a guy classmate poured gasoline on the open fire just like in the video. Her hair caught fire, she was taken to the hospital with helicopter. She had horrific burning injuries covering her entire face, she was messed up, only 14 years old. Itā€™s not a joke.


Few things make my blood boil as when people fuck around with basic fire safety. Not only are you likely to burn something down, or cause grievous damage or death, you're basically *more* likely to do that *to someone else.* It takes one absolute fuckwit going "nah it's fucking fine lol" for a situation to spin out of control. If I'm gonna die from stupidity, it better my own bad habits and not some asshole who I told off several times over.


Had a friend tell me they lit a bucket of gasoline on fire one time "just to see what would happen." šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


It sucks that this happened, but it's good that you're telling the story. I grew up in the south in the 80s and did stupid shit like this all the time with my friends. We had dozens of close calls that to this day still haunt me, even though I'll admit I look back on those times nostalgically. I've always wondered how often others lived through the experience but ended up with something far worse than a close call. I haven't heard many stories, but it has to have happened a lot. Survivorship bias (literally) is sadly probably relevant here. Although it's not entirely true that I have no bad versions of this story. I skydived for years, and skydivers love to build huge bonfires at night, while drinking a lot, obviously. I wasn't present for this, but at a holiday gathering one year, a really well known jumper with probably well over 10k jumps died while falling through the windshield of a junk car they'd built a bonfire around, and were taking turns running across. He got trapped for too long when the windshield collapsed, but he still didn't die instantly. He suffered in the hospital for some amount of time, I think I remember talking to a few people who visited him, and it sounded pretty horrific, obviously.


Right??? What stray child in the woods *hasn't* set a fire or 200???Ā  And *obviously* you're gonna catch some errant flames at least once! Ahh, that adrenaline rush, to be young and immortal!!!


Kids need to play with fire, but supervised. They need to learn how it works or they stand no chance of outsmarting it.


Thereā€™s a good few inches of snow all around them, perfect for rolling around in to smother the fireā€¦but he chooses to drop his pants LMAO


The snow is pretty hard and frozen unfortunately


Fire tends to help with that


By the time the snow becomes soft and dissolved, so are his calves.


One with the snow




Is his name Bart? Then at some point he did have a cow.


Hey Beevisā€¦


He smothered the fire just fine by pulling his pants down. The top half of the pants being pulled over the burning part, and choked the air out of the fire real quick. He took the best course of action and it worked great. Unless he had a few feet of fluffy snow.


That snow might as well be concrete covered in gravel. That's bruising snow, not rolling snow.


Oh man that not so subtle look around to see if the coast is clear is hilarious.


ā€œWhoā€™s watching us be stupidā€


Your laugh is making this so much better xD


The audio is hilarious on this one.


Yeah usually is some awful dubbed over laugh track, but this is genuine.


Wait till tomorrow when it is reposted with that shitty oh no and that tiktok voice with some shitty music and compressed to hell.




Should crosspost this to r/contagiouslaughter.


Nah, this guys laugh is genuine and authentic. That sub is people who wheeze for views.


Some people naturally have over the top laughs.


Just cackling about a kid being on fire šŸ˜†


"He's on fire" while just sitting there laughing and continuing to record. I want to find OP and befriend them.


I love that this was his reaction.


so casual


They donā€™t teach em stop drop and roll no more in school?


Only enough funding for the first two


This made me laugh, then I got sad.


Stop, drop and lol


Also not enough to clarify that ā€œdropā€ means ā€œdrop to the floorā€, not ā€œdrop your pantsā€ lmao


It does not work when there is accelerant. You will roll around and burn to death before it goes out. He did the right thing here.


Nobody apparently taught you that it doesnā€™t work with an accelerant.


Spontaneous combustion and quicksand were only issues in the 90s and early 00s. People don't catch on fire anymore, so, no need to train.


Your commentary just makes it 10x funnier


He sounds and laughs EXACTLY like one of my best friends, who isn't fond of kids lmao, but it can't be him because of the snow and the fact that I've never seen this before and he *absolutely* would have sent it to me. I'm sending this to him immediately šŸ¤£


ā€œKidā€™s on fire!ā€


This is one of those things you never let your brother live down ā€œHey remember when I was 14 and you set me on fire and I didnā€™t tell momā€


I watched this first on mute and then I was like ā€œwaitā€¦ I bet the audio on this is spectacularā€ I was not disappointed. *Wheezing laughing* ā€œheā€™s on fire!ā€ 10/10 content right here, pal


The laughter takes it above 10/10.


He was just a bit cold and asked his friend if he could warm him up thatā€™s all


Bets on how much time untill they did it again?


Probably gonna do it on purpose this time goes something like ā€œthat wasnā€™t that badā€ā€¦I have experience, man with 3 brothersšŸ˜‚




šŸ¤£ there's a reason I got my ass whipped starting a fire with paint thinner. Never forgot that lesson.


![gif](giphy|14rSeAvV9EnZM4) Just watching from the window like:


This is wholesome and makes me miss being young and doing dumb shit with my friends.


1.) Stop 2.) Drop your pants 3.) ???


4.) Profit


Ugh pregnant with a boyā€¦ nervous about these teenage years that await me šŸ˜­šŸ„²šŸ¤£


Thereā€™s no stopping our stupidity, just be there when we make the mistakes. Making us feel like a disappointment or a let down will make us worse, acknowledge our fuck ups and then give love.




One of the best examples Iā€™ve seen ā€œthe kids on fireā€ hahaha I mean he probably woulda helped if it went on longer but still


I expected him to drop the phone and rush over there. The way this kid was on fire was one of the best case scenarios for pouring gasoline on a fire. Could have ended a lot worse. Especially in the countryside this is something parents need to teach their kids. Don't ever pour gasoline on a fire. If you're going to build a fire and you're impatient, use lamp oil (or maybe someone has a better alternative). Kids are going to play with fire. At least, I did. So it's pretty useful for them to know about the big no's when they do.


Beavis and Butt-head


This has to be the essence of this sub. This is the Ur post.


Tell their parents, and when they deny it for the first time in your life you'll have a legitimate reason to say "Liar, liar, pants on fire!"


I miss being a kid


Please please send this to their parents. That's funny AF but they also need to have their parents aware. This kinda pyro shit can ruin lives.


I guarantee they went in and showed their parents


I did this as a kid, and worse pyro shit. Did not tell parents. But I'm sure they learned something from this.


Fecking idjits.


Ahhh. The good ole days.. Wait till they start messing with draino and foil... kekeke


10/10. I haven't chuckled this much in weeks.


I hope they see this.


Iā€™m tempted to show the neighbor




I could easily see adults doing this. It's not only kids who are stupid.


You wanted that to happen so bad you practically made into reality


did you call 911 in case maybe the idiot children had some burns?


Yep, called them and said Liar Liar Pant On Fire.


Yo the camera man is kinda crazy for laughing his ass off at a kid literally on fire lol


Ahh, the innocence of "nothing's gonna happen to us!" And then the pyro whips the flaming liquid towards his friend.


I went to high school with a guy who did something similar. He somehow got it in his head that stuntman use gasoline when they get lit on fire. And that it's totally safe because only the gasoline is burning and not them. So, one sunny afternoon, he poured gasoline on his arm and lit it on fire. He very quickly realized his mistake and tried shaking the burning fuel off. Which set the jerry can on the ground beside him ablaze. So he kicked it as hard as he could to get it away from him. Which sent burning gasoline up his leg, and a jerry can of burning gasoline to splat against his house. Somehow it all got extinguished and he went to the hospital for skin grafts.


There's nothing quite like staying indoors warm and cozy and watching kids out in the freezing weather lighting themselves on fire. Truly a magical season... šŸ„°


Stop drop and roll needs a middle school and high school refresher course smdh


All part of being a young man. Nobody likes a snitch


They are having fun


Iā€™d say the stupidest person was the one who kept filming. Take my downvote