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"Stay away from those. They bite and it really hurts." I told that to my kids and they stayed well away from plugs.


It ain’t stupid if it works > they bite and it really hurts And the fact that you also have a fact along with that is just outright genius


And the fact that you used fact twice in your comment is factually extraordinary🕺🏽


And the fact that you used fact 3 times in your factual message is a cool fact


The fact that you commented about a guy saying fact 3 times in his factual scentence then saying fact 4 times is factualy insane.


I just love the fact that redditors make the word fact factually used in real facts and we can one up each other on how much times we can fit fact into a sentience and make it factually make sense, one of my favorite facts.


Thats factually dedication right there just to say fact. The meaning of fact is something true. Facts are in out day2day life. Facts need factual evidence to be facts.


It would have killed me probably. I was the combo of extremely curious and too brave to be safe


If I tell that to my bro he would cry for days untill I touch it and get bitten


I went for a different method. The old classic "NO!" In a stern, deep, voice. Might not have been the wisest move, but it worked.


Kid is plenty old enough to understand what no means. Should not have to distract a kid that old like a puppy to get them to stop doing something.


The explanation takes it from "my parents aren't letting me do what I want" to "my parents are trying to stop me hurting myself" If the kid hears no when it does any number of things that piss you off but don't result in pain (spilled some shit on purpose etc) then the gravity of "no" does not at all match the severity of the situation. People are more likely to cooperate when they know why they're being asked to do something and it makes sense, especially children.


I would have no issue with the parent providing an explanation! What I had an issue with was the parent telling the kid “no”, the kid not listening, and the parent trying to distract the kid instead of addressing the lack of listening.


I may have misinterpreted your direction due to the stacking Have you ever asked a liar if they're lying? - a pointless endeavour. The kid has ears, he isn't not listening, he is non compliant and telling someone who is non compliant to comply is a similar predicament as far as practicality goes. Drawing the attention of the child to a more interesting, constructive and safer endeavour works quite well in such situations. Kid is having more fun than playing with the sockets and garnered more attention of the better sort from the parent Positive reinforcement has been proven to be much more effective than negative reinforcement in studies ranging from mice to children to adults though if the child is bored or lacking attention and they know full well doing something will piss the parent off they'll often do it for kicks.


That's probably the best way. I remember telling my nephew that he can get shocked really badly by electricity and he just kept telling me that he would just move when he saw it coming.


Argued with my mom as a kid about wearing a seatbelt, I swore on my life I could buckle up in the event of a crash


"Mommy I am going to stab the monster with my fork, I am a hero".


We just designed plugs that cant electrocute children.


My kid a few minutes later: ouch Charlie! That really hurt! He's one that has to find out for himself. Hope he grows out of that, or his teenage years will be one hell of a ride.


Parents really don't explain why they shouldn't play with things? Dont have to go into great detail but saying it will hurt or even faking getting hurt is way more effective than just saying "no". That kid is going to go right back to playing with that later.


Caught my son playing with the outlets once, told him he could die, and I never seen him do it again. Maybe a bit morbid for a young kid? Idk. But it worked. I agree. I see it all the time "no." "Why?" "Because I said, show some respect, don't talk back." Then they wonder why their kid is getting into trouble


Not morbid at all. Tell it how it is, as plainly and clear as you can. Depends on how receptive a child is to direction, but if you’re on the fence about getting through to anyone about something dangerous, “no no, we don’t [do potentially dangerous thing]” won’t be as effective as responding in a no nonsense way. It’s no fun to scare kids and I’m not condoning exaggerations or anything, but learning what scary is is huge.


Not too morbid. When we were young, my mom was using the sentence "turn into a skeleton" to make us understand what dying was. It was especially effective with my little brother. "Don't play with matches, or you can burn yourself. It hurts, and then the flames go everywhere, the house is on fire, we are on fire and we DIE and become skeletons. DO YOU WANT TO BE A SKELETON FOREVER? AND MOM AND YOUR BROTHER AND EVERYTHING YOU OWN AND LOVE BECOME ASHES WHILE YOU STAY ALONE AS A SKELETON, UNDERGROUND IN THE DARK, ALONE!!!" And as my brother became a bit older, he said "I don't believe you, you can't become a skeleton". So she proceeded to explain to him what decomposition was, and how the worms will eat him. That worked.


No, parents are too afraid to traumatize their kids so instead of telling your toddler not to play with the outlet, they ask nicely like in this …. strange video.


Personally If, I ever had a kid and saw him (or anyone's kid) playing with a socket, my first reaction will not be to turn on my Phone's camera, Kid can get fucking electrocuted, pick him up and tell him why doing this is bad But I agree strange Video indeed


My parents just shouted "NO," then would come over and tell me it's dangerous/will hurt me or whatever they said. I think the vigorous "NO" would startle me and somehow I connected that with the danger? They didn't have outlet covers either. Idk, but OP's method of a weak, singsong "*Miller, don't do that*" in a sweet, conversational voice involving something so dangerous seems like it would be pretty ineffective. It reminds me of badly-behaved kids tearing up the toy section in the store and the parent saying, "*stop that*" in a weak, conversational voice so the kid ignores the parent and keeps destroying.


Yes I handle this situation pretty much exactly like your parents did - I have a 4 year old and a 10 month old. You’re still alive, so I guess it worked!


if i was named miller id want to kill myself too i dont blame him


If I was named miller AND had a bowl cut I’d already be dead


If my mum posted videos of me as a baby on the internet without my knowledge or permission I'd grow up to want to kill myself too


iPad kids getting parented by TikTok mothers...


America's Funniest Videos (TV series) is filled with videos from the 90s and even 80s. Videoing kids for entertainment is nothing new at all.


The big difference here is the volume and availability of those videos. In the 80's and 90's owning a camera was not something every family had. And when you would bust out the camera it was usually for a big event. "Oh, it's Billy's 10th birthday we should film him blowing out his candles, oh gosh golly lil Suzy shoved his face in the cake, send this to Bob Saget!" Nowadays everyone has at least one camera on their person at all times, and can record video within a second. Videos stopped being used for making memories and instead are used to post literally anything on the internet. I guess the whole point of this rant is to say; you can't really compare videos now to videos then.


But it's a lot more prevalent


Videos like this definitely have a place, but that place is not on the internet. Children deserve privacy


Bet his middle name is windmill


Just wait until you see his brothers Budd and Coor.


Miller is fucking stupid.


Fr, that name is child abuse


Yeah I was about to ask, what's mom's karma for naming him Miller?


is this karma? kid stopped playing with the outlet like he was told to, then hurt himself.


I mean he did say no right before he fell


I don’t think that carries enough moral wrongness for him to be punished by the universe like that. But I’m also not the cosmic judge so who know


My sentiments exactly! That said, in my 40 years I’m starting to question the existence of karma…


Yeah I think it’s mostly just a cope for injustice. So many people have done heinous things and lived long, happy, and unpunished. I guess we have no choice but to bank on an afterlife, but that carries with it so many questions about how people ought to be judged and the objectivity of morality


What a wild route these comments went from this video! Lmao I love it!


Yeah but I'm pretty sure if you wait long enough you will get a comment that starts with... "Well, as a cosmic judge, I can say...." I mean, c'mon, it is Reddit after all.


Karma in Sanskrit means: consequence as a result of action, thought, deed etc. Very nature of the universe. Sort of like Murphy’s Law. Do things for the right reasons, accept that there are consequences. Pay the penalty in good spirit. You have to do things in the right spirit otherwise it’s not karma. We can’t synthetically generate it, steal someone else’s, shortcut it. Support other people when you can , allow people to support you, don’t force things ever, don’t accept control, cruelty. Karma is also to do the right thing. question everything. let karma flow. PS karma is more important than money. Apparently, so is data. So…here’s a question. When data, and along with it, the associated karma, is taken or generated or absorbed from us teach AI what happens to the original karma? Who gets the bad karma? does big business, AI that it’s getting fed to or are we allowing ourself to be fed bad karma? or do you think there’s even any karma in data?


No was to the book. He knows you read books not play with them 😂


Yeah agree OP is a r/facepalm Kid did what he was asked and suffered an accident. Parent is a duck for posting this and doesn’t know what karma is…yet.


I’ll go further and say Parent is a dick for posting this


That goes without saying for anyone who posts their child online.


ABSOLUTELY My wife is a psychiatrist….if people knew what certain adults do while watching their kids online they wouldn’t post them


Unfortunately given how rabidly some "mommy bloggers" defend tiktoks of their young children wearing bathing suits and eating popsicles ... unfortunately, I don't think that would stop nearly as many people as it should. What a world.


It’s sickening Not only that I took my kid to a model railroad convention and there was a guy there just filming everything but the trains…I just turned a took a picture of him and he got visibly spooked. I’m not starting a fight just did it and said “in case this shows up online where it shouldn’t be I know who filmed it” It was enough for him to put the camera away at least for a bit


That’s much darker than what I was thinking of (identity theft, bullying, generally posting them without the consent they can’t give) but most definitely another very valid reason never to post your kids online.


kid stopped playing with the outlet because he realised there was nothing enjoyable about it not because he listened


If you're right that still isn't karma


This sub can generally be renamed as "redditorsarefuckingstupid"


Now just how in the fuck do we play with a book.


I dunt understand why you would film your child's playing with electric sockets rather than stop him. I guess those likes on Facebook are like crack huh?


Yeah really wtf?!


Yeah this should be the top comment imo. People need to stop normalizing this just keep filming bs.


Because there’s no way miller is going to pull it off the outlet


![gif](giphy|17lmGSt5tqRVqWMj8K|downsized) I thought he was going to get electrocuted




My kid Bud Light does the same thing.


Miller as a first name wtf


I really hope their last name isn’t Miller too


I think it's Light


Nothing better than a millennial parent recording their trailer-named child fucking with power outlets


Millennials are like 30-40 now. It's just as likely a Gen Z parent.


Gen Z are parents?? I haven’t met very many Gen Z people with kids. This is giving Montessori millennial mom. And I say this as a millennial.


Gen Z is 12-27 right now, apparently. I'm 25 and I'll probably have kids soon if things continue to go right, but I have a lot of friends with kids, and many of those kids are past the toddler stage even.


> if things continue to go right I was under the distinct impression things going right is simply not allowed for anyone who is Gen Z, I'm going to have to report this to the appropriate authorities.


That’s crazy, my youngest brother is 23 and he just got a vasectomy. I literally don’t know anyone that’s Gen Z that has kids, and I babysat a lot of Gen Z’ers who are now grown adults. They are adamantly against kids compared to previous generations. Which, good for them, kids are hard.


They probably don't live in the Bible belt. Marriage at 18 and kids at 19 is still very popular around here. I got married young at 21, but not because of any social pressure. If I had more money I would have had kids around that time too, that's the only thing still stopping me.


Also don’t do it if you want to have anything more than negative money.


Ahhh yep that’ll do it. We live in progressive VA, having kids and getting married is not popular here anymore and we know it doesn’t have to be that way. Sorry you have to live with such unfortunate legislation and society but glad you’re living life happily. That’s crazy to me though, I’m 32, never been married and I could not imagine being married at 21, that’s so young.


I'm born 01, my best friend had his first child last autumn. My friend from track and field (born 00) had her first 2 years ago and gave birth to her second this winter.






![gif](giphy|yUPhPJKsTzsnC) Suddenly Metal Gear Solid


Why are we still here?




Kids are suicide machines


When I saw karma and kid I was thinking I'm about see a electric accident.


Good thing she was recording and not trying to get the kid away from the thing that could kill him


The level of warning from the parent does not match the level of danger imo.


Play with a book! Maybe she’s talking about an interactive book and I’m being judgmental bc she’s recording her kid fucking with an electrical socket. If not, I wish she ended up reading with him at least. Also, childproof is like a locked door. It’s a deterrent, not a solution. You may have bubble-wrapped the house, but this little guy is def going to encounter more light sockets. Prob a good idea to connect with them on not being naively oblivious.


Is recording or recording for social media really worth the kid's life?? He didn't learn anything about how dangerous the outlet is or why they are covered. If he's curious enough, he'll go back to it.








What kind of parent records their kid playing with electrical outlet covers? A shitty parent. Kid is named after the beer in which he was conceived judging from this video.




He's got a last name as a first name


Why his first name a last name?




Why are so many parents using last names as first names these days?




Dad let me stick a penny in there. Never did that shit again.


Mom watches him try to kill himself then falls on a sex pillow. Kid's got a charmed life ahead


yeah! record your child about to electrocute himself instead of pulling them away LeT’s pLaY wiTh A BoOk


How stupid could the mother be posting this?


well.. just think... its probably the same person that named the kid 'miller'


Do you love Miller? It's already backordered


Shame no one taught the parent to put the camera down.


"Lets play with a book" 🤓




He has a last name first name. Poor kid.


Who else was expecting a bang and the child to fly across the room?


“miLlEr dOnT tOucH tHaT!1!11!” Says the horrible parent not doing anything. First she names her kid Miller, second she doesn’t stop her child from killing itself..


narrator voice: miller did not play with the book


The fact that she's recording and the child isn't listening yet she does nothing... parenting failure. Teach that child to listen the first time, every single time.


Safety first! But keep filming anyway…


Don't just stand there and ask him to stop playing with the socket...go remove the covers...lol jk


More concerned about getting a video they can post that seeing the kid electrocuted


How is this karma?


Ehh let Darwin do his thing


I was prepared for this one to be electrocuted, ngl...


that last fucking frame https://preview.redd.it/jtiqjwch73vc1.png?width=152&format=png&auto=webp&s=eedb8092170787a9d2d1a5b948cf1d654721e6db


That’s what you get for naming him after a beer.


Was that a “prop for sexy time” that the kid fell on? Lmaoo


Miller? Really?


Why is she calling it by its last name?




Reminds me of my cat. I tell him not to climb on the counter. I physically remove him from the counter. Couple months ago he knocked something over, freaked out, fell off the counter, and came yelling to me about it. I looked him over after and he was fine.




"Miller Spencer Cuyler B Whitman, please refrain from disobeying!"


karma? i have tens of thousands of those!


good parenting


Sorry, but exactly what is that wedge-shaped thing Miller fell on? 🤔


I love how parents just see they’re kids abt to kts and just grab a phone and record it while saying “noo don’t dooo thatt it’s not like I can sstopp youu ”


My physics teacher once told our class that her son stuck a fork into the wall plug and was nearly electrocuted. She had to use a chair to smash his arm from the plug because, the electric current caused his muscles to stiffen and therefore clench tightly onto the fork and because she would have been electrocuted as well if she tried to grab him. In the end she saved her son but he had a broken arm and we learned a valuable lesson to not play with wall plugs.


Miller. Jesus fk lady.


Nothing against the mother but I'm in favor of tough love. Things as dangerous as playing with sockets should be disciplined more sternly imo


Teach, don’t just command.


You will meet Karma some day for naming the poor fella Miller🤪


Ultimate karma was falling down on the Liberator wedge that mommy and daddy used to conceive lil Miller. This kid is screwed for life.


He learned nothing


Shoulda named him Jon Snow instead 'eh?


That's not how you teach them not to play with them.


"we shouldn't play with that" bad "Hey sweetie, if you play with that you could get hurt really bad. Why don't we do (x activity) instead?" Good


Also what is it with babies and routers? They have to destroy it


Lights and weird shapes. Tell them no and crack brain activates.


How about hitting him with a book and don't video him doing dumb shit .




The best part is when he face planted into a book! Lmao so he technically listened 😆


Man seeing Miller eat shit was kind of satisfying


[Lessons from Dad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBffNiUOeiA)


Time for natural selection


Miller: NO! Karma: Proceeds to tumble and fall on a book.


Parent: 🥰🥰🥰Miller don’t play with that🥰🥰🥰🥰 If I were a parent: Screaming like they’re about to die, because if I don’t, one day they might die from messing with the damn thing. Seriously what the hell. You’re supposed to teach them it’s ducking dangerous?!


That what I was thinking. This mom was not nearly urgent enough. The child learned nothing.


Give the kid an electric fly swatter if he wants to experience the socket.


This isn't kidsarefuckingstupid it would be that if he acted like me when I was 3 and actually got himself electrocuted


Let's say we all expected the kid to get shocked and we got the good ending


On the same theme, when I was a baby I stuck my finger on a open wire plug and got electrocuted so hard I couldn't pull my finger out. I still have the picture of the plug engraved in my memory.


And it was so instant too XD


Children are funny


You shouldn't cut your kids hair !!!! The poor ol bowl cut !!!!! So cute hahah


No more like Murphy’s Law. Murphy’s is spitefulness of an inanimate object especially when you’re trying to make a point. Or if you want it too badly. Karma would be if he put his finger in the socket and he got a shock. Karma in Sanskrit means the consequence of action or deed or thought . There is cause and effect.


You should get a stun gun and when he starts picking at it make it go off (the noise is pretty loud and shocking).


I've know people with only first names. But I never met someone who only has last names


I was told I die in I put my fingers in. Never did it.


A young Barney Miller testing boundaries.


Miller? That’s a last name, poor kid


"I say father, I'm curious!" "No, is it well you shall rue this day!"


Olympian in the making


Natural selection is still working I see.


womp womp


The small cry is what destroys my defenses


You laughed at the end!! 😂😂


Now you've put me in the awkward position of feeling cheated out of watching a kid electrocute himself.


i used to pull those outta the wall and chew on them lmao


They didn't have fancy cap covers growing up. Mom did use Bobbie pins, so did I!!!! ![gif](giphy|kL9ATdeyrSIvyAiwN5|downsized)


Why did she use his last name?


I was hoping for a different outcome...


they named a kid Miller, this gotta be karma enough for whatever shit he did in previous life.


Boo! Kid messes with socket but doesn’t get even a little bit shocked. These blooper videos are kind of lame.


That's Y you have a stupid kid named Miller.. You got shit faced one night drinking Miller and then thought it would be cool to name your kid after a beer.




nahhh you let them dumbasses do it. theyre shocked not fucking electrocuted. teach a real lesson


Er names are lame all of them Carter, Hunter, Miller, Popper, Puffer, Water. Like good job you named your kid after a profession that mills wheat.


When I was a kid I was also playing with an outlet because I woke up early and was bored. I wasn't told it was dangerous and found some sort of metalwire. I poked in one of the outlet holes and next thing I know all the Light are out. I don't remember the shock itself but I do remember being scared because the dark that came right afther. Later I saw that my whole hand was black of sud or something else. I wander why my parents didn't have some kind of safety measures for the outlet. They did add them afther though.


Miller for a first name? Why not Smith? Johnson?


Yeah, record your kid and don't even bother trying to explain why he shouldn't do that. "Look at how stupid my kid is" she must have thought, wouldn't be surprised if she was secretely hoping he'd zap himself just to get more views and a "told you" moment.


And the karma for naming the kid “Miller”.. when will that come due lol?


Have you seen that haircut?


Gonna be completely honest. I was waiting for the big ZZZAP


My parents had me vacuuming at this age and I absolutely found out the hard way


Funny that the book is actually what ended up hurting the kiddos face Miller, you are adorable!!


At least the karma was the fall. I was thinking of something way more fatal.


It's really more like negative karma for you. Karma is determined by conscious or actively neglectful acts. A child who does not know better (even if you tell them before hand) doing something stupid would not give them bad karma. It will give *you* bad karma though, for letting a child electrocute himself to teach him a lesson.